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List of works by Birger Hjørland

A substantive theory of classification for information retrieval

Answer to Professor Szostak (concept theory)

Are relations in thesauri “context-free, definitional, and true in all possible worlds”?

article by Birger Hjørland published 11 June 2014 in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Arguments for epistemology in information science


Citation analysis: A social and dynamic approach to knowledge organization

Classical databases and knowledge organization: A case for boolean retrieval and human decision-making during searches

Comments on the articles and proposals for further work

article published in 2005

Concept theory

Core classification theory: a reply to Szostak

Curating research data: the potential roles of libraries and information professionals

article by Hans Jørn Nielsen et al published 4 March 2014 in Journal of Documentation

Digital Information Contexts: Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Digital Information20071Luke Tredinnick. Digital Information Contexts: Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Digital Information. Oxford: Chandos Publishing 2006. 328 pp., ISBN:

Documents and the communication of scientific and scholarly information

article by Trine Fjordback Søndergaard et al published June 2003 in Journal of Documentation

Documents and the communication of scientific and scholarly information: Revising and updating the UNISIST model

Documents, memory institutions and information science


DoesJASISThave an archive?

Domain Analysis: A Socio-Cognitive Orientation for Information Science Research

Domain analysis in information science


Empiricism, rationalism and positivism in library and information science

Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information science

Evaluation of an information source illustrated by a case study: Effect of screening for breast cancer

scientific article

Evidence-based practice: An analysis based on the philosophy of science


Facet analysis: The logical approach to knowledge organization



Information: Objective or subjective/situational?

Introduction to the special issue: perspectives on research libraries

Is classification necessary after Google?

scholarly article by Birger Hjørland published 20 April 2012 in Journal of Documentation

Knowledge and Knowing in Library and Information Science: A Philosophical Framework20042John M. Budd. Knowledge and Knowing in Library and Information Science: A Philosophical Framework. Lanham, MD and London: Scarecrow Press 2001. 361 pp., ISBN: 0?

Kompetencer i forskningsbibliotekerne i historisk og aktuel belysning. Udviklingsbehov i perspektiv af digitaliseringen

Letter to the editor

Library and information science and the philosophy of science

article published in 2005

Library and information science: practice, theory, and philosophical basis

2000 scholarly article by Birger Hjørland

Litteratursøgning I forskning

scientific article

Methods for evaluating information sources: An annotated catalogue

Organizing Knowledge. An Introduction to Managing Access to Information20091Jennifer Rowley and Richard Hartley. Organizing Knowledge. An Introduction to Managing Access to Information. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited 2008. 367 pp., ISBN: 978?


Practical potentials of Bradford's law: a critical examination of the received view

article by Jeppe Nicolaisen & Birger Hjørland published May 2007 in Journal of Documentation

Psychology and information search strategy: ‘Information input overload’

På vej mod en kritisk bibliometri


The controversy over the concept of “information”: A rejoinder to Professor Bates

The foundation of information science: one world or three? A discussion of Gnoli (2018)

The foundation of the concept of relevance

The phrase “information storage and retrieval” (IS&R): An historical note

The revival of the concept of documents in the theoretical foundation of information science. Sponsored by SIG HFIST

Theoretical clarity is not ‘Manicheanism’: A reply to Marcia Bates

Theory and metatheory of information science: a new interpretation

Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis

Towards a theory of aboutness, subject, topicality, theme, domain, field, content . . . and relevance

article by Birger Hjørland published 2001 in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Udenfor tema: Om problemformuleringer i biblioteks-, dokumentations- og informationsvidenskab

scientific article

Uncovering epistemological assumptions underlying research in information studies

Wittgenstein, Language and Information: “Back to the Rough Ground!”20071David Blair. Wittgenstein, Language and Information: “Back to the Rough Ground!”. Berlin: Springer 2006. 371 pp., ISBN: 1402041128 (Series: Information Science and Knowle


Work tasks and socio-cognitive relevance: A specific example
