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List of works by Kleanthes K. Grohmann

A Cypriot Greek Adaptation of the CDI: Early Production of Translation Equivalents in a Bi-(dia)lectal Context


A cross-linguistic study of the acquisition of clitic and pronoun production


Acquiring Clitic Placement in Bilectal Settings: Interactions between Social Factors

article published in 2017

Acquisition of clitics: A brief introduction


Argument Structure in Hungarian (review)

Aspect in the L2 and L3 Acquisition of Greek

scientific article

Atomism and Binding

scholarly article in Language, vol. 76 no. 1, March 2000

Atomism and binding Ed. by Hans Bennis, Pierre Pica, and Johan Rooryck

article published in 2000

BATting multilingual primary progressive aphasia for Greek, English, and Czech

Binding Theory

Brazilian Portuguese and the Null Subject Parameter (review)

article by Kleanthes K Grohmann published 2003 in Language

Can Vocabulary Size Predict Narrative Abilities in Children with SLI?

Case domains

Chapter 9. Language acquisition in bilectal environments

Clauses Without 'that': The Case for Bare Sentential Complementation in English (review)

Clitics in idioms: Properties of morphosyntax and reference

Comparing multilingual children with SLI to their bilectal peers: evidence from object and action picture naming


Configurations of Sentential Complementation: Perspectives from Romance Languages (review)

Cross-linguistic adaptations of The Comprehensive Aphasia Test: Challenges and solutions

scientific article published on 27 April 2017

Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers

scientific article published on August 2016

Cross-linguistic transfer effects after phonologically based cognate therapy in a case of multilingual specific language impairment (SLI).

scientific article published on 5 July 2016

Derivational economy

scholarly article

Diagnosing bilectal children with SLI: Determination of identification accuracy

scientific article

Die Syntax von Pronominaladverbien in den Dialekten des Deutschen: Eine Untersuchung zu Preposition Stranding und verwandten Phanomenen (review)

Discrete bilectalism: towards co-overt prestige and diglossic shift in Cyprus

scholarly article by Charley Rowe & Kleanthes K Grohmann published 20 January 2013 in International Journal of the Sociology of Language

Dynamic Antisymmetry (review)

Economy and Semantic Interpretation (review)

Editorial: Developmental, Modal, and Pathological Variation-Linguistic and Cognitive Profiles for Speakers of Linguistically Proximal Languages and Varieties

Elements of Grammar: Handbook of Generative Syntax

scholarly article in Language, vol. 75 no. 2, June 1999

Eliciting Big Data From Small, Young, or Non-standard Languages: 10 Experimental Challenges

article by Evelina Leivada et al published 14 February 2019 in Frontiers in Psychology

Embedded aspect in L2 acquisition: Evidence from L1 Russian learners of Greek


Events as Grammatical Objects: The Converging Perspectives of Lexical Semantics and Syntax (review)

Expletive pro and misagreement in Late Middle English

Exploring features and arguments

Exploring interfaces

article published in 2009

Feature interpretability and feature checking

Features, Categories and the Syntax of A-Positions: Cross-Linguistic Variation in the Germanic Languages (review)


From NP to DP, Vol. 1: The Syntax and Semantics of Noun Phrases, Vol. 2: The Expression of Possession in Noun Phrases (review)


Functional Structure in Nominals: Nominalization and Ergativity (review)


Fuzzy Grammar: A Reader (review)

German is a multiple wh-fronting language!


Glossary of minimalist definitions

Grammatical Class Effects Across Impaired Child and Adult Populations

scientific article

Greek Embedded Aspect in Child and Adult L2/L3 Acquisition

scholarly article

How do 5-year-olds understand questions? Differences in languages across Europe

article published in 2016

Interface ingredients of dialect design

scholarly article published 2012

Interpretation of compound words by Greek-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder plus language impairment (ASD-LI)

scientific article published on 19 July 2018

Introducing the volume

scholarly article



Issues in Formal German(ic) Typology (review)

Language Acquisition and the Form of the Grammar (review)

Language: A Linguistic Introduction to History (review)

Left dislocation in Germanic

scholarly article

Lexical retrieval for nouns and verbs in typically developing bilectal children

Lightverbhood in child language: Evidence from Cypriot Greek



Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2001 (review)

Local Constraints vs. Economy (review)

Low German (East Frisian Dialect) (review)

Measuring word retrieval deficits in a multilingual child with SLI: Is there a better language?

article by Maria Kambanaros et al published May 2015 in Journal of Neurolinguistics

Minimal Words in a Minimal Syntax: Word Formation in Swedish (review)


Movement and minimality effects

Object clitics in Cypriot Greek children with SLI

On the Post-Finite Misagreement phenomenon in Late Middle English

On the syntactic expression of pejorative mood

Optimality-theoretic Syntax (review)

Phrase structure

Portuguese Syntax: New Comparative Studies (review)

article published in 2003


Principle B, VP Ellipsis, and Interpretation in Child Grammar (review)


Profiling performance in L1 and L2 observed in Greek–English bilingual aphasia using the Bilingual Aphasia Test: a case study from Cyprus

scientific article published on March 31, 2011

Prolegomenon to a Theory of Argument Structure (review)

article published in 2005

Prolific Domains

Properties of Infinitival Structures in Romance

Proto-Properties and Grammatical Encoding: A Correspondence Theory of Argument Selection (review)



scholarly article of 2012-05

Remark: Putting Phases in Perspective

Resuming Reflexives

Review article: “Clitics in the Languages of Europe” by Henk van Riemsdijk (ed.)

Review of “Clitic Phenomena in European Languages” by Frits Beukema and Marcel den Dikken (eds)


Review of “Information status and noncanonical word order in English” by Betty J. Birner and Gregory Ward



scientific article (publication date: August 2006)

Right Node Raising and Gapping: Interface Conditions on Prosodic Deletion (review)

Root infinitives: A comparative view

Sentence Repetition as a Tool for Screening Morphosyntactic Abilities of Bilectal Children with SLI.

scientific article published on 6 December 2017

Some architectural issues in a minimalist setting

scholarly article

Some directions for the systematic investigation of the acquisition of Cypriot Greek

Step by Step (review)

article by Kleanthes K Grohmann published 2002 in Language

Submove: Towards a Unified Account of Scrambling and D-Linking

Successive Cyclicity under (Anti-)Local Considerations

Syntactic Derivations: A Nontransformational View (review)


The Acquisition of Direct Object Scrambling and Clitic Placement: Syntax and Pragmatics (review)


The Acquisition of Scrambling and Cliticization (review)

The Clausal Structure of Spanish: A Comparative Study (review)

The Derivation of VO and OV (review)

The Gradience of Multilingualism in Typical and Impaired Language Development: Positioning Bilectalism within Comparative Bilingualism

scientific article published on 10 February 2016

The Influence of Bilectalism and Non-standardization on the Perception of Native Grammatical Variants.

scientific article published on 20 February 2017

The Locus Preservation Hypothesis: Shared Linguistic Profiles across Developmental Disorders and the Resilient Part of the Human Language Faculty

scientific article published on 13 October 2017

The Paradigmatic Structure of Person Marking (review)

The Structure and Interpretation of Imperatives: Mood and Force in Universal Grammar (review)


The Syntax of Possession in Japanese (review)


The effect of childhood bilectalism and multilingualism on executive control

scientific article published on 8 January 2016

The minimalist project

Themes in Greek Linguistics II

scholarly article by Kleanthes K Grohmann published in March 2000

Themes in Greek linguistics II Ed. by Brian D. Joseph, Geoffrey C. Horrocks, and Irene Philippaki-Warburton

scholarly article by Kleanthes K Grohmann published in January 2000

Theta domains

Time for a step change? Improving the efficiency, relevance, reliability, validity and transparency of aphasia rehabilitation research through core outcome measures, a common data set and improved reporting criteria.

scientific article

Towards Comparative Bilingualism

Towards a syntax of adult Root Infinitives

Understanding Minimalism

Werner Abraham and C. Jan-Wouter Zwart (eds.). Issues in Formal German(ic) Typology / C. Jan-Wouter Zwart and Werner Abraham (eds.). Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax. Proceedings from the 15th Workshop on Comparative Germanic Syntax


Wh-Movement and the Theory of Feature-Checking (review)

Wh-Scope Marking (review)

Word Order in Hungarian: The Syntax of A-Positions (review)

XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu (review)

article published in 2005