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List of works by Charles Williams

A Brighton Breakfast or Morning Comforts

etching by Charles Williams

A Clerical Manoeuvre or the Way to Finish a Charity Sermon

etching by Charles Williams

A Meeting of Monopolizers, or the Good Effect of Peace

etching by Charles Williams

A Meeting of Monopolizers, or the Good Effect of Peace

etching by Charles Williams (YCBA B1981.25.1162)

A Neck of Lamb, a Round of Beef, and a Scrag of Mutton

print by Charles Williams (MET, 59.533.1810)

A New Bravura with a Duett Affettuoso

etching by Charles Williams

A Paradice [sic] for Fools–A Nocturnal Trip–or–The Disciple of Johanna benighted–vided Scourge No. XXXVI, page 510

print by Charles Williams (MET, 17.3.888-332)

A Peep into Totenham Street or Dillitanti Performers in Training

etching by Charles Williams

A Secret Present from Persia! or a Private peep at the Circassian!

A Trip to Paris or John Bull and His Spouse Invited to the Honors of the Sitting

etching by Charles Williams

A Whimisical!! Will

etching by Charles Williams

A naval Enquiry with a 'Naughtical' Explanation

etching by Charles Williams

Between Two Stools The Bottom Goes to the Ground

etching by Charles Williams

Birds of a Feather Flock Together. Diversions of Purley (scored through & replaced by) Brighton

etching by Charles Williams

Boney Bothered or an Unexpected Meeting

print by Charles Williams (MET, 59.533.579)

Close Shaveing or the will our own way

etching by Charles Williams

Close Shaveing, or The Will Our Own Way

etching by Charles Williams

Conjugal Felicity in High Life

etching by Charles Williams

Cross Examination

etching by Charles Williams

English Patriots Bowing at the Shrine of Despotism

etching by Charles Williams

Foreign Amusements or the British Lion on the Watch

etching by Charles Williams

Hungry Rats in an Empty Barn

etching by Charles Williams

Imperial Botany–or a Peep at Josephine's Collection of Engilsh Exoticks, vide the Champion Jany 30, 1814

Print attributed to Charles Williams (MET, 17.3.888-334)

Implements Animated, Pl. 1, Dedicated to the Carpenters and Gardeners of Great Britain

print by Charles Williams (MET, 1978.599.1)

Implements Animated, Pl. 2, Dedicated to the Housemaids and Cooks of the United Kingdoms

print by Charles Williams (MET, 1978.599.2)

John Bull Viewing Billy's Preparations for His Birthday

etching by Charles Williams

John Bull Viewing Billy's Preparations for his Birth-day

print by Charles Williams (MET, 1976.602.42)

John Bull Visited With the Blessings of Peace

etching by Charles Williams

Long Expected Come at Last or John Bull Disappointed at His Crippled Visitor

etching by Charles Williams

Monopolisers Caught in Their Own Trap or a Companion to the Farmers Toast

etching by Charles Williams

More Humbugs, - or - Another Attack on John Bulls Purse

etching by Charles Williams

Napoleon Dance in Holland

print by Charles Williams (MET, 59.533.1552)

Northern Bears Taught to Dance

etching by Charles Williams

Popular Indignation of John Bull in a Rage

etching by Charles Williams

Prize Beef or Luxury in the Nineteenth Century

etching by Charles Williams

St. Martins in an Uproar

etching by Charles Williams

St. Vetus's Dance of the Panegyrist and the Patron of a Wellesley Push for Power

etching by Charles Williams

The Acquittal or the Managers Poisened with a Beer of Their Own Brewing

etching by Charles Williams

The April Fool Consigned to Infamy and Ridicule

etching by Charles Williams

The Balance of Justice

etching by Charles Williams

The Balance of Power

etching by Charles Williams

The Bone of Contention or the English Bull Dog and the Corsican Monkey

print by Charles Williams (MET, 59.533.895)

The Brazen Image Erected on a Pedestal Wrought by Himself

etching by Charles Williams

The Child and Champion of Jacobinism, New Christened

etching by Charles Williams

The City Combat, or the Desperate Attack at The English Baron

etching by Charles Williams

The Delicate Investigation or Secrets of - Time Three o' Clock in the Morning!!!

etching by Charles Williams

The Doctor Administering His Gilded Pill

etching by Charles Williams

The Farmers Toast

etching by Charles Williams

The Honors of the Sitting! A Cabinet Picture

print by Charles Williams (MET, 1976.602.36)

The Last Stage of Cruelty, or a Mercifull Example of Quaerism (sic) at Brighton

etching by Charles Williams

The Little Green Man or the Bath Bugabo, or the Widows Terror

etching by Charles Williams

The Matrimonial Mania - or - Poor Jonny Ridden to Death

etching by Charles Williams

The Norwich Bull-Bait

etching by Charles Williams

The Patriot turned Plagarist, or the Petty Tax Gatherers Hunting John Bull

etching by Charles Williams

The Popular Candidate Surrounded by his Friends

etching by Charles Williams

The Preliminaries of Peace

etching by Charles Williams

The Prince of Peace Signing the Portugal Treaty

etching by Charles Williams

The Supreme Bon Ton, No. 3

Print attributed to Charles Williams (MET, 1971.564.10)

The Tractors

etching by Charles Williams

The Union Club

drawing by Charles Williams

The Union Club

etching by Charles Williams

The Union Club Masquerade

etching by Charles Williams

The Westminster Seceder on Fresh Duty

etching by Charles Williams

The Wrymouth Candidates of the Strangers at Home Plate

etching by Charles Williams

Theatrical Doctors Recovering Clara's Notes

etching by Charles Williams

Theatrical Doctors recovering Clara's Notes!

etching by Charles Williams

Two Pair of Candidates Proposed to the Independant Electors of Middlesex

etching by Charles Williams