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List of works by Simon Springer

1st International Conference of Anarchist Geographies and Geographers (ICAGG)

conference paper published in 2017

A Brief History of Neoliberalism

journal article from 'Journal of Peace Research' published in 2007

Accumulation by Dispossession: Transformative Cities in the New Global Order

journal article from 'Urban Studies' published in 2013

An Introduction to Neoliberalism

book section published in 2016

Anarchism and Geography: A Brief Genealogy of Anarchist Geographies

journal article from 'Geography Compass' published in 2013

Anarchism! What Geography Still Ought to Be

journal article from 'Antipode' published in 2012

Anarchist Geographies

journal article from 'Antipode' published in 2012

Anarchist Geography

book section published in 2015

Anarchist Political Ecology: Theoretical Horizons and Empirical Axes

conference paper published in 2017

Anarchist Praxis and the Evolution of Social Change: The Problem With Revolution and Thought

journal article from 'Antipode' published in 2016

Anarchist Research Within and Without the Academy: Everyday Geographies and the Methods of Emancipation

book section published in 2022

Anarchist Roots Under Europe - A Speaking Tour by Simon Springer, April-June 2018

book published in 2018

Anarchist and Left-Libertarian Perspectives on the Geographies of Peace

conference paper published in 2017

Anarchy is forever: The infinite and eternal moment of struggle

book section published in 2018

Articulated Neoliberalism: The Specificity of Patronage, Kleptocracy, and Violence in Cambodia's Neoliberalization

journal article from 'Environment and Planning A' published in 2011

Between Earth and Empire: From the Necrocene to the Beloved Community: John P. Clark. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2019. xxiv and 333 pp., notes, index. $24.95 paper (ISBN 978-1-62963-648-1).

journal article from 'The AAG Review of Books' published in 2021

Between War and Peace: Violence and Accommodation in the Cambodian Logging Sector

book section published in 2007

Book Review Forum - The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation

journal article from 'The AAG Review of Books' published in 2017

Broadening Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Through Gender and 2SLGBTQ+ Equity

scientific article published in 2022

COVID-19 Digital Health Innovation Policy: A Portal to Alternative Futures in the Making

scientific article published on 08 June 2020

COVID-19 Health Technology Governance, Epistemic Competence, and the Future of Knowledge in an Uncertain World

scientific article published on 08 June 2020

Cambodia's Neoliberal Order: Violence, Authoritarianism, and the Contestation of Public Space

book published in 2010

Caring geographies: The COVID-19 interregnum and a return to mutual aid

journal article from 'Dialogues in Human Geography' published in 2020

Check Your Anthroprivilege! Situated Knowledge and Geographical Imagination as an Antidote to Environmental Speciesism, Anthroparchy, and Human Fragility

book section published in 2021

Conclusion—Memento Mori: The Mortality of Neoliberalism

book section published in 2015

Confronting Hate Speech with the Geography of Freedom

journal article from 'The conversation' published in 2018

Culture of Violence or Violent Orientalism? Neoliberalization and Imagining the ‘Savage Other’ in Post-Transitional Cambodia

journal article from 'Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers' published in 2009

Decolonizing Knowledge Upstream: New Ways to Deconstruct and Fight Disinformation in an Era of COVID-19, Extreme Digital Transformation, and Climate Emergency

journal article from 'OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology' published in 2022

Disinformation as COVID-19's Twin Pandemic: False Equivalences, Entrenched Epistemologies, and Causes-of-Causes

journal article from 'OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology' published in 2022

Domesticating neo-liberalism: spaces of economic practice and social reproduction in post-socialist cities

journal article from 'New Zealand Geographer' published in 2012

Earth Writing

journal article from 'GeoHumanities' published in 2014

For Spatial Emancipation in Critical Animal Studies

book section published in 2018

For a Non-Violent, Non-Essentialist Cambodia: A Reply to Ryerson Christie

journal article from 'South East Asia Research' published in 2011

For an anarchist geography

book published in 2018

For anarcho-geography! Or, bare-knuckle boxing as the world burns

journal article from 'Dialogues in Human Geography' published in 2014

Fuck Neoliberalism

article in ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies

Fuck Neoliberalism

journal article from 'ACME' published in 2016

Fuck Neoliberalism... And Then Some!

book published in 2016

Fulfilling The Promise of Anarchist Geographies

conference paper published in 2016

Geographers Against Trump

journal article from 'ACME' published in 2018

Geographies of Anarchist Praxes

conference paper published in 2018

Globalization and Inequality

journal article from 'Journal of Peace Research' published in 2006

God dethroned: a reply to Nick Megoran

journal article from 'Space and Polity' published in 2014

Homelessness in Cambodia: the terror of gentrification

book section published in 2015

Human geography without hierarchy

scientific article published on 18 October 2013

I, Dirty Anarchist

book section published in 2018

Illegal Evictions? Overwriting Possession and Orality with Law's Violence in Cambodia

scientific article published on 20 September 2012

Introduction to Contemporary Cambodia

book section published in 2016

Introduction—Sic Transit Gloria Mundi: There’s Something Rotten in the State of Cambodia

book section published in 2015

Klepto-Neoliberalism: authoritarianism and patronage in Cambodia

book section published in 2017

Leaky Geopolitics: The Ruptures and Transgressions of WikiLeaks

scientific article published in 2012

Learning through the soles of our feet: unschooling, anarchism, and the geography of childhood

book section published in 2016

Neoliberal Discursive Formations: On the Contours of Subjectivation, Good Governance, and Symbolic Violence in Posttransitional Cambodia

journal article from 'Environment and Planning D Society and Space' published in 2010

Neoliberalising violence: Of the exceptional and the exemplary in coalescing moments

journal article from 'Area' published in 2012


book section published in 2013

Neoliberalism and Geography: Expansions, Variegations, Formations

journal article from 'Geography Compass' published in 2010

Neoliberalism as discourse: between Foucauldian political economy and Marxian poststructuralism

journal article from 'Critical Discourse Studies' published in 2012

Neoliberalism in Denial

journal article from 'Dialogues in Human Geography' published in 2014

Neoliberalism in Southeast Asia

book section published in 2017

Neoliberalization: States, Networks, Peoples

journal article from 'Journal of Economic Geography' published in 2007

Neoliberalizing violence : (post)Marxian political economy, poststructuralism, and the production of space in 'postconflict' Cambodia

doctoral thesis published in 2009

Olympic Violence: Memory, Colonialism, and the Politics of Place

article in ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies

Olympic violence: Memory, colonialism, and the politics of place

journal article from 'ACME' published in 2014

Peak neoliberalism? Revisiting and rethinking the concept of neoliberalism

journal article from 'Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization' published in 2017

Performing Anarchism, Practicing Freedom, Pursuing Revolt

book section published in 2016


journal article from 'Review of Radical Political Economics' published in 2015

Property is the mother of famine: On dispossession, wages, and the threat of hunger

journal article from 'Political Geography' published in 2017

Public Space as Emancipation: Meditations on Anarchism, Radical Democracy, Neoliberalism and Violence

scientific article published in 2010

Radical Political Geographies

book section published in 2015

Reanimating Anarchist Geographies: A New Burst of Colour

journal article from 'Antipode' published in 2012

Renewed authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Undermining democracy through neoliberal reform

journal article from 'Asia Pacific Viewpoint' published in 2009

Rules Bloody Rules: Safety, Security, Stockholm Syndrome, and the State

journal article from 'Antipode' published in 2013

Say 'Yes!' to peer review: Open Access publishing and the need for mutual aid in academia

journal article from 'Fennia' published in 2017

Space, Time, and the Politics of Immanence

journal article from 'Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought' published in 2014

Spatial Delight and the Possibilities of Childhood

journal article from 'Dialogues in Human Geography' published in 2014

Stop the Spam! Conference Ethics and Decoding the Subtext in Post-Truth Science. What Would Denis Diderot Say?

scientific article

Subverting the meaning of 'theory'

book section published in 2016

Söylem olarak neoliberalizm: Foucaultcu politik ekonomi ile Marksçi postyapısalcılık arasında

book section published in 2015

Thanatechnology and the Living Dead: New Concepts in Digital Transformation and Human-Computer Interaction

journal article from 'OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology' published in 2021

The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation

2016 edition of the book by Simon Springer

The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation

book by Simon Springer

The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Towards Spatial Emancipation

book published in 2016

The Discourse of Neoliberalism: An Anatomy of a Powerful Idea

book published in 2016

The Fallout: Invisible Geographies Beyond the Liquid Eye

conference paper published in 2015

The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia

book published in 2015

The Handbook of Neoliberalism

book published in 2015

The Limits to Marx: David Harvey and the Condition of Postfraternity

journal article from 'Dialogues in Human Geography' published in 2016

The Mont Pelerin Plague? Revisiting and Rethinking Neoliberalism

conference paper published in 2016

The Neoliberal 'Order' in Cambodia: Political Violence, Democracy, and the Contestation of Public Space

conference paper published in 2005

The Radicalization of Pedagogy: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt

book published in 2016

The Straw Man Critique of Neoliberalism in Cambodia

journal article from 'New Mandala' published in 2011

The Third Cheer For Anarchism

journal article from 'Antipode' published in 2014

The neoliberalization of security and violence in Cambodia's transition

book section published in 2009

The nonillusory effects of neoliberalisation: Linking geographies of poverty, inequality, and violence

journal article from 'Geoforum' published in 2008

The violence of homelessness: Exile and arbitrary detention in Cambodia's war on the poor

journal article from 'Asia Pacific Viewpoint' published in 2020

The violence of neoliberalism

book section published in 2015

Theories of Resistance: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt

book published in 2016

To Genotype or Phenotype for Drug and Food Safety? Exiting the Technology Echo Chambers

scientific article published on 23 July 2018

Total Liberation Ecology: Integral Anarchism, Anthroparchy, and the Violence of Indifference

book section published in 2021

Transgressing Frontiers Through the Radicalization of Pedagogy

book section published in 2016


book section published in 2018

Violence and Space: An Introduction to the Geographies of Violence

journal article from 'Political Geography' published in 2016

Violence sits in places? Cultural practice, neoliberal rationalism, and virulent imaginative geographies

journal article from 'Political Geography' published in 2011

Violence, Democracy, and the Neoliberal “Order”: The Contestation of Public Space in Posttransitional Cambodia


Violent Accumulation: A Postanarchist Critique of Property, Dispossession, and the State of Exception in Neoliberalizing Cambodia

journal article from 'Annals of the Association of American Geographers' published in 2013

Violent Accumulation: The Trilateral of Logics and the Creation of Property

book section published in 2015

Violent Evictions: Oral Possession and Legal Transgression

book section published in 2015

Violent Kleptocracy: The Articulations of Neoliberalism and Patronage

book section published in 2015

Violent Neoliberalism: Development, Discourse, and Dispossession in Cambodia

journal article from 'Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia' published in 2018

Violent Neoliberalism: Development, Discourse, and Dispossession in Cambodia

book published in 2015

Violent Orientalism: Imagining the “Savage Other”

book section published in 2015

Violent Politics: Authority, Terror, and the New Devaraja

book section published in 2015

Violent Symbolism: Good Governance and the Making of Neoliberal Subjects

book section published in 2015

Visiting Moscow and Dmitrov for Kropotkin

journal article from 'IGU Commission on Political Geography Newsletter' published in 2016

War and Pieces

journal article from 'Space and Polity' published in 2013

What does "Diversity" Mean for Public Engagement in Science? A New Metric for Innovation Ecosystem Diversity

scientific article published on 12 February 2018

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Anarchist? Rejecting Left Unity and Raising Hell in Radical Geography

journal article from 'Anarchist Studies' published in 2018

Why a radical geography must be anarchist

scientific article published on 29 October 2014

नवउदारवाद भाड़ में जाए!

journal article from 'ACME' published in 2016


journal article from 'ACME' published in 2016