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List of works by Kenneth S. Breuer

3D reconstruction of bat flight kinematics from sparse multiple views

A bioinspired Separated Flow wing provides turbulence resilience and aerodynamic efficiency for miniature drones

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

A macroscopic scale model of bacterial flagellar bundling.

scientific article

Aeromechanics in aeroecology: flight biology in the aerosphere

scientific article

Airflows inside passenger cars and implications for airborne disease transmission

scientific article published on 04 December 2020

An aeroelastic instability provides a possible basis for the transition from gliding to flapping flight

scientific article

Biomechanics of smart wings in a bat robot: morphing wings using SMA actuators.

scientific article published on 26 April 2012

Catch strip assay for the relative assessment of two-dimensional protein association kinetics

scientific article

Changes in kinematics and aerodynamics over a range of speeds in Tadarida brasiliensis, the Brazilian free-tailed bat.

scientific article

Changes in the flagellar bundling time account for variations in swimming behavior of flagellated bacteria in viscous media

scientific article published on 6 February 2018

Climbing flight performance and load carrying in lesser dog-faced fruit bats (Cynopterus brachyotis).

scientific article published in March 2011

Colloid lithography-induced polydimethylsiloxane microstructures and their application to cell patterning.

scientific article published in February 2006

Confinement effects on energy harvesting by a heaving and pitching hydrofoil

Controlled mixing in microfluidic systems using bacterial chemotaxis

scientific article published in February 2007

Design and characterization of a multi-articulated robotic bat wing

scientific article published on 6 February 2013

Direct measurements of the kinematics and dynamics of bat flight

scientific article published on 22 December 2006

Energetically Optimal Short-Range Gliding Trajectories for Gliding Animals

Energy harvesting performance and flow structure of an oscillating hydrofoil with finite span

article published in 2017

Exploration of bat wing morphology through a strip method and visualization

scholarly article published 2010

Falling with Style: Bats Perform Complex Aerial Rotations by Adjusting Wing Inertia

scientific article (publication date: 2015)

Fog deposition and accumulation on smooth and textured hydrophobic surfaces.

scientific article published on 23 August 2012

Force-free swimming of a model helical flagellum in viscoelastic fluids.

scientific article published on 21 November 2011

Glide performance and aerodynamics of non-equilibrium glides in northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus)

scientific article

Helical motion of the cell body enhances Caulobacter crescentus motility.

scientific article

Hindlimb motion during steady flight of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis

scientific article

How wing kinematics affect power requirements and aerodynamic force production in a robotic bat wing

scientific article published on 22 May 2014

Kinematic Plasticity during Flight in Fruit Bats: Individual Variability in Response to Loading

scientific article published on May 15, 2012

Large-Eddy Simulations of a Flapping Plate

Membrane muscle function in the compliant wings of bats.

scientific article published on 22 May 2014

Microfluidic pump powered by self-organizing bacteria

scientific article

Micron-Scale Droplet Deposition on a Hydrophobic Surface Using a Retreating Syringe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Minimal model for synchronization induced by hydrodynamic interactions

scientific article published on 30 December 2009

Quantifying the complexity of bat wing kinematics

scientific article published on 25 June 2008

Scaling of the performance of insect-inspired passive-pitching flapping wings

scientific article published on 18 December 2019

Shape transition and propulsive force of an elastic rod rotating in a viscous fluid

scientific article

Simplifying a wing: diversity and functional consequences of digital joint reduction in bat wings.

scientific article published on 11 March 2016

Speed of a swimming sheet in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids

scientific article published on January 17, 2013

Speed-dependent modulation of wing muscle recruitment intensity and kinematics in two bat species.

scientific article published on 24 February 2017

The aerodynamic cost of flight in the short-tailed fruit bat (Carollia perspicillata): comparing theory with measurement

scientific article

The dynamics of hovering flight in hummingbirds, insects and bats with implications for aerial robotics

scholarly article by Hamid R Vejdani et al published 9 November 2018 in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics

The effect of body size on the wing movements of pteropodid bats, with insights into thrust and lift production

scientific article published in December 2010

The influence of aspect ratio and stroke pattern on force generation of a bat-inspired membrane wing

scientific article published in February 2017

The role of lubricin in the mechanical behavior of synovial fluid

scientific article

Upstroke wing flexion and the inertial cost of bat flight

scientific article published on 11 April 2012

Wake structure and kinematics in two insectivorous bats.

scientific article published on September 2016

Wake structure and wing kinematics: the flight of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis

scientific article published on October 15, 2010

Whole-body kinematics of a fruit bat reveal the influence of wing inertia on body accelerations

scientific article published in May 2011

Wings as inertial appendages: how bats recover from aerial stumbles

scientific article published on 16 October 2019