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List of works by George C. Boon

'Plumbum Britannicum' and Other Remarks

A Greco-Roman Anchor-Stock from North Wales

A Greek Vase from the Thames

article published in 1954

A Medal of Thelake Dwellings

A Roman Sculpture Rehabilitated: The Pagans Hill Dog

A Roman pastrycook's mould from Silchester

A Roman pottery theatrical face-mask and a bronze brooch-blank from Baldock, Herts

academic journal article

A Romano-British Bibliography (55 b.c.–a.d. 449). By Wilfrid Bonser. 10 × 6½. Two volumes. Pp. xliii+442+95. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1964. £8. 8s

A Silver Trumpet-Brooch with Relief Decoration, Parcel-Gilt, from Carmarthen, and a Note on the Development of the Type


A Silver-Gilt Ornament from a ‘Carmarthen’ Trumpet-Brooch

scholarly article by George C. Boon published in March 1978

A Third-Century Maritime Establishment at Cold Knap, Barry, South Glamorgan

A bronze spur from the Thames at Kingston

A late-Roman bronze buckle-plate from Sea Mills

A temple of Mithras at Caernarvon – Segontium

article published in 1960

A ‘Worton’-Type Bronze Sword-Hilt at Caerleon.

An Antefix Type of the Second Augustan Legion from Exeter

article by Paul T. Bidwell & George C. Boon published 1976 in Britannia

An Imperial Bronze Statue at Segontium

An Isiac Intaglio from Wroxeter Rediscovered

article published in 1982

An unusual Roman key from Silchester

An unusual iron linch-pin from Silchester

Ancient Britons and the Antiquarian Imagination. Ideas from the Renaissance to the Regency. By Stuart Piggott. 240 × 160mm. Pp. 175, 33Pls., 17 figs. London: Thames and Hudson, 1989. ISBN 0-500-01470-1. Price: £14-95.‘Speculum Britanniae.’ Regi

Archaeological notes: Two medieval coin-hoards from Cardiff, 1980

article published in Morgannwg in 1980

Belgic and Roman Silchester: the Excavations of 1954–8 with an Excursus on the Early History of Calleva

scientific article published in 1969

Britons and the Roman Army. A Study of Wales and the Southern Pennines in the 1st–3rd Centuries. By Grace Simpson, D.Phil. 9½ × 7. Pp. xi + 191 + 3 pls. + 24 figs., folding table. London. The Gregg Press. 1964. £3

article by George C. Boon published September 1965 in Antiquaries Journal

Bronze-Mounted Statue-Bases at Carmarthen and Silchester

C. O. Waterhouse's list of insects from Silchester

Camden and the Britannia

article published in 1987

Cefni Barnett F.S.A., F.M.A., 1919-1987

obituary published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1987

Cloth from the Caerleon ‘Pipe-burial’, 1927

October 1959 scholarly article in Antiquaries Journal

Coins of the Anarchy 1135-54

book; published in 1988

Coins of the Anarchy 1135-54


Corbridge: Excavations of the Roman Fort and Town 1947-80

Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, Ungarn. VII: Die Skulpturen des Stadtgebietes von Sopianae und des Gebietes zwischen der Drau und der Limesstrecke Lussonium-Altinum

Coventina's Well: A Shrine on Hadrian's Wall

Deux tessons à glaçure plombifère de la Grande-Bretagne

Die Gräberfelder von Lauriacum. Das Ziegelfeld. By Aemilian Kloiber. 10¼ × 7½. Pp. 208. 85 plates, 5 text-figs., and 2 folding plans. Forschungen in Lauriacum, Bd. 4/5, Linz, 1957.

Die Innenbauten rö;mischer Legionslager während der Prinzipatszeit. By Harald von Petrikovits. (Abhandlungen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Band 56.) 9½ × 6¾. Pp. 227 + 34 figs. + 12 pls. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag,

Dolaucothi Again

Donald B. Harden, with Hansgerd Hellenkamper, Kenneth Painter & David Whitehouse. Glass of the Caesars. xvi + 314 pages, 136 figures, 199 plates. 1987. Milan: Olivetti (available by post from Oxbow, 10 St Cross Road, Oxford OX1 3TU); paperback £25

Excavations at 10 Old Market Street, Usk


Excavations at Alstone Cottage, Caerleon, 1970

article by P. J. Casey et al published 1995 in Britannia

Excavations at Kings Weston

article published in 1950

Excavations at Poundbury 1966-80. II: The Cemeteries

Excavations in York: Interim Reports, 2. Second Interim Report, 1973-1974

Excavations on the Roman Fort at Abergavenny, Orchard Site, 1972–73

scientific article published in January 1993

Glass bead

section of Rumney Castle, a Ringwork and Manorial Centre in South Glamorgan published in 1992

Gold-in-Glass Beads from the Ancient World

Hoards of Roman Coins in the Reading Museum and Art Gallery

scientific article published in 1954

Iron-Making at the Chesters Villa, Woolaston, Gloucestershire: Survey and Excavation 1987-91

scientific article published in 1992

Isca the Roman legionary fortress at Caerleon Mon.

book published in 1972

Jetons, Medalets and Tokens. Vol. I. The Medieval Period and Nuremberg. By Michael Mitchener. 305 × 210mm. Pp. 704, fully ill. London: Seaby, 1988. ISBN 1-85264-036-7. £95·00

Le sarcophage gallo-romain de Tournai

Medals of the Anglesey Druidical Society and their place in Romantic Druidicial iconography

article published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1983

Micaceous Sigillata From Lezoux At Silchester, Caerleon, and Other Sites

Mithraic Studies: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Mithraic Studies

Monographs and Collections Relating to Excavations Financed by H. M. Department of the Environment in Wales I: Roman Sites

Notes and News

scientific article published on January 1961

Pagans Hill Revisited

scientific article published in January 1989

Potters, Oculists and Eye-Troubles

scientific article published in January 1983

Pytheas: Europe and the Greek Explorers. By C. F. C. Hawkes. (The 8th J. L. Myres Memorial Lecture, 1975, revised.) 24·5 × 18·5 cm. Pp. ii + 46 + 10 maps in text. Oxford: Blackwell, 1977. £2·00

ROMAN COLCHESTER. By M. R. Hull, with sections by M. A. Cotton, D. B. Harden, J. W. Jackson and K. M. Richardson, and an Introduction by I. A. Richmond. Research Report of the Society of Antiquaries of London, no. XX, Oxford, 1958. pp. xxxii + 301, 1

Report on the excavations at Usk 1965-1976. The coins

book; published in 1982

Report on the excavations at Usk 1965-1976. The coins

book by George C. Boon

Roman Antiquities at Welshpool

Roman History and Coinage 44 B.C.–A.D. 69. Fifty Points of Relation from Julius Caesar to Vespasian. By C. H. V. Sutherland. 22×14 cm. Pp. xiv+131, ills. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. ISBN 0-19-872124-2. £20.00 (£7.95 p/b)

Roman Life and Art in Britain. A Celebration in Honour of the Eightieth Birthday of Jocelyn Toynbee. Edited by Julian Munby and Martin Henig. 29·5×21 cm. Vol. 1, pp. viii+215+70 pls+25 figs.; Vol. 2, pp. iv+244+34 pls+22 figs. Oxford: British Archa

Roman Silchester: the Archaeology of a Romano-British Town

book published in 1957

Romano-British occupation of Minchin Hole cave, Gower

article published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1993

Sarapis and Tutela: A Silchester Coincidence

Silchester Amphitheatre

Silchester: Excavations at the North Gate, on the North Walls, and in the Northern Suburbs 1988 and 1991-3

article by Michael Fulford et al published 1997 in Britannia

Silchester: The Roman Town of Calleva

1974 publication

Some fragmentary flan-moulds in the Silchester Collection at Reading Museum

The Ancient British coins found at Silchester

The Archaeology of Roman Pannonia. Edited by A. Lengyel and G. T. B. Radan. 24·5 × 17 cm. Pp. 506 + 92 figs. + endpaper map + folding map inside back cover + 167 plates. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky; Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1980

The British Celts and their Gods under Rome. By Graham Webster. 23.5 × 16 cm. Pp. 205, 17 figs.+22 pls. London: B. T. Batsford, 1986. ISBN 0-7134 0648 8. £14.95

The Excavation of Bronze Age and Iron Age Settlements at Trevisker, St. Eval, Cornwall

scholarly article by Arthur ApSimon published in December 1972

The Forum and Basilica of Roman Leicester

The Frontier People of Roman Britain. By Peter Salway. 8 × 5. Pp. xx + 286 + 8 pls. + 11 figs. Cambridge University Press, 1965. £3

The Latest Objects from Silchester, Hants

scientific article published on January 1959

The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D. By Graham Webster. 9½ × ½. Pp. 330 + 31 pls. and 52 figs. London: A. & C. Black, 1969. £3. 3s

The Roman coin hoard from Heddington Wick

article published in 1974

The Seal-matrix of Abergwili College, Carms

The coins

chapter published in 1994

The coins

section of Rumney Castle, a Ringwork and Manorial Centre in South Glamorgan published in 1992

The great recoinage hoard from Builth

article published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1985

The place-names of Roman Britain, by A.L.F. Rivet and Colin Smith

book review published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1981

Third-Century Counterfeiting at Whitchurch, Somerset

scholarly article by George C. Boon and Philip Rahtz published in 1965

Tonsor humanus: razor and toilet-knife in antiquity

scientific article

Un nouveau décor du potier ANUNUS II

scientific article published in 1970

Wales in the Early Middle Ages

book review published in 1984

Welsh hoards 1979-1981


Welsh hoards 1979-1981 : the coinage of the Cnut in Wales, the coinage of the Empress Maud, the earliest portrait Esterlings : with an appendix of other hoards from Viking times to the dissolution of the monasteries

book; published in 1986

Welsh industrial tokens and medals : sidelights on 18th and 19th century industrial development

edition; published in 1973

Welsh industrial tokens and medals : sidelights on 18th and 19th century industrial development

book (work)