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List of works by David Gimeno

A glossary for the social epidemiology of work organisation: part 1, terms from social psychology

scientific article published on November 2006

A glossary for the social epidemiology of work organisation: part 2 Terms from the sociology of work and organisations

scientific article published on December 2006

A glossary for the social epidemiology of work organisation: part 3, terms from the sociology of labour markets

scientific article published on January 2007

Adult socioeconomic position, C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in the Whitehall II prospective study

scientific article published on 01 August 2007

Assessment of the magnitude of geographical variations in the duration of non-work-related sickness absence by individual and contextual factors

journal article published in 2015

Association between passive jobs and low levels of leisure-time physical activity: the Whitehall II cohort study.

scientific article published on 14 June 2009

Association of CRP and IL-6 with lung function in a middle-aged population initially free from self-reported respiratory problems: the Whitehall II study

scientific article

Association of category of cattle exposure with tuberculosis knowledge among dairy workers in Bailey County, Texas

journal article published in 2021

Association of occupation and safety practices with work-injury absence among public hospital employees in Latin America: a study from Costa Rica

scientific article published on August 2007

Associations between change in sleep duration and inflammation: findings on C-reactive protein and interleukin 6 in the Whitehall II Study

scientific article published on 25 June 2013

Associations of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 with cognitive symptoms of depression: 12-year follow-up of the Whitehall II study.

scientific article published on 04 June 2008

Asthma in Texas healthcare workers II

final grant report published in 2018

Beyond return to work: the effect of multimorbidity on work functioning trajectories after sick leave due to common mental disorders

journal article published in 2017

Calidad del diagnóstico médico en la certificación de la incapacidad temporal por enfermedad común y accidente no laboral

scientific article published on 01 February 2006

Certification of occupational diseases as common diseases in a primary health care setting


Changes in income inequality and suicide rates after "shock therapy": evidence from Eastern Europe


Classification of neck/shoulder pain in epidemiological research: a comparison of personal and occupational characteristics, disability and prognosis among 12,195 workers from 18 countries

journal article published in 2016

Cleaning products and short-term respiratory effects among female cleaners with asthma

journal article published in 2015

Cross-national comparisons of sickness absence systems and statistics: towards common indicators

scientific article published on 11 June 2014

Cumulative exposure to high-strain and active jobs as predictors of cognitive function: the Whitehall II study

scientific article

Descriptive epidemiology of somatising tendency: findings from the CUPID study

journal article published in 2016

Disabling musculoskeletal pain in working populations: is it the job, the person, or the culture?

journal article published in 2013

Distribución de la duración de la incapacidad temporal por contingencia común por diagnóstico médico (Cataluña, 2006-2008)

scientific article published on 30 May 2012

Do pre-employment influences explain the association between psychosocial factors at work and coronary heart disease? The Whitehall II study

scientific article

Do psychological attributes matter for adherence to antihypertensive medication? The Finnish Public Sector Cohort Study

scientific article

Do psychological factors affect inflammation and incident coronary heart disease: the Whitehall II Study

scientific article published on 24 April 2008

Does return to work occur earlier after work-related sick leave episodes than after non-work-related sick leave episodes? A retrospective cohort study in Spain

scientific article published on 19 September 2008

Dose-response relation between work hours and cardiovascular disease risk: findings from the panel study of income dynamics

journal article published in 2016

Drinking social norms and drinking behaviours: a multilevel analysis of 137 workgroups in 16 worksites

scientific article

Economic burden of hearing loss for the U.S. military: a proposed framework for estimation

journal article published in 2016

Effect of working conditions on non-work-related sickness absence

scientific article published on 2 September 2011

Effects on blood pressure do not explain the association between organizational justice and coronary heart disease in the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on 8 November 2007

External Validation of Psychological Job Demands in a Bus Driver Sample

scientific article published on 01 January 2004

From midlife to early old age: health trajectories associated with retirement

scientific article

Gender differences in the association between positive drinking attitudes and alcohol-related problems. The WIRUS Study

journal article published in 2020

Heterogeneity and event dependence in the analysis of sickness absence

scientific article

Incidence of sickness absence by type of employment contract: one year follow-up study in Spanish salaried workers

scientific article published on 27 September 2016

Inflammatory markers and cognitive function in middle-aged adults: the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on 05 September 2008

Job strain as a predictor of disability pension: the Finnish Public Sector Study

scientific article published on 3 September 2008

Justice at work and metabolic syndrome: the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on 9 October 2009

Labour market trajectories and early retirement due to permanent disability: a study based on 14 972 new cases in Spain

journal article published in 2015

Long working hours and cognitive function: the Whitehall II Study

scientific article

Long working hours and sleep disturbances: the Whitehall II prospective cohort study

scientific article published on June 2009

Low HDL cholesterol is a risk factor for deficit and decline in memory in midlife: the Whitehall II study

scientific article

Low back pain among office workers in three Spanish-speaking countries: findings from the CUPID study

journal article published in 2017

Measuring multimorbidity in a working population: the effect on incident sickness absence

journal article published in 2016

Mechanical systems versus smoking bans for secondhand smoke control

journal article published in 2012

Medical specialty choice and well-being at work: physician's personality as a moderator

journal article published in 2019

Meeting our ends by our means: protecting children from SHS in research

scientific article published in July 2012

National working conditions surveys in Latin America: comparison of methodological characteristics

scientific article

Natural course of recurrent psychological distress in adulthood

scientific article

Neighbourhood characteristics and trajectories of health functioning: a multilevel prospective analysis

scientific article published on 23 October 2008

Non-response to baseline, non-response to follow-up and mortality in the Whitehall II cohort

scientific article published on 05 March 2009

Obesity, unexplained weight loss and suicide: the original Whitehall study

scientific article published on 21 December 2008

Occupational exposures and asthma in health-care workers: comparison of self-reports with a workplace-specific job exposure matrix

journal article published in 2009

Occupational risk factors and asthma among health care professionals

journal article published in 2007

Occupational safety and health interventions to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in the health care sector

journal article published in 2010

Organisational and occupational risk factors associated with work related injuries among public hospital employees in Costa Rica

scientific article published on May 2005

Organisational justice and cognitive function in middle-aged employees: the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on 17 November 2010

Organisational justice and markers of inflammation: the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on 22 September 2009

Organizational Return to Work Support and Sick Leave Duration

scientific article published on 01 June 2011

Organizational justice and sleeping problems: The Whitehall II study

scientific article

Patterns of multisite pain and associations with risk factors

journal article published in 2013

Personality traits and career choices among physicians in Finland: employment sector, clinical patient contact, specialty and change of specialty

journal article published in 2018

Physical and cognitive function in midlife: reciprocal effects? A 5-year follow-up of the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on June 2009

Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal symptoms among US large-herd dairy parlor workers

journal article published in 2014

Psychosocial factors and work related sickness absence among permanent and non-permanent employees

scientific article published on October 2004

Response to letter to the editor re: "Dose-response relation between work hours and cardiovascular disease risk: findings from the study of income dynamics."

publication published in 2016

Return to work expectations of workers on long-term non-work-related sick leave

scientific article published in March 2012

Safety climate and verbal abuse among public hospital-based workers in Costa Rica

scientific article published on January 2012

Social inequality in physical and mental health comorbidity dynamics

scientific article published on 21 July 2009

Social inequality in walking speed in early old age in the Whitehall II study

scientific article published on 17 June 2009

Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health in 22 European Countries


Socioeconomic patterns in health services use in Great Britain and Spain before and after the health system reforms of the 1990s


Socioeconomic patterns in use of private and public health services in Spain and Britain: implications for equity in health care.

scientific article

Socioeconomic position, psychosocial work environment and cerebrovascular disease among women: the Finnish public sector study

scientific article

Task-specific and full-shift sampling of upper extremity muscle activity among US large-herd dairy parlor workers

abstract published in 2014

The CUPID (Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability) study: methods of data collection and characteristics of study sample

journal article published in 2012

The Department of Defense Epidemiologic and Economic Burden of Hearing Loss study

journal article published in 2014

The G20 and the three global crises: what prospects for global health?


The association of cognitive performance with mental health and physical functioning strengthens with age: the Whitehall II cohort study.

scientific article

The influence of market deregulation on fast food consumption and body mass index: a cross-national time series analysis

scientific article published on February 2014

The pervasiveness of the socioeconomic gradient of health


The policies-inequality feedback and health: the case of globalisation

scientific article published on 03 May 2009

The role of job strain on return to work after carpal tunnel surgery

journal article published in 2005

Translating research into practice: Can we get there from here?

scientific article published on 01 December 2005

Types of employment and health in the European union: changes from 1995 to 2000.

scientific article

Upper extremity musculoskeletal pain among office workers in three Spanish-speaking countries: findings from the CUPID study

journal article published in 2016

When do social inequalities in C-reactive protein start? A life course perspective from conception to adulthood in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

scientific article published on 03 December 2007

Work disability following major organisational change: the Whitehall II study

scientific article

Work organization and drinking: an epidemiological comparison of two psychosocial work exposure models

scientific article published on 28 May 2008

Workplace Outcomes in Work-Disability Prevention Research: A Review with Recommendations for Future Research

scientific article

‘Globesization’: ecological evidence on the relationship between fast food outlets and obesity among 26 advanced economies
