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List of works by Manuel Delfino

A measurement of Rb using a lifetime-mass tag

A measurement of Rb using mutually exclusive tags

A measurement of the b baryon lifetime

A measurement of the gluon splitting rate into pairs in hadronic Z decays

A measurement of the inclusive b→sγ branching ratio

A measurement of |Vcb| from

A precise determination of the number of families with light neutrinos and of the Z boson partial widths

article by D. Decamp et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

A precise measurement of the average b hadron lifetime

A precise measurement of the τ lepton lifetime

A precise measurement of ΓZ→bb/ΓZ→hadrons

A search for new quarks and leptons from Z0 decay at LEP

article by D. Decamp et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

A search for pair-produced charged Higgs bosons in Z0 decays

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published May 1990 in Physics Letters B

A study of production in semileptonic B decay

A study of single and multi-photon production in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

ALEPH: A detector for electron-positron annihilations at LEP

article by D. Decamp et al published September 1990 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

An intermittent extreme BL Lac: MWL study of 1ES 2344+514 in an enhanced state

scientific article published on 17 June 2020

An investigation of Bd0 and Bs0 oscillation

An upper limit for the τ neutrino mass from τ → 5π(π0)ντ decays

Analysis of transverse momentum correlations in hadronic Z decays

Charged particle pair production associated with a lepton pair in Z decays. indication of an excess in the tau channel

Charm counting in b decays

article by D. Buskulic et al published November 1996 in Physics Letters B

Constraining dark matter lifetime with a deep gamma-ray survey of the Perseus galaxy cluster with MAGIC

Correlation measurements in Z→τ+τ− and the τ neutrino helicity

Detection of the blazar S4 0954+65 at very-high-energy with the MAGIC telescopes during an exceptionally high optical state

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Determination of AFBb using jet charge measurements in Z decays

Determination of the leptonic branching ratios of the Z

article by D. Decamp et al published January 1990 in Physics Letters B

Determination of the number of light neutrino species

article by D. DeCamp et al published November 1989 in Physics Letters B

Dimensioning storage and computing clusters for efficient high throughput computing

Direct photon production in e+e- annihilation

scientific article published on 01 January 1985

Electroweak effects in e+e---> tau + tau - at 29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 April 1985

Electroweak effects in e+e--->e+e- at sqrt s =29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 January 1987

Evidence for b baryons in Z decays

Evidence for the triple-gluon vertex from measurements of the QCD colour factors in Z decay into four jets

Extreme HBL behavior of Markarian 501 during 2012

scholarly article

First measurement of the BS meson mass


Four-fermion production in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

Four-jet final state production in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 130 to 184 GeV

Gamma-ray flaring activity of NGC1275 in 2016–2017 measured by MAGIC

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Heavy flavour production in Z decays

Improving the Execution Performance of FreeSurfer

scientific article published on 01 July 2014

Indirect dark matter searches in the dwarf satellite galaxy Ursa Major II with the MAGIC telescopes

K0 production in one-prong τ decays

Limit on B0s oscillation using a jet charge method

Limits on the flux of tau neutrinos from 1 PeV to 3 EeV with the MAGIC telescopes

Manual validation of FreeSurfer's automated hippocampal segmentation in normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer Disease subjects

scientific article

Mass limit for the lightest neutralino

Mass limit for the standard model Higgs boson with the full LEP I ALEPH data sample

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published September 1996 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of B- mixing at the Z

Measurement of alpha s from hadron jets in e+e- annihilation at sqrt s of 29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 September 1989

Measurement of charge asymmetry in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of energy-energy correlations in e+e--->hadrons at sqrt s =29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 June 1985

Measurement of hadron and lepton-pair production from e+e− annihilation at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

Measurement of isolated photon production in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method

Measurement of tau lifetime and branching ratios

scientific article published on 01 April 1985

Measurement of the B hadron lifetime

Measurement of the Bs0 lifetime and production rate with Ds−ℓ+ combinations in Z decays

Measurement of the D∗± cross section in two photon collisions at LEP

Measurement of the W mass by direct reconstruction in e+e−collisions at 172 GeV

Measurement of the W mass in e+e− collisions at production threshold

Measurement of the W-pair cross section in e+e− collisions at 172 GeV

Measurement of the and B− meson lifetimes

Measurement of the b forward-backward asymmetry and mixing using high-p⊥ leptons

Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method

Measurement of the branching fraction for D0 → K−π+

Measurement of the branching ratio and an upper limit on

Measurement of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of the effective b quark fragmentation function at the Z resonance

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in and

Measurement of the mass of the Λb baryon

Measurement of the polarization of tau leptons produced in e+e- annihilation at sqrt s =29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 October 1987

Measurement of the polarization of τ leptons produced in Z decays

Measurement of the production rates of η and η′ in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of the ratio using event shape variables

Measurement of the strong coupling constant using τ decays

Measurement of the strong coupling constant αs from global event-shape variables of hadronic Z decays

Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime

Measurement of the transverse spin correlations in the decay Z → τ+τ−

Measurement of the Λb polarization in Z decays

Measurement of triple gauge WWγ couplings at LEP2 using photonic events

Measurement of triple gauge-boson couplings at 172 GeV

Measurement of αs from scaling violations in fragmentation functions in e+e− annihilation

Measurement of αs from the structure of particle clusters produced in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of αs in hadronic Z decays using all-orders resummed predictions

Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/ψ

Measurements of the b baryon lifetime

Measurements of |Vcb|, form factors and branching fractions in the decays and

Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations along the line of sight with photometric redshifts: the PAU survey

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Michel parameters and τ neutrino helicity from decay correlations in Z → τ+τ−

Multi-wavelength characterization of the blazar S5 0716+714 during an unprecedented outburst phase

scholarly article

New Hard-TeV Extreme Blazars Detected with the MAGIC Telescopes

scholarly article

Observation of charge asymmetry in hadron jets from e+e- annihilation at sqrt s =29 GeV.

scientific article

Observation of charmless hadronic B decays

Observation of monojet events and tentative interpretation

Observation of the semileptonic decays of BS and Λb hadrons at LEP

One-prong τ decays into charged kaons

Pattern of regional cortical thinning associated with cognitive deterioration in Parkinson's disease

scientific article

Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP


Precise measurement of the branching fraction for the decay tau --> nu tau pi

scientific article published on 01 January 1987

Precision measurement of the total cross section for e+e--->hadrons at a center-of-mass energy of 29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 April 1985

Predicting dementia development in Parkinson's disease using Bayesian network classifiers

scientific article

Production and decay of charmed mesons at the Z resonance

article by D. Decamp et al published August 1991 in Physics Letters B

Properties of hadronic events in e+e− annihilation at

article by D. Decamp et al published January 1990 in Physics Letters B

Quark and gluon jet properties in symmetric three-jet events

Resonant structure and flavour tagging in the Bπ± system using fully reconstructed B decays

Scalar quark searches in e+e− collisions at s=181−184 GeV

Search for CP violation in ZmF ττ

Search for CP violation in the decay

Search for CP violation in the decay Z → τ+τ−

Search for a new weakly interacting particle

Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published August 1993 in Physics Letters B

Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published July 1992 in Physics Letters B

Search for a very light Higgs boson in Z decays

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published August 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e− collisions at = 181–184 GeV

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published March 1999 in Physics Letters B

Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies from 130 to 172 GeV

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published February 1998 in Physics Letters B

Search for charginos and neutralinos with R-parity violation at

Search for decays of the Z0 into a photon and a pseudoscalar meson

article by D. Decamp et al published May 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for excited leptons at 130–140 GeV

Search for excited leptons in Z0 decay

article by D. Decamp et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for excited neutrinos in Z decay

Search for heavy lepton pair production in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

Search for high mass photon pairs in (f= e, μ, τ, v, q) at LEP

Search for invisible Higgs boson decays in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies up to 184 GeV

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published March 1999 in Physics Letters B

Search for monojet production in e+e- annihilation

scientific article published on 01 June 1985

Search for neutral Higgs bosons from supersymmetry in Z decays

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for neutralino production in Z decays

Search for pair-production of long-lived heavy charged particles in e+e− annihilation

Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays

Search for single electrons from supersymmetric-particle production

scientific article published on 01 January 1987

Search for single photons from radiative neutrino or supersymmetric-particle production

scientific article published on 01 June 1986

Search for single photons from supersymmetric particle production

scientific article published on 01 March 1985

Search for sleptons in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 161 GeV and 172 GeV

Search for sleptons in e+e− collisions at centre–of–mass energies up to 184 GeV

Search for supersymmetric particles in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

Search for supersymmetric particles using acoplanar charged-particle pairs from Z0 decays

article by D. Decamp et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for supersymmetric particles with R-parity violation in Z decays

Search for supersymmetry in the photon(s) plus missing energy channels at GeV and 172 GeV

Search for the Bc meson in hadronic Z decays

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published October 1997 in Physics Letters B

Search for the neutral Higgs Boson from Z0 decay in the Higgs mass range between 11 and 24 GeV

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published May 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for the neutral Higgs boson from Z0 decay

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for the neutral Higgs bosons of the MSSM and other two-doublet models

scholarly article by ALEPH Collaboration et al published 15 August 1991 in Physics Letters B

Search for the neutral Higgs bosons of the MSSM in e+e− collisions at from 130 to 172 GeV

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published October 1997 in Physics Letters B

Search for the standard model Higgs boson

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published August 1993 in Physics Letters B

Search for the standard model Higgs boson at the LEP2 Collider near GeV

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published February 1999 in Physics Letters B

Search for the standard model Higgs boson at the LEP2 collider near

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published November 1998 in Physics Letters B

Searches for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at LEP2

Searches for the neutral Higgs bosons of the MSSM in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 181–184 GeV

scholarly article by Robert Barate et al published November 1998 in Physics Letters B

Searches for the standard Higgs boson

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published August 1990 in Physics Letters B

Single- and multi-photon production in e+e− collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 183 GeV

Spectroscopic changes associated with mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson's disease

scientific article

Strange b baryon production and lifetime in Z decays

Study of D0– mixing and D0 doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decays

Study of muon-pair production at centre-of-mass energies from 20 to 136 GeV with the ALEPH detector

Study of the Bs0s0 oscillation frequency using Ds− ℓ+ combinations in Z decays

Study of the subjet structure of quark and gluon jets

Study of the variable broadband emission of Markarian 501 during the most extreme Swift X-ray activity

scientific article published in May 2020

Test of the flavour independence of αs

The Blazar TXS 0506+056 Associated with a High-energy Neutrino: Insights into Extragalactic Jets and Cosmic-Ray Acceleration

scientific article

The PAU camera

The PAU camera and the PAU survey at the William Herschel Telescope

article published in 2012

The broad-band properties of the intermediate synchrotron peaked BL Lac S2 0109+22 from radio to VHE gamma-rays

scholarly article

The forward-backward asymmetry for charm quarks at the Z

article by Robert Barate et al published August 1998 in Physics Letters B

The forward-backward asymmetry for charm quarks at the Z pole

article by D. Buskulic et al published June 1995 in Physics Letters B

Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime

Updated measurement of the τ lepton lifetime