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List of works by Gregory T. Rushton

A Clearer Vision: Creating and Evolving a Model to Support the Development of Science Teacher Leaders


A critical examination of the use of the Freundlich isotherm in characterizing molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)

Alternative conceptions of organic chemistry topics among fourth year chemistry students


Analysing the impact of a discussion-oriented curriculum on first-year general chemistry students' conceptions of relative acidity

Analysis of Praxis physics subject assessment examinees and performance: Who are our prospective physics teachers?

article by Lisa Shah et al published 10 May 2018 in Physical Review Physics Education Research

Building an Understanding of How Model-Based Inquiry Is Implemented in the High School Chemistry Classroom

Carbohydrate Recognition by Porphyrin-Based Molecularly Imprinted Polymers

scientific article published on 01 March 2005

Characterization of the Imprint Effect and the Influence of Imprinting Conditions on Affinity, Capacity, and Heterogeneity in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Using the Freundlich Isotherm-Affinity Distribution Analysis


Characterization of the heterogeneous binding site affinity distributions in molecularly imprinted polymers

scientific article published on May 2004

Charting an Alternate Pathway to Reaction Orders and Rate Laws in Introductory Chemistry Courses

Chemistry Teachers as Professionals: A Retrospective Analysis

Chemistry Teachers’ Emerging Expertise in Inquiry Teaching: The Effect of a Professional Development Model on Beliefs and Practice


Conceptual Change, Productive Practices, and Themata: Supporting Chemistry Classroom Talk

Cutting-Edge and Cross-Cutting: Connecting the Dots between Nanotechnology and High School Chemistry

scholarly article by Gregory T. Rushton & Brett A. Criswell published 11 September 2012 in Journal of Chemical Education

Diagnosing the current state of out-of-field teaching in high school science and mathematics

scientific article published on 25 September 2019

Empowering teacher leaders: the role of research in changing teacher leaders’ sense of themselves as professionals

scientific article published in 2022

Evaluation of a Noyce program: Development of teacher leaders in STEM education


From Occupation to Profession: A Perspective on the American Association of Chemistry Teachers

article published in 2013

Guest control of a hydrogen bond-catalysed molecular rotor

scientific article published on 6 November 2017

Highly Qualified or Highly Unqualified? A Longitudinal Study of America's Public High School Biology Teachers

article published in 2015

Improving High School Chemistry Teaching via the “Trickle Up” Effect: A Perspective on the New AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework

Introducing the Journal of Chemical Education’s “Special Issue: Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry”

Plastic Antibodies: Molecular Recognition with Imprinted Polymers. An Introductory Polymer Chemistry Laboratory Investigation

Plugging the ‘Leaky Bucket’ of Early Career Science Teacher Attrition through the Development of Professional Vision


Pushing for particulate level models of adiabatic and isothermal processes in upper-level chemistry courses: a qualitative study

Recognition Directed Site-Selective Chemical Modification of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers


Repairing Leaks in the Chemistry Teacher Pipeline: A Longitudinal Analysis of Praxis Chemistry Subject Assessment Examinees and Scores

article by Lisa Shah et al published 22 March 2018 in Journal of Chemical Education

Response to Johannsen, Rump, and Linder’s Penetrating a wall of introspection: a critical attrition analysis

Setting a Standard for Chemistry Education in the Next Generation: A Retrosynthetic Analysis

scientific article published on 17 October 2016

Stemming the Diffusion of Responsibility

Strengthening the vision: Examining the understanding of a framework for teacher leadership development by experienced science teachers


Teacher Enactment Patterns: How Can We Help Move All Teachers to Reform-Based Inquiry Practice Through Professional Development?


The use of teacher leader roles in an online induction support system

Towards a high quality high school workforce: A longitudinal, demographic analysis of U.S. public school physics teachers

article by Gregory T. Rushton et al published 23 October 2017 in Physical Review Physics Education Research

Using Inquiry To Break the Language Barrier in Chemistry Classrooms

What Do You Do? I Teach Chemistry!

What Prospective Chemistry Teachers Know about Chemistry: An Analysis of Praxis Chemistry Subject Assessment Category Performance

article by Lisa Shah et al published 17 September 2018 in Journal of Chemical Education