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List of works by Rolf Langnese

An der Grenze

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1963-1964

Becket oder Die Ehre Gottes

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1962-1963


theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1963-1964

Das Leben des Horace A. W. Tabor

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1964-1965

Der Sturm

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1963-1964

Die Alkestiade

first part of a theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1956-1957

Die Reise

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1961-1962

Die beschwipsten Schwestern

second part of a theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1956-1957

Die wundersame Schustersfrau

first part of a theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1960-1961

Faust II

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1958-1959


theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1961-1962

Herkules und der Stall des Augias

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1962-1963

In seinem Garten liebt Don Perlimplín Belisa

second part of a theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1960-1961

Julius Caesar

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1958-1959

King Lear

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1959-1960

König Heinrich V.

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1955-1956

König Richard II.

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1951-1952

König Richard III.

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1957-1958

La putta onorata

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1957-1958


theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1960-1961

Mass für Mass

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1952-1953

Romeo und Julia

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1957-1958

Saul Alkestis

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1945-1946


theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1963-1964

Viel Lärm um nichts

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1967-1968

Vom Teufel geholt

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1960-1961

Wie es euch gefällt

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1955-1956

Zu ebener Erde und erster Stock oder Die Launen des Glücks

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1944-1945

Die chinesische Mauer

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1955-1956