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List of works by Eugene A. Demler

A cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard antiferromagnet

scientific article published in May 2017

Adiabatic preparation of many-body states in optical lattices

scientific article published on 22 June 2010

Anomalous Diffusion and Griffiths Effects Near the Many-Body Localization Transition

scientific article published on 23 April 2015

Anomalous expansion of attractively interacting fermionic atoms in an optical lattice

scientific article

Anyonic interferometry and protected memories in atomic spin lattices

Bilayer paired quantum Hall states and Coulomb drag

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 63 no. 20, April 2001

Bloch oscillations in the absence of a lattice

scientific article published in June 2017

Bloch state tomography using Wilson lines

scientific article

Chiral prethermalization in supersonically split condensates

scientific article published on 4 November 2014

Classifying Novel Phases of Spinor Atoms

scientific article published on 03 November 2006

Classifying vortices inS=3Bose-Einstein condensates

Clustered Wigner-crystal phases of cold polar molecules in arrays of one-dimensional tubes

scientific article published in August 2012

Coexistence of gapless excitations and commensurate charge-density wave in the 2H transition metal dichalcogenides.

scientific article published on 20 January 2006

Competing orders in a magnetic field:  Spin and charge order in the cuprate superconductors

scholarly article by Ying Zhang et al published 3 September 2002 in Physical Review B

Competing orders in thermally fluctuating superconductors in two dimensions

scholarly article by Subir Sachdev & Eugene Demler published 6 April 2004 in Physical Review B

Competition between pairing and ferromagnetic instabilities in ultracold Fermi gases near Feshbach resonances

scientific article published on 01 February 2011

Competition between triplet superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in quasi-one-dimensional electron systems


Condensed-matter physics: Relaxation after a tight squeeze

scientific article published in Nature

Coupling ultracold matter to dynamical gauge fields in optical lattices: From flux attachment to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories

scientific article published on 11 October 2019

Decoherence dynamics in low-dimensional cold atom interferometers

scientific article published on 17 May 2007

Depolarization Dynamics in a Strongly Interacting Solid-State Spin Ensemble.

scientific article published on 3 March 2017

Dicke phase transition without total spin conservation

scientific article published on 27 December 2016

Direct measurement of the Zak phase in topological Bloch bands

scholarly article

Disordered Bose-Einstein condensates in quasi-one-dimensional magnetic microtraps

scientific article published on 18 February 2004

Dissipative Dynamics of a Driven Quantum Spin Coupled to a Bath of Ultracold Fermions

scientific article published on 27 December 2013

Dissipative Preparation of Spin Squeezed Atomic Ensembles in a Steady State

scientific article published on 19 March 2013

Dynamical Cooper pairing in nonequilibrium electron-phonon systems

scientific article published on 8 December 2016

Dynamical stability of a many-body Kapitza pendulum

scientific article published in September 2015

Dynamics and universality in noise-driven dissipative systems

scientific article published on 10 May 2012

Dynamics of One-Dimensional Bose Liquids: Andreev-Like Reflection atYJunctions and the Absence of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Electron-phonon instability in graphene revealed by global and local noise probes

scientific article published on 01 April 2019

Electron-phonon interaction in ultrasmall-radius carbon nanotubes

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 71 no. 3, January 2005

Exploring dynamical phase transitions and prethermalization with quantum noise of excitations

scientific article published on 26 May 2015

Exploring quasiparticles in high-Tccuprates through photoemission, tunneling, and x-ray scattering experiments

scientific article published on 30 January 2015

Exploring topological phases with quantum walks

Far-from-Equilibrium Field Theory of Many-Body Quantum Spin Systems: Prethermalization and Relaxation of Spin Spiral States in Three Dimensions

scientific article published on 12 October 2015

Far-from-Equilibrium Spin Transport in Heisenberg Quantum Magnets

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Fermionic transport and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a homogeneous Hubbard model with ultracold atoms

Finding the elusive sliding phase in the superfluid-normal phase transition smeared by c-axis disorder

scientific article published on 20 August 2010

Fractional Quantum Hall States of Atoms in Optical Lattices

scientific article published on 2 March 2005

Friedel oscillations as a probe of fermionic quasiparticles

scientific article published on 11 May 2016

Holographic maps of quasiparticle interference

scientific article published on 18 July 2016

Imaging magnetic polarons in the doped Fermi-Hubbard model

scientific article published on 14 August 2019

Interference between independent fluctuating condensates

scholarly article

Interferometric approach to measuring band topology in 2D optical lattices

scientific article published on 18 April 2013

Intertwined and vestigial order with ultracold atoms in multiple cavity modes

article published in 2017

Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model


Low-frequency conductivity in many-body localized systems

scientific article published on 11 September 2015

Luttinger liquid of polarons in one-dimensional boson-fermion mixtures

scientific article published on 14 September 2004

Magnetization plateaus for spin-one bosons in optical lattices: Stern-Gerlach experiments with strongly correlated atoms

scientific article published on 14 September 2004

Magnetoplasmon excitations and spin density instabilities in an integer quantum Hall system with a tilted magnetic field

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 66 no. 19, November 2002

Majorana Fermions in Equilibrium and in Driven Cold-Atom Quantum Wires

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measuring Entanglement Entropy of a Generic Many-Body System with a Quantum Switch

scientific article published on July 12, 2012

Microscopic theory of resonant soft-x-ray scattering in materials with charge order: the example of charge stripes in high-temperature cuprate superconductors

scientific article published on 26 March 2013

Mobile magnetic impurities in a Fermi superfluid: a route to designer molecules

scientific article published on 28 January 2015

Modulation spectroscopy and dynamics of double occupancies in a fermionic Mott insulator

scientific article published on 17 July 2009

Mott Criticality and Pseudogap in Bose-Fermi Mixtures

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Multiparticle Interactions for Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers: Cyclic Ring-Exchange Terms

scientific article published on 01 February 2020

Nematic Order by Disorder in Spin-2 Bose-Einstein Condensates

scientific article published on 11 May 2007

Noisy quantum phase transitions: an intuitive approach

scientific article published in November 2012

Observation of Elastic Doublon Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of discrete time-crystalline order in a disordered dipolar many-body system

scientific article published on March 2017

Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks

scientific article published on 6 June 2012

Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks

scholarly article published May 2011

Observing Majorana bound states in p-wave superconductors using noise measurements in tunneling experiments

scientific article published on 5 June 2007

Phase-sensitive measurements of order parameters for ultracold atoms through two-particle interferometry

scientific article published on 16 March 2011

Photonic Phase Gate via an Exchange of Fermionic Spin Waves in a Spin Chain

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Prethermal Floquet Steady States and Instabilities in the Periodically Driven, Weakly Interacting Bose-Hubbard Model

scientific article published on 11 November 2015

Probing Spatial Spin Correlations of Ultracold Gases by Quantum Noise Spectroscopy

scientific article published on 20 January 2009

Probing competing and intertwined orders with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in the hole-doped cuprates

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 92 no. 3, July 2015

Probing real-space and time-resolved correlation functions with many-body Ramsey interferometry.

scientific article

Properties and detection of spin nematic order in strongly correlated electron systems

article published in 2005

Proposal for coherent coupling of Majorana zero modes and superconducting qubits using the 4π Josephson effect

scientific article published on 5 September 2013

Quantitative test of a microscopic mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity

scientific article published in Nature

Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Bose Polarons.

scientific article published on 7 September 2016

Quantum Flutter: Signatures and Robustness

scientific article published on 7 January 2014

Quantum Magnetism with Multicomponent Dipolar Molecules in an Optical Lattice

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Quantum Rydberg Central Spin Model

scientific article published on 01 November 2019

Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities

scientific article

Quantum Spin Dynamics of Mode-Squeezed Luttinger Liquids in Two-Component Atomic Gases

scientific article published on 8 April 2008

Quantum approximate Bayesian computation for NMR model inference

scientific article published on 06 July 2020

Quantum critical states and phase transitions in the presence of non-equilibrium noise

article published in 2010

Quantum fluids of self-assembled chains of polar molecules

scientific article published on 03 November 2006

Quantum heat waves in a one-dimensional condensate

scientific article published on 26 May 2017

Quantum magnetism with polar alkali-metal dimers

scientific article published on 15 September 2011

Quantum transport of strongly interacting photons in a one-dimensional nonlinear waveguide

Ramsey Interference in One-Dimensional Systems: The Full Distribution Function of Fringe Contrast as a Probe of Many-Body Dynamics

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Rare-region effects and dynamics near the many-body localization transition

scientific article published on 12 January 2017

Realizing a Kondo-correlated state with ultracold atoms.

scientific article

Regimes of heating and dynamical response in driven many-body localized systems

scientific article published on 14 September 2016

Relaxation of antiferromagnetic order in spin-1/2 chains following a quantum quench

scientific article published on 01 April 2009

Relaxation of fermionic excitations in a strongly attractive Fermi gas in an optical lattice

scientific article published on 27 September 2011

Relaxation to a Phase-Locked Equilibrium State in a One-Dimensional Bosonic Josephson Junction

scientific article published on 27 April 2018

Revealing hidden antiferromagnetic correlations in doped Hubbard chains via string correlators

scientific article

SO(4) theory of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in Bechgaard salts

scientific article published on 6 December 2004

Selective state spectroscopy and multifractality in disordered Bose-Einstein condensates: a numerical study

scientific article published on 26 February 2018

Single-Band Model of Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering by Quasiparticles in High-TcCuprate Superconductors

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Solving Quantum Impurity Problems in and out of Equilibrium with the Variational Approach

scientific article published on 11 July 2018

Spectroscopy of collective excitations in interacting low-dimensional many-body systems using quench dynamics

scientific article published on 16 November 2007

Spectrum, Landau-Zener theory and driven-dissipative dynamics of a staircase of photons


Spin Bose-Glass Phase in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems atν=2

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Spin transport in a tunable Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms

scientific article published on 16 December 2020

Spin-1 atoms in optical superlattices: Single-atom tunneling and entanglement

Spin-Wave Contribution to the Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Triplet Superconductors

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Spinor bosonic atoms in optical lattices: symmetry breaking and fractionalization

scientific article published on 03 April 2002

Spontaneous symmetry breaking and exotic quantum orders in integer quantum Hall systems under a tilted magnetic field

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 68 no. 16, October 2003

String patterns in the doped Hubbard model

scientific article

Studying non-equilibrium many-body dynamics using one-dimensional Bose gases

Superconducting and charge–density wave instabilities in ultrasmall-radius carbon nanotubes

Superfluidity and dimerization in a multilayered system of fermionic polar molecules

scientific article published on 23 November 2010

The dynamics and prethermalization of one-dimensional quantum systems probed through the full distributions of quantum noise


The ‘Higgs’ amplitude mode at the two-dimensional superfluid/Mott insulator transition

scientific article published in Nature

Theory of parametrically amplified electron-phonon superconductivity

scientific article published on 19 July 2017

Time-Dependent Impurity in Ultracold Fermions: Orthogonality Catastrophe and Beyond

scientific article published on 27 December 2012

Topological characterization of periodically driven quantum systems

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 23, December 2010

Transport in Two-Dimensional Disordered Semimetals

scientific article published on 27 October 2014

Tunable superfluidity and quantum magnetism with ultracold polar molecules

scientific article published on 08 September 2011

Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea.

scientific article

Universal Prethermal Dynamics in Heisenberg Ferromagnets

scientific article published on 01 December 2020

Universal many-body response of heavy impurities coupled to a Fermi sea: a review of recent progress

scientific article

Universal rephasing dynamics after a quantum quench via sudden coupling of two initially independent condensates.

scientific article published on 28 February 2013

Unstable avoided crossing in coupled spinor condensates

scientific article published on 05 August 2014

Variational Approach for Many-Body Systems at Finite Temperature

scientific article published on 01 October 2020

Variational principle for quantum impurity systems in and out of equilibrium: Application to Kondo problems

scientific article published on 11 July 2018

Variational study of fermionic and bosonic systems with non-Gaussian states: Theory and applications

scientific article published in March 2018

Vortex-Peierls states in optical lattices

scientific article published on 10 May 2006