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List of works by Lorenzo Bruzzone

A Coherent Multilayer Simulator of Radargrams Acquired by Radar Sounder Instruments

A Context-Sensitive Technique Based on Support Vector Machines for Image Classification

A Context-Sensitive Technique Robust to Registration Noise for Change Detection in VHR Multispectral Images

scientific article published on 08 March 2010

A Context-Sensitive Technique Robust to Registration Noise for Change Detection in Very High Resolution Multispectral Images

A Crown Quantization-Based Approach to Tree-Species Classification Using High-Density Airborne Laser Scanning Data

scientific article

A Deep Network Architecture for Super-Resolution-Aided Hyperspectral Image Classification With Classwise Loss

A Domain Adaptation SVM and a Circular Validation Strategy for Land-Cover Maps Updating

A Growth-Model-Driven Technique for Tree Stem Diameter Estimation by Using Airborne LiDAR Data

A Hierarchical Approach to Three-Dimensional Segmentation of LiDAR Data at Single-Tree Level in a Multilayered Forest

A Local Projection-Based Approach to Individual Tree Detection and 3-D Crown Delineation in Multistoried Coniferous Forests Using High-Density Airborne LiDAR Data

A Method for Automatic Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Ice Sheets by Using Radar Sounder and Altimeter Data

A Multiscale Technique for Reducing Registration Noise in Change Detection on Multitemporal VHR images

A Novel Automatic Method for the Fusion of ALS and TLS LiDAR Data for Robust Assessment of Tree Crown Structure

A Novel Framework for the Design of Change-Detection Systems for Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

A Novel Sharpening Approach for Superresolving Multiresolution Optical Images

A Novel System for Content-Based Retrieval of Single and Multi-Label High-Dimensional Remote Sensing Images

scholarly article by Osman Emre Dai et al published July 2018 in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

A Novel Technique Based on Deep Learning and a Synthetic Target Database for Classification of Urban Areas in PolSAR Data

scholarly article by Shaunak De et al published January 2018 in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

A Novel Technique for Optimal Feature Selection in Attribute Profiles Based on Genetic Algorithms

scholarly article

A Novel Technique for Robust Training of Deep Networks With Multisource Weak Labeled Remote Sensing Data

scientific article published in 2022

A Sensor-Driven Hierarchical Method for Domain Adaptation in Classification of Remote Sensing Images

A Study on the Effectiveness of Different Independent Component Analysis Algorithms for Hyperspectral Image Classification

scholarly article

A System for the Estimation of Single-Tree Stem Diameter and Volume Using Multireturn LIDAR Data

article by Michele Dalponte et al published July 2011 in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

A Theoretical Framework for Change Detection Based on a Compound Multiclass Statistical Model of the Difference Image

A Three-Dimensional Model-Based Approach to the Estimation of the Tree Top Height by Fusing Low-Density LiDAR Data and Very High Resolution Optical Images

article by Claudia Paris & Lorenzo Bruzzone published January 2015 in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

A comparison of self-dual attribute profiles based on different filter rules for classification

A conceptual framework for change detection in very high resolution remote sensing images

A cost-sensitive active learning technique for the definition of effective training sets for supervised classifiers

A data-driven identification of growth-model classes for the adaptive estimation of single-tree stem diameter in LiDAR data

A general approach to the spatial simplification of remote sensing images based on morphological connected filters

A genetic algorithm based cost-sensitive active learning technique for classification of remote sensing images

A hierarchical approach to the segmentation of single dominant and dominated trees in forest areas by using high-density LiDAR data

A multilevel approach to change detection for port surveillance with very high resolution SAR images

A nearly lossless 2d representation and characterization of change information in multispectral images

A novel active learning strategy for domain adaptation in the classification of remote sensing images

A novel approach to the automatic detection of subsurface features in planetary radar sounder signals

A novel automatic approach to the update of land-cover maps by unsupervised classification of remote sensing images

scholarly article

A novel data-driven approach to tree species classification using high density multireturn airborne lidar data

A novel hierarchical approach to change detection with very high resolution SAR images for surveillance applications

A novel hierarchical method for change detection in multitemporal hyperspectral images

article published in 2013

A novel hybrid approach to the estimation of biophysical parameters from remotely sensed data

A novel multitemporal detector for primitive extraction from VHR SAR images

A novel supervised feature selection technique based on genetic algorithms

A novel system for classification of image time series with limited ground reference data

A novel technique for subpixel image classification based on support vector machine

scientific article published in June 2010

A novel technique for tree stem height estimation by fusing low density LiDAR data and optical images

scholarly article published July 2013

A precise estimation of the 3D structure of the forest based on the fusion of airborne and terrestrial lidar data

A registration-noise driven technique for the alignment of VHR remote sensing images

A resting state network in the motor control circuit of the basal ganglia

scientific article

A sensor-driven domain adaptation method for the classification of remote sensing images

A technique for the automatic estimation of ice thickness and bedrock properties from radar sounder data acquired at Antarctica

ADJUST: An automatic EEG artifact detector based on the joint use of spatial and temporal features

scientific article

Active learning for classification of remote sensing images

Active-learning based cascade classification of multitemporal images for updating land-cover maps

Advanced Processing of Hyperspectral Images

scientific article published in July 2006

Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification: Earth Monitoring with Statistical Learning Methods

Alternating sequential filters with morphological attribute operators for the analysis of remote sensing images

An ICA based approach to hyperspectral image feature reduction

An Interferometric Approach to Cross-Track Clutter Detection in Two-Channel VHF Radar Sounders

An Internal Crown Geometric Model for Conifer Species Classification With High-Density LiDAR Data

An Unsupervised Multicode Hashing Method for Accurate and Scalable Remote Sensing Image Retrieval

An adaptive semiparametric and context-based approach to unsupervised change detection in multitemporal remote-sensing images

scientific article published in January 2002

An automatic system for the analysis and classification of human atrial fibrillation patterns from intracardiac electrograms

scientific article published in September 2008

An effective active learning method for interactive content-based retrieval in remote sensing images

Analysis of multitemporal Sentinel-2 images in the framework of the ESA Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions

Analysis on the Use of Multiple Returns LiDAR Data for the Estimation of Tree Stems Volume


Assessing the potential for passive radio sounding of Europa and Ganymede with RIME and REASON

scientific article

Automatic Enhancement and Detection of Layering in Radar Sounder Data Based on a Local Scale Hidden Markov Model and the Viterbi Algorithm

Automatic Pleural Line Extraction and COVID-19 Scoring from Lung Ultrasound Data

scientific article published on 29 June 2020

Automatic Threshold Selection for Profiles of Attribute Filters Based on Granulometric Characteristic Functions

Automatic classification of subsurface features in radar sounder data acquired in icy areas

Building characterisation in VHR SAR data acquired under controlled EMSL conditions

Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Attribute Profiles

Change detection for earthquake damage assessment in built-up areas using very high resolution optical and SAR imagery

scholarly article published July 2010

Classification of Hyperspectral Images by Using Extended Morphological Attribute Profiles and Independent Component Analysis

Classification of hyperspectral data using extended attribute profiles based on supervised and unsupervised feature extraction techniques

scholarly article

Classification of hyperspectral images by using morphological attribute filters and Independent Component Analysis

Classification of hyperspectral images with Extended Attribute Profiles and feature extraction techniques

Classification of hyperspectral remote-sensing data with primal SVM for small-sized training dataset problem

Classification of time series of multispectral images with limited training data.

scientific article

Combining parametric and non-parametric algorithms for a partially unsupervised classification of multitemporal remote-sensing images

Detection of changed buildings in multitemporal Very High Resolution SAR images

Detection of hedges based on attribute filters

Detection of land-cover transitions in multitemporal images with active-learning based compound classification

Development and validation of multitemporal image analysis methodologies for multirisk monitoring of critical structures and infrastructures

scientific article published in July 2012

Domain adaptation problems: a DASVM classification technique and a circular validation strategy.

scientific article published in May 2010

Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buildings Using VHR Optical and SAR Imagery

scholarly article by Dominik Brunner et al published May 2010 in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Efficient regularized LDA for hyperspectral image classification

Enhanced Spatially Constrained Remotely Sensed Imagery Classification Using a Fuzzy Local Double Neighborhood Information C-Means Clustering Algorithm

scholarly article by Hua Zhang et al published August 2018 in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Estimation of building heights from detected dual-aspect VHR SAR imagery using an iterative simulation and matching procedure in combination with functional analysis

Extended Self-Dual Attribute Profiles for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images

Extended profiles with morphological attribute filters for the analysis of hyperspectral data

scholarly article

Extraction of Building Heights from VHR SAR Imagery using an Iterative Simulation and Match Procedure

Extraction of spatial features in hyperspectral images based on the analysis of differential attribute profiles

Freight traffic surveillance in VHR SAR images by multiscale information extraction

Fusion of Hyperspectral and LIDAR Remote Sensing Data for Classification of Complex Forest Areas

article by Michele Dalponte et al published May 2008 in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Fusion of high and very high density LiDAR data for 3D forest change detection

Fusion of hyperspectral and lidar data using morphological attribute profiles

Fusion of hyperspectral and lidar remote sensing data for the estimation of tree stem diameters

Fusion of multi‐spectral SPOT‐5 images and very high resolution texture information extracted from digital orthophotos for automatic classification of complex Alpine areas

GeoFedBench: A Benchmark for Federated GeoSPARQL Query Processors

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2020 demos and industry tracks: from novel ideas to industrial practice

Hierarchical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data: Morphological Attribute Profiles and Binary Partition Trees

ICA analysis of fMRI with real-time constraints: an evaluation of fast detection performance as function of algorithms, parameters and a priori conditions

scientific article published on February 2013

ICA and kernel ICA for change detection in multispectral remote sensing images

Integration of Gibbs Markov random field and Hopfield-type neural networks for unsupervised change detection in remotely sensed multitemporal images

scientific article

Integration of X-band SAR and optical thermal data for retrieving snowpack parameters in mountain areas

Introduction to the Issue on Advances in Remote Sensing Image Processing

Low-cost updating of land-cover maps by classifiying multitemporal remote sensing images

Mapping and modeling forest tree volume using forest inventory and airborne laser scanning

Mean Kernels for Semi-Supervised Remote Sensing Image Classification

Morphological attribute filters for the analysis of very high resolution remote sensing images

Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using a Semisupervised Graph-Theoretic Method

Multiobjective model selection for non-linear regression techniques


Multiple Kernel Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification

article published in 2018

Multiyear Mapping of Water Demand at Crop Level: An End-to-End Workflow Based on High-Resolution Crop Type Maps and Meteorological Data

scientific article published in 2023

Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter

On the role of spectral resolution and classifier complexity in the analysis of hyperspectral images of forest areas

Partially-supervised updating of land-cover maps: A P 2 S 2 VM technique and a circular validation strategy

Piecewise Linear Approximation of Vector-Valued Images and Curves via Second-Order Variational Model

scientific article published on 16 June 2017

RIME: Radar for Icy Moon Exploration

Radar evidence of an accessible cave conduit on the Moon below the Mare Tranquillitatis pit

Radar probing of Jovian icy moons: Understanding subsurface water and structure detectability in the JUICE and Europa missions

Rayleigh-Rice Mixture Parameter Estimation via EM Algorithm for Change Detection in Multispectral Images

scientific article published on 28 August 2015

Recent advances in techniques for hyperspectral image processing

scientific article published in September 2009

Retrieval of the Height of Buildings From WorldView-2 Multi-Angular Imagery Using Attribute Filters and Geometric Invariant Moments

article by Giorgio A. Licciardi et al published February 2012 in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Segmentation-Based Fine Registration of Very High Resolution Multitemporal Images

Self-dual Attribute Profiles for the Analysis of Remote Sensing Images

Semi-Supervised Remote Sensing Image Classification based on Clustering and the Mean Map Kernel

Semisupervised Support Vector Machines for Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images

Semisupervised Transfer Component Analysis for Domain Adaptation in Remote Sensing Image Classification

Semisupervised nonlinear feature extraction for image classification

Sentinel-1 and Ground-Based Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of the Corvara Landslide (South Tyrol, Italy)


Sequential cascade classification of image time series by exploiting multiple pairwise change detection

Set-to-Set Distance-Based Spectral–Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images

Simultaneous and Constrained Calibration of Multiple Hyperspectral Images Through a New Generalized Empirical Line Model

scholarly article by Fadi Kizel et al published June 2018 in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Solving for ambiguities in radar geophysical exploration of planetary bodies by mimicking bats echolocation.

scientific article published on 21 December 2017

Spatial and temporal mapping of leaf area index in Alpine pastures and meadows with satellite MODIS imagery

Spatial and temporal mapping of soil moisture content with polarimetric RADARSAT 2 SAR imagery in the Alpine area

Spectral and Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on ICA and Reduced Morphological Attribute Profiles

Study on the capabilities of morphological attribute profiles in change detection on VHR images

Subsurface Radar Sounding of the Jovian Moon Ganymede

scientific article

Superpixel-Based Unsupervised Band Selection for Classification of Hyperspectral Images

Supervised change detection in VHR images using contextual information and support vector machines

Supervised change detection in VHR images: A comparative analysis

Target-driven change detection based on data transformation and similarity measures

The ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF Bands: First Results of the 2018 Helicopter-Borne Morocco Desert Campaign

The Evolution of the Morphological Profile: from Panchromatic to Hyperspectral Images

The role of spectral resolution and classifier complexity in the analysis of hyperspectral images of forest areas


Tree species classification in the Southern Alps based on the fusion of very high geometrical resolution multispectral/hyperspectral images and LiDAR data


Two-Stream Deep Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Unsupervised Classification of Remote Sensing Data Using Graph Cut-Based Initialization

Unsupervised Multitemporal Spectral Unmixing for Detecting Multiple Changes in Hyperspectral Images