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List of works by Stefan Klotz

A Network of Terrestrial Environmental Observatories in Germany


A comparative test of phylogenetic diversity indices

scientific article

A cross-taxon analysis of the impact of climate change on abundance trends in central Europe

scholarly article by D.E. Bowler et al published July 2015 in Biological Conservation

A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers

scientific article published on 12 February 2014

Alarm: Assessing Large-scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods

scientific article published in 2005

Alien plants in Chile: inferring invasion periods from herbarium records


Alien plants in southern South America. A framework for evaluation and management of mutual risk of invasion between Chile and Argentina


Alien species in a warmer world: risks and opportunities

scientific article

Beta diversity of urban floras among European and non-European cities


Biodiversity impacts of climate change – the PRONAS software as educational tool

scholarly article by K. Ulbrich et al published 26 November 2015 in Web ecology

Challenging urban species diversity: contrasting phylogenetic patterns across plant functional groups in Germany

scientific article

Changes in the functional composition of a Central European urban flora over three centuries


Climate and land use change impacts on plant distributions in Germany

scientific article

Climate change can cause spatial mismatch of trophically interacting species

scientific article

Climate change impacts on biodiversity: a short introduction with special emphasis on the ALARM approach for the assessment of multiple risks

scientific article published in 2010

Climatic and socio-economic factors determine the level of invasion by alien plants in Chile


Clonal plant species in a dry-grassland community: A simulation study of long-term population dynamics


Conventional land‐use intensification reduces species richness and increases production: A global meta‐analysis


Correlates of naturalization and occupancy of introduced ornamentals in Germany


Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species’ abundance trends




Differences in the trait compositions of non-indigenous and native plants across Germany


Dispersal traits as indicators of vegetation dynamics in long-term old-field succession


Distance decay of similarity among European urban floras: the impact of anthropogenic activities on β diversity

scientific article published in 2008

Do drivers of biodiversity change differ in importance across marine and terrestrial systems - Or is it just different research communities' perspectives?

scientific article

Do protected areas in urban and rural landscapes differ in species diversity?


Drought resistance of native pioneer species indicates potential suitability for restoration of post-mining areas

scientific article published in 2015

Effects of changes in agricultural land-use on landscape structure and arable weed vegetation over the last 50 years

Effects of landscape structure and land-use intensity on similarity of plant and animal communities


Erratum to: Do protected areas in urban and rural landscapes differ in species diversity?

scholarly article published in Biodiversity and Conservation

Establishment of a cross-European field site network in the ALARM project for assessing large-scale changes in biodiversity

scientific article

Exotic plant species invade diversity hot spots: the alien flora of northwestern Kenya


Functional traits and local environment predict vegetation responses to disturbance: a pan-European multi-site experiment


Geographic variability of ecological niches of plant species: are competition and stress relevant?


Geographical patterns in prediction errors of species distribution models


Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policy

article by P. E. Hulme et al published April 2008 in Journal of Applied Ecology

Harmonizing Biodiversity Conservation and Productivity in the Context of Increasing Demands on Landscapes.

scientific article published on 17 February 2016

How species traits and affinity to urban land use control large-scale species frequency


How to characterize and predict alien species? A response to Pyseket al.(2004)


Increasing range mismatching of interacting species under global change is related to their ecological characteristics


Increasing species richness but decreasing phylogenetic richness and divergence over a 320-year period of urbanization


Indicators for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: a pan-European study

scientific article published in 2007

Invasive Growth of Ailanthus altissima Trees is Associated with a High Rate of Sensitization in Atopic Patients

scientific article published in 2022

Investigating habitat-specific plant species pools under climate change


Is the EC afraid of its own visions?

scientific article published on 01 March 2007

Land use modulates resistance of grasslands against future climate and inter‐annual climate variability in a large field experiment

scientific article published in 2024

LifeWatch – A European e-Science and observatory infrastructure supporting access and use of biodiversity and ecosystem data

LifeWatch – A European e-Science and observatory infrastructure supporting access and use of biodiversity and ecosystem data

scientific article published in 2011

Linking Biodiversity Research Communities

Long-term spatial pattern change in a semi-arid plant community: The role of climate and composition


MACIS: Minimisation of and Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity

scientific article published in 2008

Macroecology meets global change research

scientific article published in 2007

Modelling the impact of climate and land use change on the geographical distribution of leaf anatomy in a temperate flora

scientific article published in 2010

Multiple stressors on biotic interactions: how climate change and alien species interact to affect pollination

scientific article

Mycorrhizal status helps explain invasion success of alien plant species

scientific article

National Ecosystem Assessments in Europe: A Review

scientific article

Native and alien plant species richness in relation to spatial heterogeneity on a regional scale in Germany


On the biogeography of seed mass in Germany - distribution patterns and environmental correlates


Performance and responses to competition in two congeneric annual species: does seed heteromorphism matter?

scientific article published on 23 July 2015

Plant and insect diversity along a pollution gradient: understanding species richness across trophic levels

article published in 2001

Plant extinctions and introductions lead to phylogenetic and taxonomic homogenization of the European flora

scientific article

Plant functional group composition and large-scale species richness in European agricultural landscapes


Plant richness patterns in agricultural and urban landscapes in Central Germany—spatial gradients of species richness


Prediction uncertainty of environmental change effects on temperate European biodiversity.

scientific article

Predictive performance of plant species distribution models depends on species traits


Realigning the land-sharing/land-sparing debate to match conservation needs: considering diversity scales and land-use history

scientific article published in 2014

Regional vegetation patterns at lake Son Kul reveal Holocene climatic variability in central Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia)

scholarly article

Relating geographical variation in pollination types to environmental and spatial factors using novel statistical methods

scientific article published in January 2006

Research questions to facilitate the future development of European long-term ecosystem research infrastructures: A horizon scanning exercise

scientific article published on 06 September 2019

Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts

scientific article published on 31 January 2020

Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem services across three different time horizons and decision contexts

scholarly article published 14 February 2019

Rice Ecosystem Services in South-East Asia: The LEGATO Project, Its Approaches and Main Results with a Focus on Biocontrol Services


Rice ecosystem services in South-east Asia


Similar factors underlie tree abundance in forests in native and alien ranges

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Soil enzyme activities as bioindicators for substrate quality in revegetation of a subtropical coal mining dump

Soil organic matter and microbial community structure in set-aside and intensively managed arable soils in NE-Saxony, Germany


Spatial aspects of trait homogenization within the German flora


Species richness and phylogenetic structure in plant communities: 20 years of succession


Species richness of herbivores on exotic host plants increases with time since introduction of the host


Spontaneous regeneration of dry grasslands on set-aside fields

article published in 2006

Succession of floodplain grasslands following reduction in land use intensity: the importance of environmental conditions, management and dispersal

scientific article published in 2009

Synchronized peak-rate years of global resources use


Synchrony of peak-rate years suggests challenges to sustainable development: a response to O’Sullivan (2015)


TRY - a global database of plant traits

scientific article (publication date: 21 June 2011)

TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access

scientific article published on 31 December 2019

Temporal dynamics of marginal steppic vegetation over a 26-year period of substantial environmental change


Testing taxonomic and landscape surrogates for biodiversity in an urban setting

The Iberian Peninsula as a potential source for the plant species pool in Germany under projected climate change


The LEDA Traitbase: a database of life-history traits of the Northwest European flora

scholarly article by M. Kleyer et al published November 2008 in Journal of Ecology

The distribution of range sizes of native and alien plants in four European countries and the effects of residence time


The iDiv Ecotron—A flexible research platform for multitrophic biodiversity research

scientific article published on 07 October 2021

The long-term ecological research (LTER) network: Relevance, current status, future perspective and examples from marine, freshwater and terrestrial long-term observation

scientific article published in 2016

The next generation of site-based long-term ecological monitoring: Linking essential biodiversity variables and ecosystem integrity

scientific article published on 06 October 2017

The niche of higher plants: evidence for phylogenetic conservatism

scientific article (publication date: 22 November 2001)

The role of non-native plants and vertebrates in defining patterns of compositional dissimilarity within and across continents


Towards a thesaurus of plant characteristics: an ecological contribution


Trade-Offs and Synergies Between Biodiversity Conservation and Productivity in the Context of Increasing Demands on Landscapes


Trait interactions help explain plant invasion success in the German flora


Understanding and assessing vegetation health by in situ species and remote-sensing approaches

scientific article published in August 2018

Urbanization and homogenization – Comparing the floras of urban and rural areas in Germany


Using long-term ecosystem service and biodiversity data to study the impacts and adaptation options in response to climate change: insights from the global ILTER sites network


Variability in leaf traits, insect herbivory and herbivore performance within and among individuals of four broad-leaved tree species


Why do alien plant species that reproduce in natural habitats occur more frequently?


Woody plants in Kenya: expanding the Higher-Taxon Approach
