Turkish telenovela
1969 film directed by Sergei Urusevsky
collection of novellas by the Kyrgyz author Chinghiz Aitmatov
1969 film by Irina Poplavskaya
1979 film by Bolotbek Shamshiyev
book by Tsjyngyz Ajtmatov
1958 novel by Chinghiz Aitmatov
1968 film directed by Gennady Bazarov
2018 Uzbek film
1991 film by Karen Gevorkian
novel by Tsjyngyz Ajtmatov
novella by the Chinghiz Aitmatov
1965 film by Andrei Konchalovsky
novel by Chingiz Aitmatov
1975 film by Tolomush Okeyev
1966 film directed by Tolomush Okeyev
1976 film by Bolotbek Shamshiyev
novella by the Kyrgyz author Chinghiz Aitmatov
novella by Chinghiz Aitmatov
book edition published in 1983
book edition published in 1982
book edition published in 1983
1983 hardback edition (en)
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