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List of works by Katharina Lorenz

(J.) Gebauer Pompe und Thysia. Attische Tieropferdarstellungen auf schwarz- und rotfigurigen Vasen. (Eikon 7) Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2002. Pp. xii + 807. €80. 3934628303

(M.) Stansbury-O'Donnell Looking at Greek Art. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. 253, illus. £18.99. 9780521125574

All the World’s a Stage: On the Interplay of Decoration in Pompeian Houses

scientific article

Ancient Mythological Images and their Interpretation

Art History and Intellectual History


Bilder machen Räume: Mythenbilder in pompeianischen Häusern

book published in 2008

Die römische Porträtforschung und der Fall des sogenannten Ottaviano Giovinetto im Vatikan. Die Authentizitätsdiskussion als Spiegel des Methodenwandels


Distributed Narrative. A Very Short History of Juxtaposing Myths on Pompeian Walls

chapter published in 2018

Iconology in action

Image studies in action

Introducing iconology

Introducing image studies

Introducing semiotics

Narratives of object and meaning

Narratives of sign and signification

Narratives of space and perspective

Neronian Wall-Painting. A Matter of Perspective

academic chapter


Reception (K.) Fittschen Die Bildnisgalerie in Herrenhausen bei Hannover. Zur Rezeptions- und Sammlungsgeschichte antiker Porträts. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 3. Folge, Band 275). G?

Roman Art


Roman Sculpture from London and the South-East. Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, Great Britain, Volume 1, Fascicule 10, by Penny Coombe, Francis Grew, Kevin Hayward, and Martin Henig

Semiotics in action

Split-screen visions: Heracles on top of Troy in the Casa di Octavius Quartio in Pompeii

scholarly article

The Genesis of Iconology

scientific article published in March 2012

The Social Life of Painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay of Naples (review)

The ear of the beholder: spectator figures and narrative structure in Pompeian painting

scientific article published on 12 November 2007

The experiment: methods – images – objects

The study of mythological images as threesome – assessing the experiment

Using mobile media creation to structure museum interpretation with professional vision

Wall Painting

book chapter published in A Companion to Roman Art