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List of works by Stuart Piggott

A Beaker from the Skipsea Peat, Yorkshire.

A Cylinder-Seal from South India

article by Stuart Piggott published September 1944 in Antiquity

A Forgotten Empire of Antiquity / Stuart Piggott. - (11.1953)

Article from 'Scientific American', published in November 1953

A Guide to Prehistoric Scotland by Richard Feachem. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1963. 233 pp., 50 figs., 2 maps. 10s


A History of Archaeological Thought

scientific article published in 1991


scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in June 1959

A New Photographic Technique at Croft Moraig

A Note on the Relative Chronology of the English Long Barrows.

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in January 1935

A Potsherd from the Stonehenge Ditch (Plate VII, A)

A Pottery Spoon from the Mendips.

article published in 1936

A Romano-Celtic Bronze Head

A Trepanned Skull of the Beaker Period from Dorset and the Practice of Trepanning in Prehistoric Europe

scientific article published in July 1940

A Wheel of Iron Age Type from Co. Durham

scientific article published in 1949

A saint in a stone circle

A. S. Bell (ed.): The Scottish antiquarian tradition. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1981. 286 pp. 11 pl. £15.00


ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. I–III (1951–53); Budapest, 13 dollars a volume

AN ARCHAEOLOGY OF SOUTH-EAST ENGLAND. By Gordon J. Copley. Phoenix House, London, 1958. pp. 324, 20 figures, 22 maps, 28 plates


An Ancient Briton in North Africa


An Early Bronze Age Sanctuary Site In Scottish Lowlands


An Introduction to Prehistoric Archeology by F. Hole and R. F. Heizer. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 316 pp., 28 figs. 56s

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1965

An Iron Age Yoke from Northern Ireland

scientific article published in 1949

An archaeological survey and policy for Wiltshire: part III, Neolithic and Bronze Age

article published in 1971

Andrews’ and Dury's Map of Wiltshire, 1773. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Records Branch, vol. viii (1952). 11 × 8½. Pp. 4. 38 plates of reduced facsimile

Archaeological Draughtsmanship: Principles and Practice Part I: Principles and Retrospect

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in September 1965

Archaeological Journalism in the 17th Century

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1945

Archaeological retrospect 5

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in March 1983

Archaeology and Prehistory: Presidential Address

scientific article published in December 1963

Archaeology of the Submerged Land-Surface of the Essex Coast.

scientific article published in 1936

Archäologische Funde in Ungarn. Ed. by E. B. Thomas. 12¾ × 9½. Pp. 425. 161 half-tone plates + 4 colour plates + folding map. Budapest: Corvina Verlag, 1956. £5

Aubrey Burl: Prehistoric Avebury. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979. 275 pp., 13 col. pls., 107 photographs, 12 figs. £8.95

article published in 1980

BRITTANY. By P. R. Giot (in collaboration with J. ĽHelgouach and J. Briard). (Number Thirteen in the Ancient Peoples and Places series.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1960, 30s. pp. 221, 68 text-figures, 48 plates

BRONZE AGE CULTURES IN FRANCE: The Later Phases from the Thirteenth to the Seventh CenturyB.C. By N. K. Sandars. Cambridge University Press, 1957. pp, xvii + 412, 97 text figures, 12 plates; maps and tables. £5 10s


Barrow Excavations in the Eight Beatitudes: The Bronze Age Cemetery between Toterfout and Halve Mijl, North Brabant. By Willem Glasbergen. 10½ × 7¼. Pp. xx + 204 + 22 pls. and 76 figs, and maps in text. Palaeohistoria nos. II and III, Groningen, 1

Barry Cunliffe: The Celtic world. London: The Bodley Head, 1979. 224 pp. 700 illus. £19.95

Beaker Bows: A Suggestion

Brazilian Indians on an Elizabethan Monument


Bridget Allchin & Raymond Allchin : The rise of civilization in India and Pakistan. Cambridge, University Press, 1982. 379 pp., 203 figs. and tables. £25.00 hardback, £8.95 paperback

British Antiquity. By T. D. Kendrick. 8½ × 5½. Pp. xi + 171. London: Methuen, 1950. 21s

Britons, Romans, and Saxons Round Salisbury and in Cranborne Chase: Reviewing the Excavations of General Pitt-Rivers, 1881–1897

article published in 1947

Bronze Double-Axes in the British Isles.

C. F. E. Pare. Wagons and wagon-graves of the early Iron Age in Central Europe. xii+382 pages, 218 figures, 136 plates, 1992. Oxford: Oxford Committee for Archaeology (Monograph 35); ISBN 0-947816-35-6 hardback £75.J. H. Crouwel. Chariots and other

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1993

Celtic Chariots on Roman Coins

Central Asia: Turkmenia before the Achaemenids. By V. M. Masson and V. I. Sarianidi. 7¾ × 5½. Pp. 219 + 53 pls. + 46 figs, and maps. London: Thames & Hudson, 1972. £3.50.


Christopher Chippindale: Stonehenge complete. London, Thames & Hudson, 1983. 296 pp., 260 illustrations, 13 in colour. £12.50

Colin Renfrew: Before civilization: the radiocarbon revolution and prehistoric Europe. London: Jonathan Cape, 1973. 292 pp., 12 pls., 58 figs. £3.95

Conference on the Future of Archaeology (1943); Conference on the Problems and Prospects of European Archaeology (1944), University of London Institute of Archaeology, Occasional Papers nos . 5 and 6.

scientific article published in 1946

Copper vehicle-models in the Indus civilization

Danmarks Oldtid. II. Bronzealderen. By Johannes Brønsted. 8 × 11¾. Pp. 316 + 14 pls., 4 in colour. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1958. Kr. 85.00

Das keltische Fürstengrab von Reinheim, I. By Josef Keller. 10½ × 8. Pp. 77 + 34 pls. (6 in colour). Mainz, Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum. 1965. No price stated.

Dating the Hissar Sequence—the Indian Evidence


David Lowenthal: The past is a foreign country. Cambridge: University Press, 1985. 489 pp. £9.95 (pbk)

David Piper: The treasures of Oxford. New York & London: Paddington Press, 1977. 144 pp., 130 illus., 16 col. pls. £6.96

Decorated Prehistoric Pottery from the Bed of the Ebbsfleet, Northfleet, Kent

scholarly article by J. P. T. Burchell published in October 1939

Die Beusterburg: ein jungsteinzeitliches Erdwerk in Niedersachsen. By K. Tackenberg. 12½ x9½ Pp. vii + 47. Hildesheim: August Lax, 1951

Die Kelten. By Paul-Marie Duval. 28 × 22 cm. Pp. 344 + 447 figs and pls. + 8 maps at end. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1978. DM. 158.

Die Situla in Providence (Rhode Island). By Lucke W. and Frey O.-H.. Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Forschungen Vol. 26. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1962. Text pp. 90, 21 figs, 61 plates, 16 folding drawings

Dilip K. Chakrabarti. A history of Indian archaeology: from the beginning to 1947. ix + 262 pages. 1988. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers; ISBN 81-215-0079-6 hardback Rs 225

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in March 1989

Drawing Archaeological Finds for Publication. By Conant Brodribb. 8½ × 7¼. Pp. 52+32 figs. London: John Baker, 1970. 75p.

Durrington Walls, Wiltshire: recent excavations at a ceremonial site of the early second millennium B.C

E. L. Cloyd: James Burnett, Lord Monboddo. Oxford: University Press, 1972. 196 pp., 4 pls. £4.50

article by Stuart Piggott published March 1973 in Antiquity

EARLY INDIAN PAINTED POTTERY. By D. H. Gordon. Journ. Indian Soc. Oriental Art,XIII (1945), 35

EARLY INDIAN PAINTED POTTERY. By D. H. Gordon. Journ. Indian Soc. Oriental Art,XIII (1945), 35

EARLY INDIAN TERRACOTTAS. By D. H. Gordon. Reprinted from the Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art (1943), XI, 136–95 and plsVIII-XVI.THE DATE OF THE ARYAN ADVENT IN INDIA. By T. G. Aravamuthan. Reprint from Quarterly journal of the Mythic

ENGLISH PREHISTORIC POTTERY. 28 plates Victoria and Albert Museum Small Picture Book, no. 26. 1952. Price 1s 6d

article by Stuart Piggott published March 1953 in Antiquity

ENGLISH VILLAGES AND HAMLETS. By Humphrey Pakington. B. T. Batsford, 1936. pp. XVI, 120 with 131 plates and illus. 7s 6d.ENGLISH VILLAGE HOMES. By Sydney R. Jones. Batsford, 1936. pp. VII, 120 with 136 plates. 7s 6d

EXCAVATIONS AT RAIRH. By K. N. Puri Department of Archaeology and Historical Research, Jaipur State, India. 1941. pp. IV, 73, 36 plates

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in June 1943

EXPLORATION AND EXCAVATIONS: 1. Prehistoric and Protohistoric Period. By B. B. Lal. Archaeology in India (1950), 17-50; XII Pl.THE PAINTED GREY WARE OF THE UPPER GANGETIC BASIN. By B. B. Lal. Journ. Royal Asiatic Soc. Bengal (Letters), XVI (1950), 89

Early British craftsmen

book review published in 1986

Early Iron Age rubbish pits at Knighton Hill, Berks

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in October 1927

Early Iron Age ‘Horn-Caps’ and Yokes

Einführung in Niedersachsens Urgeschichte, I. By K. H. Jacob-Friesen. 9 × 6. Pp. 204 + 184 figs. + 25 pls. Hildesheim, August Lax, 1959

Euan W. MacKie: Science and society in prehistoric Britian. London: Paul Elek, 1977. 252 pp., 17 pls., 36 figs. £12.50

Eugen Woytowitsch: Die Wagen der Bronzeund frühen Eisenzeit in Italien. (PBF XVII. 1.) Münich: C. H. Beck, 1978. 134 pp., 61 pls. DM 98

Excavation of a Stone Circle at Croft Moraig, Perthshire, Scotland

Excavation of an Untouched Chamber in the Lanhill Long Barrow.

scholarly article by Alexander Keiller, Stuart Piggott, AD Passmore, and AJE Cave, published in July 1938

Excavations at Avebury, 1960

article published in 1964

Excavations at Rams Hill, Uffington, Berks

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in October 1940

FURTHER COPPER HOARDS FROM THE GANGETIC BASIN. By B. B. Lal. Ancient India, no. 7 (1951), 20–39, 8 figs., 7 pls

Farmsteads in Central India

article by Stuart Piggott published September 1945 in Antiquity

Fawler, as Place-Name

First Report of the Sub-Committee of the South-Western Group of Museums and Art Galleries on the Petrological Identification of Stone Axes

scientific article published in 1941

Fouilles de Mundigak. By Jean-Marie Casals. 8½ × 10¾. Two vols.; I, pp. 260 + 6 figs, + folding table; II, pp. 13 + 140 figs. + 45 pls. Paris: Mémoires de la Délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan, Vol. XVII, 1961. £5 16s

article by Stuart Piggott published March 1963 in Antiquaries Journal

Fourth Report of the Sub-Committee of the South-Western Group of Museums and Art Galleries on the Petrological Identification of Stone Axes

article published in 1962

From the Land of the Scythians: Ancient Treasures from the Museums of the U.S.S.R. 3000 B.C.– 100 B.C. Metropolitan Museum of Art New York and Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 11 × 8½. Pp. 160 + 33 col. pls. and numerous half-tone illus. in text

scientific article

Frozen Tombs of Siberia: the Pazyryk Burials of Iron Age Horsemen. By S. I. Rudenko. Trans. and with preface by M. W. Thompson. 9½ × 7½. Pp. xxxvi + 340 + 180 pls. (33 in colour) + 146 figs. London: Dent, 1970. £12.60.--- Either ISSN or Journal t

Further Bronze Age ‘Dagger Graves’ in Brittany

scientific article published in July 1939

G. J. Wainwright and I. H. Longworth: Durrington Walls, Excavations 1966–68. London: The Society of Antiquaries (Research report No. XXIX), 1971. 417 pp.; 13 pls.; 138 figs. £6

article by Stuart Piggott published 1972 in Antiquity

General Pitt-Rivers. By M. W. Thompson. 21·5 × 14. Pp. 164 + 26 figs. Bradford-on-Avon: The Moonraker Press, 1977. £4·95

Grégoire Frumkin: Archaeology in Soviet Central Asia. Leiden/Cologne: E. J. Brill, 1970. 235 pp., 67 pls., 39 figs., 19 maps. (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section VII, Vol. III, pt. 1.) Gld. 96, Gld. 84 for subscribers


HUNTERS OF THE BURIED YEARS: THE PREHISTORY OF THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES. By Alice B. Kehoe. Regina. Saskatchewan, School Aids and Text Book Publishing Co. Ltd., n.d., 94 pp., 16 text-figs., 4 maps, 57 pls. $2.00


Handley Hill, Dorset–A Neolithic Bowl and the Date of the Entrenchment.

Harriet Crawford (ed.): Subterranean Britain: aspects of underground archaeology. A John Baker book. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1979. 216 pp., 51 figs. £7.95

Heads and Hoofs

Herbert Schutz: The prehistory of Germanic Europe. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983. 421 pp., 252 figs. £30

Hesiod's wagon: text and technology

II.— Excavation of Barrows on Crichel and Launceston Downs, Dorset

scientific article published in 1944

Iain Gordon Brown: The Hobby-Horsical Antiquary: a Scottish character 1640–1830. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1980. 48 pp., illustrated. £2.50


Inventaria Archaeologica (International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences), 10¾ × 8½:1. Belgium, Fasc. I (Fiches F1–F6). Âges des metaux belgiques. Par M.-E. Mariën. Anvers: De Sikkel, 1953. Fr. 90.2. France, Fasc. 1 (Fiches F


Iron, Cimmerians and Aeschylus

article published in 1964

John Brailsford: Early Celtic masterpieces from Britain in the British Museum. London: British Museum Publications Ltd., 1975. 103 pp., 115 pls., 10 in colour (1), 30 figs. £4.50

John Thurnam (1810-1873) and British prehistory

article published in 1993

Kurt Schietzel: Müddersheim: Eine Ansiedlung der jüngeren Bandkeramik im Rheinland. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1965. 155 pp., 58 pls., 26 figs., 6 folding plans. DM. 68.Hartwig Zürn: Das Jungsteinzeitliche Dorf Ehrenstein (Kreis Ulm), Teil I, Die Baug

LES OUTILS DE BRONZE, DE L’INDUS AU DANUBE, IV–II MILLÉNAIRE. By Jean Deshayes. (Institut Français d'Archéologie de Beyrouth, Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique, vol. LXXI.) Paris: Geuthner, 1960. Two vols., pp. 451, 224; 67 plates (14

LINDØ: En boplads fra Danmarks yngre Stenalder. By J. Winther. Rudkjøbing: Andr. Brandt, 1926 and 1928. Two vols. pp. 59, 55


scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1932

La Préhistoire de l'Europe. By Sigfried J. de Laet. 19½ × 13¼. Pp. 212 + 83 pls. + 36 figs. + 8 maps. Bruxelles: Éditions Meddens, 1967. 695 BF.

Ladle Hill—an unfinished hillfort

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1931

Le Problème des Cassitérides. By Jacques Ramin. 9½ × 6. Pp. 136+3 maps. Paris, Picard, 1965. Price not stated

Les relations entre l'Ouest de la France et les îles Britanniques dans la préhistoire

M. Jankovich: They rode into Europe: the fruitful exchange in the arts of horsemanship between East and West. London: Harrap, 1971. 176 pp., 121 pls., 32 figs. and maps (un-numbered). £4.50

M. W. Thompson (ed): The journeys of Sir Richard Colt Hoare through Wales and England 1793–1810. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1983. 288 pp., 40 illus. £10.95


Michael Herity and George Eogan: Ireland in prehistory. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977. 302 pp., 16 pls., 99 figs. £8.95

Michael Hunter: John Aubrey and the realm of learning. London: Duckworth, 1975. 246 pp., 15 pls. (I frontispiece). £12.50

Michael Hunter: Science and society in Restoration England. Cambridge: University Press, 1981, 233 pp. £18.50


Mortimer Wheeler (ed.): Splendours of the East: Temples, Tombs, Palaces and Fortresses of Asia. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965. 288 pp. of text, half-tones and colour plates. £6 5s. od.J. M. C. Toynbee The Art of the Romans. (Vol. 43, Ancient


Mr. Alexander Keiller

scientific article published in Nature

Neolithic and Bronze Age in East Europe

Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Settlement at Broom Hill, Michelmersh, Hants

O. G. S. Crawford

article published in 1976

O. G. S. Crawford

P. V. Glob: Danish prehistoric monuments. London: Faber and Faber, 1971. 351 pp., 118 pls., 8 figs, 5 maps. £6

P.-M. Duval & V. Kruta (eds): Les mouvements celtiques du Ve au Ier siècle avant notre ère. Paris: CNRS, 1979. 239 pp., 23 pls., 94 figs. Frs. 185

PATTERN AND PURPOSE: A SURVEY OF EARLY CELTIC ART IN BRITAIN. By Sir Cyril Fox. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1958. pp. 160, 83 text figures, 81 plates and 3 maps, one coloured. 45s

article by Stuart Piggott published June 1959 in Antiquity

PLOUGH AND PASTURE. By E. Cecil Curwen and Gudmund Hatt. Henry Schuman, New York, 1953. 329 pp.,XIV plates and 25 figs

Part IThe Prehistoric Ages

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in January 1947

Part V Salisbury Cathedral; Churches and Religious Buildings, Monuments and Sculpture

scholarly article by Alfred Clapham published in January 1947

Patricia Phillips: The prehistory of Europe. London: Allen Lane, 1980. 314 pp., 64 figs., 19 Pls. £7.95

Paul-Marie Duval & Venceslas Kruta (eds): L'Art Celtique de la période d'expansion, IVe et IIIe siècles avant notre ère. Geneva/Paris, 1982. 268 pp., 149 figs

Philippa Levine: The amateur and the professional: antiquarians, historians and archaeologists in Victorian England 1838–1886. Cambridge: University Press, 1986. 210 pp. £25


Prehistoric Art. By T. G. E. Powell. 8¼ × 5¾. Pp. 284 + 263 half-tones in text (47 in colour) + 1 map. London: Thames & Hudson, 1966. 35s.

Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, by Childe V. Gordon. pp. 274, 16 plates and 96 illustrations in text. W. & R. Chambers, London and Edinburgh, 1940. Price, £1

article by Stuart Piggott published 1941 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

Prehistoric Copper Hoards in the Ganges Basin

Prehistoric India to 1000 B. C.

written work by Stuart Piggott

Prehistoric and Roman Studies. Commemorating the opening of the Department of Prehistoric and Romano-British Antiquities. Edited by G. de G. Sieveking. xii + 282 pages, 68 figures and tables, 91 plates. London, The British Museum, 1971. Price £2

Prehistory and the Romantic Movement

Primitive House-Types in Iberia

article by Stuart Piggott published March 1948 in Antiquity

Reviews of Books

Reviews. D. L. Clarke: Beaker pottery of Great Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: University Press (Gulbenkian Archaeological Series), 1970. Vol. I: 280 pp., 1 pl (colour), 14 figs.; Vol. II: 8 pls. (1 colour), 1087 figs., 20 unnumbered diagrams and gra

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in June 1971

Richard Feachem: The North Britons: The Prehistory of a Border People. London: Hutchinson, 1965. 240 pp., 12 pls., 24 figs., 45s

Richard Ingrams and John Piper. Piper's Places: John Piper in England & Wales. 184 pages, 144 illusrtations, mostly colour, in the text. London: Chatto & Windus/The Hogarth Press, 1983. £14.95.

book review published in 1984

Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler, 10 September 1890 - 22 July 1976

biographical article

Robert H. Cunnington: From antiquary to archaeologist: a biography of of William Cunnington 1754–1810. Prince's Risborough: Shire Publications, 1975. 196 pp., 32 pls. £6.25


Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England): Stonehenge and its environs: monuments and land use. Edinburgh, the University Press, 1979. 39 pp., 16 figs., 27 pls., 3 folding maps in pocket. £3.50

article by Stuart Piggott published July 1980 in Antiquity

S. H. Sardarian: Primitive Society in Armenia. Erevan: State University, 1967. 415 pp., 48 pls., 70 figs., 2 folding maps. (Armenian: Russian and English summaries.)E. V. Khaneadyan: The Culture of the Armenian Highlands in the Third Millenium BC. Er


SIALK, GIYAN, HISSAR AND THE INDO-IRANIAN CONNECTION. By D. H. Gordon. Man in India,XXVII (1947), no. 3, 195–241


scholarly article by STUART PIGGOTT published in November 1988

Segmented Bone Beads and Toggles in the British Early and Middle Bronze Age

scientific article published in December 1958

Simris II: Bronze Age Problems in the light of the Simris Excavations. By Berta Stjernquist. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, 4to Series, no. 5. 11¼ × 8½. Pp. 173 + 58 pls. + 6 text-figs. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup; Bonn: R. Habelt, 1961. 80 Kr.--- Eithe

Sir Lindsay Scott, K.C.B

scientific article published in Nature

Some Primitive Structures in Achill Island

Some ancient cities of India

written work by Stuart Piggott, E. S. A.

South-west England - north-west Europe: contrasts and contacts in prehistory

article published in 1979

Stone and Earth Circles in Dorset

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in June 1939

Stukeley, Avebury and the Druids

Swords and Scabbards of the British Early Iron Age

scientific article published in 1950

Symbols of Excellence. Precious Materials as Expressions of Status. By Grahame Clark. 25.5 × 19.4 cm. Pp. ix + 126, 43 figs., 8 col. pis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. ISBN 0-521-30264-1. £12.95

TEACH YOURSELF ARCHAEOLOGY. By S. Graham Brade-Birks. English Universities Press Ltd., London, 1953. 220 pp., 120 text-figs. 6s

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1954

THE BRONZE AGE ROUND BARROW IN BRITAIN. By Paul Ashbee. London: Phoenix House, 1960, 50s. pp. 222, 61 text-figures, 32 plates

THE FAMOUS DRUIDS. By A. L. Owen Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962. pp. xii, 264; 4 pls. 30s

THE NORTHERN ISLES. Edited by F. T. Wainwright. Edinburgh: Nelson, 1962. pp. xiii + 224; 37 figs. and maps, 23 pls. 30s

article by Stuart Piggott published March 1963 in Antiquity

THE ORIGINS OF ART. By Gene Weltfish. Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc., New York. 300 pp., 99 text figures. $4.50 ·


The Age of the British Flint Mines

The Ancestors of Jonathan Oldbuck

The Arreton Down Bronze Age Hoard

The Art of Scientific Investigation. By W. I. B. Beveridge. London: Mercury Books, 1961. pp. 178, 5 plates. 7s. 6d

The Badbury Barrow, Dorset, and its Carved Stone

The Beginnings of Wheeled Transport / Stuart Piggott. - (1968)


The Bronze Age Pit at Swanwick, Hants: A Postscript

The Bronze Age in Barbarian Europe. By Briard Jacques. 246 pages, 202 figures. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1979. £8.75 (cased)

The Bronze Age in Europe. By Coles J. M. and Harding A. F.. 581 pages, 24 half-tone plates and 190 figures and maps. Methuen, London, 1979. Price £18.00 (cased); £9.95 (paperbound)

The Carnyx in Early Iron Age Britain

The Dalladies long barrow: NE Scotland


The Dawn: and an Epilogue

The Discovery of Britain: The English Tourists 1540–1840 by Esther Moir. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964. 183 pp., 12 pls. 30s

The Druids and Stonehenge

scientific article published in December 1954

The Earliest Buddhist Shrines

The Earliest Wheeled Vehicles and the Caucasian Evidence

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in February 1969

The Early Bronze Age in Wessex

scientific article published in July 1938

The Earthen Long Barrow in Britain. By Paul Ashbee. 9½ × 7. Pp. xvi + 208 + 36 pls. + 58 figs. London: J. M. Dent, 1970. £6.30

The Emergence of Civilisation: The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium B.C. By Renfrew Colin. 595 pages, 152 figures, 33 plates. Methuen, London, 1972. Price £14·75

The Evolution of Man and His Culture, by Bibby H. C.. The New People's Library, XVI. (Victor Gollancz Ltd.). 1938. pp. 93, with 14 text-figures. Price, 1s. 6d


The Excavation of Long Barrow 163a on Thickthorn Down, Dorset

scientific article published in 1936

The Excavation of a Long Barrow in Holdenhurst Parish, near Christchurch, Hants (No. 183 of Neolithic Wessex Map).

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in January 1937

The Excavation of the West Kennet Long Barrow: 1955–6

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in December 1958

The Excavation of two additional holes at Stonehenge, 1950, and new evidence for the date of the Monument


The Excavations at Cairnpapple Hill, West Lothian 1947–8

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in March 1949

The Hercules Myth—beginnings and ends

The Long Barrow in Brittany

The Minute-Books of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, 1712–1755. Edited by Dorothy M. Owen and S. W. Woodward. 33·5 × 22·5 cm. Pp. xvii + 46. Lincoln: Lincoln Record Society (Vol. 73), 1981. £7·00 (£5·00 to Fellows of the Society of Antiquar

The Mull Hill Circle, Isle of Man, and its Pottery

The Name of the Giant of Cerne

scientific article

The Neolithic Pottery of the British Isles


The Peoples of Siberia edited by M. G. Levin and L. P. Potapov. Chicago: University Press, 1964. 984 pp., 315 line and half-tone illustrations and 3 maps in text, folding map in end cover. $20.Studies in Siberian Shamanism edited by H. N. Michael. Ar

The Prehistoric Antiquities of the Maltese Islands: a Survey. By J. D. Evans. 260 pages, 45 plans, 67 figures, 70 plates. The Athlone Press, University of London, 1971. Price £15

The Prehistoric Foundations of Europe, to the Mycenaean Age, by Hawkes C. F. C.. pp. xv + 414, 12 plates, 6 maps and tables and 27 illustrations in the text. Methuen, 1940. Price, 21s

The Radio-Carbon Date from Durrington Walls

article by Stuart Piggott published December 1959 in Antiquity

The Recent Excavations at Avebury

scholarly article by Alexander Keiller published in December 1936

The Royal Commission on the Ancient Monuments of Scotland. Twelfth Report, with an Inventory of the Ancient Monuments of Orkney and Shetland. Three volumes 10¾ × 8½. Edinburgh: H.M. Stationery Office, 1946. £3. 3s. 0d. the set


The Society's Lamp

The Sources of Geoffrey of Monmouth. I. The ‘Pre-Roman’ King-List

article by Stuart Piggott published September 1941 in Antiquity

The Sources of Geoffrey of Monmouth. II. The Stonehenge Story

The Tholos Tomb in Iberia

The Uffington White Horse

article by Stuart Piggott published March 1931 in Antiquity

The Zürich Congress


The background and beginnings of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society

article published in 1991

Three metal-work hoards of the Roman period from southern Scotland

article published in 1953

Timber Circles: A Re-Examination

article by Stuart Piggott published 1939 in The Archaeological Journal

Timothy Champion, Clive Gamble, Stephen Shennan & Alasdair Whittle: Preshitoric Europe. New York & London: Academic Press, 1984. 359 pp., 197 figs. & maps. £28.50 (boards); £14.50 (paperback)

Tradescant's Rarities: Essays on the Foundation of the Ashmolean Museum 1683 with a Catalogue of the Surviving Early Collections. Edited by Arthur MacGregor. 27.5 × 22 cm. Pp. xiii + 375, 75 figs. + 186 pls. + 5 microfiche. Oxford: Clarendon Press,

VORGESCHICHTLICHE WELT. By Friedrich Behn. Stuttgart, J. G. Cott'sche Buchhandlung Nachf., 1962. 222 pp., 88 pls. (2 col.). DM 36

Vanished Civilizations edited by Edward Bacon. London: Thames and Hudson, 1963. 360 pp., 802 illus. (211 in colour), 52 maps and charts. £8 8s. od

Vassos Karageorghis: Excavations in the Necropolis of Salamis I (Salamis Vol. 3). Nicosia: Department of Antiquities, 1967. Two vols., I, Text (190 pp.) and Plates (151); II, Folding Plans and Sections (45). £8 8s

article by Stuart Piggott published June 1969 in Antiquity

Visions of the Past. By Christopher Taylor and Richard Muir. 25 × 19·5 cm. Pp. 351, 135 ills. + 8 col. pls., 5 maps. London: J. M. Dent, 1983. ISBN 0-460-04556-3. £14·95

WILD MEN IN THE MIDDLE AGES. By Richard Bernheimer. Harvard University Press, 1952. 4.0 dollars

White Quartz Pebbles as Funerary Offerings

Wilfrid Blunt: The compleat naturalist: a life of Linnaeus. London: Collins, 1984, 256 pp. many illus. including colour. £6.95 (pbk).Clare Lloyd: The travelling naturalists. London: Croom Helm, 1985, 156 pp. 81 illus. and maps, 21 in colour. £13.95

William Borlase. By P. A. S. Pool. 22.5×13 cm. Pp. x+314+12 pls. Truro: The Royal Institution of Cornwall, 1986. ISBN not stated. £12.00


William Stukeley: doctor, divine, and antiquary

scientific article (publication date: 21 September 1974)

William Stukeley: new facts and an old forgery


Windmill Hill—East or West?

scholarly article by Stuart Piggott published in July 1956

World Prehistory: A New Outline. By Grahame Clark. 8¾ ×5½. Pp. xvi + 331 + 16 pls. + 10 maps. Cambridge: University Press, 1969. 45s

“Halberds” at Mycenae.