1904 edition of work by James Whitcomb Riley
1904 short story
published painting
1913 illustrated poem
Novel by Ralph Henry Barbour. Book 4 in the Ferry Hill series.
1905 short story
1913 illustrated poem
painting by Charles M. Relyea
school story. Book 3 of the Harry (Harriet Emory) series
novelette; doings of a group of girls on a seaside holiday
painting by Charles M. Relyea
painting by Charles M. Relyea (IMA 1985.125)
painting by Charles M. Relyea
painting by Charles M. Relyea (IMA 1985.127)
1905 short story
edition by Ralph Henry Barbour
Dec. 1904 Illustration
1913 short story
1901 novel by Harris Dickson
school story. Book 1 of the Harry (Harriet Emory) series
1905 short story
1904 short story
1912 novel by Gaston Laroux
1913 Nov. part of serial
1913 Dec. part of serial
1914 Jan. part of serialized story
1913-14 serialized short story
1904 illustration
school story. Book 2 of the Harry (Harriet Emory) series
1913 poem
1905 short story
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