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List of works by Christopher N. L. Brooke

Dame Joan Evans: Memorial address

Edward I and the Throne of Scotland 1290–1296: An Edition of the Record Sources for the Great Cause. By E. L. G. Stones and Grant G. Simpson. 25 × 19·5 cm. Vol. I, Introduction. Pp. xxvi + 285 + 6 pl. + 4 figs. Vol. II, Texts. Pp. x + 439 + 1 pla


England in the Fourteenth Century. Proceedings of the 1985 Harlaxton Symposium. Edited by W. M. Ormrod. 23 × 15 cm. Pp. xx + 324, 48 pls. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 1986. ISBN 0-85115-448-4. £35.00

Guide to Bishops' Registers of England and Wales. A Survey from the Middle Ages to the Abolition of Episcopacy in 1646. By David M. Smith. 25·5 × 19·5 cm. Pp. xvi + 286. London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1981. No price stated


Henry I's charter for the city of London

article published in 1973

I. Gregorian Reform in Action: Clerical Marriage in England, 1050–1200

Imprisonment in Medieval England. By Ralph B. Pugh. 9 × 6. Pp. xvi + 420 + 6 pls. Cambridge: University Press, 1968. 90s.

book review published in 1969

Knowles, Michael Clive [name in religion David] (1896–1974), Benedictine monk and historian of monasticism

Medieval London. By Timothy Baker. 9×6½. Pp. xii+260+58 pls. London: Cassell, 1970. £2·75

Norwich Cathedral: Church, City and Diocese, 1096–1996. Edited by Ian Atherton, Eric Fernie, Christopher Harper-Bill and Hassell Smith. 255mm. Pp. xvi + 784, 232 figs. London: Hambledon Press, 1996. ISBN 1-85285-134-1. £25.00


Tenth-Century Studies: Essays in Commemoration of the Millennium of the Council of Winchester and Regularis Concordia. Edited by David Parsons. 10×7½. Pp. xiv + 270 + 24 pls. + 28 figs. London and Chichester: Phillimore, 1975. £8·75.--- Either IS

The Birth of Margaret of Anjou

The Diplomas of King Æthelred ‘the Unready’, 978-1016: a Study in their Use as Historical Evidence. By Simon Keynes. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 3rd Series, vol. 13. Pp. xix + 295. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

article by Christopher N. L. Brooke published September 1981 in Antiquaries Journal

The Early History of the Church of Canterbury: Christ Church from 597 to 1066. By Nicholas Brooks. (Studies in the Early History of Britain.) 24 × 16 cm. Pp. xiv + 402, 16 ills. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1984. ISBN 0-7185-1182-4. £28·

article by Christopher N. L. Brooke published March 1985 in Antiquaries Journal

The Perception of the Past in Twelfth-Century Europe. Edited by Paul Magdalino. 240 × 160mm. Pp. xvi + 240. London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Press, 1992. ISBN 1-85285-066-3

The Study of Medieval Records: Essays in Honour of Kathleen Major. Edited by D. A. Bullough and R. L. Storey. 9 × 5¾. Pp. xix + 327 + 5 pls. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. £4.50

The heads of religious houses: England and Wales

reference work listing British abbots, abbesses, and priors