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List of works by Ivan Merelli

A data integration approach for cell cycle analysis oriented to model simulation in systems biology

scientific article

A multilevel data integration resource for breast cancer study

scientific article

A novel molecular dynamics approach to evaluate the effect of phosphorylation on multimeric protein interface: the αB-Crystallin case study.

scientific article

An atomistic view of Hsp70 allosteric crosstalk: from the nucleotide to the substrate binding domain and back

scientific article published on 30 March 2016

Cloud infrastructures for in silico drug discovery: economic and practical aspects

scientific article published on 10 September 2013

DNA damage contributes to neurotoxic inflammation in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome astrocytes

scientific article published on 09 March 2022

DnaK as Antibiotic Target: Hot Spot Residues Analysis for Differential Inhibition of the Bacterial Protein in Comparison with the Human HSP70

scientific article

Exploring the role of the phospholipid ligand in endothelial protein C receptor: a molecular dynamics study.

scientific article published in September 2010

GoSh: a web-based database for goat and sheep EST sequences

scientific article published on 24 March 2007

Grid-enabled high-throughput in silico screening against influenza A neuraminidase.

scientific article published on December 2006

HPC Analysis of Multiple Binding Sites Communication and Allosteric Modulations in Drug Design: The HSP Case Study

scientific article

High-performance computing and big data in omics-based medicine

scientific article

IBDsite: a Galaxy-interacting, integrative database for supporting inflammatory bowel disease high throughput data analysis

scientific article

Image-based surface matching algorithm oriented to structural biology

scientific article published in July 2011

Integrating multi-omic features exploiting Chromosome Conformation Capture data.

scientific article

Managing, analysing, and integrating big data in medical bioinformatics: open problems and future perspectives

scientific article

Mining the bovine genome with the "Bovine SNP Retriever".

scientific article

Molecular Mechanism of Allosteric Communication in Hsp70 Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

scientific article published on December 27, 2012

NuChart: an R package to study gene spatial neighbourhoods with multi-omics annotations.

scientific article

Oncogene-induced maladaptive activation of trained immunity in the pathogenesis and treatment of Erdheim-Chester disease

scientific article published in 2021

Ontological Enrichment of the Genes-to-Systems Breast Cancer Database


Ontology-based resources for bioinformatics analysis

Ontology-based, Tissue MicroArray oriented, image centered tissue bank

scientific article

Ontology-oriented retrieval of putative microRNAs in Vitis vinifera via GrapeMiRNA: a web database of de novo predicted grape microRNAs

scientific article published on 29 June 2009

Parallel solutions for voxel-based simulations of reaction-diffusion systems

scientific article

Representation and modeling of protein surface determinants

scientific article published in December 2005

SNPranker 2.0: a gene-centric data mining tool for diseases associated SNP prioritization in GWAS

scientific article published on January 14, 2013

Semi-automatic identification of punching areas for tissue microarray building: the tubular breast cancer pilot study.

scientific article

Sensitivity analysis for studying the relation between biochemical reactions and metabolic phenotypes

scientific article published on January 28, 2013

Static and dynamic interactions between GALK enzyme and known inhibitors: Guidelines to design new drugs for galactosemic patients

scientific article published on February 27, 2013

Structural thermal adaptation of β-tubulins from the Antarctic psychrophilic protozoan Euplotes focardii

The cell cycle DB: a systems biology approach to cell cycle analysis

scientific article published on 26 December 2007

Version VI of the ESTree db: an improved tool for peach transcriptome analysis

scientific article

Virtual screening pipeline and ligand modelling for H5N1 neuraminidase.

scientific article published on 14 April 2009

myMIR: a genome-wide microRNA targets identification and annotation tool
