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List of works by A Ríos

A Multicentre and stratified study of the attitude of medical students towards organ donation in Spain.

scientific article

A case of breast cancer associated with juvenile papillomatosis of the male breast


A hemodynamic, metabolic and histopathological study of a heterotopic auxiliary swine liver graft with portal vein arterialization

scientific article published on 23 November 2015

A multicenter study of the attitude of secondary school teachers toward solid organ donation and transplantation in the southeast of Spain.

scientific article published on 30 January 2014

A multicenter study on attitude toward organ donation in Spain and Latin America between the surgical units of 12 hospitals.

scientific article published on January 2015

A study of the attitude of Latin-American residents in Spain toward organ xenotransplantation.

scientific article published on 16 December 2013

ABO and RH1 Blood Group Phenotyping in Pigs (Sus scrofa) Using Microtyping Cards

scientific article published on 01 July 2010

Acceptance Level of Living Liver Donation Among Primary Care Nursing Personnel

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Acceptance of living liver donation among medical students: A multicenter stratified study from Spain

scientific article published on July 2016

Acceptance of organ xenotransplantation among Latin American immigrants resident in the United States.

scientific article published on 15 July 2016

Acid–base and electrolyte disturbances in an experimental model of orthotopic liver xenotransplantation from pig to baboon after graft reperfusion: differences between h-DAF livers and unmodified livers

scientific article published on 01 February 2002

Actitud de los profesionales hospitalarios no sanitarios españoles y latinoamericanos hacia la donación de hígado de vivo

scientific article published on 22 October 2012

Acute lower gastrointestinal hemorrhages in geriatric patients

scientific article published in May 2005

Analytical profile comparison between pig and baboon in an orthotopic liver xenotransplantation model

scientific article published on 01 February 2002

Ancillary hospital personnel faced with organ donation and transplantation.

scientific article published on April 2006

Ancillary personnel in Spanish and Latin-American hospitals faced with living related kidney donation.

scientific article published on March 2014

Angiotensin II Modulates Ion Transport in Rat Proximal Tubules through CYP Metabolites

scientific article published on 01 June 2000

Are personnel in transplant hospitals in favor of cadaveric organ donation? Multivariate attitudinal study in a hospital with a solid organ transplant program

scientific article published in November 2006

Are prognostic scoring systems of value in patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma?

scientific article

Are veterinary students in favor of xenotransplantation? An opinion study in a Spanish university with a xenotransplantation program

scientific article

Are veterinary students in favour of xenotransplantation? Comparative opinion study in a Brazilian and a Spanish university

scientific article

Assessment of in vitro heparin complement regulation capacity during real-time cell analyzer antibody-mediated cytolysis assay: compatibility studies for pig-to-baboon xenotransplantation.

scientific article

Assessment of renal function during the postoperative period following liver xenotransplantation from transgenic pig to baboon.

scientific article published in February 2002

Associations of HLA-C alleles with multinodular goiters: study in a population from southeastern Spain

scientific article

Attitude Toward Deceased Organ Donation and Transplantation Among the Workers in the Surgical Services in a Hospital With a Transplant Program

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Attitude Toward Living Liver Donation in Transplant Hospitals in Spain, Mexico and Cuba

scientific article published on October 1, 2010

Attitude Toward Living Related Donation of Patients on the Waiting List for a Deceased Donor Solid Organ Transplant

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Attitude of Nursing Students at the University of Lublin in Poland Toward Xenotransplantation of Organs.

scientific article published in November 2015

Attitude of Personnel in Hospital Cadaveric Organ Transplant-Related Units Faced with Living Kidney Donation in a Hospital with a Living Kidney Donor Transplantation Program

scientific article published on 10 January 2008

Attitude of Scottish residents living in southeastern Spain toward organ donation

scientific article

Attitude of ancillary personnel faced with living kidney donation in a hospital with a living donor kidney transplant program.

scientific article published on February 2007

Attitude of hospital personnel faced with living liver donation in a Spanish center with a living donor liver transplant program.

scientific article published on July 2007

Attitude of kidney patients on the transplant waiting list toward related-living donation. A reason for the scarce development of living donation in Spain


Attitude of the population of German origin in the south east of Spain toward living kidney donation. In search of favorable sub-groups for promoting living kidney donation in Spain.

scientific article

Attitude toward living kidney donation: differences between students from two Spanish universities.

scientific article published on January 2015

Attitude toward xenotransplantation among residents.

scientific article published on November 2005

Attitude toward xenotransplantation in kidney and liver patients on the transplant waiting list

scientific article

Attitudes Toward Islet Cell and Tissue Xenotransplantation Among Kidney and Liver Patients on the Transplant Waiting List


Attitudes Toward Living Donation in the Bolivian Population Residing in Spain.

scientific article published on November 2015

Attitudes Toward Living Liver Donation Among Hospital Personnel in Services Not Related to Transplantation


Attitudes Toward Xenotransplantation Among Nonhealth Service Workers in a Hospital With a Preclinical Xenotransplantation Program


Attitudes of Latin American Immigrants Resident in Florida (United States) Toward Related Living Kidney Donation

scientific article published on 30 December 2018

Attitudes of Scottish residents in the southeast of Spain concerning living donation.

scientific article published in January 2013

Attitudes of non-medical staff in hospitals in Spain, Mexico, Cuba and Costa Rica towards organ donation

scientific article

Attitudes of primary care professionals in Spain toward xenotransplantation.

scientific article published on April 2006

Attitudes of resident doctors toward different types of organ donation in a Spanish transplant hospital.

scientific article published on April 2006

Attitudes toward living kidney donation in transplant hospitals: a Spanish, Mexican, and Cuban multicenter study.

scientific article

Attitudes toward organ donation in rural areas of southeastern Spain

scientific article published in April 2006

Attitudinal study of organ xenotransplantation in patients on the kidney and liver transplant waiting list in a country with a high rate of deceased donation

scientific article published on 01 May 2011

Benefit of a hospital course about organ donation and transplantation: an evaluation by Spanish hospital transplant personnel

scientific article published in June 2007

Benefits of Group Psychotherapy in Cirrhotic Patients on the Liver Transplant Waiting List

scientific article published on October 2015

Bocio intratorácico tóxico. Perfil clínico y morbilidad quirúrgica en una unidad de cirugía endocrina

scientific article published on 01 May 2010

Bocio multinodular intratorácico recidivado

scientific article published on 01 March 2008

Brain Death: Is It a Misunderstood Concept Among Nursing Students in the South of Poland?

scientific article published in November 2015

Carcinoma suprarrenal agresivo en un paciente joven con síndrome de neoplasia endocrina múltiple tipo 1

scientific article published on 29 July 2017

Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality after liver transplantation: The protective role of mycophenolate mofetil.

scientific article published on 3 February 2017

Cavernous Hemangioma of the Thyroid

scientific article published on 01 March 2001

Cirugía Española : evolución y continuidad

scientific article published on 22 May 2017

Complete inactivation of HIV-1 using photo-labeled non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

scientific article published on October 19, 2010

Coping styles of patients on the liver transplant waiting list

scientific article published in October 2010

Crisis hipercalcémica como primera manifestación del hiperparatiroidismo primario en la adolescencia

scientific article published on 01 April 2010

Criterios de selección para la búsqueda de mutaciones germinales en el cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico

scientific article published on 13 November 2014

Definitive Treatment for Persistent Hypoparathyroidism in a Kidney Transplant Patient: Parathyroid Allotransplantation

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Design of a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to assess human complement regulatory protein gene expression in polytransgenic xenograft pigs.

scientific article published in October 2010

Distant metastases as the initial manifestation of follicular thyroid carcinoma

scientific article published in April 2009

Do future journalists have a favorable attitude toward deceased donation?

scientific article published on January 2011

Do nursing students understand the meaning of brain death?

scientific article

Dominicans Resident in Spain and the United States Faced With Deceased Organ Donation.

scientific article published on November 2015

Donate a Piece of Liver: Is This an Option Accepted by Future Nurses of Pomeranian Medical University in Poland?

scientific article published on September 2016

Donation and transplantation among personnel in the hospital emergency department: a multicenter study conducted in Spain and Mexico.

scientific article published in January 2011

Donor-Graft Compatibility Tests in Pig-to-Primate Xenotransplantation Model: Serum Versus Plasma in Real-Time Cell Analyzer Trials

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Doppler ultrasonographic and scintigraphic assessment of an auxiliary heterotopic liver transplantation with portal vein arterialization in pigs

scientific article published in April 2006

Dysphagia lusoria as a differential diagnosis in intermittent dysphagia

scientific article published on 16 April 2016

Emigration from the British Isles to southeastern Spain: a study of attitudes toward organ donation.

scientific article published on August 2007

Emotional-type psychopathologic symptoms among patients with terminal chronic alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis.

scientific article published in July 2012

Evaluation of attitude toward living organ donation among adolescents in Southeast Spain.

scientific article published in July 2012

Evaluation of attitudes toward living organ donation: a multicenter study of compulsory secondary school education teachers.

scientific article published in October 2010

Evaluation of the law of presumed consent after brain death by Spanish journalism students

scientific article published in October 2010

Factor analysis of sources of information on organ donation and transplantation in journalism students.

scientific article published in January 2013

Factores pronósticos del carcinoma folicular de tiroides

scientific article published on 22 August 2014

Factors Affecting Attitude Toward Organ Donation Among Nursing Students in Warsaw, Poland.

scientific article

Factors causing early relapse after lung metastasis surgery

scientific article published on 01 January 2007

Familial Papillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid: Report of Three Families

scientific article published on 01 May 2001

Familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer: screening, clinical, molecular and genetic findings.

scientific article published on 11 September 2014

Family Screening in Familial Papillary Carcinoma: The Early Detection of Thyroid Disease.

scientific article

FoxP3 in peripheral blood is associated with operational tolerance in liver transplant patients during immunosuppression withdrawal

scientific article published in November 2008

From Where Do Our Children Receive Information About Organ Donation and Transplantation?


Ganglioneuroma suprarrenal en una mujer gestante

scientific article published on 28 June 2016

Generation of human-to-pig chimerism to induce tolerance through transcutaneous in utero injection of cord blood-derived mononuclear cells or human bone marrow mesenchymals cells in a preclinical program of liver xenotransplantation: preliminary res

scientific article published in July 2012

German citizens in southeastern Spain: a study of attitude toward organ donation

scientific article published on 9 September 2009

Giant Amyloid Goiter in Crohn’s Disease

scientific article published on 01 December 2012

Has the incidence of perforated peptic ulcer decreased over the last decade?

scientific article published in January 2001

Healthcare assistants faced with cadaveric organ donation in a hospital with a solid organ transplant program


Hematologic and hepatic function profile comparison between pig and baboon in an orthotopic liver xenotransplantation model


Hemicolectomía derecha e intervención de Whipple en un paciente con adenocarcinoma de colon localmente avanzado

scientific article published on 30 September 2009

Hemodynamic Assessment During Auxiliary Heterotopic Liver Transplantation With Portal Vein Arterialization in a Swine Model: Preliminary Report of 10 Transplants


Hemodynamic changes during reperfusion of the graft in an animal model of liver xenotransplantation

scientific article published in September 2007

Hepatic artery complications in a series of 300 orthotopic liver transplants


Hospital Personnel in Surgical Services in a Transplant Hospital Faced With Living Liver Donation: An Attitudinal Survey

scientific article published on 01 September 2007

Hospital personnel faced with organ xenotransplantation: an attitudinal survey in a hospital with a pre-clinical liver xenotransplantation program.

scientific article published on September 2006

Impacto de los calcimiméticos en la cirugía del hiperparatiroidismo secundario

scientific article published on 19 January 2017

Importance of introduction of a psychological care unit in a liver transplantation unit.

scientific article published on January 2010

Incidence and survival rate of hepatic retransplantation in a series of 300 orthotopic liver transplants

scientific article published on 01 December 2000

Influence of Residency Training on Personal Stress and Impairment in Family Life: Analysis of Related Factors


Information Requested About Organ Donation in Primary Health Care Centers


Information received by secondary school teaching personnel about organ donation and transplantation: a study in the southeast of Spain

scientific article

International Multicenter Opinion Study: Administrative Personnel From Spanish and Mexican Health Centers Faced With Human Organ Donation for Transplantation


Involvement of Religious Factors on the Attitude Toward Organs Donation Among the Ecuadorian Population Resident in Spain.

scientific article published on November 2015

Irish citizens resident in the southeast of Spain and xenotransplantation.

scientific article published in January 2013

Irish residents in southeastern Spain: in search of favorable groups to encourage living kidney donation in Spain.

scientific article

Irregular xenoantibodies against human red blood cells in Papio anubis, P ursinus, P hamadryas, P papio, Saimiri sciureus, and Macaca mulatta: possible effect on xenotransplantation results.

scientific article published in January 2010

Is lipid analysis of bile useful in the diagnosis of graft complications in liver transplantation?

scientific article published in December 2000

Knowledge of the Concept of Encephalic Death: Is This an Obstacle in the Acceptance of Donation and Transplantation of Organs Among Students of Nursing at the Medical University of Warsaw in Poland?

scientific article published on September 2016

Knowledge of the brain death concept among adolescents in southeast Spain

scientific article

Knowledge of the brain death concept by personnel in Spanish and Latin-American healthcare centers

scientific article published on 15 April 2014

Knowledge of the brain-death concept among secondary school teachers

scientific article published in July 2012

Knowledge of the concept of brain death in the British and Irish population resident in southeast Spain

scientific article

Latin Americans in Spain and their attitude toward living kidney donation

scientific article

Level of acceptance of a clinical solid organ xenotransplantation program among personnel in organ transplant-related services in Spanish, Mexican, and Cuban hospital centers.

scientific article published in January 2010

Level of acceptance of a clinical xenotransplantation program among personnel in solid organ transplant-related services

scientific article published on 01 May 2007

Level of acceptance of solid organ xenotransplantation among personnel in Spanish, Mexican, and Cuban hospitals

scientific article

Linfoma primario del tiroides


Linfomas primarios del timo

scientific article published on 01 July 2006

Long-term results of liver transplantation in four siblings from the same family with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy type I TTR ALA-71

scientific article published on 01 September 1999

Looking for New Alternatives: What Nursing Students of Lodz's Medical University in Poland Think About the Use of Organs Coming From Animals?

scientific article published on September 2016

Manejo de la rectorragia de origen incierto

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding as a manifestation of somatostatinoma of the ampulla of vater

scientific article published on 01 October 2001

Medical students faced with related and unrelated living kidney donation: a stratified and multicentre study in Spain.

scientific article

Metástasis cerebral por un carcinoma folicular de tiroides. Tratamiento inicial inadecuado como factor pronóstico

scientific article published on 01 February 2009

Multivariate analysis of the factors affecting attitude toward living liver donation among workers in surgical services in Spanish, Mexican, and Cuban hospitals.

scientific article published in July 2012

Multivariate analysis to determine the factors affecting the attitudes toward organ donation of healthcare assistants in Spanish and Mexican healthcare centers.

scientific article published in July 2012

Neurogenic ppendicopathy. A report of 8 cases

scientific article published on 10 February 2017

Neuromas linguales en la infancia como indicador en el diagnóstico del síndrome MEN 2B

scientific article published on 04 April 2015

Non-ABO blood group systems phenotyping in non-human primates for blood banking laboratory and xenotransplantation

scientific article published in April 2013

Obsessive-Compulsive Psychological Symptoms of Patients on the Liver Transplant Waiting List

scientific article published on 01 October 2010

Opinion of Nursing Students of the University of Bydgoszcz in Poland About the Transplantation of Living Liver Donors.

scientific article published in November 2015

Optimization of cytotoxicity assay by real-time, impedance-based cell analysis

scientific article published in December 2013

Organ Donation: What Are the Opinions of Nursing Students at the University of Bialystok in Poland?

scientific article published on September 2016

Papillary thyroid carcinoma and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2.

scientific article published on 23 April 2015

Patients with terminal chronic liver pathology faced with this disease

scientific article published in January 2013

Perfil histológico e inmuno-histoquímico del carcinoma medular de tiroides esporádico y familiar

scientific article published on 01 November 2011

Perforación gástrica por balón intragástrico en paciente con funduplicatura de Nissen

scientific article published on 25 May 2017

Persistencias y recidivas del hiperparatiroidismo primario no familiar tras la paratiroidectomía

scientific article published on 09 December 2016

Personnel in cadaveric organ transplant-related hospital units faced with living liver donation: an attitudinal study in a Spanish hospital with a cadaveric and living liver transplant programme.

scientific article published on June 2007

Postmortal or living related donor: preferences of kidney patients

scientific article published on 01 July 2006

Prevention of Hyperacute Rejection in a Model of Orthotopic Liver Xenotransplantation From Pig to Baboon Using Polytransgenic Pig Livers (CD55, CD59, and H-Transferase)


Primary care doctors faced with living organ donation

scientific article published in April 2006

Primary health care personnel faced with cadaveric organ donation: a multicenter study in south-eastern Spain

scientific article

Primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the thyroid in an adult with auricular thrombosis.

scientific article published on 29 August 2016

Profile towards organ donation of the Irish and Northern Irish residents in Southeast Spain

scientific article published in May 2007

Prognostic value of histological and immunohistochemical characteristics for predicting the recurrence of medullary thyroid carcinoma

scientific article published on 12 March 2010

Psychological Care: Social and Family Support for Patients Awaiting a Liver Transplant

scientific article published on 01 April 2011

Psychological characteristics of patients on the liver transplantation waiting list with depressive symptoms

scientific article published in January 2011

Public attitude toward xenotransplantation: opinion survey.

scientific article

Quistes no funcionantes de paratiroides refractarios al tratamiento conservador

scientific article published on 08 April 2017

Recurrence of alcoholism and quality of life in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis following liver transplantation

scientific article published in September 1999

Recurrent Papillary Thyroid Cancer: Analysis of Prognostic Factors Including the Histological Variant


Results of Surgery for Toxic Multinodular Goiter


Results of surgical treatment in multinodular goiter with an intrathoracic component

scientific article published on 31 May 2008

Retroperitoneal neuroblastoma in the adult. An uncommon entity.

scientific article published on 2 May 2014

Risk factors of acute renal failure after liver transplantation

scientific article published in March 2006

Risk of Respiratory Complications in Obese Liver Transplant Patients: A Study of 343 Patients

scientific article published on October 2015

Rural Primary Care Centers as a Source of Information About Organ Donation

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Secondary School Teachers' Assessment of the Introduction of an Educational Program About Organ Donation and Transplantation

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Sever lower gastro-intestinal bleeding by CMV in a kidney transplant with low-dose immunosuppression

scientific article published on 9 February 2016

Severe acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding: risk factors for morbidity and mortality

scientific article published on 28 November 2006

Spanish and Latin American nursing personnel and deceased organ donation: a study of attitude.

scientific article

Spanish-Latin American multicenter study of attitudes toward organ donation among personnel from hospital healthcare centers

scientific article

Split-Liver Transplant for Two Adults in a Spanish Hospital


Spontaneous tendon ruptures in chronic renal failure

scientific article

Student nurses at Spanish universities and their attitude toward xenotransplantation

scientific article published on 08 April 2019

Successful embolization of a cytomegalovirus-related duodenal ulcer in a kidney-pancreas transplant recipient.

scientific article published on September 2013

Surgical Management of Multinodular Goiter With Compression Symptoms

scientific article published on 01 January 2005

Surgical Treatment of MultinSurgical Treatment of Multinodular Goiter in Young Patients

scientific article published on 01 August 2005

Surgical treatment for multinodular goitres in geriatric patients


Surgical treatment of intrathoracic goitre

scientific article

The Evolution of Therapeutic Strategies for Biliary Tract Complications After Liver Transplantation Over a Period of 20 Years

scientific article published on 01 September 2012

The Latin American population in Spain and organ donation. Attitude toward deceased organ donation and organ donation rates

scientific article published on 21 January 2015

The Primary Care Physician Faced with Organ Donation: Attitudinal Study in South-Eastern Spain


The attitude of Latin American immigrants in Florida (USA) towards deceased organ donation - a cross section cohort study

scientific article published on 13 June 2017

The attitude of Scottish citizens to xenotransplantation in the South East of Spain: an emerging population subgroup

scientific article

The attitude of future journalists toward living donation.

scientific article

The attitude toward living kidney donation among personnel from units related to donation and transplantation in Spain, Mexico and Cuba

scientific article published on 6 February 2014

The level of acceptance of spanish medical students of the transplantation of solid organs from animals: a stratified and multicentre study

scientific article published on 25 November 2015

The porcine liver supports metabolic homeostasis in the nonhuman primate: experimental study in a model of orthotopic liver transplantation from h-DAF transgenic pig to baboon

scientific article published on 01 August 2000

The quest for favourable subgroups to encourage living kidney donation in Spain. An attitudinal study among British and Irish citizens resident in southeastern Spain


The value of various definitions of intrathoracic goiter for predicting intra-operative and postoperative complications

scientific article published on 01 February 2010

Thirteen Cases of Liver-Kidney Transplantation

scientific article published on 01 October 2010

Transgenic pig-to-baboon liver xenotransplantation: clinical, biochemical, and immunologic pattern of delayed acute vascular rejection

scientific article published on 01 February 2002

Treatment of thyroid follicular carcinoma.

scientific article published on 24 September 2015

Ultrasonographic risk factors of malignancy in thyroid nodules

scientific article

Utilidad de la elastografía en los nódulos tiroideos con citología indeterminada o sospechosa de malignidad

scientific article published on 01 February 2017

Utility of fine-needle aspiration for diagnosis of carcinoma associated with multinodular goitre

scientific article published on 01 December 2004

Validation of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction method for human Alu gene detection in microchimeric pigs used as donors for xenotransplantation.

scientific article published in January 2015

Validation of xCELLigence real-time cell analyzer to assess compatibility in xenotransplantation with pig-to-baboon model.

scientific article published on October 2010

Valor pronóstico de las características clínicas, histopatológicas e inmunohistoquímicas en el carcinoma medular de tiroides

scientific article published on 26 October 2011

Welsh Citizens in South-Eastern Spain: A Study of Attitude Toward Organ Donation


What Do Future Nursing Professionals Believe About Living Donor Kidney Transplantation? An Analysis of Attitudes of Nursing Students of the Medical University of Poznan in Western Poland.

scientific article

What do we know about the clinical impact of complete withdrawal of immunosuppression in liver transplantation?

scientific article published on July 2012

Xenotransplantation of cells for diabetes: is there a good acceptance rate among Spanish adolescents?

scientific article published in January 2011

[Cadaveric donor procurement units faced with living donation]

scientific article published on 01 January 2010

[E2F4 as susceptibility factor in the early onset colorectal cancer].

scientific article

[Hospital-based multicenter study in Spain, Mexico and Cuba on attitudes to living liver donation].

scientific article published on 23 January 2015

[Hyperparathyroidism in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A syndrome. Surgical and genetic implications].

scientific article