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List of works by John Coles

A Circular Debate: Rock Carvings at Knarrbyn, Dalsland, Sweden

scientific article published in 2010

A History of Wiltshire, Volume 1, Part 2 (The Victoria County History Of The Counties of England). Edited by Crittall Elizabeth. 499 pages, 52 figures, 8 photos, index. The Institute of Historical Research, by Oxford University Press, 1973. Price £1


A Land Apart: Environments and Rock Art in Northernmost Bohuslän, Sweden

scholarly article by John Coles published September 2008 in Antiquaries Journal

A Late Bronze Age Find from Pyotdykes, Angus, Scotland, with associated Gold, Cloth, Leather and Wood Remains

scientific article published in December 1964

A Later Bronze Age shield from South Cadbury, Somerset, England

scientific article published in March 1999

A Neolithic God-dolly from Somerset, England


A Neolithic hurdle from the Somerset Levels

article published in 1976

A Neolithic wooden mallet from the Somerset Levels

A Rock Carving from South-west Ireland.

A Theatre of Imagery: the Rock Carving of Döltorp, Skee Parish, Bohuslän, Sweden

scholarly article by John Coles published 14 July 2011 in Antiquaries Journal

A measure of conviction: recording emphasis in Scandinavian rock carvings

A. Coffyn, J. Gomez & J-P. Mohen: L'apogée du bronze atlantique. Le dépot de Vénat. L'âge du bronze en France 1. Paris: Picard, 1981. 239 pp., 112 illus.Chiristiane Eluère: Les ors préhistoriques. L'âge du bronze en France 2. Paris: Picard, 19


An Archaeological Survey of County Down. Archaeological survey of Northern Ireland. Pp. xxiv + 478, 213 pls., 288 figs. H.M.S.O., 1966. Price £7 7s.Peeblesshire. An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic

An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Dorset, Volume 2, South-East. The Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). 701 pages, 235 plates, maps and plans, index. H.M.S.O., 1970. Price £16·80


Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers. By Reed R.. 331 pages, many figures and photos, index. Seminar Press, London, 1973. Price £4.90

André Leroi-Gourhan: The Art of Prehistoric Man in Western Europe. London: Thames and Hudson, 1968. 543 pp., 739 figs. (110 in colour), 56 charts. £12 12s

Archaeological Theory and Practice. Edited by Strong D. E.. 308 pages, many photos and figures, index. Seminar Press, London, 1973. Price £5.50

scholarly article by John Coles published in December 1973

Archaeological aspects of woodland ecology

Argyll. An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments. Volume 1. Kintyre. By The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, xlvi + 233 pages, 195 figures, 102 plates. H.M.S.O., Glasgow, 1971. Price £10


Argyll. An Inventory of the Monuments. Volume 6: Mid Argyll and Cowal. Prehistoric and Early Historic Monuments. By the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. 260 pp., 240 drawings, 175 photographs. London: Her…

Axel Hartmann: Prähistorische Goldfunde aus Europa. (Studien zu den Anfängen der Metallurgie, Vol. 3.) Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1970. 129 pp., 59 pls., 21 diagrams. DM 110

B. J. Sellvold, U. L. Hansen & J. B. Jørgensen: Iron age man in Demmark. (Prehistoric man in Denmark, Vol. III.) Copenhagen: Nordiske Fortidsminder, ser. B, bind 8, 1984. 308 pp., 12 pls., 56 figs. D Kr 450

scholarly article by J. M. Coles published March 1986 in Antiquity

Beacon on the Ridge. Rock Carvings at Kasen Lövåsen, Bohuslän, Sweden

scientific article published in 2006

Before Civilization. By Renfrew Colin. 292 pages. Jonathan Cape, London, 1973. Price £3.95

Bernard Chertier: Les nécropoles de la civilisation des Champs d'Urnes dans la région des Marais de Saint-Gond (Marne). VIIIe supplément à Gallia Préhistoire. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1976. 193 pp., 10 pls

Book Reviews. Lasse Bengtsson & Camilla Olsson (ed.). The World Heritage Site's central area and Grebestad (Vitlycke Museum Archaeological Report 5). 101 pages, illustrations. 2000. Tanumshede: Vitlycke Museum; ISSN 1401-9078 paperback

scholarly article by John Coles published in September 2002

Book Reviews. Lasse Bengtsson (ed.). Hällristningar frän Askums socken Bohuslän (Vol. 2; Arkeologisk Rapport 4 från Vitlyckemuséet). 75 pages, illustrations. 1998. Tanumshede: Vitlycke Museum; ISSN 1401-9078 paperback

Book Reviews. Lasse Bengtsson (ed.). Hällristningar från Askums socken Bohuslän Vol. 1. Arkeologisk Rapport 3 från Vitlyckemuséet). 97 pages, illustrations. 1997. Tanumshede: Vitlycke Museum; ISSN 1401-9078 paperback

Book Reviews. Tommy Andersson. Hällristningar från Högsbyn i Tisselskogs socken {Arkeologisk Rapport 2 från Vitlyckemuséet}. 16 pages, illustrations. 1997 Dals Långed: Ask & Embla; 91-973160-1-6 (ISSN 1401-9078) paperback

Book reviews. Ann Woodward & John Hunter with David Bukach, Fiona Roe, Peter Webb, Rob Ixer, John Watson & Phil Potts. An examination of prehistoric stone bracers from Britain. x+186 pages, 52 colour & b&w illustrations, 40 tables. CD. 2011. Oxford &

Book reviews. John Schofield (ed.). Great excavations: shaping the archaeological profession. x+308 pages, 147 colour & b&w illustrations, 5 tables. 2011. Oxford & Oakville (CT): Oxbow; 978-1-84217-409-8 paperback £36

scholarly article by John Coles published in November 2011

Bridge to the Outer World: Rock Carvings at Bro Utmark, Bohuslän, Sweden

scientific article published in 2004

British Archaeological Reports. British Series and International Series. Published by B.A.R., 122 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7BP. Information on all titles sent on request

scholarly article by J. M. Coles published in December 1979

British Prehistoric Rock Art. By Beckensall Stan. 260mm. Pp 160, ill. Stroud: Tempus, 1999. ISBN 0–7524147–12. £19.00

Bronze Age Goldwork of the British Isles. By Joan J. Taylor. 199 pages, 43 figures, 62 plates, 6 tables, 6 maps, catalogues and index. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1981. Price £45.00

scholarly article and book review

Bronze Age Metalwork in Norwich Castle Museum. Pp. 55, 95 figs., 5 pls. City of Norwich Museums, 1966. Price 5s. 6d

Bronze Age Spearheads with Gold Decoration

Bronzezeitliche Lanzenspitzen Norddeutschlands und Scandinaviens. By Gernot Jacob-Friesen. (Veröffentlichungen der urgeschichtlichen Sammlungen des Landesmuseums zu Hannover, Band 17.) 11½ × 8. Pp. xi + 422 + 187 pls. + 16 maps + 2 tables. Hildesh

C. B. M. McBurney: The Haua Fteah (Cyrenaica) and the Stone Age of the Southeast Mediterranean. Cambridge: University Press, 1967. 402 pp., 38 pls. (4 in colour), 139 figs., 3 inventory sheets. £12

C.B.A. Conference on the British Bronze Age, 1960

article published in 1961

Casja Lund: Fornnordiska Klanger. The sounds of prehistoric Scandinavia. Musica Sveciae MS101. EMI 1361031. 1984

Caves and rocks: state of the artGerhard Milstreu & Henning Prøhl (ed.). Prehistoric pictures as archaeological source/Förhistoriska bilder som arkeologisk källa (GOTARC Series C: 50). 220 pages, illustrated. 2004. Tanumshede: Tanums Hällristning

scholarly article by John Coles published in December 2005

Chariots of the Gods? Landscape and Imagery at Frännarp, Sweden

scientific article published in 2002

Comments on archaeology and experiment

scholarly article by John M. Coles published in January 1983

Dendrochronology of the English Neolithic

scholarly article by Jennifer Hillam published in June 1990

Der Hohmichele. Ein Fürstengrabhügel der Späten Hallstattzeit bei der Heuneburg (Heuneburgstudien I). By Riek Gustav, with Appendix by Hundt Hans-Jürgen. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen 25, Berlin, 1962. Pp. ix + 214, 44 plates. Price DM. 118

Die Anfange des Neolithikums Vom Orient Bis Nordeuropa. VII. Westliches Mittelmeergebiet und Britische Inseln. Edited by Luning Jens. 247 pages, 43 figures, 86 plates. Bohlau, Cologne, 1972. Price DM 158

Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen. By Ekkehard Aner and Karl Kersten. Band III, Bornholms, Maribo, Odense und Svendborg Amter. 34 × 24·5 cm. Pp. viii + 237 + 234 figs. + 28 p

Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit in Mecklenburg. By H. Schubart. (Offa-Bücher 26). 11½×8¼. Pp. 236 + 122 figs. + 36 maps. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1972. DM. 96

Die Nordische Vollgriffschwerter der Älteren und Mittleren Bronzezeit. By H. Ottenjann. viii + 121 pages, 92 plates, 3 figures. De Gruyter, Berlin, 1969. Price DM 96

Die Rasiermesser in Mitteleuropa. By Albrecht Jockenhövel. xi + 283 pages, 3 figures, 82 plates. Prähistorische Bronzefunde, VIII, 1. C. H. Beck, Munich, 1971. Price DM 98.Die Schwerter in Süeutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, I. By Peter Sch

E.G. Devlet & M.A. Devlet. Myths in Stone: World of Rock Art in Russia (Russian/English bilingual edition). 472 pages, 273 illustrations, 185 colour plates. 2005 Moscow: Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences/Aletheia; 5-98639-02

scholarly article by John Coles published in June 2007

Economy and Settlement in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain and Europe. Edited by Simpson D. D. A.. 186 pages, 37 figures, 8 photos, index. Leicester University Press, Leicester, 1971. Price £5

Energetic Activities of Commoners

scientific article published in 2001

European Bronze Age Shields

scientific article published in December 1962

European Wetlands in Prehistory

scientific article published in 1990

European rock art: arti-facts and fanciesGerhard Milstreu & Henning Prøhl (ed.). Documentation and registration of rock art in Tanum / Dokumentation och registrering av hällristningar i Tanum. No. 3: Kalleby, Finntorp, Ryk. 181 pages, numerous colo

Ex Horreo. Edited by B. L. van Beek, R. W. Brandt and W. Groenman-van Waateringe. 302 pages. Albert Egges van Giffen Instituut voor Prae-en Protohistorie, University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam. 1977

Excavation at Fengate, Peterborough, England: The Second Report. By Pryor Francis. 241 pages. Archaeology Monograph 5, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1978. Price: $11.50. Distribution in England by the Nene Valley Research Committee, The Field Centre


FOUR THOUSAND YEARS AGO. A Panorama of Life in the Second Millennium B.C. By Geoffrey Bibby. London: Collins, 1962. pp. 398, 32 plates. 35s

Frameworks for Dating Fossil Man by Kenneth Oakley. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964. 355 pp., 83 figs., 2 maps, 4 charts. 45s

François Bordes: The Old Stone Age. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968. 255 pp., 78 figs. 14s

George Eogan: Hoards of the Irish Later Bronze Age. Dublin: University College, Dublin, 1983. 332 pp., 6 pls., 109 figs. £17.50

George F. MacDonald: Haida monumental art. Villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983. 218 pp., 278 photos, plans. £112

scholarly article by J. M. Coles published November 1986 in Antiquity

Grahame Clark and Stuart Piggott: Prehistoric Societies. London: Hutchinson, 1965. 356 pp., 8 pls., 95 figs., 4 maps. 50s

Green in the Somerset Levels

Göran Burenhult: Götalands Hallristningar Del I (The rock carvings of Götaland Part I.) Theses and Papers in North European Archaeology 10. Institute of Archaeology, University of Stockholm. Stockholm: Burenhult, 1980. 146 pp., 54 figs

scholarly article by J. M. Coles published in July 1981

H. Breuil and R. Lantier: The Men of the Old Stone Age. London: Harrap, 1965. 272 pp., 16 pls. 25s

article published in 1965

Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Band III. Kupferzeit. By Müller-Karpe H.. 1095 pages, 746 ptates, in 3 volumes. C. H. Beck, Munich, 1974. Price DM 400

Helleristninger I Danmark. By P. V. Glob. 332 pages , 240 figures. Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskabs Skrifter, Bind VII, 1969.

scientific article published in December 1970

Hermann Müller-Karpe: Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Vol. IV: Bronzezeit. Munich: Beck, 1981. 3 vols.: I, text 496 pp.; II, text 220 pp., register 250 pp., 2 tables, 10 maps; III, 602 pls. DM 548

Historischer Atlas von Pommern. Karte 4: Karte der älteren Bronzezeit. By Eggers Hans-Jürgen. Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission für Pommern, Reihe III. 1 map, 28 pp. Cologne, 1963. Price DM12

Hjortspring and the North: Review and Commentary

scientific article published in June 2004

Homerische Helme. By Borchhardt Jurgen. 162 pages, 18 figures, 75 plates, 6 charts. Philip von Zabern, Mainz, 1972. Price DM 98

Homo sapiens or Castor fiber?

article published in 1983

Hugh Hencken: The earliest European helmets: Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Cambridge, Mass: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1971. 214 pp., 152 figs. $8.00

scholarly article by John Coles published in December 1972

INDIAN ROCK PAINTINGS OF THE GREAT LAKES. By Selwyn Dewdney and Kenneth E. Kidd (Quetico Foundation Series 4.) University of Toronto Press and Oxford University Press, 1962. Pp. viii + 127. 38s


Introduction – Swimming against the Tide

scientific article published in June 2005

J. Briard: Les tumulus d'Armorique. L'âge du bronze en France 3. Paris: Picard, 1984. 304 pp., 127 illustrations. Fr. 300


J. D. Clark: Kalambo Falls Prehistoric Site. I. The Geology, Palaeocology and detailed Stratigraphy of the Excavations. With contributions by G. H. Cole, E. G. Haldemann, M. R. Kleindienst, and E. M. van Zinderen Bakker. Cambridge: University Press,

article by John Coles published September 1970 in Antiquity

Jean Clottes. Cave art. 334 pages, over 300 colour plates. 2008. London: Phaidon; 978-0-7148-4592-0 hardback £45, $90 & €75

Jean-Pierre Mohen: L'âge du bronze dans la région de Paris. Catalogue synthétique des collections conservées au Musée des Antiquités Nationales. Paris: Editions des Musées Nationaux, 1977. 264 pp., 713 figs., plus pls. charts and maps. Frs. 25

Johan Ling:Elevated Rock-Art. Towards a Maritime Understanding of Rock Art in Northern Bohuslän, Sweden

scholarly article by John Coles published in June 2009

Jørgen Jensen: The prehistory of Demark. London: Methuen, 1983. 332 pp., 94 figs. £14.95. (hardback); £8.95 (paperback)

Kunst und Kunsthandwerk im bronzezeitlichen Nordeuropa. By Torsten Capelle. 24 × 15 cm. Pp. 104 + 9 pls. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz, 1974. Price not stated

Later Bronze Age Activity in the Somerset Levels

Lindow Man. The body in the bog. By I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke and D. Brothwell. 208 pp., 50 illustrations. London, British Museum Publications Ltd, 1986. Price £15.00.

scientific article published in 1986

Marianne Rasmussen (ed.). Iron Age houses in flames: testing house reconstructions at Lejre (Studies in Technology and Culture 3). 192 pages, numerous colour & b&w illustrations, DVD. 2007. Lejre: Lejre Historical-Archaeological and Experimental Cent


Mats P. Malmer: A chorological study of North European rock art. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1981. 144 pp., 26 figs., 30 tables

Metal analyses and the Scottish Early Bronze Age

scientific article published in February 1970

Michel N. Brézillon: La Dénomination des Objects de Pierre taillée: Matériaux pour un vocabulaire des préhistoriens de langue française. IVe supplément à Gallia Préhistoire. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1968. 420 pp.,

Mittelbronzezeitliche Tell-Siedlung bei Békés. By Banner J. and Bona I.. Fontes Archaeologici Hungariae. 156 pages, 69 plates. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1974. Price £6.70

Nancy G. Langmaid: Bronze age metalwork in England and Wales. Tring: Shire Archaeology, 1976. 64 pp., 27 illustrations. £1.00


Nationalmuseet (Danmark): Klange Fra Danmark's Bronzealder-Lurer. Copenhagen 1966. Gramophone Record: NM 67–001. 33⅓ r.p.m. Obtainable from Danish shops at Kr. 29.25 (£1 12s. 6d. approximately), or from Peter Schlamowitz, Baunbakkevej 65, Hvidov

Niederwill. Eine Siedlung der Pfyner Kultur. By Waterbolk H. T. and van Zeist W.. Academica Helvetica 1. Band 1: Die Grabungen. 187 pages, 116 figures. Band 2: Beilagen, 61 pullout plans. Haupt, Bern, 1978. Prices: Band 1 SFr. 58; Band 2 SFr. 29

Of water-wings and wellingtons: wetland archaeology and the new journal

scientific article published in June 2001

Olduvai Gorge, 3. Excavations in Beds I and II, 1960–1963. By M. D. Leakey. 306 pages, 121 figures, 41 plates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1971. Price £10

article by John Coles published December 1972 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

P. Ashbee, M. Bell & E. Proudfoot. Wilsford Shaft: excavations 1960–62. xii + 159 pages, 28 tables, 99 illustrations, microfiche. 1989. London: Historic Buildings & Monuments Commission, English Heritage Archaeological Report 11; ISBN 1-85074-210-3

scholarly article by John Coles published in March 1990

Peter Fowler: Farms in England, prehistoric to present. London: RCHM, 1983. 84 (unnumbered) pp., 97 pls. £4. 95


Peter J. Reynolds: Iron age farm. The Buster experiment. London: British Museum, Colonnade Books, 1979. 112 pp., illustrated. £5.95 (hardback)

Peter J. Ucko and Andrée Rosenfeld: Palaeolithic Cave Art. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967. 256 pp., 106 figs. 14s

Prahistorische Bronzefunde

Precision, Purpose and Priorities in Wetland Archaeology

Prehistoric Disc Wheels in the Netherlands. By van der Waals J. D.. Pp. 103, 30 figs., 8 pls. J. B. Wolters, Groningen, 1964. Price 17s

Prehistoric Roads and Tracks in Somerset, England: 3. The Sweet Track

scientific article published in December 1973

Prehistoric Roads and Tracks in Somerset, England: I. Neolithic

scientific article published in February 1969

Prehistoric brass instruments

scholarly article by Peter Holmes published in February 1981

Prehistorische Kulturen in het Zuiden deb Lage Landen. By De Laet S. J.. 561 pages, 253 figures. Universa Wetteren, 1974. Price not given

Prehistory of the Transvaal. A Record of Human Activity. By Mason Revil. Pp. xxiv + 498. Johannesburg, 1962

Prehistory, Priorities and Society: The Way Forward.

Presidential Address: the donkey and the tail

scientific article published in December 1980

Problems in Economic and Social Archaeology. Edited by Sieveking G. de G., Longworth I. H. and Wilson K. E.. 626 pages. Duckworth, London, 1976. Price £24.To Illustrate the monuments. Essays on archaeology presented to Stuart Piggott. Edited by Mega

scholarly article by John Coles published in December 1977

Protohistoire de la Bretagne. By Pierre-Roland Giot, Jacques Briard and Louis Pape. 437 pages, many illustrations, maps. Ouest France, Rennes, 1979


Prähistorische Bronzefunde IV, 3. Die spätbronzezeitlichen Griffplatten-, Griffdorn-, und Griffangelschwerter in Ostfrankreich. By Hartmann Reim. 67 pages, 25 plates. Price: DM 27. VI, 3. Die Dolche in der Slovakei. By Jozef Vladár. 61 pages, 16 p

R.M. Cleary, M.F. Hurley & E.A. Twohig (ed.). Archaeological excavations on the Cork-Dublin gas pipeline (1981–82). viii + 165 pages, many illustrations, microfiche. 1987. Cork: Department of Archaeology; ISBN 0-9512884-0-7 papaerback IR£12.Margar

scholarly article by J.M. Coles published in December 1988

R.W. Brandt, W. Groeman-van Waaterings & S. E. van der Leeuw (ed.). Assendelver Polder paper 1. 352 pages with many illustrations. 1987 Amsterdam: Cingula 10, Albert Egges van Giffen Instituut voor Prae- en Protohistorie; ISBN 90-70319-101 hardback ?


Recent Radiocarbon Dates from Scotland


Reconciling tree-ring sampling with conservation


1988 article in Journal of Danish Archaeology

Richard G. Klein: Man and culture in the Late Pleistocene, a case study. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1969. 259 pp., 73 figs., 39 tables, 4 maps. $6.95


Rigsantikvarens Arkæologiske Sekretariat (ed.). Danmarks laengste udgravning: arkæologi på naturgassens vej 1979–86. 516 pages with a great many colour and bluck-and-white illustrations. 1987. In Danish with English versions and summaries. Herni

scientific article

Rock carvings, rubbings and lichen

Salt. The Study of an Ancient Industry. Edited by K. W. de Brisay and K. A. Evans. 11¾ × 8. Pp. 94 + 51 illus. Colchester: Colchester Archaeological Group, 1975. £4

Scottish Archaeological Forum 1969. Edited by A. S. Henshall, M-J. Mountain and J. N. G. Ritchie. 79 pages , 6 figures . Edinburgh, 1969. Price 8 shillings .

Stan Beckensall. Prehistoric rock art in Cumbria: landscapes and monuments. 160 pages, 182 figures, 29 colour illustrations. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2526-9 paperback £16.99 & US$27.99

Stirlingshire. An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. 2 vols., pp. liii + 487, 230 plates, 5 maps. Edinburgh, 1963. Price £12 12s. 0d


Stuart Piggott, Glyn Daniel and Charles McBurney (eds.): France before the Romans. London: Thames and Hudson, 1974. 240 pp., 306 figs. $9.50


Susan M. Pearce: The bronze age metalwork of South Western Britain. Oxford: (BAR 120), 1983. 740 pp., including 31 photos, 121 pls (line), 104 figs., 36 maps. 2 vols. £30.00

Swedish Archaeological Bibliography 1971–1975. Edited by Janson S. and Thylander H., with an Index of publications by Engström M.. 338 pages. Svenska Arkeologiska Samfundet 1978. Price: SwK 120

scholarly article by J. M. Coles published in December 1979

The 1857 Law Farm Hoard

The 1857 Law Farm Hoard: an Addition


The Archaeological Evidence for a ‘Bull Cult’ in Late Bronze Age Europe


The Archaeology of Early Man

scientific article published in August 1971

The Dancer on the Rock: record and analysis at Järrestad, Sweden

scientific article published in 1999

The Directing of Archaeological Excavations. By John Alexander, 304 pages, 70 figures, 22 plates. John Baker, London, 1970. Price £4·50

scholarly article by John Coles published in December 1972

The Draining of the Somerset Levels. By Michael Williams. 9¼×6¼. Pp. xvi+288 + 12 pls.+42 figs.+8 tables. Cambridge University Press, 1970. £6·00.

The Early Settlement of Scotland: Excavations at Morton, Fife

article published in 1971

The Excavation of a Neolithic Round Barrow at Pitnacree, Perthshire, Scotland

scientific article published in December 1965

The Fenland Project

article published in 1983

The Fenland Project: from survey to management and beyond

scholarly article by John Coles published in December 1997

The Hilton (Dorset) Gold Ornaments

The Meare Heath Trackway: excavation of a Bronze Age structure in the Somerset Levels

scientific article published in December 1976

The Mesolithic in Ireland: Hunter-Gatherers in an Insular Environment. By Woodman Peter C.. British Archaeological Reports, British Series 58. 1978. 360 pages, 101 figures, 6 plates. Price: £7.50

scholarly article by J. M. Coles published in December 1979

The Neolithic in Poland. Edited by Wislanski Tadeusz. 520 pages, 146 figures, 16 plates, index. Instytut Historic Kultury Materialnaj, Warsaw, 1970


The Prehistoric Rock Art of Galloway and the Isle of Man. By Ronald W. B. Morris. 23·5 × 18 cm. Pp. 192 + many figs. and pls. Poole: Blandford Press, 1979. £9.95 (hardback), £7.95 (paperback).

The Quaternary in the Coastlands of Guinea. By Davies Oliver. Pp. 276, 120 figs., 8 pls. University Press, Glasgow, 1964. Price £6 6s. 0d

The Rock Art of South Africa. By Willcox A. R.. Pp. xiv+96, 42 figs., 61 pls. (37 in colour). Nelson, London, 1963. Price 90s


The Torran Hoard

The Use and Character of Wood in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland

scientific article published in December 1978

The Wessex culture: a minimal view


The dirks and rapiers of Great Britain and Ireland. By Burgess C.B. and Gerloff S.. Prähistorische Bronzefunde iv, Band 7. 141 pages, 134 plates.The axes of Scotland and Northern England. By Schmidt P. K. and Burgess C.B.. Prähistorische Bronzefund


The origins of metallurgy in atlantic Europe: proceedings of the Fifth Atlantic Colloquium. Edited by Ryan Michael. 389 pp., many illustrations, graphs, maps. Stationery Office, Dublin. No date. Price £19.50

Torsten Högberg. Hällristningar från Litsleby, Tegneby & Socken {Arkeologisk Rapport 1 från Vitlyckemuséet}. 108 pages, illustrations, 1 tables. 1995. Uddevalla: Bohuslän Museum; 91-7686-162-7 paperback.Tommy Andersson. Hällristningar från H?

Trouvailles du Champ d'Urnes et des Tombelles hallstattiennes de Court-Saint-Etienne. By M. E. Marien. Monographies d'Archéologie Nationale, I. Brussels, 1958. pp. 271, 56 figures including 7 maps, 1 plate. 280 Belgian francs


Typologie des Objets de l'Age du Bronze en France, 1. Epées. By Gaucher Gilles and Mohen Jean-Pierre. 46 cards in case. Commission du Bronze, Société Préhistorique Francaise, Paris, 1972. Price 18 F


Un village du Bronze final: Cortaillod-Est. 1 B. Arnold. Fouille subaquatique et photographieaerienne. Saint-Blaise: Editions du Ruau, 1986. Archéologie neuchâteloise 1–4. 525 pp., hundreds of illus. Swiss Fr 220 Paperback. 178 pp.2 M.A. Borrello


Werner Coblenz & Fritz Horst: Mitteleuropäische Bronzezeit. Beiträge zur Archäologie und Geschichte. Historiker-Gesellschaft der DDR. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1978. 326 pp., figs. and maps. 28M