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List of works by Martin Valcke

A Holistic Model to Infer Mathematics Performance: The Interrelated Impact of Student, Family and School Context Variables

A Qualitative Study of In-service Teachers’ Evaluation Beliefs

A Study to Analyze the Teacher's Perceptions About the Adoption of Collaborative Learning in Post-graduate Classes of IUB

A cross-cultural study of Chinese and Flemish university students: Do they differ in learning conceptions and approaches to learning?


A cross‐cultural study of online collaborative learning

article published in 2009

A cross‐cultural study of teacher perspectives on teacher roles and adoption of online collaborative learning in higher education

A framework to facilitate self-directed learning, assessment and supervision in midwifery practice: a qualitative study of supervisors' perceptions

scientific article

A measurement of student teachers’ parent–teacher communication competences: the design of a video-based instrument

A novel Medical Achievement Self-efficacy Scale (MASS): a valid and reliable tool

scientific article published on 23 May 2013

AP048 Video instruction without additional voice feedback exercises is insufficient for initial acquisition of basic life support skills in a self-learning station

AS31 A randomised study to determine the optimal strategy to refresh basic life support skills in a self-learning station: A video, voice feedback or both?

Academic self-efficacy and academic self-concept: Reconsidering structural relationships

Acceptance of game-based learning by secondary school teachers

scholarly article published September 2013

Acquiring basic life support skills in a self-learning station: video alone is not enough

scientific article published in October 2013

Adapting the delivery of learning materials to student preferences: Two studies with a course model based on ‘cases’


Alternative assessment procedures: Recent trends and experiences from practice

An electronic workbook to study statistics: Design and evaluation

An interactive learning and course development environment: Context, theoretical and empirical considerations


Analysis of radiology education in undergraduate medical doctors training in Europe

scientific article published on 16 September 2010

Applying multilevel modelling to content analysis data: Methodological issues in the study of role assignment in asynchronous discussion groups

article published in 2007

Assessing basic life support skills without an instructor: is it possible?

scientific article

Assessing collaboration in a wiki: The reliability of university students' peer assessment

Assessing the impact of the duration and intensity of inhalation exposure on the magnitude of the variability of internal dose metrics in children and adults

scientific article published on 15 November 2011

Assessment and feedback to facilitate self-directed learning in clinical practice of Midwifery students

scientific article published in January 2010

Automated assessments with feedback for improving CPR skills: A randomised non-inferiority trial

article published in 2013

Automated testing combined with automated retraining to improve CPR skill level in emergency nurses

scientific article published on 25 November 2014

Awareness and willingness to perform CPR: a survey amongst Flemish schoolchildren, teachers and principals

scientific article published on 06 June 2018


scholarly article

Blending asynchronous discussion groups and peer tutoring in higher education: An exploratory study of online peer tutoring behaviour

Business Game Learning Environment: Design and development of a competency‐based distance education business curriculum at the Open universiteit




Can I Trust You?

article by Ellen Rusman et al published January 2012 in International Journal of Information Technology Project Management

Challenging science teachers' beliefs and practices through a video-case-based intervention in China's primary schools


Chinese students’ perceptions of a collaborative e-learning environment and factors affecting their performance: implementing a Flemish e-learning course in a Chinese educational context


Clock reading: an underestimated topic in children with mathematics difficulties

scientific article published on 17 June 2011

Cognitive load: updating the theory?

Collaborative learning in asynchronous discussion groups: What about the impact on cognitive processing?

Combining video instruction followed by voice feedback in a self-learning station for acquisition of Basic Life Support skills: a randomised non-inferiority trial

scientific article

Constructivist Teaching Beliefs Scale

Continuing midwifery education beyond graduation: Student midwives' awareness of continuous professional development

scientific article published on 5 September 2015

Creating visual aids with graphic organisers on an infinite canvas – the impact on the presenter


Cross-age peer tutors in asynchronous discussion groups: A study of the evolution in tutor support

article published in 2007

Cross-age peer tutors in asynchronous discussion groups: Exploring the impact of three types of tutor training on patterns in tutor support and on tutor characteristics

Cultural differences in the perception of a social-constructivist e-learning environment

Curricula and the use of ICT in education: Two worlds apart?

Design and Development of Third Generation Distance Learning Materials: From an Industrial Second Generation Approach Towards Realizing Third Generation Distance Education


Design and Evaluation among Young Adults of a Financial Literacy Scale Focused on Key Financial Decisions

scientific article published on 02 July 2022

Development and evaluation of a new occupational medicine teaching module to advance self-efficacy and knowledge among medical students.

scientific article published in November 2013

Differences between Flemish and Chinese primary students’ mastery of basic arithmetic operations


Differential impact of unguided versus guided use of a multimedia introduction to equine obstetrics in veterinary education

Discussing patient management online: the impact of roles on knowledge construction for students interning at the paediatric ward

scientific article published on 14 July 2006

Distance education: A particular context for teaching and learning. Introduction to this special issue

Diversity in school performance feedback systems

Does School-Level Instructional Quality Matter for School Mathematics Performance? Comparing Teacher Data across Seven Countries

scientific article published in 2022

Does Self-directedness in Learning and Careers Predict the Employability of Low-Qualified Employees?

Does reflection have an effect upon case-solving abilities of undergraduate medical students?

scientific article

Does teacher-centered teaching contribute to students’ performance in primary school? A video analysis in Mainland China


Double trouble: The developmental process of school bully-victims

E-Learning in Higher Education in China and Belgium


Educating Teens about the Risks on Social Network Sites. An intervention study in Secondary Education

scientific article

Educational Packages about the Risks on Social Network Sites: State of the Art

Efficacy of a self-learning station for basic life support refresher training in a hospital: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published in August 2012

Efficiency of short individualised CPR self-learning sessions with automated assessment and feedback

scientific article published on 16 March 2013

Enabling Technologies to Design, Produce and Exploit Flexible, Electronic Learning Materials

Evaluation of virtual microscopy in medical histology teaching

scientific article published on 5 March 2013

Examining evolutions in the adoption of metacognitive regulation in reciprocal peer tutoring groups

Explaining different types of computer use among primary school teachers

Exploring evolutions in reciprocal peer tutoring groups' socially shared metacognitive regulation and identifying its metacognitive correlates

Exploring the educational beliefs of primary education student teachers in the Chinese context

Exploring the link between teachers’ educational belief profiles and different types of computer use in the classroom

article published in 2008

Exploring the potential impact of reciprocal peer tutoring on higher education students’ metacognitive knowledge and regulation

Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review

scientific article

Flemish primary teachers’ use of school performance feedback and the relationship with school characteristics

article by Jan Vanhoof et al published 2 November 2012 in Educational Research

Fostering University Students’ Metacognitive Regulation Through Peer Tutoring

Fostering knowledge construction in university students through asynchronous discussion groups

article published in 2006

From Supply Driven to DcM&nd Drivea Education

FromCounter-StriketoCounter-Statement: using Burke's pentad as a tool for analysing video games

article by Jeroen Bourgonjon et al published June 2011 in Digital Creativity

Functions, use and effects of embedded support devices in printed distance learning materials

How safe do teenagers behave on Facebook? An observational study

scientific article

ICT integration in the classroom: Challenging the potential of a school policy

scholarly article published August 2008

ICT teacher training: Evaluation of the curriculum and training approach in Flanders

Impact of the transition from a conventional to an integrated contextual medical curriculum on students' learning patterns: a longitudinal study

scientific article published in May 2009

Impact of three alternative consultation training formats on self-efficacy and consultation skills of medical students

scientific article published in January 2012

Impact on knowledge acquisition of the transition from a conventional to an integrated contextual medical curriculum

scientific article published in July 2009

Implications of electronic developments for distance and face to face learning. Ten statements on the use of electronics in law teaching

Improving Data Literacy in Schools: Lessons from the School Feedback Project

Improving student midwives’ workplace learning by moving from self- to co-regulated learning!

Information and communication technologies in higher education: evidence-based practices in medical education

scientific article

Integrating learning assessment and supervision in a competency framework for clinical workplace education

scientific article published on 5 December 2014


Investigating teachers' educational beliefs in Chinese primary schools: socioeconomic and geographical perspectives


Involving Parents in School Programs about Safety on Social Network Sites

article published in 2014

Judgments of self-perceived academic competence and their differential impact on students’ achievement motivation, learning approach, and academic performance

Knowledge and willingness to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a survey amongst 4273 teachers

scientific article

Knowledge and willingness to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a survey amongst 4273 teachers


Mapping the Learning Styles “Jungle”: An overview of the literature based on citation analysis


Multimedia learning in social sciences: limitations of external graphical representations

Parental acceptance of digital game-based learning

Pre-Service Teachers Beliefs About Evaluation

Predicting ICT integration into classroom teaching in Chinese primary schools: exploring the complex interplay of teacher-related variables


Predictors of self‐directed learning for low‐qualified employees: a multi‐level analysis

Professional development initiatives for university teachers: Variables that influence the transfer of learning to the workplace


Promoting a special learning environment for second language learning in a Chinese rural primary school


Promoting university students’ metacognitive regulation through peer learning: the potential of reciprocal peer tutoring

Radiological clerkships as a critical curriculum component in radiology education

scientific article published on 16 September 2010

Rapid improvement of Basic Life Support skills in emergency department nurses using a test-train-test approach in a mobile self-learning station

Relationship between reflection ability and clinical performance: a cross-sectional and retrospective-longitudinal correlational cohort study in midwifery

scientific article published on 3 July 2014

Relationships between student cognitions and their effects on study strategies

Remote histology learning from static versus dynamic microscopic images

scientific article published on 6 October 2015

Repetitive sessions of formative self-testing to refresh CPR skills: a randomised non-inferiority trial

scientific article

Representing time intervals in a two-dimensional space: An empirical study

Research with interactive learning environments in three content domains: Descriptive statistics, continuous mathematics and substantive criminal law

Researching instructional use and the technology acceptation of learning management systems by secondary school teachers

scholarly article published February 2012

Results of a survey by the European Society of Radiology (ESR): undergraduate radiology education in Europe-influences of a modern teaching approach

scientific article published on 24 February 2012

Retention of Basic Life Support skills after multiple short training sessions followed by assessment and feedback in a self-learning station

Retraining basic life support skills using video, voice feedback or both: a randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Re‐engineering conventional university education: Implications for students’ learning styles

Roles as a structuring tool in online discussion groups: The differential impact of different roles on social knowledge construction

Scaffolding reflective learning in clinical practice: a comparison of two types of reflective activities

scientific article published on 2 May 2014

Scoring methods for multiple choice assessment in higher education – Is it still a matter of number right scoring or negative marking?

Scripting by assigning roles: Does it improve knowledge construction in asynchronous discussion groups?


Socially shared metacognitive regulation during reciprocal peer tutoring: identifying its relationship with students’ content processing and transactive discussions

Structuring asynchronous discussion groups: Comparing scripting by assigning roles with regulation by cross-age peer tutors

Student models of learning and their impact on study strategies

Student teachers’ thinking processes and ICT integration: Predictors of prospective teaching behaviors with educational technology

Students' Self-Efficacy Measure

Students’ perceptions about the use of video games in the classroom

Studies claiming efficacy of CPR training interventions: which skills should be assessed and how should data be reported to allow comparison?

scientific article published on 23 August 2012

Studying Self-efficacy Beliefs in Medical Education

Studying thought processes of online peer tutors through stimulated-recall interviews

Supporting active cognitive processing in collaborative groups: The potential of Bloom's taxonomy as a labeling tool

Teachers' Beliefs and Self-Reported Use of Inquiry in Science Education in Public Primary Schools

Teachers’ views of mathematics textbook series in Flanders: Does it (not) matter which mathematics textbook series schools choose?

Teaching Fractions in Elementary School

The Impact of Role Assignment on Knowledge Construction in Asynchronous Discussion Groups

The Mind’s Eye on Personal Profiles: A Cognitive Perspective on Profile Elements that Inform Initial Trustworthiness Assessments and Social Awareness in Virtual Project Teams

The Mind’s Eye on Personal Profiles: How to Inform Initial Trustworthiness Assessments in Virtual Project Teams

The Use of Performance Indicators in a School Improvement Policy: The Theoretical and Empirical Context

The design and implementation of learning paths in a learning management system

The differential impact of observational learning and practice-based learning on the development of oral presentation skills in higher education


The effects of two computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) scripts on university students' critical thinking

The impact of an innovative instructional intervention on the acquisition of oral presentation skills in higher education

The impact of goal orientation, self-reflection and personal characteristics on the acquisition of oral presentation skills


The impact of graphic organisers on learning from presentations

The impact of role assignment as scripting tool on knowledge construction in asynchronous discussion groups

The influence of competences and support on school performance feedback use

article by Jan Vanhoof et al published May 2011 in Educational Studies

The integration of logo learning environments into the mathematics curriculum of the primary school

The perceived long-term impact of the radiological curriculum innovation in the medical doctors training at Ghent University

scientific article

The potential of the inventory of learning styles to study students' learning patterns in three types of medical curricula

scientific article published in January 2008

The problem arena of researching computer supported collaborative learning: Introduction to the special section

The quadratic relationship between socioeconomic status and learning performance in China by multilevel analysis: Implications for policies to foster education equity


The quality and impact of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in radiology case-based learning

scientific article published on 22 September 2010

The relationship between epistemological beliefs, learning conceptions, and approaches to study: a cross-cultural structural model?

The role of teacher behavior in adolescents’ intrinsic reading motivation

The use of "knowledge types" as scripting tool to enhance critical thinking in online discussions

Theoretical foundations and empirical arguments for group work in computer learning environments

Towards an agenda for studying learning and instruction focusing on time‐related competences in children

Training nurses in a self-learning station for resuscitation: factors contributing to success or failure

scientific article published on 20 April 2012

Training to deeper compression depth reduces shallow compressions after six months in a manikin model.

scientific article published on 15 June 2011

Uncovering a hidden professional agenda for teacher educators: A mixed method study on Flemish teacher educators and their professional development


Understanding structural and cultural school characteristics in relation to educational change: the case of ICT integration

article by Jo Tondeur et al published May 2009 in Educational Studies

Using school performance feedback: perceptions of primary school principals

article by Goedele Verhaeghe et al published June 2010 in School Effectiveness and School Improvement

Using video-cases to assess student reflection: development and validation of an instrument

scientific article

Validation of a theory about functions and effects of embedded support devices in distance education learning materials

Video Games in the Classroom Opinions Survey

Young people’s expressed needs for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ecuadorian schools

“Evidence-Based Teaching, Evidence-Based Teacher Education” (Quality of Teachers and Quality of Teacher Education)
