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List of works by Alessandro Zavatta

A fully guided-wave squeezing experiment for fiber quantum networks

A high-fidelity noiseless amplifier for quantum light states

article by Alessandro Zavatta et al published 21 November 2010 in Nature Photonics

Adaptive detection of arbitrarily shaped ultrashort quantum light states.

scientific article

Catching the elementary step of excitation of a coherent light state by a single photon

scholarly article published 18 August 2005

Conditional Hybrid Nonclassicality.

scientific article published on 21 September 2017

Deploying an Inter‐European Quantum Network

scientific article published on 14 December 2022

Efficient noiseless linear amplification for light fields with larger amplitudes

scientific article published on 01 January 2016

Entangling Macroscopic Light States by Delocalized Photon Addition

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Experimental Demonstration of the Bosonic Commutation Relation via Superpositions of Quantum Operations on Thermal Light Fields

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Experimental determination of a nonclassical Glauber-SudarshanPfunction

Experimental hybrid entanglement between quantum and classical states of light

Experimental investigation of stochastic processes in vertical-cavity lasers

Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon-added thermal light states

Experimental quantum tomography of a homodyne detector

Experimental study of noise-induced phase synchronization in vertical-cavity lasers

scientific article

From quantum to classical: watching a single photon become a wave

Generation and tomographic analysis of novel quantum light states

Generation of hybrid entanglement of light

article by Hyunseok Jeong et al published 22 June 2014 in Nature Photonics

Generation of nonclassical states from thermal radiation

article published in 2006

Heralded noiseless amplification and attenuation of non-Gaussian states of light

High-fidelity noiseless amplification by photon addition and subtraction


Implementation of single-photon creation and annihilation operators: experimental issues in their application to thermal states of light

Large phase-by-phase modulations in atomic interfaces

scientific article published on 10 September 2015

Manipulating frequency-bin entangled states in cold atoms

scientific article published on 3 February 2014

Manipulating thermal light states by the controlled addition and subtraction of single photons


Measurement-Induced Strong Kerr Nonlinearity for Weak Quantum States of Light

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Non-classical field characterization by high-frequency, time-domain quantum homodyne tomography

Nonclassicality quasiprobability of single-photon-added thermal states

Nonlocal modulations on the temporal and spectral profiles of an entangled photon pair

Nonlocal pulse shaping with entangled photon pairs.

scientific article

Probing Quantum Rules By The Experimental Implementation Of Single-Photon Creation And Annihilation Operators

Probing quantum commutation rules by addition and subtraction of single photons to/from a light field

scientific article published in September 2007

Properties of hybrid entanglement between discrete- and continuous-variable states of light

Quantum process nonclassicality

scientific article

Quantum-state reconstruction of a squeezed laser field by self-homodyne tomography

Quantum-to-Classical Transition with Single-Photon-Added Coherent States of Light

scientific article published in Science

Recurrent fourth-order interference dips and peaks with a comblike two-photon entangled state

article by Alessandro Zavatta et al published 19 August 2004 in Physical Review A

Remote Preparation of Arbitrary Time-Encoded Single-Photon Ebits

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Remotely prepared single-photon time-encoded ebits: homodyne tomography characterization

Scheme for proving the bosonic commutation relation using single-photon interference

scientific article published in December 2008

Second-harmonic generation from a picosecond Ti:Sa laser in LBO: conversion efficiency and spatial properties

Self-homodyne tomography of a laser diode

Single-photon excitation of a coherent state: Catching the elementary step of stimulated light emission

article by Alessandro Zavatta et al published 23 August 2005 in Physical Review A

Single-photon time-encoded ebits: remote preparation and homodyne tomography characterization

Single-photon-added coherent states: estimation of parameters and fidelity of the optical homodyne detection

Subtracting photons from arbitrary light fields: experimental test of coherent state invariance by single-photon annihilation

The Weird Math of Photon Subtraction

The quantum picture of a detector

Tomographic reconstruction of the single-photon Fock state by high-frequency homodyne detection

scientific article (publication date: 23 November 2004)

Tomographic test of Bell’s inequality for a time-delocalized single photon

Toward quantum frequency combs: Boosting the generation of highly nonclassical light states by cavity-enhanced parametric down-conversion at high repetition rates

Towards higher precision and operational use of optical homodyne tomograms

Two-color quantum memory in double-Λmedia

article by D. Viscor et al published 26 November 2012 in Physical Review A

Two-mode homodyne tomography of time-encoded single-photon ebits

Universal Continuous-Variable State Orthogonalizer and Qubit Generator

scientific article published on 17 March 2016

Zero Area Single Photons

Zero-Area Single-Photon Pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters