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List of works by Chris Scarre

A century of research on the Peu-Richardien

A new decorated menhir

A pattern of islands: The Neolithic monuments of north-west Brittany

scholarly article by Chris Scarre published in January 2002

Ancestral Memories?: The Monumental Cemeteries of Prehistoric Europe , by Magdalena S. Midgley, 2005. Stroud: Tempus Publishing Ltd; ISBN 0-7524-2567-6 paperback, £19.99 & US$29.70, 160 pp., ills

scientific article published on 26 January 2006

Ancestral Traditions

scientific article published in April 1999

Ancient genome-wide DNA from France highlights the complexity of interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers

scientific article published on 29 May 2020

Application of luminescence dating and geomorphological analysis to the study of landscape evolution, settlement and climate change on the Channel Island of Herm

scientific article published in 2014

Arenas of Action? Enclosure Entrances in Neolithic Western France c . 3500–2500 BC

scientific article published in January 1998

Barry Cunliffe. Facing the ocean: the Atlantic and its peoples 8000 BC-AD 1500. viii + 600 pages, 346 figures. 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-924019-1 hardback £ 25 & $ 40

Biscay and Beyond? Prehistoric Voyaging between Two Finisterres

scientific article published on 2 October 2017

Book Reviews. Laure Salanova. Laquestion du Campani-forme en France et dans les iles anglo-normandes: productions, chronologie et rolesd’un standard ceramique. 392 pages, 289 figures, maps, tables. 2000. Paris: CTHS/Societe Prehistorique Francaiase


Book reviews. Guillaume Robin. L'architecture des signes: l'art pariétal des tombeaux néolithiques autour de la mer d'Irlande. 364 pages, 202 illustrations, 11 tables. 2009. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes; 978-2-7535-0961-0 paperback €2

Cave acoustics in prehistory: Exploring the association of Palaeolithic visual motifs and acoustic response.

scientific article published in September 2017

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology. Robert W. Ehrich, editor. Vols. I and II, 3rd ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992. x + 1,103 pp., figures, tables, maps, appendix, index. No price given

scholarly article by Chris Scarre published in July 1994

Claude Masset Les Dolmens: Sociétés néolithiques, pratiques funéraires. (2nd edition.) 175 pages, numerous illustrations. 1997. Paris: Errance: 2 87772 142 6 paperback F170

Contexts of Monumentalism: regional diversity at the Neolithic transition in north-west France


David Lewis-Williams & David Pearce. Inside the Neolithic Mind: Consciousness, Cosmos and the Realm of Gods. 320 pages, 75 illustrations, 29 colour plates. 2005: London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-05138-0 hardback £18.95

Death, Emotion and Identity in Late Mesolithic Cemeteries: Embodied Rituals and Ritualized Bodies: Tracing Ritual Practices in Late Mesolithic Burials, by Liv Nilsson Stutz, 2003. (Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 46.) Lund: Almqvist & Wiksell Internatio

scientific article published in April 2004

Disease, CCR5-Δ32 and the European spread of agriculture? A hypothesis

scholarly article by Ian Holtby published in March 2012


scientific article (publication date: June 2017)


October 2015 column in Antiquity

















scientific article (publication date: December 2014)




European wetlands in prehistory. Edited by John M. Coles and Andrew J. Lawson. xix + 299 pp., 165 figs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. £50.00.

Georges Germond: Inventaire des mégalithes de la France. 6: Deux-Sèvres (Gallia Préhistoire supplément, I.) Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1980. 290 pp., 8 pls., 121 figs. Frs. 165


Hilary Gilmore: Irish art heritage from 2000 BC. Design legacy from the Mid-West. A source book for craft workers. Dublin: The O'Brien Press, 1983. 96 pp., 147 illus. £10 hardback, £6 paperback

article by Chris Scarre published July 1984 in Antiquity

Ian Hodder: Symbols in action. Ethnoarchaeological studies of material culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. 244 pp., 87 figs., 18 tables. £19.50


Inventaire des mégalithes de la France Vol. VIII. Puy-de-Dôme. By Sylvie Amblard. (Iersupplément à ‘Gallia Préhistoire’.) 28×22 cm. Pp. 104, 46 figs., 3 tables + 8 pls. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1983. ISBN 2-222-0


Isotopic Evidence for Human Movement into Central England during the Early Neolithic

scientific article published on 8 May 2020

Isotopic Evidence for Landscape use and the Role of Causewayed Enclosures During the Earlier Neolithic in Southern Britain

scientific article published on 6 August 2018

Isotopic evidence for residential mobility of farming communities during the transition to agriculture in Britain

scientific article

Jan Albert Bakker. Megalithic research in the Netherlands, 1547–1911: from ‘Giant's beds’ and ‘Pillars of Hercules’ to accurate investigations. viii+318 pages, 67 illustrations. 2010. Leiden: Sidestone; 978-90-8890-034-1 paperback £26

Jean Chapelot & Alain Schnapp (eds): La politique de l'archéologie en Europe. Actes de la table-ronde tenue à Paris les 4 et 5 avril 1976. Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1984. 132 pp

article by Chris Scarre published November 1986 in Antiquity

Jean-Pierre Mohen: L'âge du fer en Aquitaine. Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 14. Paris: Société Préhistorique Française, 1980. 562 pp., 345 figs., 8 plates. Frs. 200

article published in 1981

Jean-Pierre Pautreau: Le Chalcolithique et l'Age du Bronze en Poitou (Vendée, Deux-Sèrves, Vienne). Poitiers: Centre d'Archéologie et d'Ethnologie Poitevines, Musée Sainte-Croix, 1979. 425 pp., 106 figs., 8 tables, 2 vols

John M. Howell: Settlement and economy in neolithic Northern France. BAR International Series 157. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1983. 402 pp., 192 figs. £17.00 post free from BAR, 122 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7BP


José Gomez: Les cultures de l'Age du Bronze dans le Bassin de la Charente. Périgueux: Pierre Fanlac, 1980. 118 pp., 4 pls. 84 figs., various tables


Karoline Mazurié de Keroualin Genése et diffusion de l’agriculture en Europe: agriculteurs, chasseurs, pasteurs. 184 pages, figures. 2003. Paris: Errance; 2-87772-251-1 paperback €27

La nécropole de chenon (Charente). Étude d'un ensemble dolménique charentais. By Gauron Edmond and Massaud Jean. Gallia Préhistoire Supplement 18. 192 pp., 47 figs, 12 plates. Éditions du CNRS, Paris, 1983. Price 200 F

Land use and mobility during the Neolithic in Wales explored using isotope analysis of tooth enamel

scientific article published on 28 July 2017

Le Néolithique en Languedoc Occidental. By Jean Vaquer. 398 pp. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1990. 230 F.

scientific article published in 1991

Le néiolithique de la France. Hommage à Gérard Bailloud. Edited by Jean-Paul Demoule and Jean Guilaine. 463 pp., many figs. Paris: Picard, 1986. Price 350 FF.

scientific article published in 1987

Le néolithique de l'Aunis et du Poitou occidental dans son cadre atlantique. By Joussaume Roger. Travaux du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie-Préhistoire-Protohistoire et Quaternaire Armoricains, Rennes, 1981. 625 pp., 243 figs

Le tumulus C de Péré à Prissé-la-Charrière (Deux-Sèvres)

Long Mounds and Megalithic Origins in Western France: Recent Excavations at Prissé-la-Charrière

scientific article published in 2003

Los huesos olvidados del dolmen de Carrascal (Agualva, Sintra, Portugal). Examinando los restos humanos antiguos

Luminescence dating and associated analyses in transition landscapes of the Alto Ribatejo, central Portugal


Making the Dead Visible: Problems and Solutions for “Big” Picture Approaches to the Past, and Dealing with Large “Mortuary” Datasets

scientific article published on 16 May 2015

Misleading images: Stonehenge and Brittany

Modeling Prehistoric Populations: The Case of Neolithic Brittany

scholarly article by Chris Scarre published in September 2001


chapter published in 2011

New Book Chronicle

New era for Stonehenge

scholarly article by Christopher Chippindale published in June 2014

New radiocarbon dates from Bougon and the chronology of French passage-graves


News from the west: ancient DNA from a French megalithic burial chamber

scientific article

P. J. Fowler: The farming of prehistoric Britain. Cambridge: University Press, 1983.246 pp., 8 plates, 60 figs. £7.50 (paper)


P. J. O'Keefe & L. V. Prott: Law and the cultural heritage, Vol. 1: discovery and excavation. Abingdon: Professional Books Ltd, 1984. 434 pp. £23.00 (boards); £14.95 (paper)


Painting by resonance

scientific article published in Nature

Provenancing antiquarian museum collections using multi-isotope analysis

Pyrenean prehistory. A palaeoeconomic survey of the French sites. By Bahn Paul G.. Warminster, Aris & Phillips Ltd, 1984. 511 pp., 81 illustrations, 36 maps, 41 tables. Price £28.00.

Rocks of Ages: Tempo and Time in Megalithic Monuments

scholarly article by Chris Scarre published in January 2010

Rows and Circles Reconsidered

scientific article published in April 2000




Settlement Patterns and Landscape Change: The Late Neolithic and the Bronze Age of the Marais Poitevin Area of Western France

Sigfried J. De Laet: La Belgique d'avant les Romains. Wetteren: Editions Universa, 1982. 793 pp., 304 figs. 3200 FB

Simulating the western seaways

article published in 2009

Special section: Theory in French archaeology




The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979

scholarly article by Chris Scarre published in November 1979

The Cambridge Archaeological Journal

scientific article published in April 1991

The English Cemetery at Surat: Pre-Colonial Cultural Encounters in Western India

The Mega-Site of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain): Debating Settlement Form, Monumentality and Aggregation in Southern Iberian Copper Age Societies

The Prehistory of Britain and Ireland, by Richard Bradley, 2007. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN-13 978-0-52161-270-8 paperback £16.99 & US$28.99; ISBN-13 978-0-52184-811-4 hardback £40 & US$70; 330 pp., 106 ills

scientific article published on 19 May 2008

The palaeogeography and Neolithic archaeology of Herm in the Channel Islands

scientific article published in March 2013

Traditions and transformations in Neolithic France

book review published in 1998

Évolution Socio-économique dans le Chasséen de la Grotte de l’Église Supérieure (Var): apport de l'Analyse Fonctionnelle des Industries Lithiques. By Bernard Gassin. 280mm. Pp. 326, ills. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1996. I