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List of works by Paul Mckenna

A High Mass Resolution Study of the Interaction of Aromatic and Nitro-Aromatic Molecules with Intense Laser Fields

A laser driven pulsed X-ray backscatter technique for enhanced penetrative imaging.

scientific article published in December 2015

A modified Thomson parabola spectrometer for high resolution multi-MeV ion measurements—Application to laser-driven ion acceleration

A nearly real-time high temperature laser–plasma diagnostic using photonuclear reactions in tantalum

scholarly article by I. Spencer et al published November 2002 in Review of Scientific Instruments

A new energy spectrum reconstruction method for time-of-flight diagnostics of high-energy laser-driven protons

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

A spectrometer for ultrashort gamma-ray pulses with photon energies greater than 10 MeV

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Active steering of laser-accelerated ion beams

An optically multiplexed single-shot time-resolved probe of laser-plasma dynamics

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Angular distribution for the elastic scattering of electrons fromAr+(3s23p52P)above the first inelastic threshold

Angularly resolved characterization of ion beams from laser-ultrathin foil interactions

Annular Fast Electron Transport in Silicon Arising from Low-Temperature Resistivity

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Applications for nuclear phenomena generated by ultra-intense lasers.

scientific article

Attosecond electron bunches from a nanofiber driven by Laguerre-Gaussian laser pulses.

scientific article

Author Correction: Relativistic Doppler-boosted γ-rays in High Fields

scientific article published on 09 October 2019

Azimuthal asymmetry in collective electron dynamics in relativistically transparent laser–foil interactions

Ballistic focusing of polyenergetic protons driven by petawatt laser pulses

scientific article published on 2 June 2011

Beamed neutron emission driven by laser accelerated light ions

Bright attosecond γ-ray pulses from nonlinear Compton scattering with laser-illuminated compound targets

article published in 2018

Bright multi-keV harmonic generation from relativistically oscillating plasma surfaces

scientific article published on 23 August 2007

Broad Energy Spectrum of Laser-Accelerated Protons for Spallation-Related Physics

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Buffered high charge spectrally-peaked proton beams in the relativistic-transparency regime

Calibration of BAS-TR image plate response to high energy (3-300 MeV) carbon ions.

scientific article published in December 2015

Calibration of Thomson parabola—MCP assembly for multi-MeV ion spectroscopy

article published in 2010

Carbon ion acceleration from thin foil targets irradiated by ultrahigh-contrast, ultraintense laser pulses

Characterization of 7Li(p,n)7Be neutron yields from laser produced ion beams for fast neutron radiography

Characterization of multiterawatt laser-solid interactions for proton acceleration

Characterization of proton and heavier ion acceleration in ultrahigh-intensity laser interactions with heated target foils

scientific article published on 21 September 2004

Cherenkov radiation-based optical fibre diagnostics of fast electrons generated in intense laser-plasma interactions

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Coherent x-ray generation in relativistic laser/gas jet interactions

Control of laser light by a plasma immersed in a tunable strong magnetic field

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

Controlling Fast-Electron-Beam Divergence Using Two Laser Pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Controlling the properties of ultraintense laser–proton sources using transverse refluxing of hot electrons in shaped mass-limited targets

Corrigendum to “Instrumentation for diagnostics and control of laser-accelerated proton (ion) beams” [Phys Med 30 (2014) 255–270]

scholarly article published in Physica Medica

DNA DSB Repair Dynamics following Irradiation with Laser-Driven Protons at Ultra-High Dose Rates

scientific article published on 14 March 2019

Demonstration of Fusion-Evaporation and Direct-Interaction Nuclear Reactions using High-Intensity Laser-Plasma-Accelerated Ion Beams

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Dense relativistic electron mirrors from a Laguerre–Gaussian laser-irradiated micro-droplet

scientific article published on 01 June 2018

Dependence of laser accelerated protons on laser energy following the interaction of defocused, intense laser pulses with ultra-thin targets

Detailed analysis of hollow ions spectra from dense matter pumped by X-ray emission of relativistic laser plasma

article published in 2014

Detection of short lived radioisotopes as a fast diagnostic for intense laser-solid interactions

Development of Focusing Plasma Mirrors for Ultraintense Laser-Driven Particle and Radiation Sources


Development of a Real-Time Ion Spectrometer with a Scintillator for Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration Experiments


Diagnosis of Weibel instability evolution in the rear surface density scale lengths of laser solid interactions via proton acceleration

Diagnostic of laser contrast using target reflectivity

Diffraction-limited performance and focusing of high harmonics from relativistic plasmas

Directed fast electron beams in ultraintense picosecond laser irradiated solid targets

Dual Ion Species Plasma Expansion from Isotopically Layered Cryogenic Targets

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Dynamic control and enhancement of laser-accelerated protons using multiple laser pulses

Dynamic control of laser-produced proton beams

scientific article published on 11 March 2008

Effect of Lattice Structure on Energetic Electron Transport in Solids Irradiated by Ultraintense Laser Pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Effect of self-generated magnetic fields on fast-electron beam divergence in solid targets

Effect of target heating on ion-induced reactions in high-intensity laser–plasma interactions

Effects of front surface plasma expansion on proton acceleration in ultraintense laser irradiation of foil targets

Effects of laser prepulse on proton generation

Effects of laser prepulse on proton generation

Effects of laser prepulses on laser-induced proton generation

Effects of target pre-heating and expansion on terahertz radiation production from intense laser-solid interactions

Efficient ion acceleration and dense electron–positron plasma creation in ultra-high intensity laser-solid interactions

Ellipsoidal plasma mirror focusing of high power laser pulses to ultra-high intensities

Employing laser-accelerated proton beams to diagnose high intensity laser-plasma interactions

Energy coupling in short pulse laser solid interactions and its impact for space debris removal

scientific article

Enhanced Relativistic-Electron-Beam Energy Loss in Warm Dense Aluminum

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Enhanced laser-energy coupling to dense plasmas driven by recirculating electron currents

Enhanced proton beam collimation in the ultra-intense short pulse regime

Enhanced proton beams from ultrathin targets driven by high contrast laser pulses

Enhanced proton flux in the MeV range by defocused laser irradiation

Enhancement of ion generation in femtosecond ultraintense laser-foil interactions by defocusing

Evaluating laser-driven Bremsstrahlung radiation sources for imaging and analysis of nuclear waste packages

scientific article

Evidence of high-n hollow-ion emission from Si ions pumped by ultraintense x-rays from relativistic laser plasma

Exotic Dense-Matter States Pumped by a Relativistic Laser Plasma in the Radiation-Dominated Regime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Experimental Evidence of Radiation Reaction in the Collision of a High-Intensity Laser Pulse with a Laser-Wakefield Accelerated Electron Beam

article published in 2018

Experimental Signatures of the Quantum Nature of Radiation Reaction in the Field of an Ultraintense Laser

Experimental demonstration of a compact epithermal neutron source based on a high power laser

Experimental investigation of hole boring and light sail regimes of RPA by varying laser and target parameters

Experimental study of fast electron propagation in compressed matter

Extremely brilliant GeV γ-rays from a two-stage laser-plasma accelerator

scientific article published on 29 May 2020

Fast electron propagation in high density plasmas created by shock wave compression

Fast electron transport patterns in intense laser-irradiated solids diagnosed by modeling measured multi-MeV proton beams

Fast ion acceleration from thin foils irradiated by ultra-high intensity, ultra-high contrast laser pulses

Femtosecond ionization and dissociation of laser desorbed nitro-PAHs

Femtosecond laser time-of-flight mass spectrometry of labile molecular analytes: laser-desorbed nitro-aromatic molecules.

scientific article

Guiding of relativistic electron beams in solid targets by resistively controlled magnetic fields

scientific article published on 5 February 2009

High brightness keV harmonics from relativistically oscillating plasma surfaces

High efficiency proton beam generation through target thickness control in femtosecond laser-plasma interactions

High energy conversion efficiency in laser-proton acceleration by controlling laser-energy deposition onto thin foil targets

High harmonics from relativistically oscillating plasma surfaces—a high brightness attosecond source at keV photon energies

High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

High order mode structure of intense light fields generated via a laser-driven relativistic plasma aperture

scientific article published on 09 January 2020

High power laser production of short-lived isotopes for positron emission tomography


High resolution Thomson Parabola Spectrometer for full spectral capture of multi-species ion beams

scientific article


scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

High-intensity laser-driven proton acceleration: influence of pulse contrast

scientific article published in March 2006

Hollow microspheres as targets for staged laser-driven proton acceleration

Hot electron production in laser solid interactions with a controlled pre-pulse

In-depth study of intra-Stark spectroscopy in the x-ray range in relativistic laser–plasma interactions

Influence of laser irradiated spot size on energetic electron injection and proton acceleration in foil targets

Influence of laser polarization on collective electron dynamics in ultraintense laser–foil interactions

Influence of laser-drive parameters on annular fast electron transport in silicon

Influence of low-temperature resistivity on fast electron transport in solids: scaling to fast ignition electron beam parameters

Influence of radiation reaction force on ultraintense laser-driven ion acceleration

scientific article published on 19 May 2015

Influence of shock waves on laser-driven proton acceleration.

scientific article

Injection and transport properties of fast electrons in ultraintense laser-solid interactions

Instrumentation for diagnostics and control of laser-accelerated proton (ion) beams.

scientific article

Intense terahertz radiation from relativistic laser–plasma interactions

Interaction mechanism of some alkyl iodides with femtosecond laser pulses.

scientific article published in February 2005

Intra-pulse transition between ion acceleration mechanisms in intense laser-foil interactions

article published in 2016

Ion acceleration and plasma jet formation in ultra-thin foils undergoing expansion and relativistic transparency

Ion acceleration in multispecies targets driven by intense laser radiation pressure.

scientific article published on 2 November 2012

Ion acceleration with radiation pressure in quantum electrodynamic regimes

Ionisation and fragmentation dynamics of laser desorbed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using femtosecond and nanosecond post-ionisation

Ionisation and fragmentation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by femtosecond laser pulses at wavelengths resonant with cation transitions

Laser Accelerated, High Quality Ion Beams

Laser pulse propagation and enhanced energy coupling to fast electrons in dense plasma gradients

Laser-Accelerated Protons with Energy-Dependent Beam Direction

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Laser-Driven Ultrafast Field Propagation on Solid Surfaces

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Laser-driven fast electron collimation in targets with resistivity boundary

scientific article published on 20 September 2010

Laser-driven photo-transmutation of129I—a long-lived nuclear waste product

Laser-driven x-ray and neutron source development for industrial applications of plasma accelerators


Laser-plasma-based Space Radiation Reproduction in the Laboratory.

scientific article

Lateral Electron Transport in High-Intensity Laser-Irradiated Foils Diagnosed by Ion Emission

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Low- and medium-mass ion acceleration driven by petawatt laser plasma interactions

Manipulation of the spatial distribution of laser-accelerated proton beams by varying the laser intensity distribution

Measurement and simulations of hollow atom X-ray spectra of solid-density relativistic plasma created by high-contrast PW optical laser pulses

article published in 2013

Measurement of the angle, temperature and flux of fast electrons emitted from intense laser–solid interactions

Micron-scale fast electron filaments and recirculation determined from rear-side optical emission in high-intensity laser–solid interactions

Modelling the effect of laser focal spot size on sheath- accelerated protons in intense laser–foil interactions

Modelling the effect of the radiation reaction force on the acceleration of ultra-thin foils

Modified Thomson spectrometer design for high energy, multi-species ion sources.

scientific article

Modified proton radiography arrangement for the detection of ultrafast field fronts.

scientific article

Molecular hydrogen ion elimination from alkyl iodides under strong laser beam irradiation

Multi-pulse enhanced laser ion acceleration using plasma half cavity targets

Multimillijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils

scientific article published on 13 February 2019

Near-100 MeV protons via a laser-driven transparency-enhanced hybrid acceleration scheme.

scientific article published on 20 February 2018

Neutron production by fast protons from ultraintense laser-plasma interactions

New developments in energy transfer and transport studies in relativistic laser–plasma interactions

Novel scintillator-based x-ray spectrometer for use on high repetition laser plasma interaction experiments

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Nuclear activation as a high dynamic range diagnostic of laser–plasma interactions

Nuclear reactions in copper induced by protons from a petawatt laser-foil interaction

Numerical study of neutron beam divergence in a beam-fusion scenario employing laser driven ions

Observation of the transient charging of a laser-irradiated solid

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 55 no. 2, March 2009

Observations of the filamentation of high-intensity laser-produced electron beams.

scientific article published on 23 November 2004

On the investigation of fast electron beam filamentation in laser-irradiated solid targets using multi-MeV proton emission

Optically controlled dense current structures driven by relativistic plasma aperture-induced diffraction

Plasma scale-length effects on electron energy spectra in high-irradiance laser plasmas

scientific article

Polarization Dependence of Bulk Ion Acceleration from Ultrathin Foils Irradiated by High-Intensity Ultrashort Laser Pulses

scientific article published on 2 August 2017

Proton acceleration enhanced by a plasma jet in expanding foils undergoing relativistic transparency

Proton acceleration using 50fs, high intensity ASTRA-Gemini laser pulses

Proton beams generated with high-intensity lasers: Applications to medical isotope production

Publisher’s Note: Role of momentum and velocity for radiating electrons [Phys. Rev. D93, 045034 (2016)]

scholarly article

Radiating electron source generation in ultraintense laser-foil interactions

Radiation Pressure-Driven Plasma Surface Dynamics in Ultra-Intense Laser Pulse Interactions with Ultra-Thin Foils

Radiochromic film imaging spectroscopy of laser-accelerated proton beams.

scientific article

Radiological characterisation of photon radiation from ultra-high-intensity laser-plasma and nuclear interactions.

scientific article published on 22 August 2006

Refluxing of fast electrons in solid targets irradiated by intense, picosecond laser pulses

Relativistic Doppler-boosted γ-rays in High Fields.

scientific article

Relativistic High-Current Electron-Beam Stopping-Power Characterization in Solids and Plasmas: Collisional Versus Resistive Effects

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Relativistic plasma surfaces as an efficient second harmonic generator

Resistivity of non-crystalline carbon in the 1–100 eV range

Return current and proton emission from short pulse laser interactions with wire targets

Role of lattice structure and low temperature resistivity in fast-electron-beam filamentation in carbon

Role of momentum and velocity for radiating electrons

scholarly article

Scaling of ion spectral peaks in the hybrid RPA-TNSA region

Scaling of proton acceleration driven by petawatt-laser–plasma interactions

Signatures of quantum effects on radiation reaction in laser–electron-beam collisions

Simultaneous polarization transformation and amplification of multi-petawatt laser pulses in magnetized plasmas

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Single shot, temporally and spatially resolved measurements of fast electron dynamics using a chirped optical probe

Soft-x-ray harmonic comb from relativistic electron spikes

scientific article published on 30 March 2012

Spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy using a flat HOPG crystal

scholarly article by X.H. Yuan et al published October 2011 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Spectral Enhancement in the Double Pulse Regime of Laser Proton Acceleration

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Spectral control in proton acceleration with multiple laser pulses

Spectral modification of laser-accelerated proton beams by self-generated magnetic fields

Strong field physics and QED experiments with ELI-NP 2×10PW laser beams

Study of photo-proton reactions driven by bremsstrahlung radiation of high-intensity laser generated electrons

Suppression of Multiple Ionization of Atomic Ions in Intense Ultrafast Laser Pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Surface transport of energetic electrons in intense picosecond laser-foil interactions

Target charging effects on proton acceleration during high-intensity short-pulse laser-solid interactions

The influence of preformed plasma on the surface-guided lateral transport of energetic electrons in ultraintense short laser–foil interactions

The quest for laser induced isomer production

Third harmonic order imaging as a focal spot diagnostic for high intensity laser-solid interactions

Time of Flight based diagnostics for high energy laser driven ion beams

Time-resolved measurements of fast electron recirculation for relativistically intense femtosecond scale laser-plasma interactions.

scientific article published on 14 March 2018

Towards optical polarization control of laser-driven proton acceleration in foils undergoing relativistic transparency

scientific article

Transport of kJ-laser-driven relativistic electron beams in cold and shock-heated vitreous carbon and diamond

scientific article published in March 2020

Transverse expansion of the electron sheath during laser acceleration of protons

Tunable Enhancement of High Harmonic Emission from Laser Solid Interactions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Tunable Mega-Ampere Electron Current Propagation in Solids by Dynamic Control of Lattice Melt

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Ultra-bright γ-ray emission and dense positron production from two laser-driven colliding foils.

scientific article published on 11 December 2017

Ultrafast CO2 laser technology: Application in ion acceleration

Unraveling resistive versus collisional contributions to relativistic electron beam stopping power in cold-solid and in warm-dense plasmas


Using X-ray spectroscopy of relativistic laser plasma interaction to reveal parametric decay instabilities: a modeling tool for astrophysics

scientific article published in February 2017

Volumetric intensity dependence on the formation of molecular and atomic ions within a high intensity laser focus

scientific article

X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of energy transport in foil targets heated by petawatt laser pulses

X-ray spectroscopy of super-intense laser-produced plasmas for the study of nonlinear processes. Comparison with PIC simulations

scholarly article by E Dalimier et al published February 2017 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series