article by Zeynep Alpay Savasan et al published December 2009 in American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
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scientific article published on October 2008
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scientific article published on 12 February 2010
scientific article
scientific article published on February 2010
scientific article
scientific article
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scientific article published on July 2008
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on September 2008
scientific article published on 10 June 2020
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scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on August 2010
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on December 2009
scientific article published on October 2009
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scientific article published on January 2009
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scientific article published on 30 April 2011
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on October 2009
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
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scientific article published on April 2010
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on 25 April 2011
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in August 2009
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in August 2009
scientific article published on January 2009
scientific article published on January 2009
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in September 2010
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
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scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on February 2010
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in January 2002
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on 24 April 2017
scientific article
scientific article published on 24 July 2010
scientific article
scientific article published on December 2009
scientific article published on March 2009
scientific article published on 19 May 2017
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on January 2008
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