List of works by Christina Kaiser

Belowground carbon allocation by trees drives seasonal patterns of extracellular enzyme activities by altering microbial community composition in a beech forest soil

scientific article

Combining agent-based and stock-flow modelling approaches in a participative analysis of the integrated land system in Reichraming, Austria


Exploring the transfer of recent plant photosynthates to soil microbes: mycorrhizal pathway vs direct root exudation.

scientific article

Fungal and bacterial utilization of organic substrates depends on substrate complexity and N availability


Microbial community dynamics alleviate stoichiometric constraints during litter decay

scientific article

Microbial processes and community composition in the rhizosphere of European beech - The influence of plant C exudates

scientific article published on March 2011

Microtopography and Plant-Cover Controls on Nitrogen Dynamics in Hummock Tundra Ecosystems in Siberia


Mycorrhizas across scales: a journey between genomics, global patterns of biodiversity and biogeochemistry

scientific article published in February 2016

Negligible contribution from roots to soil-borne phospholipid fatty acid fungal biomarkers 18:2ω6,9 and 18:1ω9.

scientific article published on September 2010

Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO2 fertilization of global plant biomass

scientific article

Nitrogen dynamics in Turbic Cryosols from Siberia and Greenland

scientific article published on December 2013

Optimization of Biomass Composition Explains Microbial Growth-Stoichiometry Relationships


Persistence of soil organic carbon caused by functional complexity

scientific article published in 2020

Reverse microdialysis: A window into root exudation hotspots

scientific article published in 2022

Seasonal variation in functional properties of microbial communities in beech forest soil

scientific article published on May 2013

Seasonality and resource availability control bacterial and archaeal communities in soils of a temperate beech forest

scientific article

Site- and horizon-specific patterns of microbial community structure and enzyme activities in permafrost-affected soils of Greenland

scientific article published in 2014

Social dynamics within decomposer communities lead to nitrogen retention and organic matter build-up in soils

scientific article

Synergistic effects of diffusion and microbial physiology reproduce the Birch effect in a micro-scale model


Temperature-dependent shift from labile to recalcitrant carbon sources of arctic heterotrophs

scientific article