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List of works by Bernard Cornwell


2012 novel by Bernard Cornwell


novel by Bernard Cornwell


edition (en)

Death of Kings

2011 Book by Bernard Cornwell

Death of Kings

paperback edition (en)

Enemy of God

1996 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Enemy of God - Excalibur

novel by Bernard Cornwell

Excalibur: A Novel of Arthur

1997 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Fools and Mortals

2017 historical novel by Bernard Cornwell

Gallows Thief

novel by Bernard Cornwell

Gallows Thief

2001 edition


novel by Bernard Cornwell


novel by Bernard Cornwell


2003 edition


book by Bernard Cornwell

Sea Lord

novel by Bernard Cornwell


Sharpe's Assassin

2021 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Battle

1995 film by Tom Clegg

Sharpe's Battle

1995 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Christmas

short story by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Christmas

2003 short story collection by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Command

2023 historical novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Company

1982 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Devil

1990 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Eagle

1993 film by Tom Clegg

Sharpe's Eagle

book by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Enemy

book by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Enemy

1984 edition

Sharpe's Escape

2005 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Fortress


Sharpe's Fury

book by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Gold

1995 film by Tom Clegg

Sharpe's Gold

book by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Havoc


Sharpe's Honour

1985 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Prey

novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Ransom

short story by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Regiment

1996 film by Tom Clegg

Sharpe's Regiment

1986 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Revenge

1989 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Rifles

book by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Siege

book by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Siege

1987 edition

Sharpe's Skirmish

1999 short story by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Sword

1995 film by Tom Clegg

Sharpe's Sword

1983 novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's Tiger


Sharpe's Trafalgar


Sharpe's Triumph


Sharpe's Waterloo

1990 novel by Bernard Cornwell


novel by Bernard Cornwell

Sword Song

2007 Book by Bernard Cornwell

Sword Song

edition (en)

Sword of Kings

2019 book by Bernard Cornwell

The Burning Land

2009 novel by Bernard Cornwell

The Burning Land

paperback edition (en)

The Empty Throne

2014 Book by Bernard Cornwell

The Flame Bearer

2016 historical novel in The Saxon Stories series by Bernard Cornwell

The Fort

novel by Bernard Cornwell

The Grail Quest

books by Bernard Cornwell

The Last Kingdom

2004 book by Bernard Cornwell

The Lords of the North

2006 novel by Bernard Cornwell

The Pagan Lord

2013 Book by Bernard Cornwell

The Pale Horseman

2005 novel by Bernard Cornwell

The Saxon Stories

Novel series about history of Anglo Saxon England in 9th & 10th century

The Starbuck Chronicles

novels by Bernard Cornwell

The Warlord Chronicles

series of novels by Bernard Cornwell

The Warlord Chronicles

1995 novel written by Bernard Cornwell

The Winter King

1995 novel by Bernard Cornwell

The Winter King

1995 edition

The Winter King

paperback edition (en)


2002 novel by Bernard Cornwell

War Lord

2020 novel by Bernard Cornwell

War of the Wolf

2018 historical novel in The Saxon Stories series by Bernard Cornwell

Warriors of the Storm

book by Bernard Cornwell

Waterloo: The History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles

book by Bernard Cornwell

Bledý jezdec

book edition published in 2015

Bledý jezdec

book edition published in 2018

Blázni a smrtelníci

book edition published in 2018

Blázni a smrtelníci

book edition published in 2019


book edition published in 2018


book edition published in 2018


book edition published in 2018

Meč králů

book edition published in 2020


book edition published in 2017

Poslední království

book edition published in 2015

Poslední království

book edition published in 2017

Prázdný trůn

book edition published in 2015

Sharpe's Devil

hardcover edition (en)

Sharpe's Honour

hardcover edition (en)

Sharpe's Skirmish

2002 paperback edition (en)

Sharpovo Waterloo: Richard Sharpe v bitvě u Waterloo, 15.-18. června 1815 ; Sharpovo výkupné: Richard Sharpe ve Francii, prosinec 1815

book edition published in 2015

Sharpovy Vánoce: Richard Sharpe v horách na hranici mezi Španělskem a Francií, prosinec 1813 ; Sharpova pomsta: Richard Sharpe a mír roku 1814

book edition published in 2015

Sharpův atentátník: Richard Sharpe a obsazení Paříže, 1815

book edition published in 2022

Sharpův ďábel: Richard Sharpe a císař Napoleon, 1820-1821

book edition published in 2016

Smrt králů: království Alfreda Velikého

book edition published in 2016


2002 hardcover edition (en)

Válečníci bouře

book edition published in 2016


book edition published in 2021

Válka vlků

book edition published in 2019

Waterloo: historie čtyř dnů, tří armád a tří bitev

book edition published in 2016

Waterloo: historie čtyř dnů, tří armád a tří bitev

book edition published in 2018