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List of works by C. Bradford Welles

A Parchment Contract of Loan from Dura-Europus on the Euphrates

journal article from 'Yale Classical Studies' published in 1931

A Political History of Parthia. Neilson C. Debevoise

review article

A Third-Century Contract of Sale from Edessa in Osrhoene

journal article from 'Yale Classical Studies' published in 1935

Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia

An Additional Note on the Dura Papyri

Scholarly article by C. Bradford Welles

Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, Vol. XV. Ulrich Wilcken, Friedrich Zucker

Der Staat der Griechen, II. Teil: Der hellenistische Staat. Victor Ehrenberg

Die Datierung der kapitolinischen Fasten. Ruth Stiehl

Die Geschwisterehe im hellenistisch-römischen Ägypten. Helmut Thierfelder

book review by C. Bradford Welles, July 1962

Die hellenistische Schule. Martin P. Nilsson

Eine ptolemäische Königsurkunde. Ludwig Koenen

Hellenistic Culture: Fusion and Diffusion. Moses Hadas


Inscriptions from Dura-Europos

academic work by Frye et al., published 1955

La Maison des archives à Doura Europos, Rostovtzeff & Welles, 1931, pp. 162-188

1931 article

Museum Helveticum


Opera minora. Rafael Taubenschlag

Prosopographia Ptolemaica, IV: L'Agriculture et l'élevage. W. Peremans, E. van 't Dack

The Crown of Acanthus

scholarly article

The Excavations at Dura-Europos: final report V, pt. 1: The Parchments and Papyri

excavation report published in 1959

The Immunitas of the Roman Legionaries in Egypt

scholarly article by C. Bradford Welles published January 1938 in The Journal of Roman Studies

The Parchments and papyri

book published in 1959

The epitaph of Julius Terentius

scholarly article

What Democracy Meant to the Greeks. Walter R. Agard

Zenon Papyri: Business Papers of the Third Century B.C. Dealing with Palestine and Egypt. William Linn Westermann, Clinton Walker Keyes, Herbert Liebesny

scholarly article by C. Bradford Welles published October 1942 in Classical Philology

Über Sprache und Stil des Diodoros von Sizilien: Ein Beitrag zur Beleuchtung der hellenistischen Prosa. Jonas Palm