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List of works by Richard Reece

353, 367, or 357? Splitting the Difference or Taking a New Approach?

A Collection of Coins from the Centre of Rome

A Roman Building at Chalk, near Gravesend

A Short Survey of the Roman Coins Found on Fourteen Sites in Britain

An Archaeology of Identity: Soldiers and Society in Late Roman Britain. By A. Gardner. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California, 2007. Pp. 340, illus. Price: £40.00. ISBN 978 1 59874 226 8

An Early Saxon Settlement within the Romano-British Small Town at Heybridge, Essex

scientific article published in January 1982


scholarly article by Richard Reece published in November 1982

Bones, bangles and barbarians: towards the perfect cemetery report

Britannia: histoire et civilisation de la Grande-Bretagne romaine: Ier-Ve siècles apr. J.-C. By P. Galliou. Errance, Paris, 2004. Pp. 174, illus. Price: €24.00. ISBN 2 87772 282 1

British sites and their Roman coins


scholarly article by Richard Reece published in January 2006


scholarly article by Richard Reece published in January 2003

Carausius and Allectus: The British Usurpers

book review

Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the Ashmolean Museum. Part I, Augustus. By C. H. V. Sutherland and C. M. Kraay. 15 × 11. Pp. xv + 36 pls. + 8 indexes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. £20

Coin Hoards from Roman Britain Volume 4

Coin Hoards from Roman Britain. Vol. III. The Blackmoor Hoard. By Roger Bland. 30 × 21.5 cm. Pp. v + 115 + 10 pls. London: British Museum Publications Ltd. (Occasional Paper No. 33), 1982. ISBN 0-86159-033-3. Price not stated


Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic. Italy and the Mediterranean Economy. By Michael H. Crawford. 25.5×19.5 cm. Pp. xxv+355, 157 ills. London: Methuen, 1985. ISBN 0-416-12300-7. £65.00


Coins and Archaeology

Continuity, Fields and Fission: The Making of a Midland Parish

Das römische Gräberfeld von Courroux im Berner Jura. By Stefanie Martin-Kilcher. (Basler Beiträge zur Ur- und Früh geschichte, Band 2.) 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. xiv + 231 + 123 figs. + 1 colour pl. Derendingen: Habeggar Verlag, 1976. Sw. Fr. 68.Die Gr


Die Fundmünzen der römischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abt. I Bayern, Band 6: Unterfranken. By H. J. Kellner, and B. and M. Overbeck. 10½×7½. Pp. 159×3 maps. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1975. DM. 75.

Die Fundmünzen der römischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abt. VI, Bd. 6: Detmold. By B. Korzus. 10½ × 7¼. Pp. 104 + 2 figs. + I folding map. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1973. DM. 50.

Die Fundmünzen der römischen Zeit in Deutschland. Part IV. Rheinland Pfalz. Vol. V. Montabaur. Compiled by Karlhorst Stribrny. Part VI. Nordrhein-Westfalen. Vol. I, 1. Stadt Köln. Compiled by Elisabeth Nuber. 26 × 18.5 cm. Pp. 105, 2 maps; 689, 5

Die Fundmünzen der römischen ‘Zeit in Deutschland. I. 2 (Niederbayern), IV. 3/1 (Trier), VI. 4 (Münster). Edited by H. Gebhart and K. Kraft (Römisch-Germanische Kommission). 10½ × 7¼. Pp. 221; 287; 128. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann, 1970 and 19

East is East and West is Gloucestershire

chapter published in 2006

Excavations at Nos. 1 and 30 Westgate Street, Gloucester: The Roman Levels

article by Carolyn M. Heighway et al published 1980 in Britannia

Excavations at the Roman Fort at Lympne, Kent 1976-78

article by Barry Cunliffe et al published 1980 in Britannia

External Contacts and the Economy of Late Roman Britain

Fouilles de Conimbriga; Vol. III Les Monnaies: Pereira, Bost and Hiernard

Greeks, Celts and Romans. Edited by Christopher and Sonia Hawkes. (‘Archaeology into History’series, Vol. 1.) 10 × 7½. Pp. xiv + 156 + 8 pls. + 20 figs. London: Dent, 1973. £4·50

Illuminating Roman Britain

Interpreting Roman hoards

Le Tresor de Garonne: Essai sur la Circulation Monetaire en Aquitaine a la Fin du Regne d'Antonin le Pieux (159-161)

Les Monnaies Gauloises de la Collection A. Danicourt, a Peronne

Liturgy and Architecture: from the early church to the Middle Ages. By Allan Doig. 242mm. Pp xxii + 224, 49 b&w and 10 col ills. Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2008. ISBN 9780754652724. £55 (hbk). ISBN 9780754652748. £15.99 (Pbk)

Lloyd R. Laing: Coins and Archaeology. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969. 336 pp., 24 pls., 16 figs. 60s. (£3.00)

scholarly article by Richard Reece published in September 1970


scholarly article by Richard Reece published in March 1995


scholarly article by Richard Reece published in July 1989

Michael H. Crawford: Roman Republican coinage I and II. London: Cambridge University Press, 1974. 941 pp., 5 figs., 62 tables. £35.00 the set; £95.00 the set

Monnaies et circulation monetaire a Toulouse sous l'Empire Romain (Ier-Ve siecle)

My Roman Britain

book published in 1988

Novaesium Fill. Die römischen Gräberfelder von Novaesium. By Gustav Müller. (Limesforschungen Band 17.) 30 × 21·5 cm. Pp. 134 + 13 figs. + 98 pls. + 4 maps + 2 supplements. Berlin: Mann Verlag, 1977. DM. 125.--- Either ISSN or Journal title must

Numerical aspects of Roman coin hoards in Britain

chapter published in 1988


scholarly article by Richard Reece published in July 1991

Real Archaeology?

scientific article published on 15 November 1996

Recent Coin Hoards from Roman Britain

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of books

Richard Hingley. Roman officers and English gentlemen: the imperial origins of Roman archaeology xv + 224 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. 2000. London: Routledge; 0-415-23580-4 paperback £ 16.99

Roman Britain: Life at the Edge of Empire. By Hobbs and Jackson. British Museum Press, London, 2010. Pp. 160, illus. Price: £9.99. isbn 0 714150 6 14/ 978 0 71415 0 611.UnRoman Britain: Exposing the Great Myth of Britannia. By Russell and Laycock. H

Roman Coinage in Britain

book review published in 1981

Roman Coinage in the Western Empire

scientific article published in 1973

Roman Coins. By C. H. V. Sutherland. 9¾ × 7½. Pp. 311: 572 coins illustrated, over 60 in colour. London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1974. ,£8·25.

Roman Gaul and Germany. By Anthony King. 245 × 177mm. Pp. 240, many ills. London: British Museum Publications (Exploring the Roman World), 1990. ISBN 0-7141-2044-8. £17·95


Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. VIII. The Family of Constantine I (A.D. 337–64). By J. P. C. Kent. 24·5 × 15·5 cm. Pp. xlix + 605 + 28 pls. London: Spink & Son Ltd., 1981. £91·00.

Roman Imperial Coins in the Hunter Coin Cabinet, University of Glasgow, IV. Valerian I to Allectus. By Anne S. Robertson. 25·5 × 16·5 cm. Pp. ccxvi + 340 + 64 pls. Oxford: University Press, 1978. £40·00

Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond. Edited by John Dore and Kevin Greene. (B.A.R. Supplementary Series, No. 30). 29·5 × 20·5 cm. Pp. 33 + 52 figs. + 3 pls. + 3 tables. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1977. £6·3O.--- Either ISSN

Roman currency: New thoughts and problems

scholarly article by Richard Reece published in February 1975

Sequence is all: or archaeology in a historical period

article published in 1984

Site-Finds in Roman Britain

scientific article published in 1995

The British Settlement of Brittany: The First Bretons in Armorica. By Pierre-Roland Giot, Philippe Guigon and Bernard Merdrignac. 250mm. Pp 320, 139 ills. Stroud: Tempus, 2003. ISBN 0752425242. £25

The Chalfont Hoard and Other Roman Coin Hoards. Edited by Roger Bland. 290mm. Pp. 366, 32 pls. ills. London: British Museum Press, 1992. ISBN 0-7141-0875-8. £50.00

The Cunetio Treasure: Roman Coinage of the Third Century a.d. By Edward Besly and Roger Bland. 28 × 22 cm. Pp. 199, 11 figs., 33 tables + 40 pls. London: British Museum Publications, 1983. ISBN 0–7141–0857–X. £25.00.--- Either ISSN or Journal

The Debate About the End: A Review of Evidence and Methods


The Ending of Roman Britain. By A. S. Esmonde Cleary. 240 × 160mm. Pp.xi + 242, 8 pls., 48 figs. London: Batsford, 1989. ISBN 0-7134-5275-7. £19·95

The Excavation of the Roman Theatre at Gosbecks

article by Rosalind Dunnett & Richard Reece published 1971 in Britannia

The Late Roman Gold and Silver Coins from the Hoxne Treasure. By P. Guest. British Museum Press, London, 2005. Pp. 160, illus. Price: £60.00. ISBN 978 0 7141 1810 9

The Oakley Cottage Romano-British Cemetery, Cirencester

article published in 1962

The Recovery of Roman Britain 1586–1906. By R. Hingley. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008. Pp. 389, illus. Price: £87.00. isbn 0 19 923702 6/978 0 19 923702 9

The Roman Fortress at Longthorpe

scientific article published in 1974

The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. I (revised edn.). 31 B.C. – A.D. 69. By C. H. V. Sutherland. 24·5 × 15·5 cm. Pp. xxii + 304 + 32 pls. London: Spink and Son, 1984. ISBN 0-907065-09-5. Price not stated

The Schola Praeconum I: The Coins, Pottery, Lamps and Fauna

The Schola Praeconum II

The Severan coin hoard from Shapwick (JRA 14, 358-72): a comment

The Siting of Roman Corinium

scientific article published in 2003

The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath. Vol. II. The Finds from the Sacred Spring. Edited by Barry Cunliffe. 305 × 215mm. Pp. vii + 362, 14 figs., 49 pls. Oxford: Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, (Monograph series, 16), 1988. ISBN 0-947816-


The coins

chapter published in 1975

The coins of Augst and Kaiseraugst and cash in 4th-c. Gaul. Marcus Peter, UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZU DEN FUNDMÜNZEN AUS AUGST UND KAISERAUGST (Studien zu Fundmünzen der Antike Band 17; Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 2001). S. 328, Abb. 86, colour map in end pock

Theory and Roman Archaeology

scientific article published in January 1993

Town and country: The end of Roman Britain

Verulamium, 1966-8

Wolfgang Hahn: Die Fundmünzen der Römischen Zeit in Österreich, III/I: Carnuntum. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1976. 214 pp., 21 pls. No price

Writing Roman Britain: Past Indicative, Future Perfect?