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List of works by Pierluigi Veltri

A statistical analysis of polarity reversals of the geomagnetic field

Analysis of cancellation in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence


Clustering of Polarity Reversals of the Geomagnetic Field

scientific article

Collisional Relaxation of Fine Velocity Structures in Plasmas

scientific article published on 05 April 2016

Compressible turbulence in Hall Magnetohydrodynamics

Coordinated Study on Solar Wind Turbulence During the Venus-Express, ACE and Ulysses Alignment of August 2007


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Erratum: “Multifractal scaling and intermittency in hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of plasma turbulence” [Phys. Plasmas 23, 022307 (2016)]

scholarly article published in Physics of Plasmas

Fluid simulations of plasma turbulence at ion scales: Comparison with Vlasov-Maxwell simulations

Intermittency in plasma turbulence

Intermittency in the solar wind turbulence through probability distribution functions of fluctuations

scholarly article

Local Kinetic Effects in Two-Dimensional Plasma Turbulence

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Magnetic turbulence in space plasmas: Scale-dependent effects of anisotropy

scholarly article

Magnetic-field effects on nonlinear electrostatic-wave Landau damping.

scientific article published on 4 January 2005

Model for intermittency of energy dissipation in turbulent flows

scientific article published on 25 August 2006

Multifractal scaling and intermittency in hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of plasma turbulence

Nanoflares and MHD turbulence in coronal loops: a hybrid shell model

scientific article published on 11 May 2004

Non-Gaussian probability distribution functions in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

On the occurrence of the third-order scaling in high latitude solar wind

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Overview on numerical studies of reconnection and dissipation in the solar wind

Persistence of small-scale anisotropy of magnetic turbulence as observed in the solar wind


Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of spatio-temporal behavior of renal scintigraphies.

scientific article published on 19 August 2009

Proton kinetic effects in vlasov and solar wind turbulence

Radial evolution of the intermittency of density fluctuations in the fast solar wind

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Revisiting a classic: the Parker-Moffatt problem

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Small‐Scale Energy Cascade of the Solar Wind Turbulence

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Solar wind Cluster observations: Turbulent spectrum and role of Hall effect

Solar-Terrestrial Relations: Magnetic Turbulence in the Earth’s Magnetosphere and Geomagnetic Activity

Sorriso-Valvoet al.Reply:

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Photospheric Turbulent Velocity Fields Using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

Statistical properties of dissipation bursts within turbulence: Solar flares and geomagnetic activity

The complex structure of magnetic field discontinuities in the turbulent solar wind

scholarly article

The magnetohydrodynamic turbulent cascade in the ecliptic solar wind: Study of Ulysses data

To what extent can dynamical models describe statistical features of turbulent flows?

article by V Carbone et al published May 2002 in Europhysics Letters

Topological changes of the photospheric magnetic field inside active regions: A prelude to flares?

Velocity-space cascade in magnetized plasmas: Numerical simulations

Vlasov simulations of multi-ion plasma turbulence in the solar wind

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal