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List of works by Catherine Johns

A Hoard of Late Roman Rings and Silver Coins from Silchester, Hampshire

A Late Roman Gold Finger-Ring from Silchester, Hampshire

A Mid-Fifth Century Hoard of Roman and Pseudo-Roman Material from Patching, West Sussex


A Roman Bronze Head from Cirencester

A Roman Gold Phallic Pendant from Braintree, Essex

A Roman Gold Ring From Aldborough North Yorkshire

scholarly article by Catherine Johns published in January 1986

A Roman Silver Dish From Ratley, Warwickshire

scholarly article by Philip J. Wise published in January 1996

A Roman Silver Spoon from Helpston, Cambridgeshire

Amphorae from Brockley Hill, 1975

Arretine and Samian Pottery

book published in 1970

Catalogue of the Engraved Gems and Finger-Rings in the Ashmolean Museum. II. Roman. By M. Henig and A. MacGregor. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1332. Archaeopress, Oxford, 2004. Pp. 165, pls 70. Price: £37.00. ISBN 978 1 84171

Fouilles de Conimbriga, Vol. VI. Ceramiques diverses et verres. By Jorge Alarcão, Manuela Delgado, Françoise Mayet, Adilia Moutinho Alarcão, and Salete da Ponte. 32 × 23·5 cm. Pp. xii + 258, including 48 figs, and 1 plan. Paris: De Boccard, 1976

Gaulish Potters' stamps

Hacked, Broken, or Chopped? A Matter of Terminology

article by Catherine Johns published March 1996 in Antiquaries Journal

I. The Roman Silver Cups from Hockwold, Norfolk

scientific article published in 1986

Late Roman Silver Spoons from Spennymoor, County Durham

Late-Antique silver: discovery and interpretation

Le Trésor d'argenterie gallo-romaine de Notre-Dame-d'Allençon (Maine-et-Loire). By François Baratte. (XLe supplément à Gallia.) 28 × 22 cm. Pp. xlviii + 88, figs. + 39 pls. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1981. ISBN 2–222

Les Figurines gallo-romaines en terre cuke au Musée des Antiquités Nationales. By Micheline Rouvier-Jeanlin. 11 × 8¾. (Gallia supplément XXIV.) Pp. 428+200 pls. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1972. Price not stated

Research on Roman silver plate

scientific article published in 1990

Review Der römische Goldschmuck aus Lunnern (ZH): ein Hortfund des 3. Jahrhunderts und seine Geschichte. By S. Martin-Kilcher, H. Amrein and B. Horisberger. Chronos Verlag, Zürich/ Schweizerisches Landemuseum Zürich, Bundesamt für Kultur, 2008. P

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Roman Art, Religion and Society: New Studies for the Roman Art Seminar, Oxford 2005. Edited by M. Henig. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1577. Archaeopress, Oxford, 2006. Pp. ix + 213, illus. Price: £36.00. ISBN 978 1 84171 791 3

Roman Pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum. By John W. Hayes. 30 × 22·5 cm. Pp. × + 125 + 13 figs. + 40 pls. in text. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1976. $13·50

Romano-British Precious Metal Hoards: Some Comments on Martin Millett’s Paper

scientific article published in January 1995

The Classification and Interpretation of Romano-British Treasures

The Esquiline Treasure. By Kathleen J. Shelton. 28 × 22 cm. Pp. 104 + 48 pls. London: British Museum Publications, 1981. £40·00.

The Hoxne Late Roman Treasure

The Hoxne Treasure

The Risley Park Silver Lanx: A Lost Antiquity from Roman Britain

The Roman Inscriptions of Britain. Vol. II. Instrumentum Domesticum. Fasc. 1. The Military Diplomata, Metal Ingots, Tesserae, Dies, Labels and Lead Sealings (RIB 2401-2411). Edited by S. S. Frere, Margaret Roxan and R. S. O. Tomlin. 287 × 215mm. Pp.

The Roman Occupation of the Central Fenland

scientific article published in 1981

The Tombstone of Laetus' Daughter: Cats in Gallo-Roman Sculpture

The Wincle, Cheshire, Hoard of Roman Gold Jewellery

Trierer Reliefsigillata: Werkstatt I. By Ingeborg Huld-Zetsche. 11¾ × 8. Pp. 232 + text figs. + 69 pls. + 1 plan. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 1972. DM. 125