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List of works by Bill Maher

A comparison of atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and electrospray ionization in testing for amphetamine-type substances and ketamine using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry

scientific article published in January 2006

A demonstration of the use of ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry [UPLC/MS] in the determination of amphetamine-type substances and ketamine for forensic and toxicological analysis

scientific article published on 17 April 2006

A microwave-assisted sequential extraction of water and dilute acid soluble arsenic species from marine plant and animal tissues

scientific article published on 6 June 2006

A pilot in vivo evaluation of Sb(III) and Sb(V) genotoxicity using comet assay and micronucleus test on the freshwater fish, silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell, 1838)

An evaluation of the use of reptile dermal scutes as a non-invasive method to monitor mercury concentrations in the environment.

scientific article

Antimony measurements in environmental matrices: seven considerations

scholarly article published in 2018

Application of Carbon Nanotubes in Chiral and Achiral Separations of Pharmaceuticals, Biologics and Chemicals

scientific article

Arsenic and selected elements in marine angiosperms, south‐east coast, NSW, Australia

scientific article published in 2007

Arsenic compounds in a marine food chain

article published in 1997

Arsenic concentrations and speciation in Australian and imported rice and commercial rice products

scholarly article

Arsenic concentrations and speciation in the tissues and blood of sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) from Lake Macquarie NSW, Australia


Arsenic distribution and species in two Zostera capricorni seagrass ecosystems, New South Wales, Australia

scientific article published in 2011

Arsenic occurrence and species in near-shore macroalgae-feeding marine animals

scientific article published in August 2005

Arsenic toxicity in a sediment-dwelling polychaete: detoxification and arsenic metabolism.

scientific article

Arsenobetaine and thio-arsenic species in marine macroalgae and herbivorous animals: Accumulated through trophic transfer or produced in situ?

scientific article published on 30 June 2016

Arsenolipid biosynthesis by the unicellular alga Dunaliella tertiolecta is influenced by As/P ratio in culture experiments.

scientific article

Arsenoriboside degradation in marine systems: the use of bacteria culture incubation experiments as model systems.

scientific article published on 8 September 2013

Assessing the health of sediment ecosystems: use of chemical measurements

scientific article published in 1999

Assessment of metals in fish from Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia

scientific article (publication date: February 2008)

Bioaccessibility and degradation of naturally occurring arsenic species from food in the human gastrointestinal tract

scientific article published on 26 May 2016

Bioaccumulation of antimony and arsenic in a highly contaminated stream adjacent to the Hillgrove Mine, NSW, Australia

scholarly article published in January 2009

Bioaccumulation, oxidative stress and cellular damage in the intertidal gastropod Bembicium nanum exposed to a metal contamination gradient

scientific article published in 2017

Bioavailability and toxicity of zinc from contaminated freshwater sediments: linking exposure-dose-response relationships of the freshwater bivalve Hyridella australis to zinc-spiked sediments

scientific article published on 6 September 2014

Biotransference and biomagnification of selenium copper, cadmium, zinc, arsenic and lead in a temperate seagrass ecosystem from Lake Macquarie Estuary, NSW, Australia

scientific article published on 01 October 2003

Cellular energy allocation analysis of multiple marine bivalves using near infrared spectroscopy

scholarly article published in July 2018

Cellular responses of encapsulated gastropod embryos to multiple stressors associated with climate change

scientific article published in 2010

Changes in selenium, copper, cadmium, and zinc concentrations in mullet (Mugil cephalus) from the southern basin of Lake Macquarie, Australia, in response to alteration of coal-fired power station fly ash handling procedures

scientific article

Contribution of arsenic species in unicellular algae to the cycling of arsenic in marine ecosystems.

scientific article

Determination of exchangeable inorganic nitrogen species in wetland soils

scientific article published in March 1987

Dimethylarsenate (DMA) exposure influences germination rates, arsenic uptake and arsenic species formation in wheat.

scientific article

Distribution and Speciation of Arsenic in Temperate Marine Saltmarsh Ecosystems

scientific article published on 27 September 2005

Distribution of arsenic species in an open seagrass ecosystem: relationship to trophic groups, habitats and feeding zones

scholarly article

Distribution of selenium in marine animals: relationship to diet

scientific article published on 01 January 1987

Do laboratory toxicity tests replicate "real world" exposures?

scientific article

Ecological Effects of Serial Impoundment on the Cotter River, Australia


Ecological factors affecting the accumulation and speciation of arsenic in twelve Australian coastal bivalve molluscs

scholarly article

Ecotoxicological Effects of an Arsenic Remediation Method on Three Freshwater Organisms—Lemna disperma, Chlorella sp. CE-35 and Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia


scientific article published on 01 May 1990

Effects of cadmium accumulation from suspended sediments and phytoplankton on the Oyster Saccostrea glomerata

scientific article published on 27 December 2014

Effects of lead-spiked sediments on freshwater bivalve, Hyridella australis: linking organism metal exposure-dose-response.

scientific article published on 6 February 2014

Effects of light on microalgae concentrations and selenium uptake in bivalves exposed to selenium-amended sediments.

scientific article

Establishing cause-effect relationships in hydrocarbon-contaminated sediments using a sublethal response of the benthic marine alga, Entomoneis cf punctulata

scientific article published in January 2007

Evaluation of a sequential extraction scheme to study associations of trace elements in estuarine and oceanic sediments

scientific article published on 01 March 1984

Evaluation of the ability of arsenic species to traverse cell membranes by simple diffusion using octanol-water and liposome-water partition coefficients

scientific article

Exposure of the freshwater bivalve Hyridella australis to metal contaminated sediments in the field and laboratory microcosms: metal uptake and effects

scientific article published on 22 March 2017

Exposure-dose-response of Anadara trapezia to metal contaminated estuarine sediments. 1. Cadmium spiked sediments

scientific article published on 29 September 2011

Exposure-dose-response of Anadara trapezia to metal contaminated estuarine sediments. 2. Lead spiked sediments.

scientific article published on 13 March 2012

Exposure-dose-response of Anadara trapezia to metal contaminated estuarine sediments: 3. Selenium spiked sediments.

scientific article published on 21 August 2012

Exposure-dose-response of Tellina deltoidalis to contaminated estuarine sediments 3. Selenium spiked sediments

scientific article published on 5 July 2014

Exposure-dose-response of Tellina deltoidalis to metal contaminated estuarine sediments 2. Lead spiked sediments

scientific article published on 5 October 2013

Exposure-dose-response of Tellina deltoidalis to metal-contaminated estuarine sediments: 1. Cadmium spiked sediments

scientific article

Exposure-dose-response relationships of the freshwater bivalve Hyridella australis to cadmium spiked sediments

scientific article published on 2 May 2014

Factors influencing arsenic concentrations and species in mangrove surface sediments from south-east NSW, Australia

scientific article published on 30 March 2016

Field and laboratory evaluation of DGT for predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in the freshwater bivalve Hyridella australis exposed to contaminated sediments

scientific article published on 06 September 2018

Fitness of Isidorella newcombi Following Multi-generational Cu Exposures: Mortality, Cellular Biomarkers and Life History Responses

scientific article published on 20 April 2022

Fitness of two bivalves Saccostrea glomerata and Ostrea angasi exposed to a metal contamination gradient in Lake Macquarie, NSW Australia: Integrating subcellular, energy metabolism and embryo development responses

scholarly article

Foreword to the research front on ‘Biogeochemical Cycles across Spatial and Temporal Scales

scientific article published in 2018

Framework for designing sampling programs

scientific article published on 01 April 1994

Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: Development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentrations in seawater

scientific article published on 20 February 2006

Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: Development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentrations in seawater

scientific article published on 25 August 2006

Glacial silicic acid concentrations in the Southern Ocean.

scientific article published on 21 October 2010

History of human impact on Lake Kutubu, Papua New Guinea: The geochemical signatures of oil and gas mining activities in sediments.

scientific article

History of metal contamination in Lake Illawarra, NSW, Australia

scientific article published on 23 July 2014

How significant is atmospheric metal contamination from mining activity adjacent to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area? A spatial analysis of metal concentrations using air trajectories models

scientific article published on 17 November 2018

Importance of subcellular metal partitioning and kinetics to predicting sublethal effects of copper in two deposit-feeding organisms.

scientific article published on 23 January 2015

Insights Into the Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron, Nitrate, and Phosphate Across a 5,300 km South Pacific Zonal Section (153°E-150°W)

scientific article published in February 2018

Invertebrate biomarkers: links to toxicosis that predict population decline

scientific article

Is metal flocculation from mining activities a previously overlooked mechanism for impairing freshwater ecosystems?

scholarly article

Matrix effect and cross-reactivity of select amphetamine-type substances, designer analogues, and putrefactive amines using the Bio-Quant direct ELISA presumptive assays for amphetamine and methamphetamine

scientific article published in May 2007

Measurement of Inorganic Arsenic Species in Rice after Nitric Acid Extraction by HPLC-ICPMS: Verification Using XANES

scientific article published on May 13, 2013

Measurement of methyl mercury (I) and mercury (II) in fish tissues and sediments by HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-HGAAS.

scientific article published in April 2011

Measurement of total antimony and antimony species in mine contaminated soils by ICPMS and HPLC-ICPMS.

scientific article published on 7 December 2007

Mercury and risk assessment from consumption of crustaceans, cephalopods and fish from West Peninsular Malaysia

scholarly article published in July 2018

Mercury concentrations in different tissues of turtle and caiman species from the Rio Purus, Amazonas, Brazil

scientific article

Mercury cycling in Australian estuaries and near shore coastal ecosystems: Triggers for management

scientific article published on 03 July 2020

Metal concentrations in waters, sediments and biota of the far south-east coast of New South Wales, Australia, with an emphasis on Sn, Cu and Zn used as marine antifoulant agents

scientific article published on 21 November 2018

Microbial contributions to coupled arsenic and sulfur cycling in the acid-sulfide hot spring Champagne Pool, New Zealand

scientific article

Modeling food web structure and selenium biomagnification in Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia, using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes

scientific article

Modelling selenium behavior in aquatic systems: a review of status, challenges, and opportunities

scholarly article

Mortality, condition index and cellular responses of Anadara trapezia to combined salinity and temperature stress

scientific article published in 2017

Natural variation of copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations in Bembicium nanum and their potential use as a biomonitor of trace metals

scientific article published on 01 May 2003

Observations on the measurement of total antimony and antimony species in algae, plant and animal tissues

scientific article

Occurrence and Speciation of Arsenic in Common Australian Coastal Polychaete Species

scientific article published in 2005

Occurrence and chemical form of arsenic in marine macroalgae from the east coast of Australia


Oceanic distribution of inorganic germanium relative to silicon: Germanium discrimination by diatoms

scientific article published in 2010

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in nearshore marine sediments of Australia

scientific article published on March 1, 1992

Preparation of water soluble fractions of crude oils for toxicity studies

scientific article published on 01 February 1986

Product ion mass spectra of amphetamine-type substances, designer analogues, and ketamine using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry

scientific article published in January 2006

Putting the silicon cycle in a bag: Field and mesocosm observations of silicon isotope fractionation in subtropical waters east of New Zealand

scientific article published in 2019

Recent history of sediment metal contamination in Lake Macquarie, Australia, and an assessment of ash handling procedure effectiveness in mitigating metal contamination from coal-fired power stations

scientific article published on 2 June 2014

Recolonisation of translocated metal-contaminated sediments by estuarine macrobenthic assemblages.

scientific article

Response of the hairy mussel Trichomya hirsuta to sediment-metal contamination in the presence of a bioturbator.

scientific article published on 22 September 2014

Riparian plant material inputs to the Murray River, Australia: composition, reactivity, and role of nutrients

scientific article published on 25 May 2007

Sediment Metal Concentration Survey Along the Mine-Affected Molonglo River, NSW, Australia

scientific article published on 21 January 2016

Selenium accumulation in the cockle Anadara trapezia

scientific article published in November 2004

Selenium speciation in wheat grain varies in the presence of nitrogen and sulphur fertilisers.

scientific article published on 21 July 2016

Selenium, cadmium, copper, and zinc concentrations in sediments and mullet (Mugil cephalus) from the southern Basin of Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia

scientific article published in February 2001

Selenopeptides and elemental selenium in Thunbergia alata after exposure to selenite: quantification method for elemental selenium


Silicon isotopic fractionation in marine sponges: A new model for understanding silicon isotopic variations in sponges


Sponges as sentinels: Metal accumulation using transplanted sponges across a metal gradient.

scientific article

Sponges as sentinels: patterns of spatial and intra-individual variation in trace metal concentration

scientific article published on 20 November 2011

Stable isotope analysis to detect copper (Cu) accumulation in species with high endogenous Cu concentrations: linking Cu accumulation with toxic effects in the gastropod Bembicium nanum

scientific article published in 2017

Symposium review

scientific article published on May 1990

The Response of the Planorbid Snail Isidorella newcombi to Chronic Copper Exposure Over a 28-Day Period: Linking Mortality, Cellular Biomarkers, and Reproductive Responses

scientific article published on 22 October 2020

The Use of Two Marine Gastropods, Austrocochlea constricta and Bembicium auratum, as Biomonitors of Zinc, Cadmium, and Copper Exposure: Effect of Tissue Distribution, Gender, Reproductive State, and Temporal Variation

scientific article published in 2006

The accumulation of Zn, Se, Cd, and Pb and physiological condition of Anadara trapezia transplanted to a contamination gradient in Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia

scientific article published on 5 January 2007

The freshwater bivalve Corbicula australis as a sentinel species for metal toxicity assessment: An in situ case study integrating chemical and biomarker analyses.

scientific article published on 17 August 2016

The presence of arsenobetaine in marine animals

scientific article published on 01 January 1985

The response of Isidorella newcombi to copper exposure: Using an integrated biological framework to interpret transcriptomic responses from RNA-seq analysis.

scientific article

The use of the marine gastropod, Cellana tramoserica, as a biomonitor of metal contamination in near shore environments.

scientific article

The use of the oyster Saccostrea glomerata as a biomonitor of trace metal contamination: intra-sample, local scale and temporal variability and its implications for biomonitoring

scientific article published on 9 February 2005

Toxicity of arsenic species to three freshwater organisms and biotransformation of inorganic arsenic by freshwater phytoplankton (Chlorella sp. CE-35).

scientific article published on 16 May 2014

Toxicity, biotransformation, and mode of action of arsenic in two freshwater microalgae (Chlorella sp. and Monoraphidium arcuatum).

scientific article published on October 2005

Trace metal bioaccumulation in eight common coastal Australian polychaeta.

scientific article

Trace metal concentrations in sediments and oysters of Botany Bay, NSW, Australia.

scientific article published on July 2003

Trace metal export in urban runoff and its biological significance

scientific article

Transport and fate of metal contamination in estuaries: Using a model network to predict the contributions of physical and chemical factors

scientific article published on 24 March 2016

Trophic transfer of metals in a seagrass food web: Bioaccumulation of essential and non-essential metals

scientific article published in June 2018

Use of a multi-proxy method to support the restoration of estuaries receiving inputs from industry


Use of fluorescence spectroscopy for monitoring petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in estuarine and ocean waters

scientific article published on 01 April 1983

Volatile selenium fluxes from selenium-contaminated sediments in an Australian coastal lake

scientific article published in 2016

Water quality assessment programs in Australia deciding what to measure, and how and where to use bioindicators

scientific article published on 01 May 1990