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List of works by Loretta Gregorini

408 MHz variability of complete samples of radio sources

scientific article published in January 1986

A 15 years monitoring program at 408MHz

scientific article

A 20 GHz bright sample for δ > 72° – II. Multifrequency follow-up

journal article from 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society' published in 2013

A 20 GHz bright sample for δ > +72° - I. Catalogue

scholarly article

A Deep 20 CM Radio Mosaic of the ESP Galaxy Redshift Survey

scientific article published in 1998

A Deep 20 cm Radio Mosaic of the ESO Key-project Galaxy Redshift Survey

scientific article published in 1996

A large population of galaxies 9 to 12 billion years back in the history of the Universe

scientific article published in Nature

AGN and starburst galaxies seen through radio surveys

Accurate photometric redshifts for the CFHT legacy survey calibrated using the VIMOS VLT deep survey

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Characterization of polarimetric and total intensity behaviour of a complete sample of PACO radio sources in the radio bands

scientific article

Confinement of radio galaxies in rich clusters

scientific article published in January 1990

Correlated flux density outbursts and structural variations in a sample of low frequency variable radio sources

scholarly article

Deep VLA observations of an optically selected sample of intermediate redshift QSOs and the optical luminosity function of the radio loud QSOs

scientific article published in January 1994

Dumbbell galaxies and multiple nuclei in rich clusters: radio data

scientific article published in January 1994

Early-type galaxies with dust lanes : observations of a northern sample

Eddington ratios of faint AGN at intermediate redshift: evidence for a population of half-starved black holes

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Energy distributions of radio galaxies

scholarly article

Evolution of AGN and stellar formation through radio surveys

scientific article

High resolution observations of the narrow angle tail radio galaxy in Abell 115

scientific article published in January 1989

High resolution radio and X-ray observations of A115

scientific article published in January 1984

High-frequency radio continuum observations of low-luminosity radio galaxies. I. A sample of sources with angular sizes 4'

scholarly article

High-frequency radio continuum observations of radio galaxies with low and intermediate luminosities. III. Spectral indices and particle ages

scientific article published in January 1995

High-frequency radio continuum observations of radio galaxies with low and intermediate luminosity. II. Sources with sizes 4' to 5'

scientific article

High-redshift B3 radio sources at 1.3mm wavelength

scientific article published in January 1996

Interstellar medium parameters derived from the variability of radio sources at low frequencies

scientific article

Multi-frequency VLA observations of a new sample of CSS/GPS radio sources

scholarly article

Multi-frequency study of the B3-VLA sample. I. 10.6-GHz data

scientific article published in January 1998

Multi-frequency study of the B3-VLA sample. II. The database

scientific article published in January 1999

Multi-frequency study of the B3-VLA sample. III. Polarisation properties

scientific article published in January 2003

Multi-frequency study of the B3VLA sample. IV. 74-MHz flux densities from VLA A-array data

scientific article published in January 2005

Multicolor surface photometry of brightest cluster galaxies

scientific article published in January 1992

Multifrequency observations of low frequency variable sources : a statistical analysis

scholarly article

Multifrequency polarimetry of a complete sample of PACO radio sources

scientific article

Observations of a nearby filament of galaxy clusters with the Sardinia Radio Telescope

scientific article

Observations of the galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301 with the Sardinia Radio Telescope

scientific article published in January 2017

One-year modulation in the flux density time series of low frequency variables

scientific article published in January 1994

Ordered magnetic fields around radio galaxies: evidence for interaction with the environment

scientific article published in January 2011

Polarisation studies of a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources

scientific article

Polarization properties of extragalactic radio sources and their contribution to microwave polarization fluctuations

scientific article published in January 2002

Radial velocities of 13 southern rich clusters

scientific article published in January 1989

Radio and optical observations of 9 nearby Abell Clusters: A 262, A 347, A 569, A 779, A 1213, A 1228, A 2162, A 2666

scientific article published in January 1982

Radio continuum and CO emission in star-forming galaxies

scientific article published in January 2002

Radio galaxies of intermediate strenght. II. VLA observations

scientific article published in January 1993

Radio galaxies of intermediate strength I. VLA observations

scientific article

Radio monitoring of a sample of X- and {gamma}-ray loud blazars

scientific article published in January 2001

Radio nuclei in elliptical galaxies

scientific article published in January 1988

Radio observations of early-type galaxies with dust lanes

scientific article published in January 1990

Radio observations of the first ranked galaxies in A 98, A 115, A 160, A 278 and A 568

Radio-optical properties of extragalactic populations in the VIPERS Survey

Redshifts of southern rich clusters

article published in 1993

Redshifts of southern rich clusters

scientific article published in January 1991

Refractive interstellar scintillations and low frequency variability: a detailed analysis using measured source structures

scientific article published in January 1993

Resolving the molecular environment of super star clusters in Henize 2-10

scientific article

Samples of dumb-bell galaxies in southern rich clusters

scholarly article

Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of Abell 194

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Spectral ageing in the relic radio galaxy B2 0924+30

scientific article published in January 2004

Spectral aging in the relic source B2 0924+30

scientific article published in January 1996

Statistical properties of the radio cores in elliptical galaxies

scientific article

Structure of the magnetoionic medium around the Fanaroff-Riley class I radio galaxy 3C449

scientific article published in January 2010

Synchrotron spectra and ages of compact steep spectrum radio sources

scientific article published in January 2002

Synchrotron spectra and ages of compact steep spectrum radio sources

scholarly article

The ATESP 5 GHz radio survey. I. Source counts and spectral index properties of the faint radio population

scientific article published in January 2006

The ATESP 5 GHz radio survey. II. Physical properties of the faint radio population

scientific article published in January 2008

The ATESP 5 GHz radio survey. III. 4.8, 8.6 and 19 GHz follow-up observations of radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 2010

The ATESP radio survey. I. Survey description, observations and data reduction

scholarly article

The ATESP radio survey. II. The source catalogue

scientific article

The ATESP radio survey. III. Source counts

scientific article

The ATESP radio survey. IV. Optical identifications and spectroscopy in the EIS-A region

scientific article published in January 2001

The B3-VLA CSS sample. II. VLBA images at 18 cm

scientific article

The B3-VLA CSS sample. III. EVN & MERLIN images at 18 cm

scientific article

The B3-VLA CSS sample. IV. Kp-scale polarization properties

scientific article published in January 2004

The QSO 1156+295: a multifrequency study of recent activity

scientific article published in January 1983

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey

scholarly article

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey

scientific article

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. Evolution of the luminosity functions by galaxy type up to z = 1.5 from first /session define format EPOCH1 = data

scientific article

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. Evolution of the major merger rate since z ~ 1 from spectroscopically confirmed galaxy pairs

scientific article

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. Tracing the galaxy stellar mass assembly history over the last 8 Gyr

scientific article

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: the build-up of the colour–density relation

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: the faint type-1 AGN sample

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The VIMOS VLT deep survey

scientific article

The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. Luminosity dependence of clustering at z =~1

scholarly article

The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. The evolution of galaxy clustering per spectral type to z=~1.5

scientific article

The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: evolution in the halo occupation number since z∼ 1★

scientific article

The VIRMOS deep imaging survey. IV. Near-infrared observations

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The VLA-VIRMOS Deep Field. I. Radio observations probing the {mu}Jy source population

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The VVDS type-1 AGN sample: the faint end of the luminosity function

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The VVDS-VLA deep field. II. Optical and near infrared identifications of VLA S_1.4GHz_>80{mu}Jy sources in the VIMOS VLT deep survey VVDS-02h field

scientific article

The VVDS-VLA deep field. III. GMRT observations at 610 MHz and the radio spectral index properties of the sub-mJy population

scientific article

The VVDS-VLA deep field. IV. Radio-optical properties

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Vimos VLT deep survey

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Vimos VLT deep survey. Stellar mass segregation and large-scale galaxy environment in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 1.4

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Vimos VLT deep survey: compact structures in the CDFS

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Vimos-VLT Deep Survey: Results from the First-Epoch Observations

The intracluster magnetic field power spectrum in Abell 2382

scientific article published in January 2008

The low frequency variability of extragalactic radio sources : discussion of the properties

scientific article published in January 1983

The low frequency variability of extragalactic radio sources: a relativistic effect or galactic scintillation?

scientific article

The low-frequency spectra of a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources

scientific article published in January 1984

The molecular environment of the Galactic star forming region G19.61–0.23

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The role of refractive interstellar scintillation in the low frequency variability of extragalactic radio sources

scientific article

The wide angle tailed radio source NGC 2329 in the cluster A 569

scientific article published in January 1985

Thermal and non-thermal components of the interstellar medium at sub-kiloparsec scales in galaxies

scientific article published in January 2006

Three epoch VLBI observations at 18cm of low frequency variable sources

scholarly article

VLBI structures of low frequency variable sources at 608 MHz

scientific article

VLBI structures of low frequency variables at 610 MHz : implications for refractive interstellar scintillations

scientific article published in January 1989

WRST radio observations at 1.4 GHz of 22 Abell clusters of distance class 5

scientific article published in January 1983

WSRT observations of elliptical galaxies from the B2 catalogue

scientific article published in January 1983

WSRT radio observations at 1.4 GHz of 32 Abell clusters of distance class 3 and 4

scientific article published in January 1983