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List of works by Oliver Heiri

14,500 years of vegetation and land use history in the upper continental montane zone at Lac de Champex (Valais, Switzerland)

500 years of trophic-state history of a hypertrophic Dutch dike-breach lake

scholarly article

9000 years of chironomid assemblage dynamics in an Alpine lake: long-term trends, sensitivity to disturbance, and resilience of the fauna

scholarly article

A 274-lake calibration data-set and inference model for chironomid-based summer air temperature reconstruction in Europe

scholarly article

A chironomid-based Holocene summer air temperature reconstruction from the Swiss Alps


A chironomid-based reconstruction of late glacial summer temperatures in the southern Carpathians (Romania)

scholarly article

A compilation of Western European terrestrial records 60–8 ka BP: towards an understanding of latitudinal climatic gradients

scholarly article

A continuous fish fossil record reveals key insights into adaptive radiation

scientific article published in 2023

A first chironomid-based summer temperature reconstruction (13–5 ka BP) around 49°N in inland Europe compared with local lake development

scholarly article

A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

scientific article published on 14 April 2020

Abrupt climate warming in East Antarctica during the early Holocene


Abundance and δ13C values of fatty acids in lacustrine surface sediments: Relationships with in-lake methane concentrations


An empirical perspective for understanding climate change impacts in Switzerland


An inter-regional assessment of concentrations and δ13C values of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon in small European lakes


Are fossil assemblages in a single sediment core from a small lake representative of total deposition of mite, chironomid, and plant macrofossil remains?

scholarly article

Author Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

scientific article published on 16 July 2020

Biodiversity responses to Lateglacial climate change in the subdecadally-resolved record of Lake Hämelsee (Germany)

scientific article published in 2024

Biotic turnover rates during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition

scholarly article

Bryozoan stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes: relationships between the isotopic composition of zooids, statoblasts and lake water


Chironomid δ18O as a proxy for past lake water δ18O: a Lateglacial record from Rotsee (Switzerland)


Chironomid-based palaeotemperature estimates for northeast Finland during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3

scholarly article

Chironomid-based reconstruction of Lateglacial summer temperatures from the Ech palaeolake record (French western Pyrenees)


Chironomid-inferred Holocene temperature changes in the South Carpathians (Romania)

Chironomids as indicators of the Holocene climatic and environmental history of two lakes in Northeast Greenland


Chironomids can be reliable proxies for Holocene temperatures. A comment on Velle et al. (2010)

Climate warming and vegetation response after Heinrich event 1 (16 700–16 000 cal yr BP) in Europe south of the Alps


Climate-driven shifts in diatom assemblages recorded in annually laminated sediments of Sacrower See (NE Germany)


Climatic and environmental changes during the Weichselian Lateglacial Interstadial in the Weerterbos region, the Netherlands

Comparison between chironomid-inferred July temperatures and meteorological data AD 1850–2001 from varved Lake Silvaplana, Switzerland

scholarly article

Corrigendum to “Responses to rapid warming at Termination 1a at Gerzensee (Central Europe): Primary succession, albedo, soils, lake development, and ecological interactions”[Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 391PB (2014) 111–131]


Distribution of diatoms, chironomids and cladocera in surface sediments of thirty mountain lakes in south-eastern Switzerland


Early-Holocene climatic oscillations recorded by lake-level fluctuations in west-central Europe and in central Italy


Ecosystem Responses to Climate-Related Changes in a Mediterranean Alpine Environment Over the Last ~ 180 Years

scientific article published on 8 August 2018

Effect of low count sums on quantitative environmental reconstructions: an example using subfossil chironomids

scientific article

Effects of chemical pretreatments on δ18O measurements, chemical composition, and morphology of chironomid head capsules

scholarly article

Effects of within-lake variability of fossil assemblages on quantitative chironomid-inferred temperature reconstruction


Efficiency of different mesh sizes for isolating fossil chironomids for stable isotope and radiocarbon analyses

scholarly article

Environmental inferences and chironomid-based temperature reconstructions from fragmentary records of the Weichselian Early Glacial and Pleniglacial periods in the Niederlausitz area (eastern Germany)


Eutrophication of moderately deep Dutch lakes during the past century: flaws in the expectations of water management?


Evidence for cooler European summers during periods of changing meltwater flux to the North Atlantic

scientific article (publication date: 26 October 2004)

Evidence for past variations in methane availability in a Siberian thermokarst lake based on δ13C of chitinous invertebrate remains


Fire on ice and frozen trees? Inappropriate radiocarbon dating leads to unrealistic reconstructions

scientific article published in 2018

Flotsam samples can help explain the δ13C and δ15N values of invertebrate resting stages in lake sediment


Fossil Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) as quantitative indicators of past salinity in African lakes


Fossil chironomid δ13C as a proxy for past methanogenic contribution to benthic food webs in lakes?

scholarly article

Global change revealed by palaeolimnological records from remote lakes: a review

scholarly article

High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change

scientific article published on 4 November 2022

High-resolution chironomid-inferred temperature history since ad 1580 from varved Lake Silvaplana, Switzerland: comparison with local and regional reconstructions


Higher late summer methane emission from central than northern European lakes


Holocene and Lateglacial summer temperature reconstruction in the Swiss Alps based on fossil assemblages of aquatic organisms: a review


Holocene global mean surface temperature, a multi-method reconstruction approach

scientific article published on 30 June 2020

Holocene temperature variations at a high-altitude site in the Eastern Alps: a chironomid record from Schwarzsee ob Sölden, Austria

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

Holocene timber-line dynamics at Bachalpsee, a lake at 2265 m a.s.l. in the northern Swiss Alps


Holocene tree immigration and the chironomid fauna of a small Swiss subalpine lake (Hinterburgsee, 1515 m asl)


How does taxonomic resolution affect chironomid-based temperature reconstruction?

scholarly article

How representative are subfossil assemblages of Chironomidae and common benthic invertebrates for the living fauna of Lake De Waay, the Netherlands?


How warm? How wet? Hydroclimate reconstruction of the past 7500 years in northern Carpathians, Romania


Human impact leads to unexpected oligotrophication and deepwater oxygen increase in a Swiss mountain lake

scientific article published in 2023

Impacts of changing climate and land use on vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: insights from paleoecology and dynamic modeling


Interpretation and application of carbon isotope ratios in freshwater diatom silica

scientific article

Intraregional variability in chironomid-inferred temperature estimates and the influence of river inundations on lacustrine chironomid assemblages

scholarly article

Lake sediments from Store Koldewey, Northeast Greenland, as archive of Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic and environmental changes


Land Use Affects Carbon Sources to the Pelagic Food Web in a Small Boreal Lake

scientific article

Late-Glacial climatic changes in Eastern France (Lake Lautrey) from pollen, lake-levels, and chironomids

scholarly article

Late-Holocene summer temperature reconstruction from chironomid assemblages of Lake Anterne, northern French Alps


Lateglacial and early Holocene summer temperatures in the southern Swiss Alps reconstructed using fossil chironomids


Lateglacial environmental and climatic changes at the Maloja Pass, Central Swiss Alps, as recorded by chironomids and pollen


Lateglacial summer temperatures in the Northwest European lowlands: a chironomid record from Hijkermeer, the Netherlands

scholarly article

Latest Pleistocene and Holocene primary producer communities and hydroclimate in Lake Victoria, eastern Africa

scientific article published in 2024

Limnological changes and chironomid-inferred summer air temperature from the Late Pleniglacial to the Early Holocene in the East Carpathians

scientific article published on 6 August 2021

Limnological changes in South Carpathian glacier-formed lakes (Retezat Mountains, Romania) during the Late Glacial and the Holocene: A synthesis

scholarly article

Loss on ignition as a method for estimating organic and carbonate content in sediments: reproducibility and comparability of results

scholarly article

Method development and application of object detection and classification to Quaternary fossil pollen sequences

scientific article published in 2024

Middens, currents and shorelines: Complex depositional processes of waterlogged prehistoric lakeside settlements based on the example of Zurich-Parkhaus Opéra (Switzerland)


Midges of the genus Pseudodiamesa Goetghebuer (Diptera, Chironomidae): current knowledge and palaeoecological perspective

scholarly article

Modern pollen assemblages as climate indicators in southern Europe

scientific article published in 2007

Multiple causes of the Younger Dryas cold period

scientific article

Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)


New data on the Lateglacial period of SW Europe: a high resolution multiproxy record from Laguna de la Roya (NW Iberia)

scholarly article

Palaeoclimate records 60–8 ka in the Austrian and Swiss Alps and their forelands

scholarly article

Present-day temperatures in northern Scandinavia during the last glaciation

scholarly article

Publisher Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

scientific article published on 15 June 2020

Publisher Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

scientific article published on 12 August 2020

Quantitative summer and winter temperature reconstructions from pollen and chironomid data between 15 and 8 ka BP in the Baltic–Belarus area


Radiocarbon sampling efforts for high-precision lake sediment chronologies

Rapid climate change during the Weichselian Lateglacial in Ireland: Chironomid-inferred summer temperatures from Fiddaun, Co. Galway


Rapid climatic events as recorded in Middle Weichselian thermokarst lake sediments


Rapid summer temperature changes during Termination 1a: high-resolution multi-proxy climate reconstructions from Gerzensee (Switzerland)

scholarly article

Reconstruction of Late Glacial summer temperatures from chironomid assemblages in Lac Lautrey (Jura, France)

scholarly article

Reconstruction of full glacial environments and summer temperatures from Lago della Costa, a refugial site in Northern Italy


Responses to rapid warming at Termination 1a at Gerzensee (Central Europe): Primary succession, albedo, soils, lake development, and ecological interactions


Reviewing the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in NW Iberia: A palaeoecological approach based on the comparison between dissimilar regions

scholarly article

Sciaridae in lake sediments: indicators of catchment and stream contribution to fossil insect assemblages

scholarly article

Seasonal and interannual dynamics of diatom assemblages in Sacrower See (NE Germany): a sediment trap study


Seasonal temperatures for the past ∼400 years reconstructed from diatom and chironomid assemblages in a high-altitude lake (Lej da la Tscheppa, Switzerland)

scholarly article

Seasonality of cladoceran and bryozoan resting stage δ13C values and implications for their use as palaeolimnological indicators of lacustrine carbon cycle dynamics

scholarly article

Spatial heterogeneity and lake morphology affect diffusive greenhouse gas emission estimates of lakes


Spatiotemporal patterns in methane flux and gas transfer velocity at low wind speeds: Implications for upscaling studies on small lakes


Stable isotopic analysis of fossil chironomids as an approach to environmental reconstruction: state of development and future challenges


Stable oxygen isotopes in chironomid and cladoceran remains as indicators for lake-waterδ18O


Stacking of discontinuous regional palaeoclimate records: Chironomid-based summer temperatures from the Alpine region


Synchronous vegetation response to the last glacial-interglacial transition in northwest Europe

scholarly article

Taxon-specific δ13C analysis of chitinous invertebrate remains in sediments from Strandsjön, Sweden

scholarly article

Temperature change as a driver of spatial patterns and long-term trends in chironomid (Insecta: Diptera) diversity

scientific article published on 02 November 2019

Testing intra-site transfer functions: an example using chironomids and water depth

scholarly article

Tetraether membrane lipid distributions in water-column particulate matter and sediments: a study of 47 European lakes along a north–south transect

scholarly article

The Little Ice Age signature in a 700-year high-resolution chironomid record of summer temperatures in the Central Eastern Alps.

scientific article

The chironomid-temperature relationship: expression in nature and palaeoenvironmental implications

scientific article published on 27 October 2011

The lacustrine sediment record of Oberwinkler Maar (Eifel, Germany): Chironomid and macro-remain-based inferences of environmental changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3


The last hornbeam forests in SW Europe: new evidence on the demise of Carpinus betulus in NW Iberia

article by Castor Muñoz Sobrino et al published 18 December 2017 in Vegetation History and Archaeobotany

The past ecology ofAbies albaprovides new perspectives on future responses of silver fir forests to global warming


The spatial and temporal complexity of the Holocene thermal maximum

The stable carbon isotopic composition ofDaphniaephippia in small, temperate lakes reflects in-lake methane availability


The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: Current understanding, challenges, and future directions


The stable isotopic composition of Daphnia ephippia reflects changes in δ13C and δ18O values of food and water


The younger dryas cooling in northeast Germany: summer temperature and environmental changes in the Friedländer Groβe Wiese region

scholarly article

Trophic state changes can affect the importance of methane-derived carbon in aquatic food webs

scientific article published in June 2017

Validation of climate model-inferred regional temperature change for late-glacial Europe

scientific article

Variability in δ13C values between individual Daphnia ephippia: Implications for palaeo-studies

scientific article

Vegetation history, fire history and lake development recorded for 6300 years by pollen, charcoal, loss on ignition and chironomids at a small lake in southern Kyrgyzstan (Alay Range, Central Asia)


Vegetation responses to rapid warming and to minor climatic fluctuations during the Late-Glacial Interstadial (GI-1) at Gerzensee (Switzerland)


Warm Mediterranean mid-Holocene summers inferred from fossil midge assemblages


Why loss matters: Reply to the comments of Festi and others on ‘A quantitative comparison of microfossil extraction methods from ice cores’ by Brugger and others (2018)

scientific article