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List of works by Stefano Piraino

1H NMR Metabolic Profile of Scyphomedusa Rhizostoma pulmo (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) in Female Gonads and Somatic Tissues: Preliminary Results

scientific article published on 13 February 2020

A salp bloom (Tunicata, Thaliacea) along the Apulian coast and in the Otranto Channel between March-May 2013.

scientific article

A sea of fireworms? New insights on ecology and seasonal density of <i>Hermodice carunculata</i> (Pallas, 1766) (Annelida) in the Ionian Sea (SE Italy)

scientific article published in 2022

A unified assessment of marine Mediterranean assemblages: a lesson from benthic hydroids

scientific article published in 2015

Alien species along the Italian coasts: an overview


An integrative identification guide to the Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Bocas del Toro, Panama

scientific article published in 2018

Barrel Jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo) as Source of Antioxidant Peptides

scientific article published on 23 February 2019

Biochemical Characterization of Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775), Another Red Sea Jellyfish in the Western Mediterranean Sea

scientific article published on 01 September 2021

Cnidarian milestones in metazoan evolution

Complete mitochondrial genome and evolutionary analysis of Turritopsis dohrnii, the "immortal" jellyfish with a reversible life-cycle

scientific article published on 11 November 2016

Complex neural architecture in the diploblastic larva of Clava multicornis (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria)


Concurrent environmental stressors and jellyfish stings impair caged European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) physiological performances

scientific article published on 15 June 2016

Destructive standard squares or low-impact visually driven collection? A comparison of methods for quantitative samplings of benthic hydrozoans


Deterministic Factors Overwhelm Stochastic Environmental Fluctuations as Drivers of Jellyfish Outbreaks

scientific article published on 20 October 2015

Digestion and predation rates of zooplankton by the pleustonic hydrozoanVelella velellaand widespread blooms in 2013 and 2014

article published in 2015

Ecology of the bivalve-inhabiting hydroid Eugymnanthea inquilina in the coastal sounds of Taranto (Ionian Sea, SE Italy)


Ecosystem vulnerability to alien and invasive species: a case study on marine habitats along the Italian coast


Environmental control of asexual reproduction and somatic growth of Aurelia spp. (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) polyps from the Adriatic Sea

scientific article published on 14 June 2017

Epibiotic Vibrio luminous bacteria isolated from some hydrozoa and bryozoa species

scientific article published on 25 April 2008

Epidemic mortality of the sponge Ircinia variabilis (Schmidt, 1862) associated to proliferation of a Vibrio bacterium

scientific article published on 10 May 2012

Erratum to: Alien species along the Italian coasts: an overview


Evidence of reverse development in Leptomedusae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): the case of Laodicea undulata (Forbes and Goodsir 1851)


Extract from the zooxanthellate jellyfish Cotylorhiza tuberculata modulates gap junction intercellular communication in human cell cultures

scientific article published on 22 May 2013

First description of early developmental stages of the native invasive fireworm Hermodice carunculata (Annelida, Amphinomidae): a cue to the warming of the Mediterranean Sea

scientific article published on 20 May 2020

First evidence of inbreeding, relatedness and chaotic genetic patchiness in the holoplanktonic jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria).

scientific article

First inventory of the shallow-water benthic hydrozoan assemblages of Gökçeada Island (northern Aegean Sea)

article by M. Isinibilir et al published 29 October 2014 in Italian Journal of Zoology

First record and potential trophic impact ofPhyllorhiza punctata(Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) along the north Tunisian coast (South Western Mediterranean Sea)

scientific article published in 2014

First record of sympagic hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) in Arctic coastal fast ice

First records of Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora) from the Ligurian, Thyrrhenian and Ionian Seas (Western Mediterranean) and first record of Phyllorhiza punctata (Cnidaria) from the Western Mediterranean

article by Ferdinando Boero et al published December 2009 in Aquatic Invasions

First records ofCarybdea marsupialisproliferation (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) along the eastern Tunisian coast (Central Mediterranean)

scientific article published in 2015

Foreword to the Hydrozoan Society 7th Workshop Proceedings

scientific article published in 2013

Gelatinous plankton: irregularities rule the world (sometimes)

scientific article published in 2008

Harbours as marine habitats: hydroid assemblages on sea-walls compared with natural habitats

scientific article published in 2012

High photosynthetic plasticity may reinforce invasiveness of upside-down zooxanthellate jellyfish in Mediterranean coastal waters

scientific article published on 19 March 2021

Hydroid assemblages across the Atlantic-Mediterranean boundary: is the Strait of Gibraltar a marine ecotone?

scientific article published in 2013

Hydrozoan species richness in the Mediterranean Sea: past and present


Impact of stinging jellyfish proliferations along south Italian coasts: human health hazards, treatment and social costs.

scientific article published on 27 February 2014

In Memoriam - Volker Schmid (1939-2008)

article published in 2008

Induction of reverse development in two marine Hydrozoans


Invasion pathway of the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Mediterranean Sea

scientific article

Jellyfish Bioprospecting in the Mediterranean Sea: Antioxidant and Lysozyme-Like Activities from Aurelia coerulea (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) Extracts

scientific article published on 02 November 2021

Jellyfish Stings Trigger Gill Disorders and Increased Mortality in Farmed Sparus aurata (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea.

scientific article

Jellyfish as prey: frequency of predation and selective foraging of Boops boops (Vertebrata, Actinopterygii) on the mauve stinger Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa)

scientific article

Jellyfish blooms perception in Mediterranean finfish aquaculture

Jellyfish summer outbreaks as bacterial vectors and potential hazards for marine animals and humans health? The case of Rhizostoma pulmo (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria)

scientific article published on 19 July 2019

Kleptopredation: a mechanism to facilitate planktivory in a benthic mollusc.

scientific article published in November 2017

Life cycle, morphology and medusa ontogenesis ofTurritopsis dohrnii(Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)

scientific article published in 2016

Looking for long-term changes in hydroid assemblages (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in Alboran Sea (South-Western Mediterranean): a proposal of a monitoring point for the global warming


MOLTOOLS: a workshop on “Molecular tools for monitoring marine invasive species”

Marine alien species in Italy: A contribution to the implementation of descriptor D2 of the marine strategy framework directive

scientific article published in 2019

Mediterranean Bioconstructions Along the Italian Coast


More constraint on ParaHox than Hox gene families in early metazoan evolution

scientific article published on 27 January 2009

Morphological and ultrastructural analysis of Turritopsis nutricula during life cycle reversal


Nematocysts of the Mediterranean hydroid Halocordyle disticha

Neural system reorganization during metamorphosis in the planula larva of Clava multicornis (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria)

scientific article published in 2013

New contributions to the jellyfish fauna of the Marmara Sea

scientific article published in 2010

Nonindigenous species along the Apulian coast, Italy


Pelagia benovici sp. nov. (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa): a new jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea

scientific article (publication date: 7 May 2014)

Pelagia noctiluca in the Mediterranean Sea


Population dynamics of the non-indigenous hydrozoan Clytia hummelincki (Hydrozoa: Campanulariidae) in two contrasting Mediterranean habitats

scientific article published in 2017

Project “Biodiversity MARE Tricase”: A Species Inventory of the Coastal Area of Southeastern Salento (Ionian Sea, Italy)

Project “Biodiversity MARE Tricase”: biodiversity research, monitoring and promotion at MARE Outpost (Apulia, Italy)

scientific article published on 19 June 2018

Redescription of the zooxanthellate Eudendrium moulouyensis (Eudendriidae: Hydrozoa) from the Mediterranean Sea

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 88 no. 8, September 2008

Reply from F. Boero et al

scientific article published on 01 November 1996

Reproductive and bloom patterns of Pelagia noctiluca in the Strait of Messina, Italy


Retinoic acid influences antero-posterior positioning of peptidergic neurons in the planula larva of the hydrozoanClava multicornis

scientific article published in 2013

Reverse development in Cnidaria


Reversing the Life Cycle: Medusae Transforming into Polyps and Cell Transdifferentiation in Turritopsis nutricula (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)

scientific article (publication date: June 1996)

SEM/EDX analysis of stomach contents of a sea slug snacking on a polluted seafloor reveal microplastics as a component of its diet

scientific article published in 2022

Seasonal variability of diet and trophic level of the gelatinous predator Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa)

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Shallow-water benthic hydroids from Tethys Bay (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica)

scholarly article by Stefano Piraino published in 2013

Species distribution models of two critically endangered deep-sea octocorals reveal fishing impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems in central Mediterranean Sea.

scientific article published on 14 August 2017

Species identification of bivalve-inhabiting marine hydrozoans of the genus Eugymnanthea


Species in the genus Turritopsis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): a molecular evaluation

scientific article (publication date: February 2007)

Successional dynamics of marine fouling hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) at a finfish aquaculture facility in the Mediterranean Sea.

scientific article

Sympagohydra tuuli gen. nov. and sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) a cool hydroid from the Arctic sea ice


The Bright Side of Gelatinous Blooms: Nutraceutical Value and Antioxidant Properties of Three Mediterranean Jellyfish (Scyphozoa).

scientific article

The EASIN Editorial Board: quality assurance, exchange and sharing of alien species information in Europe


The Enlargement of the Suez Canal and Introduction of Non-Indigenous Species to the Mediterranean Sea


The Jellyfish (Cnidaria): Biochemical Composition of Ovaries and Antibacterial Lysozyme-like Activity of the Oocyte Lysate


The Microbial Community Associated with Rhizostoma pulmo: Ecological Significance and Potential Consequences for Marine Organisms and Human Health

scientific article published on 21 August 2020

The Mucus of Actinia equina (Anthozoa, Cnidaria): An Unexplored Resource for Potential Applicative Purposes

scientific article

The adaptive pattern of growth and reproduction of the colonial hydroid Clavopsella michaeli

The cnidarian premises of metazoan evolution: From triploblasty, to coelom formation, to metamery

scientific article published in 1998

The continuity of living matter and the discontinuities of its constituents: do plankton and benthos really exist?

scientific article published on 01 April 1996

The influence of invasive jellyfish blooms on the aquatic microbiome in a coastal lagoon (Varano, SE Italy) detected by an Illumina-based deep sequencing strategy


The non-Siphonophoran Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Salento, Italy with notes on their life-cycles: an illustrated guide

scientific article (publication date: 15 January 2015)

The role of Cnidaria in evolution and ecology

article published in 2005

The westernmost record of Rhopilema nomadica (Galil, 1990) in the Mediterranean – off the Maltese Islands

scientific article published in 2011

The zoogeography of extant rhabdopleurid hemichordates (Pterobranchia : Graptolithina), with a new species from the Mediterranean Sea

The ≪stinging≫ egg ofClavopsella michaeli(Berrill) (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria)

article by Stefano Piraino published January 1992 in Italian Journal of Zoology

Trace Metals Do Not Accumulate Over Time in The Edible Mediterranean Jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from Urban Coastal Waters

scientific article published in 2021

Transcriptome Characterization of Reverse Development in Turritopsis dohrnii (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria)

scientific article published on 03 December 2019

Unfolding Jellyfish Bloom Dynamics along the Mediterranean Basin by Transnational Citizen Science Initiatives

scientific article published in 2021

UnmaskingAureliaspecies in the Mediterranean Sea: an integrative morphometric and molecular approach

scientific article published in 2016

Vellaria zucchellii sp. nov. a new monothalamous foraminifer from Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica


Vibrio harveyi associated with Aglaophenia octodonta (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria).

scientific article published on 28 October 2006

Zonation and Ecology of Epiphytic Hydroids in a Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon: The ‘Stagnone’ of Marsala (North-West Sicily)

scientific article published in 1990

‘Double trouble’: the expansion of the Suez Canal and marine bioinvasions in the Mediterranean Sea

article published in 2014