original song written and composed by Gerry Goffin (words) and Carole King (music), popularized by the Cookies
2010 song by Kanye West featuring Rick Ross
song most notably recorded by The Animals
original song written and composed by Goffin-King
song of Carole King
1962 single by The Everly Brothers
original song written and composed by Gerry Goffin, Carole King, Phil Spector
original song written and composed by Goffin-King; recorded and released 1962 by Ann-Margret
single by The Ronettes
1962 song recorded by Carole King
1994 single by Little Eva
song written and composed by Michael Masser and Gerry Goffin, originally recorded by George Benson in 1984 and released in 1985
original song written and composed by Goffin-King; first recorded by Maxine Brown
1963 single by The Chiffons
song by Gerry Goffin and Carole King
1985 single by Whitney Houston
original song written and composed by Gerry Goffin and Carole King
original song composed by Michael Masser, lyrics by Gerry Goffin
1962 single by The Drifters
original song written and composed by Carole King (music) and Gerry Goffin (words)
translated song; French-language version of "Chains", lyrics adapted by Georges Aber
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