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List of works by Alain Desrochers

Corroborating biased indicators: global and local agreement among objective and subjective estimates of printed word frequency

scientific article published in May 2009

Dose-dependent action of glucose on memory processes in women: effect on serial position and recall priority

scientific article published in October 1998

Early contribution of morphological awareness to literacy skills across languages varying in orthographic consistency

Effect of age and glucoregulation on cognitive performance

scientific article published on 5 March 2010

Effect of age and glucoregulation on cognitive performance

scientific article published in November 2003

Effect of glucose, glucose regulation, and word imagery value on human memory.

scientific article published in June 1999

English performance of proficient bilingual adults on the Boston Naming Test


Glucose regulation is associated with cognitive performance in young nondiabetic adults

scientific article published on 21 March 2011

Imagery, Memory and Prose Processing

Impact of peripheral glucoregulation on memory

scientific article published in August 2002

Instructional effects in the use of the mnemonic keyword method for learning German nouns and their grammatical gender


Interaction between work frequency and imageability in lexical decision

Interpreting associative-learning stages

L'effet de la fréquence d'usage des noms inanimés et de la valeur prédictive de leur terminaison sur l'identification du genre grammatical

article published in 1989

Le développement de la lecture orale chez l'enfant

Le rôle de la conscience phonologique dans l’apprentissage de la lecture

Literacy development in Canada


Longitudinal predictors of word reading development


Mnemonic techniques in second-language learning

article by Allan Paivio et al published 1981 in Journal of Educational Psychology

Positive and negative instructions in symbolic paired comparisons with the months of the year

Reading comprehension: Developmental processes, individual differences, and interventions

Stages-of-learning analysis of picture-word effects in associative memory


Subjective frequency and imageability ratings for 3,600 French nouns.

scientific article

Subjective frequency norms for 330 Spanish simple and compound words

scientific article published on February 2010

The Impact of a Computer-based Adult Literacy Program on Literacy and Numeracy: Evidence from India


The general theory of two-stage learning: A mathematical review with illustrations from memory development


Une analyse des facteurs de risque dans l’apprentissage de la lecture chez l’enfant

[Imagery norms and subjective frequency of 1,760 monosyllabic words in the French language].

scientific article published in June 2009