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List of works by Anthony Harding

A conversation with Colin Renfrew (Professor Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn)

scholarly article by Anthony Harding published in January 2008

A. F. Sagona: The Caucasian Region in the Early Bronze Age. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series 214, 1985. 564 pp., 24 pls., 155 figs., 4 tables, 19 maps, (in 3 parts). £40.00

scholarly article by A. F. Harding published in November 1985

Amber in the Mycenaean World

Archaeology and ‘QAA subject review’: what did we learn?


Aubrey Burl. Prehistoric henges. (Shire archaeology 66.) 64 pages, 35 illustrations. 1991. Princes Risborough: Shire Publications; ISBN 0-7478-0123-1 aperback £3.95.Peter J. Ucko, Michael Hunter, Alan J. Clark & Andrew David. Avebury reconsidered: f

scholarly article by A. F. Harding published in March 1992

Biba TeržAn. Starejša železna doba na slovenskem Štajerskem/The Early Iron Age in Slovenian Styria. (Catalogi et monographiae 25.) Translated by Barbara Smith-Demo. 1990. 459 pages, 55 text figures, 115 catalogue figures, 83 plates, 28 maps. ISBN

article published in 1992

Book Marks: Guest Editorial

Book Review. Flemming Kaul. Ships on bronzes. A study in Bronze Age religion and iconography (Publications from the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology & History 3, 1-2). 296 pages, 182 figs (vol. l), 169 pages, 417 figs (vol. 2). 1998. Copenhage

scholarly article by A. F. Harding published in December 2000

Bronze Age swords, graves and cataloguesChristof Clausing. Untersuchungen zu den urnenfelderzeitlichen Gräbern mit Waffenbeigaben vom Alpenkamm bis zur Südzone des Nordischen Kreises: eine Analyse ihrer Grabinventare und Grabformen (British Archaeo

Bronze- und Goldfunde des Karpatenbeckens: Depotfundhorizonte von Forró und Ópályi. By Mozsolics A.. 249 pages, 112 plates. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1973. Price £9.20

Bronzefunde aus Ungarn. Depotfundhorizonte von Aranyos, Kurd und Gyermely. By Amalia Mozsolics. 235 text pp., 286 pls. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadó, 1985. Price £42.00.

scientific article published in 1987

Bronzezeitliche Trensen in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Grundzüge ihrer Entwicklung. By Hüttel H.-G.. Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung XVI, 2. Band. 209 pp., 51 pls. C.H. Beck, Munich, 1981

Castelliere on the Karst: the Bronze Age hillfort of Monkodonja

scholarly article by Anthony Harding published in July 2016

Communication in archaeology

scholarly article by Anthony Harding published in January 2007

Die Mittlere Bronzezeit Ungarns und Ihre Südöstlichen Beziehungen. By Bóna Istvan. 317 pages, 281 plates, 11 maps in end pocket. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1975. Price £21.40

Die Spätbronzezeit Nordostungarns. By Tibor Kemenczei. Archaeologia Hungarica, series nova, 51. 430 pp., including 220 plates. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984. Price £39.50.

scientific article published in 1986

Die jungbronzezeitlichen Gräberfelder von Gladbeck, Herne und Recklinghausen. By Gabriele Wand-Seyer. (Bodenaltertümer Westfalens, 22.) 30×21.5 cm. Pp. 63, figs.+21 pls.+8 fold, plans. Münster: Aschendorff, 1985. ISBN 3-402-05135-4. DM.36

Dizionari terminologici: I. Materiali dell'età del Bronzo Finale e della Prima età del Ferro. Rome: Centro Di, 1980. 230 pp


scholarly article by Anthony Harding published in January 2014

Ein Gräberfeld der jüngeren Bronze- und älteren Eisenzeit bei Vollmarshausen, Kr. Kassel. By Joseph Bergmann. 2 vols. 479 pp., 32 text figs, 326 pls, 6 fold-out plans. Kasseler Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Band 5. Marburg: Elwert, 1982.

scientific article published in 1987

Elizabeth N. Arkush & Mark W. Allen (ed.). The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest. xiv+550 pages, 89 illustrations, 15 tables. 2006. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida; 0-8130-2930-9 hardback $65

2007 book review in Antiquity

European Societies in the Bronze Age

book published in 2000

Evidence for Prehistoric Salt Extraction Rediscovered in the Hungarian Central Mining Museum


Excavations in the Brenig Valley. A mesolithic and bronze age landscape in north Wales, by Frances Lynch :

book review published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1995

Excavations in the Prehistoric Ritual Complex near Milfield, Northumberland

scientific article published in December 1981

Factors affecting the recruitment and retention of pharmacists to practice sites in rural and remote areas of New South Wales: A qualitative study

scientific article published on 01 October 2006

Facts and fantasies from the Bronze AgeKristian Kristiansen & Thomas B. Larsson. The Rise of Bronze Age Society: Travels, Transmissions and Transformations. xiv+450 pages, 170 illustrations. 2005. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-84363-4

Fulvia Lo Schiavo, James D. Muhly, Robert Maddin and Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, eds, Oxhide Ingots in the Central Mediterranean (Biblioteca di Antichità Cipriote 8, Rome: A. G. Leventis Foundation and CNR – Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà dell'Egeo

Guest Editorial

Helle Vandkilde, Culture and Change in Central European Prehistory, 6th to 1st Millennium BC. (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2007, 215 pp., pbk, ISBN 978 87 7934 245 3)

Interactions and -isations in the Aegean and beyond

Jaroslav Malina: Archeologie: jak a proč? (Archaeology: how and why?). Regional Museum of Mikulov and District Council of the Czech Socialist Academy in Břeclav, 1975. 292 pp., 67 pls. Kčs. 50

Joan Markley Todd (ed.). Studies in Baltic Amber. Journal of Baltic Studies (1985[1986]) vol. 16, no 3. special issue. 156 pp., illus $12.50 paperback

Jung- und spätbronzezeitliche Gussformen im nördlichen Schwarzmeergebiet. By Bočkarev V. S. and Leskov A. M.. Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung XIX, 1. Band. 97 pp., 22 pls. C. H. Beck, Munich, 1980

Kythera. Excavations and Studies Conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Museum and the British School at Athens. Edited by Coldstream J. N. and Huxley G. L.. 319 pages, 88 plates. London, Faber and Faber, 1972. Price £20.00

La Civilisation des Champs d'Urnes. Étude critique dans le Bassin Parisien By Patrice Brun. (Documents d'Archéologie Française, 4.) 29.5×21 cm. Pp. 89, 45 figs.+78 pls. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1986. ISBN 2-7351-0159-

Living on the lake in the Iron Age: new results from aerial photographs, geophysical survey and dendrochronology on sites of Biskupin type

scientific article

Martin Bartelheim & Harald Stäuble (ed.) Die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der Bronzezeit Europas/The economic foundations of the European Bronze Age (Forschungen zur Archäometrie und Altertumswissenschaft 4). ii+362 pages, 103 illustrations. 2009. R

2010 book review in Antiquity

Minoan Stone Vases. By Peter Warren. 280 pages , 43 figures , 119 plates . Cambridge University Press, 1970. Price £8.00.

Morgawr: an experimental Bronze Age-type sewn-plank craft based on the Ferriby boats

scientific article published on 17 April 2014

Mycenaean Greece and Europe: the Evidence of Bronze Tools and Implements

Mycenaeans in Bavaria? Amber and gold from the Bronze Age site of Bernstorf

Myrtos. An Early Bronze Age Settlement in Crete. By Warren Peter, xi + 335 pages, 129 figures. 84 plates. Thames and Hudson, for the British School of Archaeology at Athens, London, 1972. Price £12,

Neolithic Europe: a Survey. By Alasdair Whittle. 25 × 18 cm. Pp. xiv + 363, 116 ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. ISBN 0-521-24799-3. £27·50. P/b edn. available

Nils Anfinset & Melanie Wrigglesworth (ed.). Local societies in Bronze Age northern Europe. xii+260 pages, 61 illustrations, 9 tables. 2012. Sheffield: Equinox; ISBN 978-1-84553-742-5 hardback £ 70

2013 book review in Antiquity

Oxhide ingots in the European North?

Penetrating Bronze Age weaponryMarek Gedl. Die Lanzenspitzen in Polen (Prähitorische Bronzefunde Abteilung V, 3. Band). x+190 pages, 60 plates. 2009. Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; 978-3-515-09353-8 €112

Prehistoric Europe. By Timothy Champion, Clive Gamble, Stephen Shennan and Alasdair Whittle. 24.5 × 19 cm. Pp. xi + 359, ills. London: Academic Press, 1984. ISBN 0-12-167552-1. £14.50 (p/b)

Prehistoric and Early Medieval Activity on Danby Rigg, North Yorkshire

scientific article published in January 1994

Preserved in the Peat: An Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context, By Andy M. Jones

book review published in 2017

Robin Brigand & Olivier Weller (ed.). Archaeology of salt: approaching an invisible past. 227 pages, numerous b&w and colour illustrations. 2015. Leiden: Sidestone; 978-90-8890-303-8, paperback €34.95

Salt: White Gold in Early Europe

Stonehenge Published

scholarly article by Anthony Harding published in January 1996

The 1996 Research Assessment Exercise in British universities: views from the judging and the judged

scholarly article by Barry Cunliffe published in June 1996

The Aegean, Anatolia and Europe: cultural interrelations in the second millennium B.C. By Jan Bouzek. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 29. 269 pp. Göteborg, Paul Åströms Förlag/Prague, Academia, 1985. Price 275 Skr.

scientific article published in 1986

The Cypriot Bronze Age. Some recent Australian contributions to the prehistory of Cyprus. Edited by Birmingham Judy. 69 pages. Australian Studies in Archaeology, no. 1 (1973). Sydney, 1974

The Development of Social Stratification in Bronze Age Europe [and Comments and Reply]


The European Iron Age. By John Collis. 25 × 18.5 cm. Pp. 192, 55 ills. London: Batsford, 1984. ISBN 0-7134-3452-x. £9.95 (p/b)

The Prehistory of Denmark. By Jørgen Jensen. 23 × 15·5 cm. Pp. xviii + 331, 94 figs. London: Methuen, 1982. ISBN 0-416-34190-x. £14·95. P/b edn. available.

The Prehistory of Germanic Europe. By Herbert Schutz. 27×20 cm. Pp. viii + 421, 30 maps, 252 figs., 8 col. pis. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983. ISBN 0-300-02863-6. £30·00

Towards a European archaeology

scholarly article by Anthony Harding published in December 2009

Untersuchungen zur Chronologie der Urnenfelderkultur im Nördlichen Alpenvorland von der Schweiz bis Oberösterreich. By Lothar Sperber. 359 pp., 142. figs, 12 folded charts and tables (in separate jacket). Bonn: Habelt, 1987 (Antiquitas, Reihe 3,…

scientific article published in 1991

War and Weaponry in Prehistoric Europe

‘The beginning of the end’: progress and prospects in Old World chronology