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List of works by Kaj Sand-Jensen

100 years of vegetation decline and recovery in Lake Fure, Denmark


Abundance-range size relationships in stream vegetation in Denmark

scholarly article by Tenna Riis & Kaj Sand-Jensen published 2002 in Plant Ecology

Acclimation of photosynthesis to supersaturated CO2in aquatic plant bicarbonate users


Active accumulation of internal DIC pools reduces transport limitation in large colonies of Nostoc pruniforme

Adaptation and growth performance of four endangered amphibious freshwater species

scholarly article published in November 2018

Adaptations of Submerged Lobelia dortmanna to Aerial Life Form: Morphology, Carbon Sources and Oxygen Dynamics

scientific article published in 1992

Alkalinity and trophic state regulate aquatic plant distribution in Danish lakes


Aquatic macrophyte richness in Danish lakes in relation to alkalinity, transparency, and lake area

Aquatic macrophyte richness in Danish lakes in relation to alkalinity, transparency, and lake area

Aquatic plants are open flexible structures - a reply to Sukhodolov


Bacterial metabolism in small temperate streams under contemporary and future climates

Biomass Regulation of Microbenthic Algae in Danish Lowland Streams

scientific article published in 1988

Biomass and oxygen dynamics of the epiphyte community in a Danish lowland stream

Biomass, net production and growth dynamics in an eelgrass (Zostera marinaL.) population in Vellerup Vig, Denmark


Biomass-density patterns in the temperate seagrass Zostera marina

article published in 1994

Broad-Scale Comparison of Photosynthesis in Terrestrial and Aquatic Plant Communities

scientific article published in October 1997

Broad-scale comparison of photosynthetic rates across phototrophic organisms

scientific article published on October 1996

Budget shock hits Danish universities

scientific article published in Nature

CO2 dynamics along Danish lowland streams: water–air gradients, piston velocities and evasion rates


CO2 increases oceanic primary production

scientific article published in Nature

Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure and Emission Throughout the Scandinavian Stream Network

scientific article published in 2020

Carbon dioxide efflux and ecosystem metabolism of small forest lakes

scholarly article

Carbon dioxide fluxes of air-exposed sediments and desiccating ponds

scientific article published in 2019

Carbon limitation of lake productivity

scientific article published on 14 November 2018

Carbon uptake by leaves and roots of Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers

Catchment properties and the photosynthetic trait composition of freshwater plant communities

scientific article published on 01 November 2019

Century-long records reveal shifting challenges to seagrass recovery

scientific article published on 25 November 2020

Community photosynthesis of aquatic macrophytes

scholarly article by Thomas Binzer et al published November 2006 in Limnology and Oceanography

Comparative functional plant ecology: rationale and potentials.

scientific article

Comparative growth and metabolism of gelatinous colonies of three cyanobacteria,Nostoc commune,Nostoc pruniformeandNostoc zetterstedtii, at different temperatures

Comparative kinetics of photosynthesis in floating and submerged Potamogeton leaves

scholarly article by Henning Frost-Christensen & Kaj Sand-Jensen published July 1995 in Aquatic Botany

Comparison of photosynthetic performance and carboxylation capacity in a range of aquatic macrophytes of different growth forms

scholarly article by T.V. Madsen et al published February 1993 in Aquatic Botany

Contrasting oxygen dynamics in the freshwater isoetid Lobelia dortmanna and the marine seagrass Zostera marina

scientific article published on 18 July 2005

Coupled UV-exposure and microbial decomposition improves measures of organic matter degradation and light models in humic lake


Decade-long time delays in nutrient and plant species dynamics during eutrophication and re-oligotrophication of Lake Fure 1900-2015


Demography of Shallow Eelgrass (Zostera Marina) Populations--Shoot Dynamics and Biomass Development

scholarly article by Birgit Olesen & Kaj Sand-Jensen published June 1994 in Journal of Ecology

Depth colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina) and macroalgae as determined by water transparency in Danish coastal waters

Depth-acclimation of photosynthesis, morphology and demography of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea


Diel Pulses of O_2 and CO_2 in Sandy Lake Sediments Inhabited by Lobelia Dortmanna


Differences in temperature, organic carbon and oxygen consumption among lowland streams


Differential ability of marine and freshwater macrophytes to utilize HCO 3 - and CO2

scientific article published in 1984

Discrepancies between the O 2 and 14 C Methods for Measuring Phytoplankton Gross Photosynthesis at Low Light Levels

scholarly article by Jens Møller Andersen et al published November 1980 in Oikos

Dispersal of plant fragments in small streams


Distribution and quantitative development of aquatic macrophytes in relation to sediment characteristics in oligotrophic Lake Kalgaard, Denmark


Drag and reconfiguration of freshwater macrophytes

Drag forces on common plant species in temperate streams: consequences of morphology, velocity and biomass


Drier, darker and more fertile: 140 years of plant habitat change driven by land‐use intensification

scientific article published on 28 July 2021

Drivers of metabolism and net heterotrophy in contrasting lakes


Early ecosystem responses to watershed restoration along a headwater stream

scientific article published on 16 March 2018

Early fish colonization and community development in a shallow re-established lake

scientific article published in 2020

Ecophysiology of gelatinous Nostoc colonies: unprecedented slow growth and survival in resource-poor and harsh environments

scientific article

Ecosystem Metabolism and Gradients of Temperature, Oxygen and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Littoral Zone of a Macrophyte‐Dominated Lake

scientific article published in 2022

Ecosystem metabolism in a temporary Mediterranean marsh (Doñana National Park, SW Spain)


Eelgrass, Zostera marina, growth along depth gradients: upper boundaries of the variation as a powerful predictive tool

scientific article published in November 2000

Effect of epiphytes on eelgrass photosynthesis

scholarly article by Kaj Sand-Jensen published January 1977 in Aquatic Botany

Effects of O2, pH and DIC on photosynthetic net-O2 evolution by marine macroalgae

scholarly article by D. M. Gordon & K. Sand-Jensen published October 1990 in Marine Biology

Environmental drivers and sources of stream oxygen consumption in an agricultural lake catchment

scientific article published in 2022

Environmental variables and their effect on photosynthesis of aquatic plant communities


Epiphyte shading and its effect on photosynthesis and diel metabolism of Lobelia dortmanna L. during the spring bloom in a danish lake


Erratum to “Optimal physical design in a new lake for reducing phosphorus pools” [Ecological Engineering 161 (2021) 106160]

scientific article published in 2021

Estuarine Primary Producers

Extreme diel dissolved oxygen and carbon cycles in shallow vegetated lakes


Fast phosphorus loss by sediment resuspension in a re-established shallow lake on former agricultural fields

scientific article published in 2017

Fine-Scale Patterns of Water Velocity within Macrophyte Patches in Streams

article published in 1996

Five decades of dramatic changes in submerged vegetation in Lake Constance


Fluctuating water levels control water chemistry and metabolism of a charophyte-dominated pond

Freshwater Ecosystems, Human Impact on

From drought to flood: Sudden carbon inflow causes whole-lake anoxia and massive fish kill in a large shallow lake

scientific article published on 08 June 2020

From soaking wet to bone dry: predicting plant community composition along a steep hydrological gradient


Growth Reconstruction and Photosynthesis of Aquatic Mosses: Influence of Light, Temperature and Carbon Dioxide at Depth

scholarly article by Tenna Riis & Kaj Sand-Jensen published June 1997 in Journal of Ecology

Growth and energetics of a trichopteran larva feeding on fresh submerged and terrestrial plants

scientific article

Growth and grazing control of abundance of the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca L. in a eutrophic Danish estuary

Growth and population dynamics of Posidonia oceanica on the Spanish Mediterranean coast:elucidating seagrass decline


Growth plasticity in Cymodocea nodosa stands: the importance of nutrient supply


Growth rate and carbon affinity ofUlva lactuca under controlled levels of carbon, pH and oxygen

scientific article published in 1990

Growth rates and photon yield of growth in natural populations of a marine macroalga Ulva lactuca

scientific article published in 1992


article published in 1990

Heavy metals in acid streams from lignite mining areas

Herbivory and Resulting Plant Damage


Herbivory and growth in terrestrial and aquatic populations of amphibious stream plants


Herbivory of invertebrates on submerged macrophytes from Danish freshwaters

High rates of production and mortality of submerged Sparganium emersum Rehman during its short growth season in a Eutrophic Danish stream

High resistance of oligotrophic isoetid plants to oxic and anoxic dark exposure


High sensitivity of Lobelia dortmanna to sediment oxygen depletion following organic enrichment

scientific article published on 22 December 2010

High temperatures cause reduced growth, plant death and metabolic changes in eelgrass Zostera marina

scholarly article

Highly predictable photosynthetic production in natural macroalgal communities from incoming and absorbed light

scientific article published on 12 September 2006

Historical changes in species composition and richness accompanying perturbation and eutrophication of Danish lowland streams over 100 years


How do low dispersal species establish large range sizes? The case of the water beetleGraphoderus bilineatus


How to write consistently boring scientific literature

scientific article published in 2007

How to write consistently boring scientific literature

journal article from 'Oikos' published in 2007

Implications of thallus thickness for growth-irradiance relationships of marine macroalgae

Importance of structure and density of macroalgae communities (Fucus serratus) for photosynthetic production and light utilisation

scholarly article by T Binzer & K Sand-Jensen published 2002 in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Improved prediction of vegetation composition in NW European softwater lakes by combining location, water and sediment chemistry


Influence of sediment organic enrichment and water alkalinity on growth of aquatic isoetid and elodeid plants


Inorganic carbon promotes photosynthesis, growth, and maximum biomass of phytoplankton in eutrophic water bodies

scholarly article

Interactions among phytoplankton, periphyton, and macrophytes in temperate freshwaters and estuaries

scholarly article by Kaj Sand-Jensen & Jens Borum published January 1991 in Aquatic Botany

Introduction ecology of submersed aquatic macrophytes

Invertebrate herbivory on the submerged macrophyte Potamogeton perfoliatus in a Danish stream

Invertebrates Graze Submerged Rooted Macrophytes in Lowland Streams

scientific article published in 1989

Iron plaques improve the oxygen supply to root meristems of the freshwater plant, Lobelia dortmanna

scientific article

Is Total Primary Production in Shallow Coastal Marine Waters Stimulated by Nitrogen Loading?


Lake metabolism scales with lake morphometry and catchment conditions


Land plants of amphibious Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers. maintain utilization of CO2 from the sediment

scientific article published in October 1991

Large pools and fluxes of carbon, calcium and phosphorus in dense charophyte stands in ponds

scientific article published on 07 October 2020

Leaf gas films, underwater photosynthesis and plant species distributions in a flood gradient.

scientific article published on 4 February 2016

Light Climate and Metabolism ofNitella flexilis (L.) AG. In the Bottom Waters of Oligotrophic Lake Grane Langsø, Denmark


Light Harvesting Among Photosynthetic Organisms

scholarly article by S. Agusti et al published April 1994 in Functional Ecology

Light attenuation and photosynthesis of aquatic plant communities


Long-term changes in macroalgal communities in a Danish estuary

Long-term influence of hay-cutting on plant species richness, biodiversity and soil fertility in a Danish fen

scientific article published in 2019

Macrophyte decline in Danish lakes and streams over the past 100 years


Metabolic adaptation and vertical zonation of Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers. and Isoetes lacustris L

Metabolism and resources of spherical colonies ofNostoc zetterstedtii

Microprofiles of oxygen in epiphyte communities on submerged macrophytes

scientific article published in 1985

Microsensor Analysis of Oxygen in the Rhizosphere of the Aquatic Macrophyte Littorella uniflora (L.) Ascherson

scientific article published on 01 July 1994

Minimum Light Requirements of Submerged Freshwater Macrophytes in Laboratory Growth Experiments

scientific article published in 1991

More is less: net gain in species richness, but biotic homogenization over 140 years

scientific article published on 31 July 2019

Moss cushions facilitate water and nutrient supply for plant species on bare limestone pavements

scientific article published on April 6, 2012

Net Heterotrophy in Small Danish Lakes: A Widespread Feature Over Gradients in Trophic Status and Land Cover


Niche specialization and functional traits regulate the rarity of charophytes in the Nordic countries

Nutrient constraints on establishment from seed and on vegetative expansion of the Mediterranean seagrass Cymodocea nodosa

Nutrients, isolation and lack of grazing limit plant diversity in restored wetlands

scientific article published on 8 November 2024


scientific article published in 1982

Optical Changes in a Eutrophic Estuary During Reduced Nutrient Loadings

Optimal physical design in a new lake for reducing phosphorus pools

scientific article published in 2021

Organic enrichment of sediments reduces arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in oligotrophic lake plants


Outstanding Lobelia dortmanna in iron armor

scientific article published in October 2008

Oxygen Movement in Seagrasses

Oxygen Movement in Seagrasses

Oxygen Release from Roots of Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes

scientific article published in 1982

Oxygen stress and reduced growth of Lobelia dortmanna in sandy lake sediments subject to organic enrichment



scientific article published in June 1998

Patch dynamics of eelgrass Zostera marina


Patch dynamics of the stream macrophyte, Callitriche cophocarpa


Patterns in decomposition rates among photosynthetic organisms: the importance of detritus C:N:P content

scientific article published on July 1993

Patterns in the photosynthetic metabolism of Mediterranean macrophytes

scholarly article by S Enríquez et al published 1995 in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Patterns of Species Number and Abundance in Macroalgal Communities in Coastal Waters


Patterns of macroalgal distribution in the Kattegat-Baltic region

Pelagic metabolism in eutrophic coastal waters during a late summer period


Phosphorus limitation ofCymodocea nodosa growth

scientific article published in 1991

Photosynthesis and light adaptation in epiphyte-macrophyte associations measured by oxygen microelectrodes1

scholarly article by Kaj Sand-Jensen & Niels Peter Revsbech published March 1987 in Limnology and Oceanography

Photosynthesis of amphibious and obligately submerged plants in CO 2 -rich lowland streams


Photosynthesis, growth, and distribution of plants in lowland streams—A synthesis and new data analyses of 40 years research

scientific article published on 26 May 2022

Photosynthetic Capacity, Bicarbonate Affinity and Growth of Elodea canadensis Exposed to Different Concentrations of Inorganic Carbon

scholarly article by Tom Vindbœk Madsen et al published October 1987 in Oikos

Photosynthetic Carbon Sources of Stream Macrophytes

scholarly article by Kaj Sand-Jensen published 1983 in Journal of Experimental Botany

Photosynthetic carbon assimilation in aquatic macrophytes

scholarly article by Tom Vindbæk Madsen & Kaj Sand-Jensen published January 1991 in Aquatic Botany

Photosynthetic implications of heterophylly in Batrachium peltatum (Schrank) Presl

scholarly article by Søren Laurentius Nielsen & Kaj Sand-Jensen published February 1993 in Aquatic Botany

Photosynthetic use of inorganic carbon among primary and secondary water plants in streams


Physical and chemical parameters regulating growth of periphytic communities

Physico-chemical environment, phytoplankton biomass and production in oligotrophic, softwater lake kalgaard, Denmark


Phytoplankton and Epiphyte Development and Their Shading Effect on Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes of Different Nutrient Status


Phytoplankton, nutrients, and transparency in Danish coastal waters

scholarly article by Søren Laurentius Nielsen et al published October 2002 in Estuaries and Coasts

Plankton community respiration along a nutrient gradient in a shallow Danish estuary

article by LM Jensen et al published 1990 in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Plant communities in lowland Danish streams: species composition and environmental factors


Plant distribution and abundance in relation to physical conditions and location within Danish stream systems

scholarly article

Plant growth and photosynthesis in the transition zone between land and stream


Positive interactions between moss cushions and vascular plant cover improve water economy on Öland’s alvar, Sweden


Precipitated iron and manganese plaques restrict root uptake of phosphorus in Lobelia dortmanna

scientific article published in 1998

Precipitated iron and manganese plaques restrict root uptake of phosphorus in Lobelia dortmanna

Predicting water quality from geospatial lake, catchment, and buffer zone characteristics in temperate lowland lakes

scientific article published in 2022


Production in aquatic macrophyte communities: A theoretical and empirical study of the influence of spatial light distribution


Profound afternoon depression of ecosystem production and nighttime decline of respiration in a macrophyte-rich, shallow lake

scientific article published on 28 August 2017

Rapid oxygen exchange across the leaves of Littorella uniflora provides tolerance to sediment anoxia

Reconstruction of seagrass dynamics: age determinations and associated tools for the seagrass ecologist

scientific article published in 1994

Recovery of lake vegetation following reduced eutrophication and acidification


Reduced root anchorage of freshwater plants in sandy sediments enriched with fine organic matter


Regulation and role of photosynthesis in the colonial symbiotic ciliateOphrydium versatile

scholarly article by Kaj Sand-Jensen et al published July 1997 in Limnology and Oceanography

Regulation of photosynthetic rates of submerged rooted macrophytes

scientific article published on 01 November 1989

Remarkable richness of aquatic macrophytes in 3-years old re-established Lake Fil, Denmark

scientific article published in 2016

Salt tolerance and distribution of estuarine benthic macroalgae in the Kattegat–Baltic Sea area

Scaling Maximum Growth Rates Across Photosynthetic Organisms

scholarly article by S. L. Nielsen et al published April 1996 in Functional Ecology

Scaling of Pelagic Metabolism to Size, Trophy and Forest Cover in Small Danish Lakes


Scaling of photosynthetic production of aquatic macrophytes - a review


Scaling of photosynthetic production of aquatic macrophytes ? a review


Seagrass colonization: biomass development and shoot demography in Cymodocea nodosa patches


Seagrass colonization: patch formation and patch growth in Cymodocea nodosa

scientific article published in 1990

Seasonal acclimatization of eelgrass Zostera marina growth to light

scientific article published in 1993

Seasonal changes in temperature and nutrient control of photosynthesis, respiration and growth of natural phytoplankton communities

scholarly article by PETER A. STAEHR & Kaj Sand-Jensen published February 2006 in Freshwater Biology

Seventy years of changes in the abundance of Danish charophytes

Sexual conflict and intrasexual polymorphism promote assortative mating and halt population differentiation

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Shallow plant-dominated lakes - extreme environmental variability, carbon cycling and ecological species challenges

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Size dependence of composition, photosynthesis and growth in the colony-forming freshwater ciliate, Ophrydium versatile


Size-dependent nitrogen uptake in micro- and macroalgae

scientific article published in 1995

Slow growth and decomposition of mosses in Arctic lakes

Slow growth and decomposition of mosses in Arctic lakes

Spatial and interannual variations with depth in eelgrass populations

scientific article published in June 2003

Species pool versus site limitations of macrophytes in urban waters


Streamlining of plant patches in streams


Stream‐Lake Connectivity Is an Important Control of Fluvial CO 2 Concentrations and Emissions in Catchments

Technical note: A simple and cost-efficient automated floating chamber for continuous measurements of carbon dioxide gas flux on lakes

scientific article published in 2018

Temperature in lowland Danish streams: contemporary patterns, empirical models and future scenarios

article published in 2007

Temporal development of biodiversity of macrophytes in newly established lakes

Temporal dynamics and regulation of lake metabolism


The Dangers of Being a Small, Oligotrophic and Light Demanding Freshwater Plant across a Spatial and Historical Eutrophication Gradient in Southern Scandinavia

scientific article published on 2 February 2018

The carboxylase activity of Rubisco and the photosynthetic performance in aquatic plants


The delay in 14C fixation rates by three submerged macrophytes. A source of error in the 14C technique

The metabolism of aquatic ecosystems: history, applications, and future challenges

The quantum efficiency of photosynthesis in macroalgae and submerged angiosperms

scientific article published on 01 September 1992

The search for reference conditions for stream vegetation in northern Europe

scientific article published on 19 May 2008

Through-flow of water in leaves of a submerged plant is influenced by the apical opening


Time-restricted flight ability influences dispersal and colonization rates in a group of freshwater beetles

scientific article published on 04 January 2017

Tolerance of the widespread cyanobacterium Nostoc commune to extreme temperature variations (-269 to 105°C), pH and salt stress

scientific article

Underwater photosynthesis of submerged plants - recent advances and methods.

scientific article published on 21 May 2013

Unprecedented slow growth and mortality of the rare colonial cyanobacterium,Nostoc zetterstedtii, in oligotrophic lakes


Variability of invertebrate herbivory on the submerged macrophyte Potamogeton perfoliatus

Variable HCO 3- affinity of Elodea canadensis Michaux in response to different HCO 3- and CO2 concentrations during growth.

scientific article

Variation in Light Absorption Properties of Mentha aquatica L. as a Function of Leaf Form: Implications for Plant Growth


Variation in growth rates of submerged rooted macrophytes

Vegetation and flow regime in lowland streams

Velocity gradients and turbulence around macrophyte stands in streams

Water temperature dynamics and the prevalence of daytime stratification in small temperate shallow lakes

scholarly article

Water transport in submerged macrophytes

Whole-stream metabolism in nutrient-poor calcareous streams on Öland, Sweden


Wind drives fast changes of light climate in a large, shallow re-established lake

scientific article published in 2022