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List of works by Philip Freeman

Art and archaeology (A.S.) Lewin and (P.) Pellegrini Eds Settlements and Demography in the Near East in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the Colloquium, Matera 27–29 October 2005. Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2006. Pp. 205,

scholarly article by Philip Freeman published in November 2009

Barry Cunliffe,Greeks, Romans and Barbarians: Spheres of Interaction. 243 + XII, 76 line drawings (maps and diagrams), Batsford, London,1988, £19.95

book review published in Glasgow Archaeological Journal

Frontiers of the Roman Empire. The European Dimension of a World Heritage Site. Edited by D.J. Breeze and S. Jilek. Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 2008. Pp. 205, illus + DVD. ISBN 978 1 904966 89 0.Edge of Empire. The Antonine Wall. Rome's Scottish Fr

Guy de la Bedoyere,The Finds Of Roman Britain, 242 + 122 line figures (maps and diagrams) and 27 colour plates. Batsford, London, 1989, £19.95

Lawrence KeppieRoman Inscribed And Sculptured Stones In The Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, Britannia Monograph Series No.13, London, 1998. 210 x 29V mm. pp.xiii and 156 with 28 figures, 81 line illustrations and 24 b/w plates. ISBN 0 907764

M.C.Bishop And J.C.N. Coulston,Roman Military Equipment: From The Punic War To The Fall Of Rome. (Batsford. London 1993. ISBN 0.7134.6637.5). £35.00. pp.256 with 8 colour plates and 143 line figures

P. southern and K. s. Dixon,The Roman Cavalry, 256 pp., 35 plates and 84 line illustrations. Batsford London 1992, £30.00

Recent Work at Osmanthorpe, Nottinghamshire

Roman Frontier Studies: What's New?

Southern Hauran Survey 1992

The Wadi Faynan Survey, Jordan: a Preliminary Report on Survey in Area WF2 in 1997

‘And the rest is history. And archaeology’: The potential of battlefield archaeology

scholarly article by Philip Freeman published in December 1998

‘Romanisation’ and Roman material culture. MARTIN MILLETT, THE ROMANIZATION OF BRITAIN. AN ESSAY IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION (Cambridge University Press 1990). Pp. xvi + 255, 95 ills, (maps and plates) and 32 tables. ISBN 0-521-36084-6. £30

‘Romanization – Imperialism’ – What are We Talking About?

article published in 1997