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List of works by Johann Nestroy

Binder, Carl, 1816-1860. Theaterg'schichten durch Liebe, Intrige, Dummheit und Geld

Der Zerrissene

play by Johann Nestroy (1844)

Der alte Mann mit der jungen Frau

play by Johann Nestroy (1849)

Die beiden Nachtwandler

play by Johann Nestroy

Einen Jux will er sich machen

musical play written by Johann Nestroy

Eulenspiegel oder Schabernack über Schabernack

farce (Posse mit Gesang) by Johann Nestroy, music by Adolf Müller senior

Freiheit in Krähwinkel

play by Johann Nestroy (1848)

Hello, Dolly!

1969 American musical romantic comedy film directed by Gene Kelly


play by Johann Nestroy


work by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy


1833 song composed by Adolf Müller with lyrics by Johann Nestroy


work of Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Lumpaci the Vagabond

1922 film

The House of Temperaments

comedy by Johann Nestroy

The Insignificant Man

play written by Johann Nestroy

The Talisman

comedy by Johann Nestroy

The evil spirit Lumpacivagabundus

comedy play by Johann Nestroy

Upstairs, Downstairs, or the Whims of Fortune

local farce by Johann Nestroy

Was a girl from the suburbs


Ausgewählte Werke. Zu ebener Erde und erster Stock II. Band

book edition published in 1913

Byt k pronajmutí...: fraška o třech dějstvích

book edition published in 1963

Divadelní ochotník: repertorium soukromých divadel. Nové sbírky svazek 128

book edition published in 1877

Dva náměsíčníci, aneb, Nezbytné a nadbytečné

book edition published in 1968

Děvče z Karlína, aneb, S poctivostí nejdál dojdeš: fraška se zpěvy ve třech jednáních

book edition published in 1950–1961


book edition published in 1967

Provaz o jednom konci: fraška se zpěvy

book edition published in 1967

Talisman: fraška se zpěvy a tanci o třech dějstvích

book edition published in 1960

Zlý duch Lumpacivagabundus, aneb, Ludrácký trojlístek

book edition published in 1970