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List of works by Barbara A Koenig

"Choice" in end-of-life decision making: researching fact or fiction?

scientific article

Addiction: Current Criticism of the Brain Disease Paradigm

scientific article published on January 2013

Challenges in translational research: the views of addiction scientists

scientific article

Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine

scientific article

Community recommendations on biobank governance: Results from a deliberative community engagement in California

scientific article

Confronting real time ethical, legal, and social issues in the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Consortium

scientific article

Consumer Perspectives on Access to Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Role of Demographic Factors and the Testing Experience

scientific article published on June 2017

Creating a data resource: what will it take to build a medical information commons?

scientific article published on 22 September 2017

EngageUC: Developing an Efficient and Ethical Approach to Biobanking Research at the University of California

scientific article published on 10 January 2015

Ethical and practical challenges of sharing data from genome-wide association studies: the eMERGE Consortium experience

scientific article (publication date: July 2011)

Ethical, legal, and social implications of incorporating genomic information into electronic health records

scientific article published on 12 September 2013

Facing the challenges of influenza in healthcare settings: the ethical rationale for mandatory seasonal influenza vaccination and its implications for future pandemics.

scientific article

Fixing Research Subjects Protection in the United States: Moving Beyond Consent

scientific article published on May 1, 2013

Framing Nicotine Addiction as a "Disease of the Brain": Social and Ethical Consequences

scientific article published on 18 October 2011

Have we asked too much of consent?

scientific article published in July 2014

If you build it, they will come: unintended future uses of organised health data collections

scientific article

Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Predictive Genomic Testing on Risk Perception and Worry Among Patients Receiving Routine Care in a Preventive Health Clinic

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

Incidental findings in imaging research: evaluating incidence, benefit, and burden

scientific article published on September 2010

Ironic technology: Old age and the implantable cardioverter defibrillator in US health care

scientific article

Linking Broad Consent to Biobank Governance: Support From a Deliberative Public Engagement in California

scientific article published on September 2015

Listening in on difficult conversations: an observational, multi-center investigation of real-time conversations in medical oncology

scientific article

Managing incidental findings and research results in genomic research involving biobanks and archived data sets

scientific article

Managing incidental findings in human subjects research: analysis and recommendations

scientific article published on January 2008

Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research-Clinical Divide

scientific article

Motivations for physician-assisted suicide

scientific article

Navigating the research-clinical interface in genomic medicine: analysis from the CSER Consortium

scientific article published on 31 August 2017

Nicotine addiction through a neurogenomic prism: ethics, public health, and smoking

scientific article

Parental Views on Expanded Newborn Screening Using Whole-Genome Sequencing

scientific article published on January 2016

Point-counterpoint. Ethics and genomic incidental findings

scientific article published on 16 May 2013

Preferences Regarding Return of Genomic Results to Relatives of Research Participants, Including after Participant Death: Empirical Results from a Cancer Biobank

scientific article

Professionally Responsible Disclosure of Genomic Sequencing Results in Pediatric Practice

scientific article

Qualitative methods in end-of-life research: recommendations to enhance the protection of human subjects

scientific article

Race and ancestry in biomedical research: exploring the challenges

scientific article

Return of individual research results from genome-wide association studies: experience of the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network

scientific article (publication date: April 2012)

Returning a Research Participant's Genomic Results to Relatives: Analysis and Recommendations

scientific article

Systematic review of ethics consultation: a route to curriculum development in post-graduate medical education

scientific article published on July 2006

The Experience of Addiction as Told by the Addicted: Incorporating Biological Understandings into Self-Story

scientific article published on December 1, 2012

The Mayo Clinic Biobank: a building block for individualized medicine

scientific article

The media and behavioral genetics: Alternatives coexisting with addiction genetics

scientific article

Unwarranted optimism in media portrayals of genetic research on addiction overshadows critical ethical and social concerns

scientific article published on 25 March 2015

“I felt like the angel of death”: role conflicts and moral distress among allied professionals employed by the US cardiovascular implantable electronic device industry

scientific article published on August 23, 2011

“Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean We Should”: views of nurses on deactivation of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators

scientific article published on July 30, 2011