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List of works by Aesop

248 o ddamegion Esop : yr addysgiadau ar gan

edition; published in 1873

A Aguia e a Raposa

Portuguese translation

A Andorinha e outras Aves

Portuguese translation

A Bat, Bramble and Cormorant

1692 version

A Boaſting Mule

1692 version

A Bogia e a Rapoza

Portuguese translation

A Boy and a Snake

1692 version

A Brother and a Siſter

1692 version

A Bull and a Gnat

1692 version

A Cat and Mice

1692 version

A Cat and Venus

1692 version

A Cat and a Cock

translated fable Roger L'Estrange

A Cegonha e a Rapoza

Portuguese translation of fable

A Cock and Horſes

1692 version

A Cock and a Diamond

translated fable Roger L'Estrange

A Crow and a Dog

1692 version

A Crow and a Raven

1692 version

A Daw and Pigeons

1692 version

A Daw with a String at's foot

1692 version

A Doctor and Patient with Sore Eyes

1692 version

A Dog and a Butcher

1692 version

A Dog and a Cock upon a Journy

1692 version

A Dog and a Wolfe

1692 version

A Fawn and a Stag

1692 version

A Formiga e a Cigarra

A Formiga e a Mosca

Portuguese translation

A Fowler and a Partridge

1692 version

A Fox and a Bramble

1692 version

A Fox and a Crab

1692 version

A Fox that loſt his Tayle

1692 version

A Frog and a Mouſe

translated fable Roger L'Estrange

A Gall'd Aſs and a Raven

1692 version

A Gardiner and his Dog

1692 version

A Gard’ner and a Mole

1692 version

A Gnat Challenges a Lyon

1692 version

A Goat and a Vine

1692 version

A Gralha e os Pavões

Portuguese translation

A Hare and a Sparrow

1692 version

A Hare and a Tortoiſe

1692 version

A Hen and a Swallow

1692 version

A Hound and a Mastiffe

1692 version

A Hunted Bever

1692 version

A Kingsfisher

1692 version

A Lark in a Net

1692 version

A Lion and a Bear

translated fable Roger L'Estrange

A Lion and a Man

1692 version

A Lyon and a Bull

1692 version

A Lyon in Love

1692 version

A Lyon, Aſs and Fox

1692 version

A Lyon, Fox, and a Wolfe

1692 version

A Lyoneſs and a Fox

1692 version

A Man Bit by a Dog

1692 version

A Man and Two wives

1692 version

A Man and a Weazle

1692 version

A Miller Burying his Gold

1692 version

A Mole and her Dam

1692 version

A Mosca sobre a Carreta

Portuguese translation

A Muſician

1692 version

A Nightingale and a Bat

1692 version

A Peach, an Apple, and a Blackberry

1692 version

A Porca e o Lobo

Portuguese translation

A Raposa e o Corvo

Portuguese translation of fable

A Rapoza e as Uvas

Portuguese translation

A Raven and a Snake

1692 version

A Raven and a Swan

1692 version

A Rã e o Touro

Portuguese translation

A Shepherd and a Wolves Whelp

1692 version

A Shepherd and his Sheep

1692 version

A Shepherd turn'd Merchant

1692 version

A Smith and his Dog

1692 version

A Snake and a Crab

1692 version

A Snake and a File

1692 version

A Sow and a Bitch

1692 version

A Stag and a Lyon

1692 version

A Stag with One Eye

1692 version

A Swallow and a Crow

1692 version

A Swan and a Goose

1692 version

A Wife and a Drunken Husband

1692 version

A Wolf and a Lamb

translated fable Roger L'Estrange

A Wolfe and a Kid

1692 version

A Wolfe, a Lamb, and a Goat

1692 version

A Woman and a Fat Hen

1692 version

A viuva e o alcaide

Portuguese translation

Adulterer and Husband

fable by Aesop

Aesop and His Ugly Mistress

fable attributed to Aesop

Aesop and the Bitch

Aesop's fable

Aesop and the Hooligan

fable attributed to Aesop

Aesop and the Shipbuilders

Aesop's fable

Aesop and the Writer

fable attributed to Aesop

Aesop's Fables

collection of fables credited to Aesop

Aesop's Fables

2000 edition of the collection by Jerry Pinkney

Aesop's Fables by Aesop

2000 gutenberg version

Aesop's Fables not from Romulus

1484 collection of fables

Aesop's Fables: In Words of One Syllable

1899 book

Aesop's Fables: In Words of One Syllable

1869 translation by Aikin

Aesop's Fables: In Words of One Syllable

1910 version

Ail gyfres o chwedlau neu Ddammegion Aesop gyda phigion o ddammegion diweddarach Kriolf, La Fontaine, &c., &c

edition; published in 1801

An Ape and a Dolphin

1692 version

An Ape and a Fox

1692 version

An Ass Eating Thistles

fable attributed to Aesop

An Ass and the Frogs

1692 version

An Aſſe, a Lyon, and a Cock

1692 version

An Old Man and a Lyon

1692 version

An Unhappy Match

1692 version


1894 version

Apples and Horſe-Turds

1692 version

Arsinoe and her Son

Plutarch fable attributed to Aesop

As Arvores e o Machado

Portuguese translation

As Aves e o Morcego

Portuguese translation

As Lebres e Rãs

Portuguese translation of fable

As Rãs e Jupiter

Portuguese translation

As duas Cadellas

Portuguese translation

Avaricious and Envious

1894 version

Babrii Fabulæ Æsopeæ

1846 collection of fables attributed to Aesop based on Babrius by George Cornewall Lewis

Babrii Fabulæ Æsopeæ

1857 collection of fables attributed to Aesop based on Babrius by George Cornewall Lewis

Babrii Fabulæ Æsopeæ

1846 edition of George Cornewall Lewis 1846 collection of Aesopian fables

Babrii Fabulæ Æsopeæ

1859 edition of George Cornewall Lewis 1859 collection of Aesopian fables

Belling the Cat

1894 version

Borée et le Soleil

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Brother and Sister

1912 version of fable

Chanticleer and the Fox

fable dating from the Middle Ages

Cvrčak i mrav

Serbian translation

D'n Aomezeik enne Vleeg

Limburgish translation

De caluo et musca

Latin translation

De cane carnem ferente

fable in Latin

De cane et lupo

Latin translation

De duabus canibus

Latin translation

De gallo et iaspide

fable in Latin

De leone et mure

Latin version of fable

De lupo et agno

fable in Latin

De lupo et capite

Latin translation

De lupo et grue

Latin version of fable

De l’Accouchement d’une Montagne

French translation

De l’Aigle et de la Corneille

French translation of Aesop's fable

De l’Aigle et du Corbeau

French translation

De mure urbano et rustico

Latin translation

De ranis a Ioue querentibus regem

Latin translation

De rustico et colubro

Latin translation

De uiro et uxore

Latin translation

De uulpe et aquila

Latin translation

De uulpe et ciconia

Latin translation of fable

De uulpe et coruo

Latin translation of fable

Death and an Old Man

1692 version

Demades and His Fable

1912 version of fable

Demades and the Athenians

fable by Aesop

Demetrius and Menander

fable attributed to Aesop

Demetrius and Menander

1692 version

Diogenes and the Bald Man

fable by Aesop

Diogenes and the Ferryman

fable by Aesop

Diogène en voyage

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Diogène et le Chauve

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

D’un Coq et d’une Perle précieuse

French version of fable

D’un loup et d’un agneau

French translation

El ciervo, el manantial y el león

Spanish translation of Aesop's The Stag at the Pool

El cuervo y la culebra

Spanish translation

El joven pastor anunciando al lobo

Spanish translation

El labrador y la serpiente

Spanish translation

El labrador y la víbora

Spanish translation

El lobo y el perro

Spanish translation

El lobo y la grulla

Spanish translation of fable

El perro en el pajar

Spanish translation

El perro y el reflejo en el río

Spanish translation of fable

El ratón campestre y el cortesano

Spanish translation

El águila y la flecha

Spanish translation


1692 collection of fables

Fable CLIX and CLX

1692 collection of fables

Fable LXX and LXXI

1692 collection of fables

Fable XC and XCI

1692 version

Fables d’Ésope

1927 revised and abridged edition of Émile Chambry's collection and translation of fables attributed to Aesop

Fables of Æsop and Other Eminent Mythologists

1692 book

Fables of Æsop and Other Eminent Mythologists

1692 scan

Fabulae Aesopicae Collectae

collection of fables attributed to Aesop by Karl Felix Halm

Fabulae Aesopicae Collectae

1863 edition of the work by Karl Felix Halm

Father and Sons

1912 version of fable

Faulas de Isop

Fishermen Disappointed

1692 version

Fiſhing in Troubled Waters

1692 version

Grief and His Due

1912 version of fable

Hercules and Athena

fable by Aesop

Hercules and Minerva

1912 version of fable

Hercules and Pluto

1692 version

Hercules and Plutus

fable by Aesop

Hercules and Plutus

1912 version of fable

Hercules and the Waggoner

1867 version

Hercules and the Waggoner

1912 version of fable

Hercules and the Waggoner

1894 version

Hercules and the Wagoner

Aesop's fable

Hermes and Tiresias

fable by Aesop

Hermes and the Arabs

fable by Aesop

Hermes and the Cobblers

fable by Aesop

Hermes and the Dog

Aesop's fable

Hermes and the Earth

fable by Aesop

Hermes and the Sculptor

fable by Aesop

Hermes and the Sculptor

Aesop's fable

Hermes, the Man, and the Ants

fable by Aesop

Hermès et Tirésias

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Hermès et la Terre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Hermès et le Statuaire

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Hermès et les Artisans

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Héraclès et Athéna

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Héraclès et Plutus

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Impossible Promises

fable by Aesop

Isoho monogatari

collection of fables attributed to Aesop in Japanese language

Iuno the goddesse, the Pecok and the Nyghtyngale

1484 version

Joy and Sorrow

fable attributed to Aesop

Joy and Sorrow are near A-kin

1692 version

Juno e o Pavão

Portuguese translation

Jupiter and Fraud

1692 version

Jupiter and Modeſty

1692 version

Jupiter and a Herds-man

1692 version

Jupiter and the Monkey

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

Jupiter and the Monkey

1912 version of fable

Jupiter and the Tortoise

1912 version of fable

Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus

1867 version

Jupiters Wedding

1692 version

Konik polny i mrówka

Koza a osel

Czech translation

Krkavec a liška

Czech translation of fable

L'Aigle aux ailes écourtées et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Aigle et l'Escarbot

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Aigle frappé d'une flèche

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Alouette huppée

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Archer et le Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable


Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable


Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Enfant qui chasse aux sauterelles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Enfant qui mange de la fressure

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Esclave laide et Aphrodite

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Hirondelle et les Oiseaux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Hiver et le Printemps

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Homme et le Lion voyageant de compagnie

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Homme et le Satyre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Homme mordu par une fourmi et Hermès

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Homme qui a brisé une statue

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Hyène et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Oiseleur et la Cigogne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Oiseleur et la Perdrix

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Orateur Démade

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Âne et le Chien voyageant de compagnie

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Âne et le Jardinier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Âne, le Renard et le Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L'Écrevisse et sa Mère

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Belette et la Lime

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Belette et le Coq

French translation of Aesop's fable

La Belette et les Poules

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Biche borgne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Biche et la Vigne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Biche et le Lion dans un antre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Brebis tondue

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Chatte et Aphrodite

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Chauve-souris et les Belettes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Chauve-souris, la Ronce et la Mouette

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Chèvre et l'Âne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Chèvre et le Chevrier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Cigale et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Cigale et les Fourmis

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Colombe et la Corneille

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Colombe et la Corneille

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable (bilingual)

La Colombe qui a soif

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Corneille et le Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Corneille et le Corbeau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Femme et la Poule

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Femme et l’Ivrogne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Femme et ses Servantes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Fourmi

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Fourmi et la Colombe

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Fourmi et l’Escarbot

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Grenouille médecin et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Grive

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Guêpe et le Serpent

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Génisse et le Bœuf

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Lampe

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Lionne et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Magicienne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Mouche

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Mouette et le Milan

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Mule

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Muraille et la Cheville

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Perdrix et l'Homme

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Poule aux œufs d'or

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Poule et l’Hirondelle

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Puce et l'Homme

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Puce et le Bœuf

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Puce et l’Athlète

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Queue et le Corps du Serpent

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Rivière et la Peau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Rose et l'Amarante

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Royauté du Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Taupe et sa Mère

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Tortue et le Lièvre

French translation of Aesop's fable

La Tortue et l’Aigle

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Truie et la Chienne disputant de fécondité

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Truie et la Chienne faisant assaut d’injures

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Vieille et le Médecin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Vipère et la Lime

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Vipère et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La Vipère et l’Hydre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

La liebre y la tortuga

Spanish translation of fable

La zorra y el cangrejo de mar

Spanish translation

La zorra y el cuervo gritón

Spanish translation of fable

La zorra y las uvas

Spanish translation

Large Promiſes

1692 version

Las ranas pidiendo rey

Spanish translation

Le Berger et la Mer

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger et le Chien qui caresse les brebis

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger et le Loup nourri avec les chiens

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger et le Louveteau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger et les Louveteaux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger et ses Moutons

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger mauvais plaisant

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Berger qui introduit le loup dans la bergerie et le Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Bouc et la Vigne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Bouvier et Héraclès

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Bouvier et le Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Brigand et le Mûrier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Bûcheron et Hermès

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Castor

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cavalier chauve

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cerf à la source et le Lion

French translation of Aesop's The Stag at the Pool

Le Chameau danseur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chameau et Zeus

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chameau qui a fienté dans une rivière

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chameau vu pour la première fois

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chameau, l'Éléphant et le Singe

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Charbonnier et le Foulon

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chariot d’Hermès et les Arabes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chasseur poltron et le Bûcheron

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chat et les Rats

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cheval et le Palefrenier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cheval et le Soldat

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cheval et l’Âne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cheval, le Bœuf, le Chien et l’Homme

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chevreau et le Loup qui joue de la flûte

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chevreau qui est dans la maison et le Loup

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chevrier et les Chèvres sauvages

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien de combat et les Chiens

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien endormi et le Loup

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien et le Boucher

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien et le Coquillage

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien et le Lièvre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien et son Maître

version of Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien invité ou l’Homme et le Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien qui porte de la viande

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien qui poursuit un lion et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien à la sonnette

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Chien, le Coq et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Choucas et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Choucas et les Corbeaux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Choucas et les Oiseaux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Choucas et les Pigeons

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Choucas échappé

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cochon et les Moutons

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Corbeau et Hermès

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Corbeau et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Corbeau et le Serpent

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Corbeau malade

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cousin et le Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cousin et le Taureau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Crabe et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cygne et son Maître

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Cygne pris pour l'Oie

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Demi-dieu

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Devin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Dieu de la guerre et la Violence

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Débiteur Athénien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Dépositaire et le Serment

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Faon et la Biche

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Fils et le Lion peint

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Forgeron et son Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Fourbe

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Grenadier, le Pommier, l’Olivier et la Ronce

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Grison et ses Maîtresses

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Jardinier arrosant des légumes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Jardinier et le Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Jeune Prodigue et l'Hirondelle

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Joueur de Cithare

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et l'Aigle

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et la Fortune

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et le Loup

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et le Serpent gelé

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et le Serpent qui lui avait tué son fils

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et les Chiens

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et l’Arbre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Laboureur et ses Enfants

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion amoureux et le Laboureur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion cassé de vieillesse

French translation

Le Lion enfermé et le Laboureur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion enragé et le Cerf

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et la Grenouille

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et le Dauphin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et le Lièvre

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et le Rat reconnaissant

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et le Sanglier

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et le Taureau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et l’Onagre

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion et l’Âne chassant de compagnie

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion l'Ours et le Renard

translation by Émile Chambry

Le Lion qui a peur d’une souris et le Renard

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion vieilli et le Renard

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion, Prométhée et l’Éléphant

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion, l'Âne et le Renard

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion, le Loup et le Renard

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lion, le Renard et le Cerf

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lièvre et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup blessé et la Brebis

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et la Chèvre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et la Vieille

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et le Berger

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et le Cheval

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et le Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et le Héron

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et le Lion

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et le jeune Agneau réfugié dans un temple

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et l’Agneau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup et l’Âne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup fier de son ombre et le Lion

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Loup rassasié et la Brebis

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Lâche et les Corbeaux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Malade et le Médecin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Marchand de statues

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Mari et la Femme acariâtre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Meurtrier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Milan et le Serpent

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Milan qui hennit

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Médecin et le Malade

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Médecin ignorant

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Naufragé

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Naufragé et la Mer

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Noyer

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Nègre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Paon et la Grue

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Paon et le Choucas

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Perroquet et la Chatte

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Père et ses Filles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Pêcheur et le Picarel

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Pêcheur qui bat l’eau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Pêcheur qui joue de la flûte

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Rat des Champs et le Rat de Ville

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Rat et la Grenouille

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard au ventre gonflé

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et la Panthère

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et la Ronce

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Bouc

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Bûcheron

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Crocodile

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Dragon

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Masque

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Singe disputant de leur noblesse

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et le Singe élu roi

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard et les Raisins

French translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard qui n’avait jamais vu de lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Renard écourté

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Riche et le Tanneur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Riche et les Pleureuses

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Roseau et l’Olivier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Rossignol et l'Épervier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Rossignol et l’Hirondelle

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Sanglier et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Sanglier, le Cheval et le Chasseur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Sapin et la Ronce

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Serin et la Chauve-Souris

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Serpent et le Crabe

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Serpent foulé aux pieds

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Serpent, la Belette et les Rats

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Singe et le Chameau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Singe et le Dauphin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Singe et les Pêcheurs

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Soleil et les Grenouilles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Taureau et les Chèvres sauvages

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Thon et le Dauphin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Trompette

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Trompeur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Vantard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Vieillard et la Mort

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Vieux Cheval

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Voyageur et Hermès

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Voyageur et la Fortune

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Voyageur et la Vérité

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Abeilles et Zeus

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Arbres et l’Olivier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Biens et les Maux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Bûcherons et le Pin

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Bœufs et l'Essieu

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Chiens affamés

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Chiens réconciliés avec les Loups

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Chênes et Zeus

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Coqs et la Perdrix

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Dauphins, les Baleines et le Goujon

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Deux Besaces

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Deux Chiens

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Deux Coqs et l'Aigle

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Deux Ennemis

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Deux Escarbots

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Deux Hommes qui disputent des dieux

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Enfants de la Guenon

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Enfants désunis du Laboureur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Escargots

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Grenouilles qui demandent un roi

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Grenouilles voisines

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Grenouilles à l’étang desséché

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Guêpes, les Perdrix et le Laboureur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Hommes et Zeus

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Hyènes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Jeunes Garçons et le Boucher

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Lièvres et les Grenouilles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Lièvres et les Renards

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Loups et les Chiens en guerre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Loups et les Moutons

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Loups, les Moutons et le Bélier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Mouches

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Ménagyrtes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Navigateurs

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Oies et les Grues

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Pots

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Pêcheurs et le Thon

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Pêcheurs et les gros et les petits Poissons

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Pêcheurs qui ont pêché une pierre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Rats et les Belettes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Renards au bord du Méandre

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Trois Bœufs et le Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Voleurs et le Coq

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Voyageurs et l'Ours

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Voyageurs et la Hache

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Voyageurs et le Corbeau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Voyageurs et le Platane

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les Voyageurs et les Broussailles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Les fables d’Ésope

1906 French edition of the collection by Leo Tolstoy translated by Wladimir Bienstock

Les Ânes s’adressant à Zeus

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Lev a kanec

Czech translation of fable

Liber Primus

1484 collection of fables

Liber Quartus

1484 collection of fables

Liber Quintus

1484 collection of fables

Liber Secundus

1484 collection of fables

Liber Tertius

Section of William Caxton Fables

Los lobos y los carneros

Spanish translation

L’Aigle et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Aigle, le Choucas et le Berger

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable


Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable


Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Enfant et le Corbeau

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Enfant qui se baigne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Enfant voleur et sa Mère

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Estomac et les Pieds

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Eunuque et le Sacrificateur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Hirondelle et la Corneille disputant de leur beauté

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Hirondelle et le Dragon

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Hirondelle vantarde et la Corneille

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Homme et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Homme mordu par un chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Homme qui a trouvé un lion d’or

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Homme qui achète un âne

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Homme qui promet l’impossible

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Oiseleur et l’Alouette huppée

Chambry's translaton of Aesop's fable

L’Oiseleur et l’Aspic

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Oiseleur, les Pigeons sauvages et les Pigeons domestiques

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Ours et le Renard

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne et le Mulet portant la même charge

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne et le petit Chien

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne et les Cigales

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne et les Grenouilles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne et l’Ânier

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne faisant semblant de boiter et le Loup

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne louant le sort du Cheval

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne qui broute des paliures et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne qui passait pour être un lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne qui porte du sel

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne qui porte une statue de dieu

Émile Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne revêtu de la peau du lion et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne sauvage et l’Âne domestique

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne, le Coq et le Lion

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Âne, le Corbeau et le Loup

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

L’Éleveur d’abeilles

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Mercury and Tireſias

1692 version

Mercury and a Statuary

1692 version

Mercury and the Man Bitten by an Ant

1912 version of fable

Mercury and the Sculptor

1912 version of fable

Mercury and the Sculptor

1867 version

Mercury and the Tradesmen

1912 version of fable

Mercury and the Woodman

1912 version of fable

Mercury and the Workmen

1867 version

Mythologia Æsopica

1610 collection of fables attributed to Aesop by Isaac Nicholas Nevelet

O Asno e a Cachorrinha

Portuguese translation

O Asno e o Mercador

Portuguese translation

O Bezerro e o Labrador

Portuguese translation

O Casamento do Sol

Portuguese translation

O Cavallo e o Asno

Portuguese translation

O Cervo, o Lobo e a Ovelha

Portuguese translation

O Cão e a Carne

Portuguese translation of fable

O Falcão e o Rouxinol

Portuguese translation

O Galgo velho e seu amo

Portuguese translation of Aesop's fable

O Gallo e a Perola

Portuguese version of fable

O Homem e a Cobra

Portuguese translation

O Homem e a Doninha

Portuguese translation

O Ladrão e o Cão de casa

Portuguese translation

O Leão e o Rato

Portuguese translation

O Leão e os outros Animaes

Portuguese translation of "The Old Lion"

O Lobo e as Ovelhas

Portuguese translation

O Lobo e o Cabrito

Portuguese translation

O Lobo e o Cordeiro

Portuguese translation

O Lobo e o Cão

Portuguese translation

O Parto da Terra

Portuguese translation

O Rato Cidadão e o Montezinho

Portuguese translation

O Rato e a Doninha

Portuguese translation

O Rato e a Rã

Portuguese translation of the fable

O Rei dos Bugios e dous Homens

Portuguese translation

O Velho e a Mosca

Portuguese translation

O lobo e a cabeça de homem morto

Portuguese translation

Of Juno of Venus and of the other Wymmen

1484 version

Of a Carpenter

1484 version

Of a Fyſſher

1484 version

Of a Yonge Theef and of his Moder

1484 version

Of the Ant and of the Sygale

1484 version

Of the Ante and of the Columbe

1484 version

Of the Ante and the Flye

1484 version

Of the Ape and of the Foxe

1484 version

Of the Asse and of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Asse, of the Hors & of theyr Fortune

1484 version

Of the Auncyent Wesel and of the Rat

1484 version

Of the Aſſe and of the Yong Dogge

1484 version

Of the Balled Man and of the Flye

1484 version

Of the Bee and of Jupiter

1484 version

Of the Beestes and of the Birdes

1484 version

Of the Bochers and of the Whethers

1484 version

Of the Bore and of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Camel and of the Flee

1484 version

Of the Catte and of the Chyken

1484 version

Of the Catte and of the Rat

1484 version

Of the Child whiche kepte the Sheep

1484 version

Of the Cock and of the Precious Stone

1484 version

Of the Columbes or Douues of the Kyte and of the Sperehawke

1484 version

Of the Dogge and of the Pyece of Flessh

1484 version of fable

Of the Dogge and the Sheep

1484 version

Of the Dogge, of the Wulf, and of the Whether

1484 version

Of the Dragon and of the Herte

1484 version

Of the Egle and of the Foxe

1484 version

Of the Egle and of the Rauen

1484 version

Of the Egle and of the Weſel

1484 version

Of the Egle whiche Bare a Nutte in his Becke and of the Rauen

1484 version

Of the Enuyous Dogge

1484 version

Of the Fader and of his Thre Children

1484 version

Of the Fader and of the Euylle ſone

1484 version

Of the Fallace of the Lyon

1484 version

Of the Fawkoner and of the Byrdes

1484 version

Of the Flee and of the Man

1692 version

Of the Foxe and of the Buſſhe

1692 version

Of the Foxe and of the Catte

1484 version

Of the Foxe and of the Cocke

1484 version

Of the Foxe and of the Gote

1692 version

Of the Foxe and of the Lyon

1484 version

Of the Foxe and of the Raysyns

1484 version

Of the Foxe and of the Storke

1484 version

Of the Foxe and of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Foxe, of the Wulf, and of the Lyon

1484 version

Of the Frogges and of Jupyter

1484 version

Of the Handes of the Feet and of the Mans Bely

1484 version

Of the Hares and of the Frogges

1484 version

Of the Hawke and of other Byrdes

1484 version

Of the Hedgehogge and of the Lytyl Kyddes

1484 version

Of the Hegoote and of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Herte and of the Hunter

1484 version

Of the Herte and of the Oxe

1484 version

Of the Herte, of the Sheep & of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Hors, of the Hunter, and of the Hert

1484 version

Of the Huſbond and of his Two Wyves

1484 version

Of the Jaye and of the Pecok

1484 version

Of the Knyght and of the Seruaunt the wiche fond the Foxe

1484 version

Of the Knyght and of the Wydowe

1484 version

Of the Labourer and of his Children

1484 version

Of the Labourer and of the Pyelarge

1484 version

Of the Lyon & of the Pastour or Herdman

1484 version

Of the Lyon and of the Aſſe

1484 version of fable

Of the Lyon and of the Aſſe

1484 version

Of the Lyon and of the Cowe of the Goote and of the Sheep

1484 version

Of the Lyon and of the Hors

1484 version

Of the Lyon and of the Rat

1484 version

Of the Lyon of the Wylde Bore of the Bole & of the Aſſe

1692 version

Of the Man and of the God of the Wodes

1484 version

Of the Man and of the Lyon

1484 version

Of the Man and of the Serpent

1484 version

Of the Man and of the Wesel

1484 version

Of the Man and of the Wood

1484 version

Of the Man, of the Lyon & of his Sone

1484 version

Of the Marchaunt and of the Asse

1484 version

Of the Montayn whiche Shoke

1484 version

Of the Mule and of the Flye

1484 version

Of the Mulet, of the Foxe, and of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Mylan whiche was Secke and his Moder

1484 version

Of the Nyghtyngale and of the Sperehawke

1484 version

Of the Oxe and of the Frogge

1484 version

Of the Panthire and of the Vylayns

1484 version

Of the Pylgrym and ot the Swerd

1484 version

Of the Rat and of the Frogge

1484 version of fable

Of the Rauen and of the Foxe

1484 version

Of the Serpent

1484 version

Of the Serpent and of the Labourer

1484 version

Of the Sheep and of the Crowe

1484 version

Of the Sowe and of the Wulf

1484 version

Of the Swalowe and other Byrdes

1484 version

Of the Theef and of the Sonne

1484 version

Of the Tree and the Reed

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Aſſe

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Crane

1484 version of fable

Of the Wulf and of the Dede Mans Hede

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Dogge

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Foxe

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Hongry Dogge

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Kydde

1484 version

Of the Wulf and of the Lambe

1484 version of fable

Of the Wulf and the Lambe

1484 version

Of the Wulf whiche made a Fart

1484 version

Of the Wulf, of the Foxe, and of the Ape

1484 version

Of the Wulues and of the Sheep

1484 version

Of the good Man and of the Serpente

1484 version

Of the old Dogge and of his Mayster

1484 version

Of the two Bytches

1484 version

Of the two Rats

1484 version

Of the yong Man and of the comyn Woman

1484 version


fable attributed to Aesop

Prometheus and Bacchus

fable attributed to Aesop

Prometheus and Men

fable by Aesop

Prometheus and the Making Of Man

1912 version of fable

Prometheus and the Tears

Aesop's fable

Prometheus and the Two Roads

Aesop's fable

Prométhée et les Hommes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Rolník a čáp

Czech translation

Socrates and His Friends

fable attributed to Aesop

Sun and wind

Japanese translation

The Ant

1912 version of fable

The Ant

fable by Aesop

The Ant and the Beetle

fable by Aesop

The Ant and the Dove

1867 version

The Ant and the Fly

fable attributed to Aesop

The Ant and the Grasshopper

1894 version

The Ants and the Grasshopper

Aesop’s fable

The Ants and the Grasshopper

1867 version

The Apes Founding a City

fable attributed to Aesop

The Apes and the Two Travelers

fable attributed to Aesop

The Apes and the Two Travellers

1912 version of fable

The Apes and the Two Travellers

1867 version

The Archer and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Ass Carrying an Image

fable by Aesop

The Ass Carrying the Image

1912 version of fable

The Ass In The Lion’s Skin

1912 version of fable

The Ass and His Burdens

1912 version of fable

The Ass and His Purchaser

1912 version of fable

The Ass and His Shadow

Townsend's translation of fable

The Ass and His Shadow

1912 version of fable

The Ass and His Shadow

fable attributed to Aesop

The Ass and The Wolf

Aesop's fable

The Ass and his Driver

1912 version of fable

The Ass and his Masters

1912 version of fable

The Ass and his Masters

1867 version

The Ass and his Masters

Aesop's fable

The Ass and his Purchaser

fable by Aesop

The Ass and his Purchaser

Townsend translation

The Ass and the Charger

1867 version

The Ass and the Charger

fable by Aesop

The Ass and the Dog

1912 version of fable

The Ass and the Driver

1867 version

The Ass and the Driver

fable by Aesop

The Ass and the Frogs

1867 version

The Ass and the Frogs

fable by Aesop

The Ass and the Grasshopper

fable by Aesop

The Ass and the Grasshopper

1867 version

The Ass and the Horse

1867 version

The Ass and the Horse

Aesop's fable

The Ass and the Lap-Dog

1894 version

The Ass and the Lap-dog

1912 version of fable

The Ass and the Lap-dog

1867 version

The Ass and the Lapdog

Aesop's fable

The Ass and the Mule

1912 version of fable

The Ass and the Mule

1867 version

The Ass and the Old Peasant

1912 version of fable

The Ass and the Old Shepherd

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Ass and the Pig

Aesop's fable

The Ass and the Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Ass and the Wolf

1867 version

The Ass carrying the Image

1867 version

The Ass in the Lion's Skin

Aesop's fable

The Ass in the Lion's Skin

1867 version

The Ass in the Lion's Skin

1894 version

The Ass's Brains

1894 version

The Ass, The Fox, and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion

1867 version

The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion

fable by Aesop

The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion

1867 version

The Astrologer who Fell into a Well

fable by Aesop and short tale reported by Aristotle regarding the life of Thales the Milesian

The Astronomer

1912 version of fable

The Astronomer

1867 version

The Athenian Debtor

fable by Aesop

The Athenian and the Theban

fable by Aesop

The Athenian and the Theban

1912 version of fable

The Baby and the Crow

fable by Aesop

The Bald Huntsman

1912 version of fable

The Bald Knight

1867 version

The Bald Man and the Fly

fable by Aesop

The Bald Man and the Fly

1912 version

The Bald Man and the Fly

1867 version

The Bald Man and the Fly

fable by Aesop collected and published in the 1894 version, edited by Jacobs, illustrated by Heighway.

The Bald Men and the Comb

fable attributed to Aesop

The Bat and the Songbird

fable by Aesop

The Bat and the Weasels

fable by Aesop

The Bat and the Weasels

1912 version of fable

The Bat and the Weasels

1867 version

The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts

1894 version

The Bat, the Bramble, and the Seagull

1912 version of fable

The Bat, the Thorn Bush, and the Gull

fable by Aesop

The Bear and the Fox

fable by Aesop

The Bear and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Bear and the Fox

1867 version

The Bear and the Travelers

Aesop's fable

The Bear and the Travellers

1912 version of fable

The Bear and the Two Travellers

1867 version

The Beaver

fable by Aesop

The Bee And Jupiter

1912 version of fable

The Bee and Jupiter

1867 version

The Bee-keeper

1912 version of fable

The Bees and the Beekeeper

fable by Aesop

The Bees and the Shepherd

Aesop's fable

The Bees, the Drones and the Wasp

Aesop's fable

The Belly and the Members

fable by Aesop

The Belly and the Members

1912 version of fable

The Belly and the Members

1867 version

The Belly and the Members

1894 version

The Bird in Borrowed Feathers

Aesop's fable

The Bird-catcher and the Blackbird

fable by Aesop

The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock

Aesop's fable

The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat

fable attributed to Aesop

The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat

1912 version of fable

The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat

1867 version

The Bitch and Her Whelps

fable attributed to Aesop

The Bitch and her Whelps

1867 version

The Blackamoor

1912 version of fable

The Blacksmith and his Dog

1912 version of fable

The Blind Man and the Cub

1912 version of fable

The Blind Man and the Whelp

fable by Aesop

The Blind Man and the Whelp

1867 version

The Boar and the Wolf

fable attributed to Aesop

The Boasting Swallow and the Crow

fable by Aesop

The Boasting Traveler

fable by Aesop

The Boasting Traveller

1867 version of fable

The Boasting Traveller

1912 version of fable

The Bowman and Lion

1867 version

The Boy Bathing

Aesop's fable

The Boy Bathing

1912 version of fable

The Boy Bathing

1867 version

The Boy Hunting Locusts

fable by Aesop

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Aesop’s fable

The Boy and the Filberts

1912 version of fable

The Boy and the Filberts

1867 version

The Boy and the Nettles

fable by Aesop

The Boy and the Nettles

1912 version of fable

The Boy and the Nettles

1867 version

The Boy and the Snails

1912 version of fable

The Boy hunting Locusts

1867 version

The Boy on the Wild Horse

fable attributed to Aesop

The Boy with the Stomach Ache

fable by Aesop

The Boys and the Butcher

fable by Aesop

The Boys and the Frogs

1867 version

The Boys and the Frogs

1912 version of fable

The Boys and the Frogs

fable by Aesop

The Brazier and His Dog

fable by Aesop

The Brazier and his Dog

1867 version

The Brigand and the Mulberry Tree

fable by Aesop

The Brother and the Sister

Townend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Brother and the Sister

fable by Aesop

The Buffoon and the Countryman

fable attributed to Aesop

The Buffoon and the Countryman

1867 version

The Buffoon and the Countryman

1894 version

The Bull and the Calf

1912 version of fable

The Bull and the Calf

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Bull and the Calf

fable attributed to Aesop

The Bull and the Goat

1867 version

The Bull deceived by the Lion

fable by Aesop

The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild Boar Hunter

Aesop's fable

The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar Hunter

Townsend's translation of fable

The Bulls and the Lion

fable by Aesop

The Bundle of Sticks

1894 version

The Butcher and His Customers

1912 version of fable

The Butcher and the Flock

fable attributed to Aesop

The Butcher, the Shepherd and the Lamb

fable attributed to Aesop

The Cage-Bird and the Bat

1912 version of fable

The Camel

fable by Aesop

The Camel

1867 version

The Camel Dancing

Aesop's fable

The Camel and Jupiter

1867 version

The Camel and Zeus

Aesop's fable

The Camel and the Arab

Aesop's fable

The Camel and the Arab

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Camel in the River

Aesop's fable

The Camel, the Elephant, and the Monkey

Aesop's fable

The Cat and Venus

fable by Aesop

The Cat and Venus

1867 version

The Cat and the Birds

1912 version of fable

The Cat and the Birds

1867 version

The Cat and the Cock

1867 version of fable

The Cat and the Cock

1912 version of fable

The Cat and the Mice

Aesop's fable

The Cat and the Mice

1912 version of fable

The Cat and the Mice

1867 version

The Cat and the Rooster

Aesop's fable

The Cat and the Sparrows

fable by Aesop

The Cat-Maiden

1894 version

The Cat’s Birthday Dinner

fable by Aesop

The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller

fable by Aesop

The Charcoal-burner and the Fuller

1912 version of fable

The Charcoal-burner and the Fuller

1867 version

The Charger and the Miller

fable attributed to Aesop

The Charger and the Miller

1912 version of fable

The Charger and the Miller

1867 version

The Chariot Driver

Aesop's fable

The Cicada and the Fox

fable by Aesop

The Cithara Player

fable by Aesop

The Clown and the Countryman

1912 version of fable

The Cobbler Turned Doctor

Aesop's fable

The Cobbler Turned Doctor

Townsend's translation of fable

The Cobbler Turned Doctor

1912 version of fable

The Cock and the Jewel

Aesop fable

The Cock and the Jewel

1867 version of fable

The Cock and the Jewel

1912 version

The Cock and the Pearl

1894 version

The Coward and the Crows

fable by Aesop

The Coward and the Lion of Gold

fable by Aesop

The Crab and His Mother

1912 version of fable

The Crab and Its Mother

fable by Aesop

The Crab and its Mother

1867 version

The Crab and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Crab and the Fox

1867 version

The Crow and Hermes

fable by Aesop

The Crow and Mercury

1867 version

The Crow and the Dog

Aesop's fable

The Crow and the Pitcher

1912 version of fable

The Crow and the Pitcher

1894 version

The Crow and the Pitcher

1867 version

The Crow and the Raven

Aesop's fable

The Crow and the Raven

1912 version of fable

The Crow and the Raven

1867 version

The Crow and the Serpent

1867 version

The Crow and the Sheep

1867 version

The Crow and the Sheep

Aesop's fable

The Crow and the Snake

1912 version of fable

The Crow and the Snake

Aesop's fable

The Crow and the Swan

1912 version of fable

The Cuckoo and the Little Birds

fable attributed to Aesop

The Cyclops and His Treasure

Aesop's fable

The Dancing Monkeys

fable by Aesop

The Dancing Monkeys

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Debtor and his Sow

1912 version of fable

The Deer Without a Heart

Aesop's fable

The Deer and the Vine

fable by Aesop

The Delphians and Their Ancestors

Aesop's fable

The Doctor at the Funeral

fable by Aesop

The Doe and the Lion

1867 version

The Doe and the Lion

fable by Aesop

The Dog Chasing a Wolf

Aesop fable

The Dog Chasing a Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Dog and Its Reflection

Aesop’s fable

The Dog and The Wolf

Aesop's fable

The Dog and the Butcher

fable by Aesop

The Dog and the Cook

fable by Aesop

The Dog and the Cook

1912 version of fable

The Dog and the Cook

1867 version

The Dog and the Hare

1867 version

The Dog and the Lamb

fable by Aesop

The Dog and the Oyster

Aesop's fable

The Dog and the Oyster

1867 version

The Dog and the Shadow

1867 version of fable

The Dog and the Shadow

1884 version of fable

The Dog and the Shadow

1912 version of fable

The Dog and the Sheep

Aesop's fable

The Dog and the Sow

1912 version of fable

The Dog and the Treasure

fable attributed to Aesop

The Dog and the Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Dog and the Wolf

1894 version

The Dog in the Manger

1912 version of fable

The Dog in the Manger

1894 version

The Dog that Chased the Lion

Aesop's fable

The Dog's House

Townsend's translation of fable

The Dog's House

Aesop's fable

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox

Aesop's fable

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox

1867 version

The Dog, the Lamb, and the Goats

fable attributed to Aesop

The Dog, the Sow, and Venus

fable by Aesop

The Dog, the Wolf, and the Ram

fable attributed to Aesop

The Dogs and the Crocodiles

fable attributed to Aesop

The Dogs and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Dogs and the Fox

fable attributed to Aesop

The Dogs and the Fox

Townsend's translation of fable

The Dogs and the Hides

1912 version of fable

The Dogs and the Hides

1867 version

The Dogs and the Hides

Aesop's fable

The Dolphins, The Whales, and the Sprat

1912 version of fable

The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat

fable by Aesop

The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat

1867 version

The Donkey and the Dog Traveling Together

Aesop's fable

The Donkey and the Lion

Aesop's fable

The Donkey and the Mule

fable by Aesop

The Donkey and the Ox

Aesop's fable

The Donkey on the Roof

Aesop's fable

The Donkey, the Crow, and the Wolf

fable by Aesop

The Donkey, the Rooster, and the Lion

Aesop's fable

The Dove and the Ant

Aesop's fable

The Dove and the Crow

1867 version

The Dove and the Crow

fable by Aesop

The Dragon and the Eagle

fable attributed to Aesop

The Eagle and His Captor

Aesop's fable

The Eagle and his Captor

1912 version of fable

The Eagle and the Arrow

fable by Aesop

The Eagle and the Arrow

1912 version of fable

The Eagle and the Arrow

1867 version

The Eagle and the Arrow

1894 version

The Eagle and the Beetle

1912 version of fable

The Eagle and the Beetle

1867 version

The Eagle and the Beetle

one of Aesop's fables

The Eagle and the Cocks

1912 version of fable

The Eagle and the Crow

Aesop's fable

The Eagle and the Fox

Aesop's fable

The Eagle and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Eagle and the Fox

1867 version

The Eagle and the Jackdaw

Aesop's fable

The Eagle and the Jackdaw

1867 version

The Eagle and the Kite

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Eagle and the Kite

fable attributed to Aesop

The Eagle, The Cat, and the Wild Sow

1912 version of fable

The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow

Aesop's fable

The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow

Townsend's translation of fable

The Eagle, the Jackdaw, and the Shepherd

1912 version of fable

The Earthworm and the Snake

fable by Aesop

The Escaped Jackdaw

fable by Aesop

The Escaped Jackdaw

1912 version of fable

The Eunuch and the Soothsayer

fable by Aesop

The Fables of Æsop

1894 collection and retelling of fables attributed to Aesop by Joseph Jacobs

The Fables of Æsop, &c.

1692 collection of fables

The Falconer and the Birds

fable attributed to Aesop

The Farmer Who Lost His Mattock

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and Fortune

fable by Aesop

The Farmer and Fortune

1912 version of fable

The Farmer and His Dogs

1912 version of fable

The Farmer and His Sons

1912 version of fable

The Farmer and his Sons

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and his Sons

1867 version

The Farmer and the Birds

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and the Cranes

1867 version

The Farmer and the Cranes

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and the Fox

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Farmer and the Fox

1867 version

The Farmer and the Snake

Aesop's fable, that a broken friendship cannot be mended

The Farmer and the Snake

1867 version of fable

The Farmer and the Stork

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and the Stork

1912 version of fable

The Farmer and the Stork

1867 version

The Farmer and the Viper

Aesop's fable

The Farmer and the Viper

1912 version of fable

The Farmer and the Wolf

Aesop's fable

The Farmer, His Boy, and the Rooks

1912 version of fable

The Farmers, the Donkey, and the Lion's Skin

fable by Aesop

The Father and His Three Children

fable attributed to Aesop

The Father and His Two Daughters

fable by Aesop

The Father and his Daughters

1912 version of fable

The Father and his Sons

1867 version

The Father and his Two Daughters

1867 version

The Fawn and His Mother

Aesop's fable

The Fawn and his Mother

1912 version of fable

The Fawn and his Mother

1867 version

The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

fable by Aesop

The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

1867 version

The Fighting Dog and the Dogs

fable by Aesop

The Fir Tree and the Bramble

1867 version

The Fir and the Bramble

fable by Aesop

The Fir-tree and the Bramble

1912 version of fable

The Fisher

1894 version

The Fisher and the Little Fish

1894 version

The Fisherman Piping

1912 version of fable

The Fisherman Piping

1867 version

The Fisherman and his Flute

Aesop's fable

The Fisherman and his Nets

Aesop's fable

The Fisherman and his Nets

1867 version

The Fisherman and the Little Fish

Aesop's fable

The Fisherman and the Little Fish

1867 version

The Fisherman and the Octopus

Aesop's fable

The Fisherman and the River

fable by Aesop

The Fisherman and the Sprat

1912 version of fable

The Fishermen

1867 version

The Fishermen and the Stone

Aesop's fable

The Fishermen and the Tuna

fable by Aesop

The Flea and the Man

fable by Aesop

The Flea and the Man

1912 version of fable

The Flea and the Man

1867 version

The Flea and the Ox

fable by Aesop

The Flea and the Ox

1912 version of fable

The Flea and the Ox

1867 version

The Flea and the Wrestler

1867 version

The Flea and the Wrestler

fable by Aesop

The Flies and the Honey Pot

1867 version

The Flies and the Honey Pot

fable by Aesop

The Fly and the Draught-Mule

Aesop's fable

The Fly and the Draught-Mule

1912 version of fable

The Fly and the Draught-mule

1867 version

The Fly in the Soup

fable by Aesop

The Four Oxen and the Lion

1894 version

The Fowler and the Cicada

Aesop's fable

The Fowler and the Lark

1912 version of fable

The Fowler and the Partridge

fable by Aesop, version of "The Partridge and the Fowler"

The Fowler and the Pigeons

fable by Aesop

The Fowler and the Snake

Aesop's fable

The Fowler and the Viper

1867 version

The Fowler, the Partridge, and the Cock

1912 version of fable

The Fox Who Served a Lion

1912 version of fable

The Fox Who Served the Lion

Aesop's fable

The Fox Without a Tail

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Bramble

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Bramble

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Bramble

1867 version

The Fox and the Cat

1894 version

The Fox and the Crab

Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Crane

1867 version

The Fox and the Crocodile

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Crow

Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Crow

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Crow

1867 version

The Fox and the Crow

1894 version

The Fox and the Dog

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Dragon

fable attributed to Aesop

The Fox and the Goat

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Goat

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Goat

1867 version

The Fox and the Goat

1894 version

The Fox and the Grapes

Aesop’s fable

The Fox and the Grapes

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Grapes

1894 version

The Fox and the Grapes

1867 version

The Fox and the Grasshopper

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Hare in the Well

Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Hedgehog

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Hedgehog

1867 version

The Fox and the Leopard

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Leopard

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Leopard

1867 version

The Fox and the Lion

Aesop fable

The Fox and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Lion

1894 version

The Fox and the Lion

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Lion in a Cage

Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Mask

1867 version

The Fox and the Mask

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Mask

1894 version

The Fox and the Monkey

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Monkey

1867 version

The Fox and the Monkey

1867 version of fable

The Fox and the Monkey Debate Their Ancestors

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Monkey Elected King

ancient fables, including Aesop's

The Fox and the Mosquitoes

1894 version

The Fox and the Sick Lion

Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Snake

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Stork

fable by Aesop

The Fox and the Stork

1912 version of fable

The Fox and the Stork

1894 version

The Fox and the Weasel

Aesop's fable

The Fox and the Wood-cutter

1867 version

The Fox and the Woodman

Aesop's fable

The Fox who had lost his Tail

1867 version

The Fox without a Tail

Aesop's fable

The Fox without a Tail

1894 version

The Fox, the Cock, and the Dog

Jacobs' translation of Aesop's fable

The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lion

fable attributed to Aesop

The Foxes and the River

1912 version of fable

The Foxes at the River

Aesop's fable

The Frog and the Fox

one of Aesop’s Fables

The Frog and the Mouse

Aesop's fable

The Frog and the Ox

Aesop’s fable about a frog that tries to inflate itself to the size of an ox, but bursts in the attempt

The Frog and the Ox

1894 version

The Frogs Asking for a King

1912 version of fable

The Frogs Who Desired a King

one of Aesop's Fables

The Frogs and the Well

1912 version of fable

The Frogs asking for a King

1867 version

The Frogs desiring a King

1894 version

The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun

fable by Aesop

The Frogs' complaint against the Sun

1867 version

The Frogs’ Complaint Against the Sun

1912 version of fable

The Game-cocks and the Partridge

1867 version

The Gamecocks and the Partridge

fable by Aesop

The Gardener Watering His Vegetables

fable by Aesop

The Gardener and His Dog

1912 version of fable

The Gardener and His Dog

fable by Aesop

The Geese and the Cranes

1867 version

The Geese and the Cranes

fable by Aesop

The Gnat and The Lion

Aesop's fable

The Gnat and the Bull

fable by Aesop

The Gnat and the Bull

1912 version of fable

The Gnat and the Bull

1867 version

The Gnat and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Gnat and the Lion

1867 version

The Goat and the Ass

fable by Aesop

The Goat and the Ass

1867 version

The Goat and the Goatherd

1867 version

The Goat and the Goatherd

fable by Aesop

The Goat and the Vine

fable by Aesop

The Goat and the Vine

1912 version of fable

The Goatherd and the Goat

1912 version of fable

The Goatherd and the Wild Goats

Aesop's fable

The Goatherd and the Wild Goats

1912 version of fable

The Goatherd and the Wild Goats

1867 version

The Goods and the Evils

Aesop's fable

The Goods and the Ills

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Goods and the Ills

1912 version of fable

The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs

1912 version of fable

The Goose with the Golden Eggs

1894 version

The Grasshopper and the Ants

1912 version of fable

The Grasshopper and the Owl

Townsend's translation of fable

The Grasshopper and the Owl

1912 version of fable

The Grasshopper and the Owl

fable attributed to Aesop

The Hare and the Fox

fabl by Aesop

The Hare and the Hound

1912 version of fable

The Hare and the Hound

1867 version

The Hare and the Tortoise

1912 version of fable

The Hare and the Tortoise

1867 version

The Hare and the Tortoise

1894 version

The Hare with Many Friends

1894 version

The Hare, the Hound and the Goatherd

Aesop's fable

The Hares and the Foxes

1867 version

The Hares and the Foxes

fable by Aesop

The Hares and the Frogs

Aesop's fable

The Hares and the Frogs

1912 version of fable

The Hares and the Frogs

1867 version

The Hares and the Frogs

1894 version

The Hares and the Lions

fable attributed to Aesop

The Hares and the Lions

1867 version

The Hart and the Hunter

1894 version

The Hart and the Vine

1867 version

The Hart in the Ox-Stall

1894 version

The Hawk and the Nightingale

Aesop's fable

The Hawk and the Nightingale

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons

1912 version of fable

The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons

1867 version

The He-Goat and the Wolf

fable attributed to Aesop

The Heifer and the Ox

fable by Aesop

The Heifer and the Ox

1912 version of fable

The Heifer and the Ox

1867 version

The Hen and the Golden Eggs

1867 version

The Hen and the Swallow

1867 version

The Hen and the Swallow

fable by Aesop

The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

1912 version of fable

The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

fable by Aesop

The Herdsman and the lost Bull

1867 version

The Hired Mourners

fable by Aesop

The Honest Woodman

fable by Aesop

The Horse and Groom

fable by Aesop

The Horse and Groom

1867 version

The Horse and his Rider

1867 version of fable

The Horse and his Rider

1912 version of fable

The Horse and the Ass

1894 version

The Horse and the Ass

fable attributed to Aesop

The Horse and the Ass

1912 version of fable

The Horse and the Ass

1867 version

The Horse and the Donkey

Aesop's fable

The Horse and the Groom

1912 version of fable

The Horse and the Kids

fable attributed to Aesop

The Horse and the Stag

1912 version of fable

The Horse and the Stag

1867 version

The Horse that Lost its Liberty

fable by Aesop

The Horse, Hunter, and Stag

1894 version

The Hound and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Hound and the Hare

Aesop's fable

The Hound and the Hare

1912 version of fable

The Hunter and the Horseman

Townsend's translation of fable

The Hunter and the Horseman

1912 version of fable

The Hunter and the Horseman

Aesop's fable

The Hunter and the Woodman

fable by Aesop

The Hunter and the Woodman

1912 version of fable

The Hunter and the Woodman

1867 version

The Huntsman and the Fisherman

1867 version

The Huntsman and the Fisherman

Aesop's fable

The Hyena and the Fox

fable by Aesop

The Hyenas

fable by Aesop

The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter

1867 version

The Image-seller

1912 version of fable

The Impostor

1912 version of fable

The Injured Wolf and the Sheep

fable by Aesop

The Jackdaw and the Crows

fable by Aesop

The Jackdaw and the Doves

1867 version

The Jackdaw and the Fox

fable by Aesop

The Jackdaw and the Fox

1867 version

The Jackdaw and the Pigeons

Aesop's fable

The Jackdaw and the Pigeons

1912 version of fable

The Jay and the Peacock

fable attributed to Aesop

The Jay and the Peacock

1894 version

The Kid and the Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Kid and the Wolf

1867 version

The Kid and the Wolf

1867 version

The Kid and the Wolf Playing the Flute

fable by Aesop

The Kid on Top of the House and the Wolf

fable by Aesop

The Kid on the Housetop

1912 version of fable

The King's Son and his Guts

Aesop's fable

The King's Son and the Painted Lion

fable by Aesop

The Kingdom of the Lion

fable by Aesop

The Kingdom of the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Kingdom of the Lion

1867 version

The Kingfisher

Aesop's fable

The Kite and the Doves

fable attributed to Aesop

The Kite and the Serpent

Aesop's fable, variation of "The Crow and the Snake"

The Kites and the Swans

Aesop's fable

The Kites and the Swans

1867 version

The Knight, the Servant, and the Fox

fable attributed to Aesop

The Laborer and the Snake

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Labourer and the Nightingale

1894 version

The Labourer and the Snake

1912 version of fable

The Lamb Chased by a Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Lamb and the Wolf

1867 version

The Lamp

fable by Aesop

The Lamp

1912 version of fable

The Lamp

1867 version

The Lark Burying Her Father

Townsend's translation of fable

The Lark Burying Her Father

Aesop's fable

The Lark and Her Young Ones

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Lark and Her Young Ones

Aesop's fable

The Lark and the Farmer

1912 version of fable

The Lark in the Snare

Aesop's fable

The Lice and the Farmer

fable attributed to Aesop

The Lion Grown Old

Aesop's fable

The Lion In Love

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Ass

fable attributed to Aesop

The Lion and the Ass

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Boar

fable, 1867 version

The Lion and the Boar

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Bull

fable by Aesop

The Lion and the Bull

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Bull

1867 version

The Lion and the Deer

fable by Aesop

The Lion and the Dolphin

fable by Aesop

The Lion and the Dolphin

1867 version

The Lion and the Eagle

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Lion and the Eagle

Aesop's fable

The Lion and the Fox

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Lion and the Fox

1867 version

The Lion and the Frog

Aesop's fable

The Lion and the Hare

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Hare

1867 version

The Lion and the Hare

fable by Aesop

The Lion and the Mouse

one of Aesop's Fables

The Lion and the Mouse

1867 version

The Lion and the Mouse

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Mouse

1894 version

The Lion and the Shepherd

1867 version

The Lion and the Statue

1894 version

The Lion and the Three Bulls

1912 version of fable

The Lion and the Three Bulls

1867 version

The Lion and the Wild Ass

1912 version of fable

The Lion in Love

1867 version

The Lion in Love

1894 version

The Lion in Love

Aesop's fable

The Lion in a Farmyard

fable by Aesop

The Lion in a Farmyard

1867 version

The Lion's Share

Aesop's fable

The Lion's Share

fable, 1884 translation

The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant

1912 version of fable

The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Lion, Prometheus, and the Elephant

fable attributed to Aesop

The Lion, The Mouse, and The Fox

fable by Aesop

The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox

Aesop's fable

The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox

1867 version

The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox Go Hunting

Aesop's fable

The Lion, the Boar, and the Vultures

fable by Aesop

The Lion, the Fox, and the Ape

Aesop's fable

The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass

Aesop's fable

The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass

1912 version of fable

The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass

1867 version

The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts

1894 version

The Lion, the Fox, and the Stag

1912 version of fable

The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox

1867 version

The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox

fable by Aesop

The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox

1867 version

The Lioness

fable by Aesop

The Lioness

1867 version

The Lioness and the Vixen

1912 version of fable

The Lizard and the Snake

Aesop's fable

The Lizard and the Snake

fable attributed to Aesop

The Man Bitten by a Dog

fable by Aesop

The Man Who Lost His Spade

1912 version of fable

The Man Who Tried To Count the Waves

fable attributed to Aesop

The Man and His Two Sweethearts

1912 version of fable

The Man and His Wife

fable by Aesop

The Man and his Daughter

Aesop's fable

The Man and his Two Sweethearts

1867 version

The Man and his Two Wives

1894 version

The Man and his Wife

1867 version

The Man and the Hero

fable by Aesop

The Man and the Image

1912 version of fable

The Man and the Insect

Aesop's fable

The Man and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Man and the Lion

1867 version

The Man and the Lion

Aesop's fable

The Man and the Lion's Son

fable attributed to Aesop

The Man and the Oracle

fable by Aesop

The Man and the Satyr

1912 version of fable

The Man and the Satyr

1867 version

The Man and the Satyr

1894 version

The Man and the Serpent

1894 version

The Man and the Sword

fable attributed to Aesop

The Man and the Weasel

Aesop's fable

The Man and the Wood

1894 version

The Man and the Wooden God

1894 version

The Man bitten by a Dog

1867 version

The Man with Two Mistresses

fable by Aesop

The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey

1894 version

The Man, the Dragon, and the Fox

fable attributed to Aesop

The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog

1912 version of fable

The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog

1867 version

The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog

fable by Aesop

The Man, the Mare, and the Foal

fable attributed to Aesop

The Manslayer

1867 version

The Master and His Dogs

fable by Aesop

The Master and his Dogs

1867 version

The Merchant and the Ass

literary work by Aesop

The Mice and the Weasels

Aesop's fable

The Mice and the Weasels

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Mice and the Weasels

1912 version of fable

The Mice in Council

1912 version of fable

The Milkmaid and her Pail

1894 version

The Milkmaid and her Pail

1912 version of fable

The Milkwoman and her Pail

1867 version

The Miller, his Son, and their Ass

1912 version of fable

The Miller, his Son, and their Ass

1867 version

The Mischievous Dog

Aesop's fable

The Mischievous Dog

1912 version of fable

The Mischievous Dog

1867 version

The Miser

1912 version of fable

The Miser

1867 version

The Miser and his Gold

Aesop's fable

The Miser and his Gold

1894 version

The Mistress And Her Servants

1812 version of fable

The Mole and His Mother

fable by Aesop

The Mole and his Mother

1867 version

The Monkey As King

1912 version

The Monkey and the Butcher

fable by Aesop

The Monkey and the Camel

fable by Aesop

The Monkey and the Camel

1912 version of fable

The Monkey and the Camel

1867 version

The Monkey and the Dolphin

1912 version of fable

The Monkey and the Dolphin

1867 version

The Monkey and the Dolphin

fable by Aesop

The Monkey and the Fishermen

fable by Aesop

The Monkey and the Fishermen

1867 version

The Monkey and the Fox

fable attributed to Aesop

The Monkey and the Lion's Breath

fable attributed to Aesop

The Monkeys and their Mother

1867 version

The Moon Begs a New Gown

1692 version

The Moon and Her Mother

1912 version of fable

The Moon and her Mother

fable by Aesop

The Mother and Her Foolish Daughter

Aesop's fable

The Mother and the Wolf

1867 version

The Mountain in Labour

1867 version

The Mountain in Labour

fable by Aesop

The Mountains in Labour

1894 version

The Mouse and the Blacksmiths

Aesop's fable

The Mouse and the Bull

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Mouse and the Bull

1912 version of fable

The Mouse and the Oyster

fable by Aesop

The Mouse, The Frog, and the Hawk

1912 version of fable

The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk

1867 version of fable

The Mule

1912 version of fable

The Mule

1867 version

The Mule

Aesop's fable

The Mule, the Fox, and the Wolf

fable attributed to Aesop

The Mules and the Robbers

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Mules and the Robbers

Aesop's fable

The Murderer

fable by Aesop

The Nightingale and the Hawk

1912 version of fable

The Nightingale and the Swallow

Aesop's fable

The Nightingale and the Swallow

1912 version of fable

The Nightingale, the Hawk, and the Bird Catcher

fable attributed to Aesop

The North Wind and the Sun

Fable by Aesop

The North Wind and the Sun

1912 version of fable

The North Wind and the Sun

1867 version

The Nurse and the Wolf

fable by Aesop

The Nurse and the Wolf

1894 version

The Oak and the Reed

Aesop's fable

The Oak and the Reeds

1912 version of fable

The Oak and the Reeds

1867 version

The Oak and the Wood-cutters

1867 version

The Oaks and Jupiter

1867 version

The Oath's Punishment

Aesop's fable

The Old Bull and the Young Bull

fable attributed to Aesop

The Old Hound

fable attributed to Aesop

The Old Hound

1912 version of fable

The Old Hound

1867 version

The Old Lion

1912 version of fable

The Old Lion

1867 version

The Old Man and Death

Aesop's fable

The Old Man and Death

1912 version of fable

The Old Man and Death

1867 version

The Old Man and Death

1894 version

The Old Man and His Donkeys

Aesop's fable

The Old Man and his Sons

Aesop's fable

The Old Race Horse in the Mill

Aesop's fable

The Old Woman and Her Maids

fable by Aesop

The Old Woman and the Doctor

fable by Aesop

The Old Woman and the Doctor

1912 version of fable

The Old Woman and the Physician

1867 version

The Old Woman and the Wine Jar

one of Aesop's fables

The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar

1894 version

The Old Woman and the Wine-jar

1912 version of fable

The Old Woman and the Wine-jar

1867 version

The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree

Aesop's fable

The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Olive-tree and the Fig-tree

1912 version of fable

The Onager and the Ass

Aesop's fable

The One-Eyed Doe

fable by Aesop

The One-Eyed Doe

1894 version

The One-eyed Doe

1867 version

The Ostrich

fable attributed to Aesop

The Owl and the Birds

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Owl and the Birds

1912 version of fable

The Owl and the Birds

Aesop's fable

The Ox and the Frog

1867 version

The Ox and the Frog

1912 version

The Oxen and the Axle-trees

1867 version

The Oxen and the Axletrees

1912 version of fable

The Oxen and the Butchers

1912 version of fable

The Oxen and the Butchers

1867 version

The Oxen and the Butchers

Aesop's fable

The Oxen and the Creaking Cart

fable by Aesop

The Pack-Ass and the Wild Ass

1912 version of fable

The Pack-Ass, the Wild Ass, and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Panther and the Shepherds

1867 version

The Panther and the Shepherds

fable attributed to Aesop

The Parrot and the Cat

1912 version of fable

The Partridge and Cat

fable by Aesop

The Partridge and the Fowler

fable by Aesop

The Partridge and the Fowler

1912 version of fable

The Partridge and the Fowler

1867 version

The Patient and his Symptoms

fable by Aesop

The Peacock and Juno

fable attributed to Aesop

The Peacock and Juno

1912 version of fable

The Peacock and Juno

1867 version

The Peacock and Juno

1894 version

The Peacock and the Crane

1867 version of fable

The Peacock and the Crane

1912 version of fable

The Peasant and the Apple Tree

fable by Aesop

The Peasant and the Apple-tree

1912 version of fable

The Peasant and the Apple-tree

1867 version

The Peasant and the Eagle

fable by Aesop

The Peasant and the Eagle

1867 version

The Peeping of an Ass

fable attributed to Aesop

The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury

1867 version

The Pig and the Sheep

1912 version of fable

The Pig, the Sheep, and the Goat

fable by Aesop

The Plague Among The Beasts

fable attributed to Aesop

The Playful Ass

1867 version

The Ploughman and the Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Ploughman, the Ass, and the Ox

1912 version of fable

The Plowman and the Widow

Aesop's fable

The Pomegranate, Apple-tree, and Bramble

1867 version

The Pomegranate, The Apple-tree, and the Bramble

1912 version of fable

The Porker, the Sheep, and the Goat

1867 version

The Prophet

fable by Aesop

The Prophet

1867 version

The Prophet

1912 version of fable

The Quack Doctor

1912 version of fable

The Quack Frog

1912 version of fable

The Quack Frog

1867 version

The Raven and the Birds

fable attributed to Aesop

The Raven and the Swan

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Raven and the Swan

fable by Aesop

The Raven and the Traveller

fable attributed to Aesop

The Rich Man and the Tanner

fable by Aesop

The Rich Man and the Tanner

1912 version of fable

The Rich Man and the Tanner

1867 version

The River-fish and the Sea-fish

fable attributed to Aesop

The Rivers and the Sea

1912 version of fable

The Rivers and the Sea

1867 version

The Rivers and the Sea

Aesop's fable

The Rogue and the Oracle

1912 version of fable

The Rose and the Amaranth

1912 version of fable

The Rose and the Amaranth

1867 version

The Rose and the Amaranth

fable by Aesop

The Runaway Slave

fable by Aesop

The Runaway Slave

1912 version of fable

The Sailors and the Stones

Aesop's fable

The Salt Merchant and his Ass

Aesop's fable

The Salt Merchant and his Ass

1867 version

The Satiated Wolf and the Sheep

fable by Aesop

The Satyr and the Traveller

one of Aesop's Fables

The Sea-gull and the Kite

1867 version

The Seagull and the Kite

Aesop's fable

The Seaside Travelers

fable by Aesop

The Seaside Travellers

1867 version

The Seller of Images

1867 version

The Seller of Statues

Aesop's fable

The Serpent and the Eagle

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Serpent and the Eagle

1912 version of fable

The Serpent and the Eagle

Aesop's fable

The Serpent and the File

1894 version

The Serpent and the Man

fable attributed to Aesop

The She Goats and Their Beards

fable attribued to Aesop

The She-Goats and Their Beards

Townsend's translation of fable

The She-Goats and their Beards

1912 version of fable

The Sheep and the Dog

1912 version of fable

The Sheep and the Dog

Aesop's fable

The Sheep, the Wolf, and the Stag

1912 version of fable

The Shepherd and the Dog

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd and the Dog

1867 version

The Shepherd and the Sea

1867 version

The Shepherd and the Sea

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd and the Sheep

1867 version

The Shepherd and the Sheep

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd and the Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Shepherd and the Wolf

1867 version

The Shepherd and the Wolf

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd and the Wolf Cub

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd and the Wolf Cubs

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd's Boy

1894 version

The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf

1867 version

The Shepherd, the Dog, and the Sick Sheep

fable by Aesop

The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf

1912 version of fable

The Ship in a Storm

fable by Aesop

The Shipwrecked Man and Athena

fable by Aesop

The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea

fable by Aesop

The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea

1912 version of fable

The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea

1867 version

The Sick Kite

1867 version

The Sick Kite

fable by Aesop

The Sick Lion

1867 version

The Sick Lion

1894 version

The Sick Man and the Doctor

1912 version of fable

The Sick Man and the Gods

fable by Aesop

The Sick Stag

1912 version of fable

The Sick Stag

1867 version

The Sick Stag

Aesop's fable

The Slave Girl and Aphrodite

Aesop's fable

The Slave and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Snails

Aesop's fable

The Snake and His Tail

Aesop's fable

The Snake and Jupiter

1912 version of fable

The Snake and the Crab

fable by Aesop

The Snake and the Farmer

fable attributed to Aesop

The Snake in the Thorn Bush

Aesop's fable

The Snake, the Weasel, and the Mice

fable by Aesop

The Soldier and His Horse

Aesop's fable

The Soldier and His Horse

1912 version of fable

The Sow and the Wolf

fable attributed to Aesop

The Sow, the Dog, and Their Litters

fable by Aesop

The Sparrow and the Hare

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Sparrow and the Hare

Aesop's fable

The Spendthrift and the Swallow

1912 version of fable

The Spendthrift and the Swallow

1867 version

The Stag and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Stag and the Vine

1912 version of fable

The Stag at the Pool

one of Aesop's fables

The Stag at the Pool

1912 version of fable

The Stag at the Pool

1867 version

The Stag in the Ox Stall

fable attributed to Aesop

The Stag in the Ox-stall

1912 version of fable

The Stag in the Ox-stall

1867 version

The Stag with One Eye

1912 version of fable

The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep

an Aesop fable

The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep

1867 version

The Statue of Hermes

five fables of ancient Greek origin that deal with the statue of Hermes

The Swallow and the Crow

fable by Aesop

The Swallow and the Crow

1912 version of fable

The Swallow and the Crow

1867 version

The Swallow and the Other Birds

Aesop's fable

The Swallow and the other Birds

1894 version

The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice

fable by Aesop

The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice

1867 version

The Swan

1912 version of fable

The Swan and His Owner

fable by Aesop

The Swan and the Goose

1867 version

The Swan and the Goose

one of Aesop's fables

The Swollen Fox

1912 version of fable

The Swollen Fox

1867 version

The Theef and the Dogge

1484 version

The Thief and His Mother

fable by Aesop

The Thief and his Mother

1867 version

The Thief and the House-Dog

1867 version

The Thief and the Housedog

fable attributed to Aesop

The Thief and the Innkeeper

1912 version of fable

The Thief and the Innkeeper

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Thief and the Innkeeper

Aesop's fable

The Thieves and the Cock

fable by Aesop

The Thieves and the Cock

1912 version of fable

The Thieves and the Cock

1867 version

The Thirsty Pigeon

1867 version

The Thirsty Pigeon

fable by Aesop

The Three Tradesmen

1912 version of fable

The Three Tradesmen

fable by Aesop

The Three Tradesmen

1867 version

The Thrush and the Fowler

fable by Aesop

The Thrush and the Fowler

1867 version

The Tortoise & The Hare

picture book

The Tortoise and the Birds

1894 version

The Tortoise and the Eagle

1912 version of fable

The Tortoise and the Eagle

1867 version

The Tortoise and the Hare

fable by Aesop

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

fable by Aesop

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

1912 version of fable

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

1867 version

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

1894 version

The Traveler and Fortune

fable by Aesop

The Traveler and Hermes

fable by Aesop

The Travelers and the Crow

fable by Aesop

The Traveller and Fortune

1912 version of fable

The Traveller and Fortune

1867 version

The Traveller and His Dog

Aesop's fable

The Traveller and his Dog

1912 version of fable

The Traveller and his Dog

1867 version

The Travellers and the Plane Tree

fable by Aesop

The Travellers and the Plane-tree

1912 version of fable

The Travellers and the Plane-tree

1867 version

The Tree and the Reed

1894 version

The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods

Townsend's translation of fable

The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods

fable attributed to Aesop

The Trees and the Axe

1912 version of fable

The Trees and the Axe

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Trees and the Bramble

fable by Aesop

The Trees and the Olive

fable by Aesop

The Trumpeter Taken Captive

fable by Aesop

The Trumpeter taken Prisoner

1912 version of fable

The Trumpeter taken Prisoner

1867 version

The Trumpeter taken Prisoner

1894 version

The Tuna Fish and the Dolphin

Aesop's fable

The Tunny-Fish and the Dolphin

1912 version of fable

The Two Bags

fable by Aesop

The Two Bags

1912 version of fable

The Two Bags

1867 version

The Two Bulls and the Frog

fable attributed to Aesop

The Two Crabs

1894 version

The Two Dogs

fable by Aesop

The Two Dogs

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Two Dung Beetles

fable by Aesop

The Two Fellows and the Bear

1894 version

The Two Frogs

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable "The Two Frogs at the Well"

The Two Frogs

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable "The Two Frogs by the Road"

The Two Frogs

1912 version of fable

The Two Frogs at the Well

fable by Aesop

The Two Frogs by the Road

Aesop's fable

The Two Men Who Were Enemies

fable by Aesop

The Two Men who were Enemies

1867 version

The Two Pots

1912 version of fable

The Two Pots

1867 version

The Two Pots

1894 version

The Two Soldiers and the Robber

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Two Soldiers and the Robber

1912 version of fable

The Two Soldiers and the Robber

fable attributed to Aesop

The Two Travelers and the Axe

fable by Aesop

The Two Travellers and the Axe

1867 version

The Unskilled Physician

Aesop's fable

The Vain Jackdaw

1912 version of fable

The Vain Jackdaw

1867 version

The Vine and the Goat

1867 version

The Viper and the File

fable by Aesop

The Viper and the File

1912 version of fable

The Viper and the File

1867 version

The Viper and the Water Snake

fable by Aesop

The Wall and the Stake

fable by Aesop

The Walnut Tree

Aesop's fable

The Walnut-tree

1912 version of fable

The Walnut-tree

1867 version

The Wasp and the Snake

1912 version of fable

The Wasp and the Snake

1867 version

The Wasp and the Snake

fable by Aesop

The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer

1867 version

The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer

fable by Aesop

The Waſhing of a Blackmore

1692 version

The Weasel and the File

fable by Aesop

The Weasel and the Man

1912 version of fable

The Weasel and the Mice

fable attributed to Aesop

The Weasel and the the Mice

1867 version

The Widow and Her Lover

fable attributed to Aesop

The Widow and her Little Maidens

1867 version

The Widow and the Sheep

fable by Aesop

The Widow and the Sheep

1867 version

The Wife and her Drunken Husband

fable by Aesop

The Wild Ass and the Lion

1867 version

The Wild Ass and the Tame Ass

fable by Aesop

The Wild Boar and the Fox

fable by Aesop

The Wild Boar and the Fox

1912 version of fable

The Wild Boar and the Fox

1867 version

The Wily Lion

1912 version of fable

The Wind and the Sun

1894 version

The Witch

fable by Aesop

The Witch

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and His Shadow

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and his Shadow

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Ass

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf and the Ass

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Boy

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Crane

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Crane

1867 version of fable

The Wolf and the Crane

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Crane

1884 version of fable

The Wolf and the Dog

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf and the Donkey

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf and the Fox

Townsend's translation of Aesop's fable

The Wolf and the Fox

Aesop's fable

The Wolf and the Goat

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Goat

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Goat

1867 version

The Wolf and the Horse

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Horse

1867 version

The Wolf and the Horse

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the House-dog

1867 version

The Wolf and the Kid

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf and the Kid

1894 version

The Wolf and the Lamb

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Lamb

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Lamb

1894 version

The Wolf and the Lamb

1867 version of fable

The Wolf and the Lion

a fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Lion

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Lion

1867 version

The Wolf and the Lion

version 1867

The Wolf and the Sheep

1912 version of fable

The Wolf and the Sheep

1867 version

The Wolf and the Shepherd

fable by Aesop

The Wolf and the Shepherd

1867 version of fable

The Wolf and the Shepherd

1912 fable version

The Wolf and the Shepherds

Aesop's fable

The Wolf and the Shepherds

1867 version

The Wolf and the Sleeping Dog

Aesop's fable

The Wolf and the Young Fox

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

fable shared with bible, attributed to Aesop

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

1867 version

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

1894 version

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

1912 version of fable

The Wolf's Misfortunes

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape

fable by Aesop

The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape

1912 version of fable

The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape

1867 version

The Wolf, the Fox, and the Gift

Aesop's fable

The Wolf, the Fox, and the Shepherd

fable attributed to Aesop

The Wolf, the Mother, and Her Child

1912 version of fable

The Wolves and the Dogs

1912 version of fable

The Wolves and the Dogs at War

fable by Aesop

The Wolves and the Sheep

1867 version

The Wolves and the Sheep

Aesop's fable

The Wolves and the Sheep-dogs

1867 version

The Wolves and the Sheepdogs

fable by Aesop

The Wolves, The Sheep, and the Ram

1912 version of fable

The Wolves, the Sheep, and the Ram

fable by Aesop, variant of "The Wolves and the Sheep"

The Woman and Her Hen

fable by Aesop

The Woman and her Hen

1867 version

The Woman and the Farmer

1912 version of fable

The Woman and the Farmer

fable attributed to Aesop

The Woodcutter and the Trees

fable by Aesop

The Woodman and the Serpent

1894 version

The Wulf, the Sheepherd and the Hunter

1484 version

The Young Man and the Prostitute

fable attributed to Aesop

The Young Man and the Swallow

fable by Aesop

The Young Thief and his Mother

1894 version

The Youth and the Woman

Aesop's fable

The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484

1889 two volume publication

The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484

Volume 1

The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484

Volume 2, 1889

The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484

1889 scan, Volume 1

The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484

1889 scan, Volume 2

The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484

Vol. 2, 1889 scan

The fables of Æsop, selected, told anew and their history traced

1922 scan

The lyar Man and the Man of trouthe

1484 version

The Æthiop

1867 version

Thieves that Stole a Cock

1692 version

Three Hundred Æsop's Fables

1887 edition of the collection of fables by George Fyler Townsend in English language

Three Hundred Æsop's Fables

1867 scan

True Dreams and False Dreams

Aesop's fable

Truth and the Traveler

fable by Aesop

Truth and the Traveller

1867 version

Two Cocks Fighting

1692 version

Two Frogs that wanted Water

1692 version

Venus and the Cat

1912 version of fable

Venus and the Hen

fable attributed to Aesop

Vlci a ovce

Czech translation

Vlci a psi

Czech translation

Vlk a pastýř

Czech translation

War and His Bride

fable by Aesop

Washing the Ethiopian White

Aesop's fable

Winter and Spring

fable by Aesop

Yī suǒ yù yán

Lin Shu's Chinese translation of Aesop's Fables

Zeus and Apollo

fable by Aesop

Zeus and Man

fable by Aesop

Zeus and Men

literary work by Aesop

Zeus and Shame

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Bee

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Donkeys

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Fox

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Jar of Good Things

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Oak Trees

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Potsherds

literary work by Aesop

Zeus and the Serpent

fable by Aesop

Zeus and the Tortoise

Aesop's fable

Zeus et Apollon

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus et la Pudeur

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus et la Tortue

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus et le Renard

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus et le Serpent

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus et le Tonneau des Biens

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus et les Hommes

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus juge

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Zeus, Prometheus, Athena, and Momus

fable by Aesop

Zeus, Prométhée, Athéna et Momos

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Æsop's fables

literary work part of the Golden age of illustration collection at the UML

Æsop's fables: A New Translation

1912 English collection of fables attributed to Aesop by Vernon S. Vernon Jones

Æsop's fables: A New Translation

1912 scan

Æsop's fables: A New Translation

scan 1912

Æsop's fables: A New Translation

2006 audiobook

Æsop's fables; a new translation

1916 version

Ésope dans un chantier naval

Chambry's translation of Aesop's fable

Ésope: Fables

1925 collection of fables attributed to Aesop collected by Émile Chambry based on several Manuscripts

Česká čítanka pro druhou třídu škol středních

1883 Czech book edition

Αγαθά και κακά

Greek version of fable


Greek version of fable

Αλώπηξ και βότρυς

fable in modern Greek

Βάτραχοι αιτούντες βασιλέα

Greek fable

Γεωργός και όφις υπό κρύους πεπηγώς

fable in Greek

Κόραξ και αλώπηξ

Greek fable

Λύκος και ερωδιός

Fable in Greek

Λύκος και κύων

Greek version

Μυς αρουραίος και μυς αστικός

Greek version

Τέττιξ και μύρμηκες


translation of Aesop's "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" by Leo Tolstoy

Собака, петух и лисица

Leo Tolstoy's translation of Aesop fable

Стрекоза и муравьи

Russian translation

ਅਨੁਵਾਦ:ਮਛੇਰਾ ਅਤੇ ਛੋਟੀ ਮੱਛੀ

Punjabi translation

ਅਨੁਵਾਦ:ਸ਼ੇਰ ਅਤੇ ਚੂਹਾ

Punjab translation


Japanese translation of fable


Japanese translation


Japanese translation