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List of works by Filip Lievens

A Closer Look at the Relationship between Justice Perceptions and Feedback Reactions: The role of the quality of the relationship with the supervisor

article by Marjolein Feys et al published 1 June 2008 in Psychologica Belgica

A cautionary note on the effects of range restriction on predictor intercorrelations.

scientific article (publication date: 2007)

A closer look at the frame-of-reference effect in personality scale scores and validity

scientific article published in March 2008

A construct-driven investigation of gender differences in a leadership-role assessment center.

scientific article published in May 2006

A dual-process theory perspective to better understand judgments in assessment centers: The role of initial impressions for dimension ratings and validity

scientific article published on 30 July 2018

A self-motives perspective on feedback-seeking behavior: Linking organizational behavior and social psychology research

article published in 2007

Actions speak louder than words: Outsiders' perceptions of diversity mixed messages

scientific article published on 9 June 2016

Adjusting medical school admission: assessing interpersonal skills using situational judgement tests

scientific article published on February 1, 2013

Admission systems to dental school in Europe: a closer look at Flanders.

scientific article published in November 2010

An In-Depth Look at Dispositional Reasoning and Interviewer Accuracy

An examination of psychometric bias due to retesting on cognitive ability tests in selection settings

scientific article published in November 2007

Assessing meaningful within-person variability in Likert-scale rated personality descriptions: An IRT tree approach

scientific article published on 11 March 2019

Assessor training strategies and their effects on accuracy, interrater reliability, and discriminant validity

scientific article

Broadening International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Personnel Selection

Can training improve the quality of inferences made by raters in competency modeling? A quasi-experiment

scientific article published in May 2007

Certainty as a moderator of feedback reactions? A test of the strength of the self-verification motive

Combining predictors to achieve optimal trade-offs between selection quality and adverse impact

scientific article published in September 2007

Comparing employment interviews in Latin America with other countries

Constructed response formats and their effects on minority-majority differences and validity

scientific article published on 15 November 2018

Creating Alternate In-Basket Forms Through Cloning: Some preliminary results

Designing Pareto-optimal selection systems: formalizing the decisions required for selection system development.

scientific article

Differences between multimedia and text-based assessments of emotion management: An exploration with the multimedia emotion management assessment (MEMA).

scientific article published on 12 August 2015

Dimension and exercise variance in assessment center scores: a large-scale evaluation of multitrait-multimethod studies.

scientific article

Diversity in medical school admission: insights from personnel recruitment and selection.

scientific article published in January 2015

Do candidate reactions relate to job performance or affect criterion-related validity? A multistudy investigation of relations among reactions, selection test scores, and job performance.

scientific article

Emotional intelligence predicts success in medical school

scientific article published on 11 November 2013

Future directions in personality, occupational and medical selection: myths, misunderstandings, measurement, and suggestions.

scientific article published on 20 February 2017

How "situational" is judgment in situational judgment tests?

scientific article published on 11 August 2014

Individual differences and their measurement: A review of 100 years of research.

scientific article published on 2 February 2017

International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection

Interviewers’ Sensitivity to Impression Management Tactics in Structured Interviews

Lack of consensus among competency ratings of the same occupation: noise or substance?

scientific article

Large-scale investigation of the role of trait activation theory for understanding assessment center convergent and discriminant validity

scientific article

Medical students' personality characteristics and academic performance: a five-factor model perspective

scientific article published on November 2002

Organizational Identity and Employer Image: Towards a Unifying Framework

Personality scale validities increase throughout medical school

scientific article published in November 2009

Personnel selection

scientific article published in January 2008

Predicting adverse impact and mean criterion performance in multistage selection

scientific article published in May 2006

Predicting counterproductive work behavior: Do implicit motives have incremental validity beyond explicit traits?

scientific article published in 2020

Predicting cross-cultural training performance: the validity of personality, cognitive ability, and dimensions measured by an assessment center and a behavior description interview

scientific article (publication date: June 2003)

Putting judging situations into situational judgment tests: evidence from intercultural multimedia SJTs

scientific article published on 6 October 2014

Reflection as a strategy to enhance task performance after feedback


Response distortion on personality tests in applicants: comparing high-stakes to low-stakes medical settings.

scientific article

Revised estimates of dimension and exercise variance components in assessment center postexercise dimension ratings

scientific article published on April 2004

Situation assessment as an ignored factor in the behavioral consistency paradigm underlying the validity of personnel selection procedures

scientific article published on 17 December 2012

Situational judgement tests for selection: Traditional vs construct-driven approaches

scientific article published on 23 December 2019

Situational judgment tests as a new tool for dental student selection

scientific article published on June 1, 2011

Situational judgment tests in high-stakes settings: issues and strategies with generating alternate forms

scientific article published in July 2007

Tapping the grapevine: a closer look at word-of-mouth as a recruitment source

scientific article published in March 2009

The Long-Term Impact of the Feedback Environment on Job Satisfaction: A Field Study in a Belgian Context


The Mediating Role of Feedback Acceptance in the Relationship between Feedback and Attitudinal and Performance Outcomes

The Move to Business Schools: How Is Industrial–Organizational Psychology Holding Up in Europe?

The Relationship Between Uncertainty and Desire for Feedback: A Test of Competing Hypotheses

The effects of predictor method factors on selection outcomes: A modular approach to personnel selection procedures.

scientific article published on 12 September 2016

The image of psychology programs: the value of the instrumental-symbolic framework.

scientific article published in July 2014

The interplay of elicitation and evaluation of trait-expressive behavior: Evidence in assessment center exercises

scientific article published on 3 November 2014

The operational validity of a video-based situational judgment test for medical college admissions: illustrating the importance of matching predictor and criterion construct domains

scientific article published in May 2005

The predictive power of people's intraindividual variability across situations: Implementing whole trait theory in assessment.

scientific article

The predictive validity of selection for entry into postgraduate training in general practice: evidence from three longitudinal studies

scientific article

The role of Situations in Situational Judgment Tests: Effects on construct saturation, predictive validity, and applicant perceptions

scientific article published on 21 November 2019

The validity and incremental validity of knowledge tests, low-fidelity simulations, and high-fidelity simulations for predicting job performance in advanced-level high-stakes selection

scientific article published in September 2011

The validity of interpersonal skills assessment via situational judgment tests for predicting academic success and job performance

scientific article published on 3 October 2011

Trying to understand the different pieces of the construct validity puzzle of assessment centers: an examination of assessor and assessee effects

scientific article

Validity evidence for the situational judgment test paradigm in emotional intelligence measurement

scientific article published on 24 July 2012

Video-based versus written situational judgment tests: a comparison in terms of predictive validity

scientific article published in September 2006

Widening access in selection using situational judgement tests: evidence from the UKCAT.

scientific article published on June 2016