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List of works by Christos Faloutsos


A Comparative Study of Feature Vector-Based Topic Detection Schemes A Comparative Study of Feature Vector-Based Topic Detection Schemes

A Max Margin Framework on Image Annotation and Multimodal Image Retrieval

A Multiresolution Symbolic Representation of Time Series

A fast and effective method to find correlations among attributes in databases

A linear-time approximation of the earth mover's distance

A novel optimization approach to efficiently process aggregate similarity queries in metric access methods

A parallel algorithm for big tensor decomposition using randomly compressed cubes (PARACOMP)


Accurate Approximation of the Earth Mover’s Distance in Linear Time

Accurate modeling of region data

Active disks for large-scale data processing

Adaptive, unsupervised stream mining

An Adaptive Two-Phase Approach to WiFi Location Sensing

An analysis on information diffusion through BlogCast in a blogosphere

An architecture for high performance engineering information systems

An efficient pictorial database system for PSQL

Analysis of Large Multi-modal Social Networks: Patterns and a Generator

Analysis of object oriented spatial access methods

Analysis of range queries and self-spatial join queries on real region datasets stored using an R-tree

Analysis of the clustering properties of the Hilbert space-filling curve

scientific article (publication date: 2001)

Analysis of the n-dimensional quadtree decomposition for arbitrary hyperrectangles

Analysis of the reputation system and user contributions on a question answering website

Analytical results on the quadtree decomposition of arbitrary rectangles

Anomaly detection in dynamic networks: a survey

Anomaly, event, and fraud detection in large network datasets

Apolo: interactive large graph sensemaking by combining machine learning and visualization

scholarly article published 2011

Apolo: making sense of large network data by combining rich user interaction and machine learning

scholarly article published 2011

Approximate temporal aggregation

AutoLag: Automatic Discovery of Lag Correlations in Stream Data


AutoSplit: Fast and Scalable Discovery of Hidden Variables in Stream and Multimedia Databases

Automatic mining of fruit fly embryo images

scholarly article published 2006

Automatic multimedia cross-modal correlation discovery

BASSET: Scalable Gateway Finder in Large Graphs




Bayesian Browsing Model


Bayesian Tensor Approach for 3-D Face Modeling

Bayesian tensor analysis

Beyond 'Caveman Communities': Hubs and Spokes for Graph Compression and Mining

Beyond Blocks: Hyperbolic Community Detection

Beyond Poisson: Modeling Inter-Arrival Time of Requests in a Datacenter

Beyond streams and graphs

Beyond uniformity and independence

Big graph mining

Bit-sliced signature files for very large text databases on a parallel machine architecture

BlogCast effect on information diffusion in a blogosphere

Boosting k-Nearest Neighbor Queries Estimating Suitable Query Radii


CatchSync: catching synchronized behavior in large directed graphs

scholarly article

Catching Synchronized Behaviors in Large Networks

scientific article published in 2016

Center-piece subgraphs

scholarly article published 2006

Click chain model in web search

Clustering very large multi-dimensional datasets with MapReduce

CoBaFi: collaborative bayesian filtering

Coercively adjusted auto regression model for forecasting in epilepsy EEG

scientific article published on 28 April 2013

Colibri: fast mining of large static and dynamic graphs

scholarly article

Com2: Fast Automatic Discovery of Temporal (‘Comet’) Communities

Compact Similarity Joins

Competing Memes Propagation on Networks: A Network Science Perspective

Competing memes propagation on networks

article published in 2012

Constructing seminal paper genealogy


Cost-effective outbreak detection in networks

Cross-Outlier Detection



Data Mining Using Fractals and Power Laws

Data Mining Using Fractals and Power Laws

Data Mining in Large Sets of Complex Data

scholarly article published 2013

Data mining meets performance evaluation: fast algorithms for modeling bursty traffic

Data mining on an OLTP system (nearly) for free

Data-driven evolution of data mining algorithms

Data-driven topology estimation

Declustering spatial databases on a multi-computer architecture

Declustering using error correcting codes

Declustering using fractals

Deflating the dimensionality curse using multiple fractal dimensions

DeltaCon: A Principled Massive-Graph Similarity Function

DeltaShield: Information Theory for Human- Trafficking Detection

scientific article published on 07 February 2023

Density biased sampling


Description and performance analysis of signature file methods for office filing

Designing access methods for bitemporal databases

Detecting Fraudulent Personalities in Networks of Online Auctioneers

Detecting Semantic Anomalies in Truck Weigh-in-Motion Traffic Data Using Data Mining

Detecting anomalies in dynamic rating data

Detecting insider threats in a real corporate database of computer usage activity


Detecting suspicious following behavior in multimillion-node social networks

Dimensionality Reduction and Forecasting on Streams

Disk allocation methods using error correcting codes

Distance Exponent: A New Concept for Selectivity Estimation in Metric Trees

Distributed Pattern Discovery in Multiple Streams


EEG-MINE: Mining and Understanding Epilepsy Data

Editorial: TKDE Topic Area Revisions

Efficient Distribution Mining and Classification

Efficient Sensor Placement Optimization for Securing Large Water Distribution Networks

article published in 2008

Efficient and effective Querying by Image Content

Efficient processing of complex similarity queries in RDBMS through query rewriting

Efficient retrieval of similar time sequences under time warping

Efficient similarity search in sequence databases

Efficiently spotting the starting points of an epidemic in a large graph

Efficiently supporting ad hoc queries in large datasets of time sequences

EigenDiagnostics: Spotting Connection Patterns and Outliers in Large Graphs

EigenSP: A More Accurate Shortest Path Distance Estimation on Large-Scale Networks

EigenSpokes: Surprising Patterns and Scalable Community Chipping in Large Graphs

EigenSpokes: Surprising Patterns and Scalable Community Chipping in Large Graphs

Electricity Based External Similarity of Categorical Attributes

Enhanced max margin learning on multimodal data mining in a multimedia database

Epidemic Spread in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Determining the Tipping Point

Epidemic spreading in real networks: an eigenvalue viewpoint

Epidemic thresholds in real networks

article published in 2008

Evaluating the intrinsic dimension of evolving data streams

Example-Based Robust Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Datasets

Experimenting with pattern-matching algorithms

scholarly article by Yannis Manolopoulos & Christos Faloutsos published April 1996 in Information Sciences

Expert database systems: Efficient support for engineering environments

F-Trail: Finding Patterns in Taxi Trajectories


2002 scholarly article

FTW: fast similarity search under the time warping distance

scholarly article


scholarly article

Fast Discovery of Group Lag Correlations in Streams

Fast Monitoring Proximity and Centrality on Time-evolving Bipartite Graphs

Fast Random Walk with Restart and Its Applications

Fast Robustness Estimation in Large Social Graphs: Communities and Anomaly Detection

Fast algorithms for time series mining

scholarly article published 2010

Fast and effective retrieval of medical tumor shapes

Fast and reliable anomaly detection in categorical data

Fast best-effort pattern matching in large attributed graphs

Fast direction-aware proximity for graph mining

Fast discovery of connection subgraphs

Fast estimation of fractal dimension and correlation integral on stream data

Fast indexing and visualization of metric data sets using slim-trees

scholarly article by C. Traina et al published 2002 in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

Fast mining and forecasting of complex time-stamped events

Fast mining of complex time-stamped events

scientific article

Fast subsequence matching in time-series databases

Fast, Accurate and Provable Triangle Counting in Fully Dynamic Graph Streams

scientific article published in 2020

FastCARS: fast, correlation-aware sampling for network data mining

scholarly article


Fault-Tolerant Concept Detection in Information Networks

Finding Clusters in subspaces of very large, multi-dimensional datasets

FlexiFaCT: Scalable Flexible Factorization of Coupled Tensors on Hadoop

Flexible and adaptable buffer management techniques for database management systems

Flexible buffer allocation based on marginal gains

Forecasting in the NBA and other team sports


Fractal dimension and vector quantization

Fractals for secondary key retrieval

Fractional Immunization in Networks

Frame-sliced signature files

Fully automatic cross-associations

Future directions in data mining


2011 scholarly article

GRAPHITE: A Visual Query System for Large Graphs

Gateway finder in large graphs: problem definitions and fast solutions

Gelling, and melting, large graphs by edge manipulation


Good-Enough Brain Model: Challenges, Algorithms, and Discoveries in Multisubject Experiments

scientific article published on December 2014

Good-enough brain model

Graph Machine Learning Meets Multi-Table Relational Data

scientific article published on 25 August 2024

Graph Mining Techniques

Graph Mining: Laws and Generators

Graph Mining: Laws, Generators and Tools

Graph Mining: Laws, Tools, and Case Studies

article published in 2012

Graph Mining: Patterns, Generators and Tools

Graph evolution

article published in 2007

Graph mining

Graph mining

Graph mining and influence propagation

Graph-Based Fraud Detection in the Face of Camouflage

scientific article published in 2017


GraphStorm: All-in-one Graph Machine Learning Framework for Industry Applications

scientific article published on 25 August 2024

Graphs over time

Gray codes for partial match and range queries

article by Christos Faloutsos published 1988 in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering


HCDF: A Hybrid Community Discovery Framework

HEigen: Spectral Analysis for Billion-Scale Graphs

Halite: Fast and Scalable Multiresolution Local-Correlation Clustering

article published in 2013

Hierarchical, Parameter-Free Community Discovery

High-order concept discovery in functional brain imaging

How to improve the pruning ability of dynamic metric access methods

Human Dynamics in Large Communication Networks

scholarly article published 28 April 2011

Hybrid index organizations for text databases

I/O complexity for range queries on region data stored using an R-tree

Identifying Web browsing trends and patterns

Image indexing and retrieval based on human perceptual color clustering

scholarly article

ImageMap: an image indexing method based on spatial similarity

Incremental tensor analysis

Indexing Values in Continuous Field Databases

Indexing and mining streams

Indexing multimedia databases

Individual and Collective Graph Mining: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications

scientific article published on 26 October 2017

Inferring Strange Behavior from Connectivity Pattern in Social Networks

Influence Propagation: Patterns, Model and a Case Study

Information Survival Threshold in Sensor and P2P Networks


Intelligent system monitoring on large clusters

Interacting viruses in networks

Interactively and Visually Exploring Tours of Marked Nodes in Large Graphs

Interestingness-Driven Diffusion Process Summarization in Dynamic Networks

It's who you know

KDD-2002 workshop report fractals and self-similarity in data mining

LOCI: fast outlier detection using the local correlation integral

Large Graph Analysis in the GMine System

Large graph mining

Large human communication networks

scholarly article published 2009

Less is More: Compact Matrix Decomposition for Large Sparse Graphs

scholarly article published 26 April 2007

Less is More: Sparse Graph Mining with Compact Matrix Decomposition

article by Jimeng Sun et al published 2008 in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

MMSS: Multi-Modal Story-Oriented Video Summarization

Making every bit count

MalSpot: Multi2 Malicious Network Behavior Patterns Analysis

Managing and mining large graphs

MassExodus: modeling evolving networks in harsh environments

Measuring Evolving Data Streams’ Behavior through Their Intrinsic Dimension

Metric forensics

MidiFind: Similarity Search and Popularity Mining in Large MIDI Databases

Mining Billion-Node Graphs: Patterns, Generators and Tools

Mining Billion-node Graphs: Patterns, Generators and Tools

Mining Connection Pathways for Marked Nodes in Large Graphs

Mining billion-node graphs

Mining large graphs and streams using matrix and tensor tools

Mining large graphs: Algorithms, inference, and discoveries

scholarly article published April 2011

Mixed Membership Subspace Clustering

Mobile Phone Graph Evolution: Findings, Model and Interpretation

Mobile call graphs

Modeling Website Popularity Competition in the Attention-Activity Marketplace


Modeling tumor progression via the comparison of stage-specific graphs.

scientific article

Monitoring Network Evolution using MDL

MultiAspectForensics: Pattern Mining on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Networks with Tensor Analysis

MultiAspectForensics: mining large heterogeneous networks using tensor

Multiattribute hashing using Gray codes

scholarly article published 1986

Multimedia Indexing

Multimodal Data Mining in a Multimedia Database Based on Structured Max Margin Learning

scientific article published in 2016

Neighborhood Formation and Anomaly Detection in Bipartite Graphs

Net-Ray: Visualizing and Mining Billion-Scale Graphs

scholarly article by U. Kang et al published 2014 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

NetSpot: Spotting Significant Anomalous Regions on Dynamic Networks


Network similarity via multiple social theories

Next Generation Data Mining Tools: Power Laws and Self-similarity for Graphs, Streams and Traditional Data

Next Generation Data Mining Tools: Power Laws and Self-similarity for Graphs, Streams and Traditional Data

OBE: Outlier by Example


Octet: Online Catalog Taxonomy Enrichment with Self-Supervision

scientific article

On Constructing Seminal Paper Genealogy

scientific article

On data mining, compression, and Kolmogorov complexity

On packing R-trees

On power-law relationships of the Internet topology

On power-law relationships of the Internet topology

article published in 1999

On the "dimensionality curse" and the "self-similarity blessing"

On the Vulnerability of Large Graphs

Online Latent Variable Detection in Sensor Networks

Online data mining for co-evolving time sequences

Optimal signature extraction and information loss

Outlier detection by example

Outlier-robust clustering using independent components


Overlay striping and optimal parallel I/O for modern applications

PEGASUS: A Peta-Scale Graph Mining System Implementation and Observations

PEGASUS: mining peta-scale graphs

PICS: Parameter-free Identification of Cohesive Subgroups in Large Attributed Graphs

article published in 2012

ParCube: Sparse Parallelizable Tensor Decompositions

Parallel R-trees

Parallel Randomly Compressed Cubes : A scalable distributed architecture for big tensor decomposition

Parallel crawling for online social networks

Parameter pattern discovery in nonlinear dynamic model for EEGs analysis

scientific article

Parameter-Free Spatial Data Mining Using MDL

Patterns amongst Competing Task Frequencies: Super-Linearities, and the Almond-DG Model

Patterns of Cascading Behavior in Large Blog Graphs

Patterns on the Connected Components of Terabyte-Scale Graphs

Pegasus: Mining billion-scale graphs in the cloud

Performance issues in the binary relationship model

Polonium: Tera-Scale Graph Mining and Inference for Malware Detection

Power laws and the AS-level internet topology

Power-Hop: A Pervasive Observation for Real Complex Networks

scientific article

Prediction and indexing of moving objects with unknown motion patterns

Probabilistic Tensor Analysis with Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria

Protein complex identification by supervised graph local clustering

scientific article published on July 2008

Proximity Tracking on Time-Evolving Bipartite Graphs

QBISM: extending a DBMS to support 3D medical images

scholarly article

QMAS: Querying, Mining and Summarization of Multi-modal Databases

QuMinS: Fast and scalable querying, mining and summarizing multi-modal databases

Quantifiable data mining using ratio rules

Quantifying Reciprocity in Large Weighted Communication Networks

article by Leman Akoglu et al published 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science


R-MAT: A Recursive Model for Graph Mining



RTG: A Recursive Realistic Graph Generator Using Random Typing

RTG: a recursive realistic graph generator using random typing

RTM: Laws and a Recursive Generator for Weighted Time-Evolving Graphs

Radius Plots for Mining Tera-byte Scale Graphs: Algorithms, Patterns, and Observations


Random walk with restart: fast solutions and applications

Realistic, Mathematically Tractable Graph Generation and Evolution, Using Kronecker Multiplication

Recommending People in Developers' Collaboration Network


Recovering latent time-series from their observed sums

Relaxing the Uniformity and Independence Assumptions Using the Concept of Fractal Dimension

Relevance search and anomaly detection in bipartite graphs

Research issues in protein location image databases

Revisit Behavior in Social Media: The Phoenix-R Model and Discoveries

scholarly article by Flavio Figueiredo et al published 2014 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Rise and fall patterns of information diffusion

scientific article published in 2012

Robust information-theoretic clustering


Robust multivariate autoregression for anomaly detection in dynamic product ratings

RolX: structural role extraction & mining in large graphs

article published in 2012

SBAD: Sequence Based Attack Detection via Sequence Comparison

SHIFTR: a user-directed, link-based system for ad hoc sensemaking of large heterogeneous data collections


SPEX2: automated concise extraction of spatial gene expression patterns from Fly embryo ISH images

scientific article

Sampling from large graphs

Scalable modeling of real graphs using Kronecker multiplication

Selectivity estimation of Window queries for line segment datasets

Self-spacial join selectivity estimation using fractal concepts

Semi-supervised Learning Based on Semiparametric Regularization

SharkFin: Spatio-temporal mining of software adoption and penetration

ShatterPlots: Fast Tools for Mining Large Graphs


Similarity search without tears: the OMNI-family of all-purpose access methods

SlashBurn: Graph Compression and Mining beyond Caveman Communities

Slim-Trees: High Performance Metric Trees Minimizing Overlap between Nodes

Smartphone viruses propagation on heterogeneous composite networks

Social networks

2008 scholarly article

Spatial Query Estimation without the Local Uniformity Assumption

Spatial join selectivity using power laws

Spatio-temporal mining of software adoption & penetration

Spectral Analysis for Billion-Scale Graphs: Discoveries and Implementation

article published in 2011

Spectral Counting of Triangles in Power-Law Networks via Element-Wise Sparsification

Spectral Lens: Explainable Diagnostics, Tools and Discoveries in Directed, Weighted Graphs

scientific article published in November 2017

Spectral analysis of a blogosphere

Spectral counting of triangles via element-wise sparsification and triangle-based link recommendation

Spotting Culprits in Epidemics: How Many and Which Ones?

Spotting misbehaviors in location-based social networks using tensors

Standards for graph algorithm primitives

scientific article

Statistical Properties of Social Networks

Storage device performance prediction with CART models

Storage device performance prediction with CART models

Stream Monitoring under the Time Warping Distance

SuperGraph Visualization

scholarly article published 2006

Surprising Patterns for the Call Duration Distribution of Mobile Phone Users


TWave: High-Order Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data

TWave: high-order analysis of functional MRI.

scientific article

TensorCast: forecasting and mining with coupled tensors

scientific article published in 2018

TensorSplat: Spotting Latent Anomalies in Time

The Omni-family of all-purpose access methods: a simple and effective way to make similarity search more efficient

The power-method


Threshold Conditions for Arbitrary Cascade Models on Arbitrary Networks

Threshold conditions for arbitrary cascade models on arbitrary networks

article published in 2012

Time series analysis with multiple resolutions

Top-N recommendation through belief propagation

Topological properties of robust biological and computational networks

scientific article


Toward a Comprehensive Model in Internet Auction Fraud Detection

Tri-cell—a data structure for spatial objects

Trust prediction using positive, implicit, and negative information

scholarly article published 2014

Turbo-SMT: Accelerating Coupled Sparse Matrix-Tensor Factorizations by 200×.

scientific article

Turbo-SMT: Parallel Coupled Sparse Matrix-Tensor Factorizations and Applications

scientific article published on 30 June 2016

Two Heads Better Than One: Pattern Discovery in Time-Evolving Multi-aspect Data

Two heads better than one: pattern discovery in time-evolving multi-aspect data

Unifying Guilt-by-Association Approaches: Theorems and Fast Algorithms

Unsupervised Tensor Mining for Big Data Practitioners

scientific article

Unsupervised modeling and recognition of object categories with combination of visual contents and geometric similarity links

Unsupervised modeling of object categories using link analysis techniques

Using ghost edges for classification in sparsely labeled networks

VOG: Summarizing and Understanding Large Graphs

ValuePick: Towards a Value-Oriented Dual-Goal Recommender System

scholarly article published December 2010

ViVo: Visual Vocabulary Construction for Mining Biomedical Images

VideoCube: A Novel Tool for Video Mining and Classification



Virus Propagation on Time-Varying Networks: Theory and Immunization Algorithms

Visualization of large networks with min-cut plots, A-plots and R-MAT

scholarly article by Deepayan Chakrabarti et al published May 2007 in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

VoidWiz: Resolving incompleteness using network effects

Weighted graphs and disconnected components

Why people hate your app

WindMine: Fast and Effective Mining of Web-click Sequences

Winner takes all

article published in 2012

gbase: an efficient analysis platform for large graphs


oddball: Spotting Anomalies in Weighted Graphs