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List of works by Christopher Hawkes

A Barbed Bronze Spearhead from North Ferriby, Yorkshire, England.


A Celtic Bird-brooch from Red Hill, near Long Eaton, Notts

A Celtic Bronze from Bury Hill Camp, near Andover, Hants

A Find of the Early Iron Age from Llyn Cerrig Bach, Anglesey: Interim Report. By Sir Cyril Fox, P.S.A., F.B.A. 10¼ × 8. Pp. 72, 27 pls., 25 line-illustrations, and maps. Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1945. 7s. 6d

A Hallstatt bronze sword from the Thames at Taplow

A La Tène bronze handle from Welwyn

article by Christopher Hawkes published July 1935 in Antiquaries Journal

A Middle-Late Bronze Age date for the Occupation-site at Playden, near Rye

A New Handled Beaker, with Spiral Ornament, from Kempsey, Worcestershire

article by Christopher Hawkes published July 1935 in Antiquaries Journal

A Panel of Celtic Ornament from Elmswell, East Yorkshire

A Roman mortarium-stamp from East Yorkshire

A Romano-British phallic carving from Broadway, Worcs

A Saxon spear-head and scramasax from the disputed long barrow at Preston Candover, Hants

A Site of the Late Bronze–Early Iron Age Transition at Totternhoe, Beds

A sporting or mythological relief-mould from Roman Britain


scientific article published in June 1962

Adolf Schulten, Masada: Die Burg des Herodes und die Römischen Lager, mit einem Anhang; Beth-Ter; mit Karten und Plänen von Adolf Lammerer und Beiträgen von A. Lammerer, R. Paulsen, K. Regling, E. Schramm. Sonderdruck aus der Zeitschrift des Deuts

An Early Bronze Age urn from Milton, Northamptonshire

An Early Iron Age Inhumation-Burial at Egginton, Bedfordshire

scholarly article by Frederick G. Gurney published in April 1940

An Iron Anthropoid Sword from Shouldham, Norfolk with Related Continental and British Weapons

scholarly article by R. R. Clarke published in July 1956

An Iron Torc from Spettisbury Rings, Dorset

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in January 1940

An engraved La Tène bronze from Arundel Park

An unpublished Celtic brooch from Danes' Graves, Kilham, Yorks

An unusual find in the New Forest Potteries at Linwood, Hants

article by Christopher Hawkes published April 1938 in Antiquaries Journal

An ‘Aylesford’ La Tène III brooch from Arundel Park, and the dating of the type

Archaeological retrospect 3

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in July 1982

Archaeology in Britain since 1945

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in November 1986

Archaeology in Oxford University: Two Recent Developments

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in June 1958

Archeological Theory and Method: Some Suggestions from the Old World

scholarly article in American Anthropologist, vol. 56 no. 2, April 1954

Archæology and Society

scientific article published in Nature

Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology: Sutton Hoo and other discoveries. By Rupert Bruce-Mitford. 9⅝ × 7¼. Pp. xxii + 356 + 112 pls. + 61 figs. London: Victor Gollancz, 1974. £12.50

BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PREHISTORIC RESEARCH, No. 15, May 1939. Edited by George Grant MacCurdy Director. Office of the School, Old Lyme, Conn., U.S.A. pp. 126, illustrated

article by Christopher Hawkes published December 1941 in Antiquity

Boudica: the British Revolt against Rome A.D. 60. By Graham Webster. 24 × 16 cm. Pp. 152 + 24 pl. + 8 figs. London: Batsford, 1978. £6·50.

British Prehistory half-way through the Century: Presidential Address

scientific article published in 1951

Britons, Romans, and Saxons Round Salisbury and in Cranborne Chase: Reviewing the Excavations of General Pitt-Rivers, 1881–1897

article published in 1947

Bronze Age Hungary: a review of recent work

scientific article published in December 1974

Bronze key-ring from an unusual Roman burial at Pineham, Whitfield, Kent

Bronze-workers, cauldrons and bucket-animals

chapter published in 1951

Bronzes of the Early Iron Age from Yorkshire

CATALOGUE OF THE ROMAN POTTERY IN THE COLCHESTER AND ESSEX MUSEUM. By Thomas May, F.S.A. Cambridge: printed at the University Press on behalf of the Colchester Corporation, 1930. pp. xii, 304 and 93 plates. 63s

Camulodunum: First Report on the Excavations at Colchester 1930-39

book published in 1947

Celtic Studies, Oxford, July 1983

conference report published in 1984

Charles Thomas: Exploration of a drowned landscape. London: Batsford, 1985. 320 pp., 132 illustrations, 5 tables. £19.95

Ciste A Cordoni (Rippenzisten): Produktion-Funktion-Diffusion. By Stjernquist Berta. 2 vols.: I, Text, pp. 199, 30 tables, 22 figs.; II, Catalogue, pp. 78, ref.-map, 65 pls. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 4to ser., no 6. Gleerup, Lund, 1967 (and Habelt

Coinage and Society in Britain and Gaul: some current problems. Edited by Barry Cunliffe. 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. v + 94 + 69 figs. London: Council for British Archaeology, Research Report No. 38, 1981. £9·75.--- Either ISSN or Journal title must be su

Colin Renfrew: Towards an archaeology of mind. An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge on 30 November 1982. Cambridge: University Press, 1982. 34 pp., I drawing (Chas. Addams). £1.95

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in July 1983

DIE MITTLERE BRONZEZEIT IN ÖSTERREICH. By Kurt Willvonseder. Vienna: Anton Schroll; Leipzig: H. Keller, 1937. 2 vols., pp. 482, 10 text-figs., 56 plates, 1 folding map. 36MARKS

Deutsche Vorzeit. By Wahle Ernst, 2nd (revised) edition, pp. XII, 358, 5 folding maps. Schwabe, Basel, 1952. Price, Swiss francs 28.50


Die Heuneburg an der oberen Donau: ein frühkeltischer Fürstensitz. Von Kurt Bittel und Adolf Rieth. 9×6. Pp. 54 + 18 pls. + 6 plans. Stuttgart-Köln: W. Kohlhammer, 1951. DM.9

Die frühe Bronzezeit im westlichen Ostseegebiet und ihre mittel- und südosteuropäischen Beziehungen: Chronologische Untersuchungen. Von Rolf Hachmann. (6. Beiheft zum Atlas der Urgeschichte, herausgegeben von H. J. Eggers.) 11¾ × 8¼. Pp. 258 +

Double axe testimonies

Early iron in Egypt

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published September 1936 in Antiquity

Ernst Sprockhoff, Die germanischen Vollgriffschwerter der jüngeren Bronzezeit. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen, Bd. 9. Römisch-Germanische Kommission: Berlin and Leipzig: Walter De Gruyter & Co., 1934. Pp. ii + 142 with 44 plates. RM. 26

Excavations at Alchester, 1926

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in April 1927

FROM HUNTER TO HUSBANDMAN. By J. W. Page. George G. Harrap, 1939. pp. 256, 59 illustrations, 3 maps. 7s 6d

Field Archæology

scientific article published in Nature

From Bronze Age to Iron Age: Middle Europe, Italy, and the North and West

scientific article published in 1948

Gergovia. Par Émile Desforges et Dr. Pierre Balme. (Éditions ‘L'Auvergne littéraire, artistique, félibréenne,’ 6me année, no. 43). Clermont-Ferrand, 1929. Pp. 136. 15 francs

Grehame Clark: The identity of man. London and New York: Methuen, 1983; 200 pp., 56 illustrations. £12.50

Gösta Säflund, Le Terremare delle provincie di Modena, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Piacenza. (Being no. 7 of the Acta of the Swedish Institute in Rome.) Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells Boktryckeri A.-B., 1939. Pp. 265 with 98 plates. Price in sterling at

HANDBUCH DER ARCHÄOLOGIE: founded by W. Otto, edited now by R. Herbig, Vierte Lieferung. Munich, C. H. Beck, 1950. 8vo, paper cover, XXIV + 402 pp. 56 plates, 95 text-figures including folding maps. Price 45 DM



article published in 1931

I. M. Stead: The Arras Culture. York: The Yorkshire Philosophical Society (Museum Gardens, YO 12DR), 1979. 124 pp., 10 pls., 37 figs. £4.50; £5.00 post free


Ictis disentangled, and the British tin trade

article published in 1984

Ilona Kovrig, Die Haupttypen der Kaiserzeitlichen Fibeln in Pannonien (Dissertationes Pannicae, ser. ii, no. 4). Budapest: Inst. of Numismatics and Archaeology of the Pázmány University, 1937. Pp. 1–104 Hungarian, 105–130 German text, with 41 p

Innocence retrieval in archaeology

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in September 1973

International Congress of Pre- and Proto-Historic Sciences.


International Congress, 1949


Jug of St. Rémy ware found in Kent

Jutish jewellery from Preshaw, Hants

KELTEN UND GERMANEN IN BÖHMEN. By Leonhard Franz. Brünn, Prag, Leipzig, Wien: Verlag Rudolf M. Rohrer (in series ‘Das Sudetendeutschtum’), 1938. pp. 37, 2 plates, 1 map. 3.35 marks

LES TERTRES FUNÉRAIRES PRÉHISTORIQUES DANS LA FORÉT DE HAGUENAU; tome II: Les tumulus de l'Age du Fer. Par F. A. Schafter. Haguenau (Alsace)': Publications du Musée (éditeur, G. Gromer, conservateur). Imprimerie de la Ville, 1930. pp. xi, 332 an

La Belgique d'avant les Romains. By Sigfried J. De Laet. 25.5 × 19.5 cm. Pp. 796, 304 ills. Wetteren: Éditions Universa, 1982. B. fr. 3,200.

La Tène I brooches from Deal, Preston Candover, and East Dean

scientific article

Magdalenenberg I, II. Der hallstattzeitliche Fürstengrabhügel bei Villingen im Schwarzwald. By Konrad Spindler. II½ × 8. Vol. I: pp. 116 + 18 figs. + 82 pls. + 2 separate colour-printed folders; vol. II: pp. 90 + 18 figs. + 72 pls. + 6 separate f

Magdalenenberg III, IV, V. Der hallstattzeitliche Fürstengrabhügel bei Villingen im Schwarzwald. By Konrad Spindler. 29 × 20·5 cm. Vol. III: pp. 67 + 20 figs. + 2 tables + 98 pls. + 3 separate folders; vol. IV: pp. 81 + 40 figs. + 144 pls. + 1 fo

Megalithic Tombs of France

scientific article published in Nature

New Thoughts on the Belgae

Norsey Wood

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in June 1939

North Germany, Britain, and the Fengate Pin


Nvmantia: die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, 1905–12. Von Adolf Schulten. III Band, Die Lager Des Scipio: pp. xviii, 269; 54 plates in quarto text-volume, 1 map and 46 plans in folio container. IV Band, Die Lager Bei Renieblas: pp. xx, 309; 89 plates

On Some Buckets and Cauldrons of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages: The Nannau, Whigsborough, and Heathery Burn Bronze Buckets and the Colchester and London Cauldrons

Opgravingen op het Domplein te Utrecht: Wetenschappelijke Verslagen I–II. Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 14 × 10½. Pp. 74. Haarlem: H. D. Willink & Zoon N. V. 1934. 6·90 florins

PRÉHISTOIRE. Edited by Raymond Lantier, Conservateur-adjoint, Musée des Antiquités Nationales, Château de St. Germain-en-Laye, Seine-et-Oise, France. Tome 1, fascicule 1. Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, 28 rue Bonaparte. pp. 123, with 5 plates in


PUNTA DEL TONNO, eine vorgriechische Siedlung bei Tarent. By Gösta Säflund. pp. 458–490 of the work reviewed above

Part I. Prehistoric Lincolnshire

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in January 1946

Part II. The Roman Occupation

Part III. Anglian and Anglo-Danish Lincolnshire

Patterns on early pottery

Prehistoric Remains from Selsey Bill

article by G. M. White & Christopher Hawkes published January 1934 in Antiquaries Journal

Prehistoric, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon

scholarly article by Roy Rainbird Clarke published in 1949

Prof Dr F. J. De Waele, Noviomagus Batavorum (Romeinsch Nijmegen). Bouwsteenen voor een Geschiedenis van Nijmegen, bd. I. Nijmegen-Utrecht: N. V. Dekker & Van De Vegt en J. W. van Leeuwen, 1931. Pp. 114. with 13 plates (10 sheets) in wallet. Fl. 2.90

REPORT ON THE EXCAVATION OF THE PREHISTORIC, ROMAN, AND POST-ROMAN SITE IN LYDNEY PARK, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. By R. E. M. Wheeler,D.LIT.,F.S.A., and T. V. Wheeler,F.S.A., pp. VIII, 137, with 28 text-figures and 52 plates. (Reports of the Research Committe

Reinecke Festschrift (Zum 75. Geburtstag von Paul Reinecke). Edited by Gustav Behrens and Joachim Werner, 11¾ × 8¼. Pp. viii + 180; 43 plates. Mainz: E. Schneider Verlag, 1950


scientific article published on January 1965

Reviews of Books

Roman Britain and Early England, 55 B.C.-A.D. 871 by Peter Hunter Blair. (Vol. I of ‘A History of England’, ed. C. N. L. Brooke and D. M. Smith.) Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1963. 304 pp., 16 pls., 8 maps & plans, 25s


Roman Britain. By R. G. Collingwood. 7¼ × 4¾. Pp. vi + 160. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1932. 6s

Roman Gold Bracelets from York

Runcton Holme: Part II. The Second Occupation: A Peasant Settlement of the Iceni

scientific article

SCHIPENITZ: Kunst und Geräte eines Neolithischen Dorfes. By Oleh Kandyba. Vienna: Anton Schroll; Leipzig: H. Keller, 1937. pp. 156 with 574 figs. 24MARKS

Sarah Macready & F. H. Thompson (eds): Cross- Channel trade between Gaul and Britain in the Pre-Roman Iron Age. London: The Society of Antiquaries (distrib. Thames and Hudson), Occasional Paper (n.s.) IV, 1984. 114 pp., 5 pls., 26 figs. £12.00


Sicilian Bronze Axe from Near Hengistbury Head

Skeleton Green. A Late Iron Age and Romano-British Site. By Clive Partridge. (Britannia Monograph Series No. 2.) 29·5 × 20·5 cm. Pp. 360 + 3 pls. + 137 figs. + 12 terminal pls. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1981. 12·50

Some British and Iberian Penannular Brooches and Other Early Types in the Rhineland and the ‘Decumates Agri’

Sutton Hoo: Twenty-Five Years After

article published in 1964

Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles, Part 3: The Coins of the Coritani. By Allen D. F.. For the British Academy: Oxford University Press (and Spink & Son), London, 1963. Text pp. 45, 2 figs.; catalogue pp. 11; 8 pls. Price 35s

THE IBERIANS OF SPAIN AND THEIR RELATIONS WITH THE AEGEAN WORLD. By Pierson Dixon. Oxford University Press, 1940. pp. XII, 160, 24 plates, 3 Figs., map. 8s 6d



THE STONE AGE OF MOUNT CARMEL. Volume II: The fossil human remains from the Levalloiso-Mousterian. By Theodore D. McCown and Sir Arthur Keith. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1939. pp . XXIV, 390; 29 plates, 247 figs. £6 6s

article by Christopher Hawkes published September 1942 in Antiquity

THE STORY OF THE ROADS. By Cyril Hughes Hartmann,M.A., B.LITT. Routledge. 1927. pp. xx, 194, 12 plates. 7s. 6d

The A B C of the British Iron Age

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in September 1959

The Belgae of Gaul and Britain

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes and Gerald Dunning published in 1930

The British Museum and British Archaeology

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in December 1962

The Caburn Pottery and its Implications

article published in 1939

The Colchester excavations

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in January 1932

The Dawn of European Civilization. By V. Gordon Childe, D.Litt., D.Sc. New edition, enlarged and completely rewritten. 9¼ × 5¾. Pp. xviii + 351. London: Kegan Paul, 1939. 16s

The Dawn of European civilization

scientific article published in Nature

The Deverel Urn and the Picardy Pin: A Phase of Bronze Age Settlement in Kent

The Double Axe in Prehistoric Europe

The Early Iron Age Settlement at Fengate, Peterborough

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in January 1943

The European Inheritance. Edited by Sir Ernest Barker, Sir George Clark, and Professor P. Vaucher. 3 vols, 8½ + 5¼. Pp. 543, 384, 385 + pls. 51 and maps. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1954. £5· 5s

The Excavations at Colchester, 1930

scholarly article by Christopher Hawkes published in July 1931

The Finglesham Man

scientific article published in March 1965

The Hill-Forts of Northern France

book review published in 1958

The Irish Stone Age

scientific article published in Nature

The Jutes of Kent

chapter published in 1956

The Marnian pottery and La Tène I brooch from Worth, Kent

The Newly-Found Gold Torc from Moulsford, Berkshire

The O.S. Map of the Iron Age

article by Christopher Hawkes published December 1962 in Antiquity

The Pottery from Castle Hill, Newhaven

article published in 1939

The Pottery from the Sites on Plumpton Plain

scientific article

The Roman Camp-Site near Castor on the Nene

The Roman Siege of Masada

The Sacred Tree motive on a Roman bronze from Essex

article published in 1931

The Second Belgic Invasion

article by Christopher Hawkes & Gerald Dunning published October 1932 in Antiquaries Journal

The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. By M. Rostovtzeff. 3 volumes, 9½ × 6¼. Pp. xxiv, 1779; 112 plates. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. 1941. £5. 5s

The Victoria History of the County of Oxford, Volume I. Edited by L. F. Salzman, M.A., F.S.A. Published for the University of London Institute of Historical Research: Oxford University Press, 1939. £3 3s. Pp. 223–372 contain: Early Man, by K. S. S

Three Late Bronze Age Barrows on the Cloven Way

Thule Frieze

painting by Christopher Hawkes (1905–1992), Winchester College

Treasures of Carniola*

scientific article published in Nature

Two Palaeoliths from Broom, Dorset

scientific article published in 1943

Verulamium, a Belgic and two Roman Cities

book review published in Nature

W. G. J. R. Vermeulen S.J.,Een Romeinsch Grafveld Op Den Hunnerberg te Nijmegen. Bouwsteenen voor een Geschiedenis van Nijmegen, Bd. II. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1932. Pp. xv + 274, with 24 text-figures and 21 plates in separate cover. Fl. 5.50

W. J. van der Dussen: History as a science: the philosophy of R. G. Collingwood. The Hague/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff (Philosophy Library, 3), 1981. 494 pp., 3 pls. Dfl. 95/US $47

WESTGERMANISCHE BODENFUNDE des ersten bis dritten Jahrhunderts nach Christus aus Mittel- und Westdeutschland. By Rafael von Uslar. Germanische Denkmäler der Frühzeit, herausgegeben von der Röm.-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologische

Ältere Eisenzeit der Schweiz: Kanton Bern, I. Teil. Von Walter Drack, (Materialen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Schweiz, Herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte, Heft I.) 11¾ × 8. Pp. iv + 32 + 34 pls. Basel: Birkha?

ΔPAΓMA : MARTINO P. NILSSON AD. IV ID. IUL. ANNO MCMXXXIX DEDICATUM. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, ser. 2, vol. I. Lund: C. W. Gleerup; Leipzig: O. Harassowitz, 1939. pp. 656, with 95 illustrations. Price not stated