book published in 2008
journal article from 'Organization' published in 1997
book published in 2014
book section published in 2012
journal article from 'Organization Studies' published in 2009
document published in 2014
journal article from 'How ideas, objects and practices travel in the global economy' published in 2005
document published in 2005
journal article from 'And if not, why is it worth trying. rapport nr.: GRI reports' published in 2004
journal article from 'rapport nr.: GRI reports' published in 2004
journal article from 'Scandinavian Journal of Management' published in 2013
journal article from 'Scandinavian journal of Management' published in 2006
journal article published in 1997
journal article from 'Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)' published in 2011
journal article from 'Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)' published in 2014
conference paper
report published in 2013
journal article from 'Organization' published in 2004
journal article from 'Organization and organizing: materiality, agency, and discourse' published in 2013
book section published in 2013
book published in 2009
document published in 2021
report published in 1998
journal article from 'Journal of Organizational Change Management' published in 2011
book published in 2007
book published in 2014
journal article from 'Journal of Change Management' published in 2013
document published in 2011
document published in 1999
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About Paulina