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List of works by Stuart Bearhop

A novel projection technique to identify important at-sea areas for seabird conservation: An example using Northern gannets breeding in the North East Atlantic

A phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis of biologging device effects on birds: Deleterious effects and a call for more standardized reporting of study data

scientific article published on 4 December 2017

A review of spatial and temporal variation in grey and common seal diet in the United Kingdom and Ireland


Absence of effects of predator control on nesting success of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus: implications for conservation

scientific article published in 2011

Age-related variation in the trophic characteristics of a marsupial carnivore, the Tasmanian devil Sarcophilus harrisii

scientific article published on 07 July 2020

Application of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes (δ(15)N and δ(13)C) to quantify food chain length and trophic structure.

scientific article

Applications of stable isotope techniques to the ecology of mammals

Applying stable isotopes to examine food-web structure: an overview of analytical tools.

scientific article published on 2 November 2011

Assessing the structure and temporal dynamics of seabird communities: the challenge of capturing marine ecosystem complexity.

scientific article published on 6 October 2015

Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the wave hub experience

scientific article

Assortative Mating as a Mechanism for Rapid Evolution of a Migratory Divide

scientific article

Badger social networks correlate with tuberculosis infection

scientific article published in October 2013

Bayesian stable isotope mixing models


Behavioural responses of invasive American minkNeovison visonto an eradication campaign, revealed by stable isotope analysis


Best practices for use of stable isotope mixing models in food-web studies


Carry-over effects as drivers of fitness differences in animals.

scientific article published on 19 August 2010

Carry-over effects reveal reproductive costs in a long-distance migrant

scientific article published on 22 June 2010

Changes in fisheries discard rates and seabird communities

scientific article published in February 2004

Climatic conditions produce contrasting influences on demographic traits in a long-distance Arctic migrant.

scientific article

Comparing isotopic niche widths among and within communities: SIBER - Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R

scientific article published on March 14, 2011

Conditions during adulthood affect cohort-specific reproductive success in an Arctic-nesting goose population.

scientific article published on 24 May 2016

Conservation implications of misidentification and killing of protected species

scientific article published in 2019

Cultural inheritance drives site fidelity and migratory connectivity in a long-distance migrant.

scientific article published on 16 November 2010

Diet, individual specialisation and breeding of brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi): an investigation using stable isotopes

article by O. R. J. Anderson et al published 29 July 2008 in Polar Biology

Do non-native invasive fish support elevated lamprey populations?


Does small mammal prey guild affect the exposure of predators to anticoagulant rodenticides?

scientific article

Ecological Responses to Extreme Flooding Events: A Case Study with a Reintroduced Bird

scientific article

Ecology of Problem Individuals and the Efficacy of Selective Wildlife Management

scientific article

Effects of age and reproductive status on individual foraging site fidelity in a long-lived marine predator

scientific article published in July 2017

Effects of winter food provisioning on the phenotypes of breeding blue tits.

scientific article

Element patterns in albatrosses and petrels: influence of trophic position, foraging range, and prey type.

scientific article published on 26 August 2009

Environmental conditions during breeding modify the strength of mass-dependent carry-over effects in a migratory bird.

scientific article

Erroneous behaviour of MixSIR, a recently published Bayesian isotope mixing model: a discussion of Moore & Semmens (2008).

scientific article published on 7 August 2008

Factors That Influence Assimilation Rates and Fractionation of Nitrogen and Carbon Stable Isotopes in Avian Blood and Feathers


Fat provisioning in winter impairs egg production during the following spring: a landscape-scale study of blue tits

scientific article published on 5 February 2013

Feathers as a means of monitoring mercury in seabirds: Insights from stable isotope analysis


Food for thought: supplementary feeding as a driver of ecological change in avian populations

article by Gillian N Robb et al published November 2008 in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Habitat and body size effects on the isotopic niche space of invasive lionfish and endangered Nassau grouper

scientific article published in 2014

Habitat utilisation during staging affects body condition in a long distance migrant,Branta bernicla hrota: potential impacts on fitness?

Heterozygosity-fitness correlations in a migratory bird: an analysis of inbreeding and single-locus effects.

scientific article

Hydrogen isotope analysis of natural abundance and deuterium-enriched waters by reduction over chromium on-line to a dynamic dual inlet isotope-ratio mass spectrometer


Important impacts of tissue selection and lipid extraction on ecological parameters derived from stable isotope ratios

scientific article published in 2013

Incidence of lead ingestion in managed goose populations and the efficacy of imposed restrictions on the use of lead shot

scientific article published in 2023

Individual differences in searching behaviour and spatial foraging consistency in a central place marine predator

article published in 2013

Individual foraging specialisation in a social mammal: the European badger (Meles meles).

scientific article published on 19 July 2014

Individual responses of seabirds to commercial fisheries revealed using GPS tracking, stable isotopes and vessel monitoring systems


Individual seabirds show consistent foraging strategies in response to predictable fisheries discards


Influence of trophic position and foraging range on mercury levels within a seabird community

article published in 2009

Insights into antimicrobial resistance among long distance migratory East Canadian High Arctic light-bellied Brent geese (Branta bernicla hrota).

scientific article published on January 2015

Integrated population modelling reveals a perceived source to be a cryptic sink

scientific article published on 30 December 2015

Is climate change the most likely driver of range expansion for a critically endangered top predator in northeast Atlantic waters?

scientific article

Isotopic niche variation in Tasmanian devils Sarcophilus harrisii with progression of devil facial tumor disease

scientific article published in June 2021

Latitudinal changes in the structure of marine food webs in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean


Latitudinal variation in blue tit and great tit nest characteristics indicates environmental adjustment

article published in 2012

Localised control of an introduced predator: creating problems for the future?

Long-term individual foraging site fidelity--why some gannets don't change their spots.

scientific article published in November 2015

Longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the past

scientific article

Marine renewable energy: potential benefits to biodiversity? An urgent call for research

scientific article published in 2009

Mesopredators constrain a top predator: competitive release of ravens after culling crows

scientific article published on July 2009

Meta-population evidence of oriented chain migration in northern gannets (Morus bassanus)


Migrant birds and mammals live faster than residents

scientific article published on 17 November 2020

Migratory dichotomy and associated phenotypic variation in marine turtles revealed by satellite tracking and stable isotope analysis

scientific article published in 2011

Movements, winter distribution and activity patterns of Falkland and brown skuas: insights from loggers and isotopes


Multi-scale effects of nestling diet on breeding performance in a terrestrial top predator inferred from stable isotope analysis

scientific article

Performance of proximity loggers in recording intra- and inter-species interactions: a laboratory and field-based validation study

scientific article

Population genetic structure of serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus) across Europe and implications for the potential spread of bat rabies (European bat lyssavirus EBLV-1).

scientific article published on April 2015

Postrelease movement and habitat selection of translocated pine martens Martes martes

scientific article published on 14 May 2020

Potential impacts of wave-powered marine renewable energy installations on marine birds

scientific article published in 2010

Provenance does matter: links between winter trophic segregation and the migratory origins of European robins.

scientific article published on 16 September 2016

Research priorities for seabirds: improving conservation and management in the 21st century

article by R Lewison et al published 8 May 2012 in Endangered Species Research

Resolving issues with environmental impact assessment of marine renewable energy installations

Resource availability affects individual niche variation and its consequences in group-living European badgers Meles meles

scientific article

Rodenticide exposure in wood mouse and house mouse populations on farms and potential secondary risk to predators

scientific article published on 24 March 2012

Seabird diversity hotspot linked to ocean productivity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem

scientific article

Seabird movement reveals the ecological footprint of fishing vessels

scientific article published in June 2014

Search and foraging behaviors from movement data: A comparison of methods.

scientific article published on 23 November 2017

Sex-specific foraging behaviour in northern gannets Morus bassanus: incidence and implications

scientific article published in 2012

Sexual segregation in a wide-ranging marine predator is a consequence of habitat selection

scientific article published in 2015

Sexual segregation in distribution, diet and trophic level of seabirds: insights from stable isotope analysis


Shedding light on light: benefits of anthropogenic illumination to a nocturnally foraging shorebird.

scientific article

Should I stay or should I go? Fitness costs and benefits of prolonged parent-offspring and sibling-sibling associations in an Arctic-nesting goose population

scientific article

Source partitioning using stable isotopes: coping with too much variation

scientific article

Space partitioning without territoriality in gannets

scientific article

Species versus guild level differentiation revealed across the annual cycle by isotopic niche examination.

scientific article published on 11 November 2013

Stable isotopes and mtDNA reveal niche segregation but no evidence of intergradation along a habitat gradient in the Lesser Whitethroat complex (Sylvia curruca; Passeriformes; Aves)

Stable isotopes reveal individual variation in migration strategies and habitat preferences in a suite of seabirds during the nonbreeding period.

scientific article

Statistical basis and outputs of stable isotope mixing models: Comment on Fry (2013)

scientific article published in 2013

Structure and functioning of intertidal food webs along an avian flyway: a comparative approach using stable isotopes

scientific article published in 2015

Temporal and intrapopulation variation in prey choice of wintering geese determined by stable isotope analysis

scientific article published in September 2006

The diet of an invasive nonnative predator, the feral ferret Mustela furo, and implications for the conservation of ground-nesting birds

The ecological significance of tool use in New Caledonian crows.

scientific article

The first record of Brown Skua Catharacta antarctica in Europe

scientific article published on 18 December 2003

Three-dimensional tracking of a wide-ranging marine predator: flight heights and vulnerability to offshore wind farms

scientific article published in 2015

User behaviour, best practice and the risks of non-target exposure associated with anticoagulant rodenticide use.

scientific article published on 26 January 2011

Using Stable-Isotope Analysis as a Technique for Determining Consumption of Supplementary Foods by Individual Birds


Using accelerometry to compare costs of extended migration in an arctic herbivore

scientific article published on 3 October 2017

Using daily ration models and stable isotope analysis to predict biomass depletion by herbivores

scientific article published in 2006

Using stable isotope analysis of multiple feather tracts to identify moulting provenance of vagrant birds: a case study of Baikal Teal Anas formosa in Denmark


Variation in movement strategies: Capital versus income migration

scientific article published in 2022

Whisker growth in wild Eurasian badgers Meles meles: implications for stable isotope and bait marking studies

Widespread exposure to lead affects the body condition of free-living whooper swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain.

scientific article

Winter feeding of birds increases productivity in the subsequent breeding season

scientific article published on April 2008

Winter food provisioning reduces future breeding performance in a wild bird

scientific article published on January 2013