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List of works by Bruce D. Cornuelle

A MITgcm/DART ensemble analysis and prediction system with application to the Gulf of Mexico

scholarly article by Ibrahim Hoteit published in September 2013

Adjoint Sensitivity of the Niño-3 Surface Temperature to Wind Forcing

article published in 2011

Adjoint modeling for acoustic inversion.

scientific article

An eddy-permitting, dynamically consistent adjoint-based assimilation system for the tropical Pacific: Hindcast experiments in 2000

scholarly article

Analyzing sound speed fluctuations in shallow water from group-velocity versus phase-velocity data representation

scientific article

Circulation and Intrusions Northeast of Taiwan: Chasing and Predicting Uncertainty in the Cold Dome

scientific article

Experimental demonstration of the utility of pressure sensitivity kernels in time-reversal.

scientific article published in September 2010

Focusing and Defocusing of Tropical Cyclone Generated Waves by Ocean Current Refraction

scientific article published in 2022

Improving the geoid: Combining altimetry and mean dynamic topography in the California coastal ocean

scholarly article

Information and linearity of time-domain complex demodulated amplitude and phase data in shallow water.

scientific article

Linear versus Nonlinear Filtering with Scale-Selective Corrections for Balanced Dynamics in a Simple Atmospheric Model

Long-range asymptotic behavior of vertical travel-time sensitivity kernels

scientific article published in October 2013

Mean, Annual, and Interannual Circulation and Volume Transport in the Western Tropical North Pacific From the Western Pacific Ocean State Estimates (WPOSE)

scientific article published in 2022

Observations of sound-speed fluctuations in the western Philippine Sea in the spring of 2009.

scientific article

Observations of sound-speed fluctuations on the New Jersey continental shelf in the summer of 2006.

scientific article published in February 2012

Regional ocean data assimilation.

scientific article

Sensitivity kernel for surface scattering in a waveguide

scientific article published in January 2012

Sensitivity of Western Boundary Transport at the Mean North Equatorial Current Bifurcation Latitude to Wind Forcing

scientific article published in 2012

Statistics and vertical directionality of low-frequency ambient noise at the North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory site.

scientific article published on March 2005

Structure and stability of wave-theoretic kernels in the ocean

scientific article published in October 2013

The Kuroshio and Luzon Undercurrent East of Luzon Island

scientific article

The structure of raylike arrivals in a shallow-water waveguide

scientific article published in December 2008

Travel-time sensitivity kernels in long-range propagation

scientific article published in November 2009

Understanding the annual cycle in global steric height

scientific article published on 23 August 2013

Using a Lagrangian particle tracking model to evaluate impacts of El Niño-related advection on euphausiids in the southern California Current System

scientific article published on 21 July 2022

Using a numerical model to understand the connection between the ocean and acoustic travel-time measurements

scientific article published in October 2013